How to safely cast a reflected class in Kotlin - reflection

I need to dynamically load classes at runtime in Kotlin. I would like to check that they implement my interface, and if so, all green. Unfortunately, Kotlin's "smart casts" is failing me:
var className = "some.class.Name"
val unsafeClass = Class.forName(className).kotlin
require(unsafeClass.isSubclassOf(MyInterface::class)) {
"Class '$className' is not a MyInterface"
val safeClass = unsafeClass as KClass<MyInterface>
Unchecked cast: KClass<out Any!> to KClass<MyInterface>
I'm clearly checking that the class implements the given interface. Can I re-phrase this code to avoid the warning?
I tried to test with is KClass<MyInterface> but I get a type erasure error (obviously, because the generic type information disappears at runtime.)
Edit: to clarify, my application needs to read class names "some.class.Name" at startup, during configuration; load those classes; check that they satisfy an interface; and store a Class or KClass reference for later. During runtime, it will use those references to create objects, using cls.createInstance() or such.
My question: is there any way to do so without getting unsafe cast warnings?
I can either get a warning at configuration time, when I cast the KClass<*> to KClass<MyInterface> (even though I required the class to be a subclass) but then I get no warning later on, because .createInstance() on a KClass<MyInterface> class reference returns a type-checked MyInterface instance.
Or, I can store the references as KClass<*>, without warnings at configuration time, but then I'll get the warning in the place where I create the instances, because I'll need to unsafe cast Object instances to MyInterface.
Is there any solution that will satisfy the compiler?

JVM and Kotlin implement generics only at the compiler level. One cannot see generic parameters of a generic class at runtime.
At runtime, there is no difference between Class<*> and Class<MyInterface>. These two are the same instance of Class type.
The warning that you have means that you have no information in the generic parameter at runtime, a compiler cannot validate it too, and it only can trust you
I do not see the reason cast the KClass to the KClass<MyInterface>. It is only necessary for an object, not it's class. Also, it probably can be simplified to use Class<*> instead, e.g:
val className = "some.class.Name"
val unsafeClass = Class.forName(className)
require( {
"Class '$className' is not a MyInterface"
val safe = unsafeClass.newInstance() as MyInterface

This cast is not only unchecked, it's actually incorrect: because AMyInterfaceImpl::class has type KClass<AMyInterfaceImpl> and KClass is not covariant (for good reason), it does not have the type KClass<MyInterface>. You can see that from this code not compiling:
class AMyInterfaceImpl : MyInterface { ... }
val cls: KClass<MyInterface> = AMyInterfaceImpl::class
So if the cast could be checked, it would fail.
KClass<out MyInterface> would be correct, but I don't think the compiler will understand this and allow smart cast. It's just too rarely useful to teach the compiler.


Determine whether an instance is an instance of a data class

Given the following classes
abstract class SomeAbstractClass { abstract val name: String }
data class DataClass( override val name: String ) : SomeAbstractClass()
class NoDataClass( override val name: String ) : SomeAbstractClass()
For any instance of SomeAbstractClass, can I determine whether it is a data class without relying on type checking?
Some background: this seemed the best way of combining inheritance and data classes to me, as suggested in a different answer. Now, within the initializer block of SomeAbstractClass, I want to throw an exception in case the derived type is not a data class to ensure 'correct' (immutable) implementations of derived types.
Using reflection, the Kotlin class description (KClass) can be obtained using the ::class syntax on the instance you want to investigate (in your case, this::class in the initializer block of the abstract class). This gives you access to isData:
true if this class is a data class.
However, as Oliver points out, data classes can still contain var members, so you likely also want to check whether all member variables (and their member variables recursively) are defined as val to ensure immutability of all deriving classes.

How do I check if a class is a model class in MVC

I started learning ASP.NET MVC and I have got some doubt. How do I check if a class is a Model class in MVC. I have PHP Codeigniter background, where all models inherit CI_Model. It was easy to figure out whether a class is a model class or not by checking instanceof operator but in .NET MVC Model class do not extend any class.
So how do I figure out whether a class is a model class through C# Code? How does MVC framework figure out whether the class is model or not. I have renamed folder from "Models" to "Modelss" but still model binding works with ModelState.IsValid. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Most models in an MVC application are plain old CLR objects (POCOs), that often don't have a base class because it isn't needed. You can change that, if you need to.
In the following examples, lets assume you have a object called param coming in from somewhere.
In C#, you can check if an object is of a certain type in a few ways. You can cast the object to the type, and if you don’t get an exception, the cast was successful. This is not the preferred method any longer, but I wanted you to know if was an option.
try {
var myType = (MyModel)param; // cast happens here
// do something with myType
// cast failed
Another way is to use the as operator. This is a much better way to do this because no exception is thrown if the cast fails, you just get null in the variable.
var myType = param as MyModel;
if (myType != null) { // you have what you need.
Another technique is the is operator (another good way). This works similar to as, but returns a Boolean rather than the object, or null, and you can inline it in an if statement to do the cast, and assign to a variable all in one line of code.
if (param is MyModel myType){
// do something with myType
If you do add a base class to your models, you can use that type rather than the class name in the examples above. If you want, you can forego the base class and use a marker interface (an interface with no properties, or functions declared in it), and check for that type.
public interface IModel {}
public class MyModel : IModel {
if (param is IModel myType){
// do something with myType
BTW, changing the folder name in the project didn't make any difference because C# works based on namespaces, and not folder structure, for most application types. As long as the folder and class files are included in the project, and the namespace is referenced, all is good.
Hope you find this information useful!

I want to detect if a JVM Class is a Kotlin class or not

I want to do special functionality if I encounter a Kotlin class as compared to a generic Java class. How can I detect if it is a Kotlin class?
I was hoping that calling someClass.kotlin would throw an exception or fail if the class wasn't Kotlin. But it wraps Java classes just fine. Then I noticed that if I do someClass.kotlin.primaryConstructor it seems to be null for all java classes even if they have a default constructor, is that a good marker? But can that return null for a Kotlin class as well?
What is the best way to say "is this a Kotlin class?"
Kotlin adds an annotation to all of its classes, and you can safely check for its existence by name. This is an implementation detail and could change over time, but some key libraries use this annotation so it is likely to be ok indefinitely.
fun Class<*>.isKotlinClass(): Boolean {
return this.declaredAnnotations.any {
it.annotationClass.qualifiedName == "kotlin.Metadata"
Can be used as:
The class kotlin.Metadata is not accessed directly because it is marked internal in the Kotlin runtime.
While the other answer may work (possibly outdated), many reflection features will not work on file classes or generated classes (lambdas, etc).
However, there is a parameter in the #Metadata annotation that can tell you if the class is what you are looking for:
A kind of the metadata this annotation encodes. Kotlin compiler recognizes the following kinds (see KotlinClassHeader.Kind):
1 Class
2 File
3 Synthetic class
4 Multi-file class facade
5 Multi-file class part
The class file with a kind not listed here is treated as a non-Kotlin file.
val kind: Int = 1
We can take advantage of this to make sure we are only getting real classes:
val Class<*>.isKotlinClass get() = getAnnotation( == 1
I can confirm this works in 1.6.20

OCMock 3 Partial Mock: Class methods and the objc runtime

I'm running into an interesting issue when using OCMock 3 when partially mocking an object that defines class methods. I'm not sure if this is an issue with the dynamic subclassing that takes part as partial mocking or my misunderstanding of the objc runtime. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As part of running tests and other debug builds we do some runtime verification of method declarations using OmniFoundations' OBRuntimeCheck. One of these checks, in short, attempts to use the runtime to verify that type signatures match for class methods across inheritance and protocol conformance. This happens by listing the classes registered in the runtime and for each class the instance methods of the metaClass are copied. For each Method from the metaClass if it exists on the metaClass's superclass the type signatures are compared.
The problem comes when calling class_getInstanceMethod on the metaClass's superclass for one of the ocmock replacement selectors, ocmock_replaced_*. The test crashes EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION code=EXC_i386_INVOP subcode=0x0 and no class for metaclass is logged in the console. Example given:
class_getInstanceMethod(metaSuperClass, NSSelectorFromString(#"ocmock_replaced_classMessage"))
When partial mocking an object that defines a class method, it appears that the OCMock 3 framework generates a dynamic subclass, does some isa swizzling of the mocked object and also some isa swizzling of the dynamically generated class' metaClass.
This behavior and crash is new in OCMock 3 and I'm really at a loss of where to look next. Any runtime gurus have any idea what may be going on here? When looking through the code it did surprise me that the dynamically generated class used for the mock was having it's meta class swizzled out, but I don't necessarily think that is wrong. For ease in debugging I have created a simplified test case in a fresh fork of OCMock. The crashing test can be found here. Any help for guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I may be way off here, but I thought the superclass of a metaClass is NSObject (which is why you can normally call NSObject instance methods on class objects). I'm not sure you should be doing anything, normally, with the superclass of a metaClass.
In general, the metaClass stores all of the information about class methods. Therefore, getting an "instance" method on a metaClass is the same as getting a class method on the associated regular Class. The runtime can simply dereference the "isa" pointer of an instance to find a method list to find instance methods; doing the same on a Class object gets the meta class (of the same structure) and therefore the same process results in finding the class methods.
OCMock will create a magic subclass for any partial mock, and change the class on that instance to the new subclass, so all the instance method swizzling will be specific to that instance. For class methods though, I thought it had to modify the original class itself -- otherwise, calls to the regular class method in regular code would not be intercepted. It keeps a copy of the original implementation so that when you call -stopMocking on the mock it can restore the original implementation (the added ocmock_replaced* impl will still be there but should no longer be called).
You could simply ignore any selector which starts with "ocmock_replaced" since that really is not related to your actual code you are presumably checking. You might also have better luck changing "class_getInstanceMethod(metaSuperClass, ..." to "class_getClassMethod(regularSuperClass, ..."). I'm not sure why you would be getting a crash though -- I would expect class_getInstanceMethod(metaSuperClass, ...) to just return NULL in most situations.

Why is object returned from getDefinitionByName()?

In Actionscript 3, why does getDefinitionByName() return an Object when the docs say:
Returns a reference to the class object of the class specified by the name parameter.
Based on that, I would conclude that the returned object should be Class instead of Object. Can someone enlighten me why that is not the case?
getDefinitionByName can also return a Function, such as getDefinitionByName('flash.utils.getDefinitionByName').
This only works on namespace-level functions, though, not static class methods.
Despite the method signature, getDefinitionByName does return Class. I think the misleading signature is due to the method existing before the Class object (when it used to return an anonymous/extended object instance).
Perhaps Adobe considered that this function might return different values in a future version of Flash Player. For instance, ECMAScript, the standard on which ActionScript is based, has historically used Function objects with prototypes as the basis for class-like objects. During discussions of the newest versions of the ECMAScript standard, there has been sugestions for "freezing" function-based classes at run-time to make them into something like compile-time Class objects. What if you could also specify a definition name for them? Are they actually of type Class at this point, or are they still or type Function? Probably the later, in my opinion. Both 'Class' and 'Function' references can be generalized as Object, so that return type makes sense in this context.
Note: This explanation is purely speculation based on what I've read in the ECMAScript specification wiki and the blogs of various committee members.
