Store data that implements a trait in a vector - pointers

I'm very new to Rust and system languages in general. And I'm currently playing around with Rust to explore the language. I've a problem that I cannot fix by myself. And I think I've understanding problem whats going on.
I wan't to store objects that implements the trait BaseStuff in a vector. In Rust not a simple task for me :-).
Here is my example code that won't compile.
trait BaseStuff {}
struct MyStuff {
value: i32,
struct AwesomeStuff {
value: f32,
text: String,
impl BaseStuff for MyStuff {}
impl BaseStuff for AwesomeStuff {}
struct Holder {
stuff: Vec<BaseStuff>,
impl Holder {
fn register(&mut self, data: impl BaseStuff) {
fn main() {
let my_stuff = MyStuff { value: 100 };
let awesome_stuff = AwesomeStuff {
value: 100.0,
text: String::from("I'm so awesome!"),
let mut holder = Holder { stuff: vec![] };
error[E0277]: the size for values of type (dyn BaseStuff + 'static)
cannot be known at compilation time --> src\ | 17 |
stuff: Vec, // unknown size | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
doesn't have a size known at compile-time | = help: the trait
std::marker::Sized is not implemented for (dyn BaseStuff +
'static) = note: to learn more, visit
= note: required by std::vec::Vec
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try rustc --explain E0277.
error: Could not compile playground.
The compiler message is clear and I understand the message. I can
implement the trait BaseStuff in any struct I want't so its unclear
which size it is. Btw the link isn't helpful because its pointing to
outdated site...
The size of String is also unknown, but the String implements the trait std::marker::Sized and that's why a Vec<String> will work without problems. Is that correct?
In the rust book I read for data types with unknown size I've to store these data on the heap instead of the stack. I changed my code as follows.
struct Holder {
stuff: Vec<Box<BaseStuff>>,
impl Holder {
fn register(&mut self, data: impl BaseStuff) {
Now I'm hitting a new compiler issue:
error[E0310]: the parameter type impl BaseStuff may not live long
enough --> src\ | 21 | fn register(&mut self,
data: impl BaseStuff) { |
--------------- help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound impl BaseStuff: 'static... 22 | self.stuff.push(Box::new(data));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | note: that the
type impl BaseStuff will meet its required lifetime bounds -->
src\ | 22 | self.stuff.push(Box::new(data));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try rustc --explain E0310.
error: Could not compile playground.
And know I'm out... I read in the book about lifetimes and changed my code a lot with 'a here and 'a in any combination but without luck... I don't want to write down any lifetime definition combination I tried.
I don't understand why I need the lifetime definition. The ownership is moved in any step so for my understanding its clear that Holder struct is the owner for all data. Is it?
How can I correct my code to compile?
Thanks for help.

You almost got it - the issue here is that the type for which BaseStuff is implemented may be a reference (e.g. impl BaseStuff for &SomeType). This means that even though you're passing data by value, the value may be a reference that will be outlived by your Box.
The way to fix this is to add a constraint such that the object has a 'static lifetime, meaning it will either be a value type or a static reference. You can apply this constraint to the trait or the method accepting the trait, depending on your use case.
Applying the constraint to the trait:
trait BaseStuff: 'static {}
Applying the constraint to the method:
impl Holder {
fn register(&mut self, data: impl BaseStuff + 'static) {
If you add the 'static constraint to the method, I would recommend also adding it to the Vec to avoid losing type information, like so:
struct Holder {
stuff: Vec<Box<dyn BaseStuff + 'static>>,


Lifetime error using traits and async function on protobuffers

I'm having some issues understanding lifetimes in Rust. It may also be the way I implement my design.
error[E0597]: `request` does not live long enough
--> src/service/session/
25 | let msg_ref = request.get_ref();
| ^^^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
32 | let body: Box<dyn Body> = Box::new(signup);
| ---------------- cast requires that `request` is borrowed for `'static`
44 | }
| - `request` dropped here while still borrowed
The main source:
impl Session for SessionImplementation {
async fn signup(
request: Request<SignupRequest>,
) -> Result<Response<SessionResponse>, Status> {
let msg_ref = request.get_ref();
let signup = TxSignup::new(&, &msg_ref.addr, &msg_ref.pwd);
let body: Box<dyn Body> = Box::new(signup);
let tx = Transaction::new(body);
let mut tx_signup: Box<dyn Tx> = Box::new(tx);
let response = SessionResponse {
deadline: 0,
cookie: "".to_string(),
status: 0,
/* more code */
The idea is to have a Transaction, that implements Tx { execute(&self), result(&self) ... };. This Transaction has a parameter body of the type Box<dyn Box>, being the trait Body { /*some fn*/ }. Having this, I'm pretending to implement some kind of hierarchy.
The code above
On line 24 I'm getting some requests of the type SignupRequest (from proto file). This is the implementation of proto's server, using Tonic and Tokio.
After this, I have also an object TxSignup with some parameters of the type &str (set in from line 27 till 29). TxSignup implements the Body trait so I'm able to turn it into a Tx trait, apparently. The Transaction object wraps a Body implementation. I call the execute() function from the given trait Tx. All that explained has been done from line 32 till 35.
The problem
If I replace the &str type from TxSignup by type String it works. However, if I want them to be of the type &str, a lot of "incongruencies" with lifetimes emerge. I want it to be &str because none of these values will change. I think it is better to keep them on the stack instead of in the heap. Am I wrong?
If I want &str, I'm coerced to define TxSignup with <'a>, and here is where I get lost. I get why a lifetime is required, but not why all these problems appear.
As far I do understand, all elements inside the function should have the same lifetime, being killed at the end of its block (line 44). I will never send them outside.
I have tried giving to Body trait also an <'a>, and even to Tx trait (meaning the Transaction object must have one too to match the trait).
Is there any way to make it work? Am I misunderstanding the Trait use and how they work, or this patter design will never work?
Reproduction on GitHub
I have reproduced this same error in my rust-proto repository. Running cargo run should be enough.
I come from Go development and some C++, Java and Python, so I have a way of coding that may not be the most appropriate one using Rust. That's what I want to solve.

Running asynchronous mutable operations with Rust futures

I'm building a service in Rust using tokio-rs and was happy with this tech stack so far. I'm now trying to chain up async operations that includes writes and having a hard time with the borrow checker.
My simplified minimal code sample is this:
extern crate futures; // 0.1.21
use futures::Future;
use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};
trait RequestProcessor {
fn prepare(&self) -> Box<Future<Item = (), Error = ()>>;
fn process(&mut self, request: String) -> Box<Future<Item = (), Error = ()>>;
struct Service {
processor: Rc<RefCell<RequestProcessor>>,
impl Service {
fn serve(&mut self, request: String) -> Box<Future<Item = (), Error = ()>> {
let processor_clone = self.processor.clone();
let result_fut = self
.and_then(move |_| processor_clone.borrow_mut().process(request));
fn main() {}
As a short summary, after an async preparation step I'm trying to run another async operation that writes a field of self. Without mutability this works easily with a plain Rc member, but mutability breaks it, producing the following error:
error[E0597]: `processor_clone` does not live long enough
--> src/
22 | .and_then(move |_| processor_clone.borrow_mut().process(request));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - `processor_clone` dropped here while still borrowed
| |
| borrowed value does not live long enough
= note: values in a scope are dropped in the opposite order they are created
I'd expect this should work, I don't see where the mutable reference is still borrowed. I think process() should release the processor's &mut self after the future is returned, so the compile error shouldn't occur.
Could you please explain the underlying reasons? How should this example be changed to be accepted by the compiler?
Sometimes, it's easier to see lifetime errors if you split values up onto multiple lines. Let's try that with the closure in question:
.and_then(move |_| {
let c = processor_clone;
let mut d = c.borrow_mut();
let e = d.process(request);
If you compile this... it works. If we try recombining the lines, we can get this to fail:
.and_then(move |_| {
let c = processor_clone;
And this to work:
.and_then(move |_| {
let c = processor_clone;
return c.borrow_mut().process(request);
The only difference is the explicit return and the semicolon. This is very similar to When returning the outcome of consuming a StdinLock, why was the borrow to stdin retained?, so let's try the suggestion of one of the answers to enable non-lexical lifetimes. This allows your original code to compile as well.
TL;DR: It's a weakness in Rust's current borrow checker implementation and will be magically fixed at some point. In the meantime, I suggest writing it as two lines:
.and_then(move |_| {
let mut c = processor_clone.borrow_mut();

Why does asserting on the result of Deref::deref fail with a type mismatch?

The following is the Deref example from The Rust Programming Language except I've added another assertion.
Why does the assert_eq with the deref also equal 'a'? Why do I need a * once I've manually called deref?
use std::ops::Deref;
struct DerefExample<T> {
value: T,
impl<T> Deref for DerefExample<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
fn main() {
let x = DerefExample { value: 'a' };
assert_eq!('a', *x.deref()); // this is true
// assert_eq!('a', x.deref()); // this is a compile error
assert_eq!('a', *x); // this is also true
If I uncomment the line, I get this error:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
18 | assert_eq!('a', x.deref());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected char, found &char
= note: expected type `char`
found type `&char`
= help: here are some functions which might fulfill your needs:
- .to_ascii_lowercase()
- .to_ascii_uppercase()
= note: this error originates in a macro outside of the current crate (in Nightly builds, run with -Z external-macro-backtrace for more info)
First, let's spell out the generic types for your specific example: 'a' is char, so we have:
impl Deref for DerefExample<char> {
type Target = char;
fn deref(&self) -> &char {
Notably, the return type of deref is a reference to a char. Thus it shouldn't be surprising that, when you use just x.deref(), the result is a &char rather than a char. Remember, at that point deref is just another normal method — it's just implicitly invoked as part of some language-provided special syntax. *x, for example, will call deref and dereference the result, when applicable. x.char_method() and fn_taking_char(&x) will also call deref some number of times and then do something further with the result.
Why does deref return a reference to begin with, you ask? Isn't that circular? Well, no, it isn't circular: it reduces library-defined smart pointers to the built-in type &T which the compiler already knows how to dereference. By returning a reference instead of a value, you avoid a copy/move (which may not always be possible!) and allow &*x (or &x when it's coerced) to refer to the actual char that DerefExample holds rather than a temporary copy.
See also:
Why is the return type of Deref::deref itself a reference?

Pointer-stashing generics via `mem::transmute()`

I'm attempting to write Rust bindings for a C collection library (Judy Arrays [1]) which only provides itself room to store a pointer-width value. My company has a fair amount of existing code which uses this space to directly store non-pointer values such as pointer-width integers and small structs. I'd like my Rust bindings to allow type-safe access to such collections using generics, but am having trouble getting the pointer-stashing semantics working correctly.
The mem::transmute() function seems like one potential tool for implementing the desired behavior, but attempting to use it on an instance of a parameterized type yield a confusing-to-me compilation error.
Example code:
pub struct Example<T> {
v: usize,
t: PhantomData<T>,
impl<T> Example<T> {
pub fn new() -> Example<T> {
Example { v: 0, t: PhantomData }
pub fn insert(&mut self, val: T) {
unsafe {
self.v = mem::transmute(val);
Resulting error:
src/ 95:36 error: cannot transmute to or from a type that contains type parameters in its interior [E0139]
src/ self.v = mem::transmute(val);
Does this mean a type consisting only of a parameter "contains type parameters in its interior" and thus transmute() just won't work here? Any suggestions of the right way to do this?
(Related question, attempting to achieve the same result, but not necessarily via mem::transmute().)
[1] I'm aware of the existing rust-judy project, but it doesn't support the pointer-stashing I want, and I'm writing these new bindings largely as a learning exercise anyway.
Instead of transmuting T to usize directly, you can transmute a &T to &usize:
pub fn insert(&mut self, val: T) {
unsafe {
let usize_ref: &usize = mem::transmute(&val);
self.v = *usize_ref;
Beware that this may read from an invalid memory location if the size of T is smaller than the size of usize or if the alignment requirements differ. This could cause a segfault. You can add an assertion to prevent this:
assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<T>(), mem::size_of::<usize>());
assert!(mem::align_of::<usize>() <= mem::align_of::<T>());

Rust Vector of Traits: cast each trait

I have a problem casting a vector of traits into a vector of different traits.
Using the approach of Type-casting arrays/vectors in Rust , I basically tried the following:
trait ParentTrait {}
trait ChildTrait: ParentTrait {}
fn main() {
let mut children: Vec<Box<ChildTrait>> = vec![];
let parents = children.iter().map(|&e| e as Box<ParentTrait>);
Now this does not compile, it results in
error: the trait `core::kinds::Sized` is not implemented for the type `ChildTrait`
error: the trait `ParentTrait` is not implemented for the type `ChildTrait`
(The second errorline is buggy behaviour of the compiler, I guess?)
I tried various other flavors of References / Boxes and could not get it to work.
What am I doing wrong here,
is this even the correct approach with newer versions of rust (0.13)?
Trait objects are very strange beasts.
What is a Box<ChildTrait>? Box<T> is literally a wrapper for a *mut T. Therefore, a Box<ChildTrait> wraps a *mut ChildTrait. Because ChildTrait names a trait, ChildTrait is an object type. A pointer to an object type is represented by a pair of pointers: a pointer to the vtable for that trait and only that trait, and a pointer to the actual value.
When we inherit a trait from another trait, that doesn't mean we can obtain a pointer to the vtable for the first trait from a pointer to the vtable for the second trait. This is why the compiler complains that
the trait `ParentTrait` is not implemented for the type `ChildTrait`
We can, however, manually implement a trait for an object type. Because object types are unsized, we must first allow ParentTrait to be implemented for unsized types:
trait ParentTrait for Sized? {}
Then we can provide an impl of ParentTrait for the ChildTrait object type:
impl<'a> ParentTrait for ChildTrait+'a {}
If we try to compile now, we get different errors:
<anon>:9:40: 9:42 error: cannot move out of dereference of `&`-pointer
<anon>:9 let parents = children.iter().map(|&e| e as Box<ParentTrait>);
<anon>:9:41: 9:42 note: attempting to move value to here
<anon>:9 let parents = children.iter().map(|&e| e as Box<ParentTrait>);
<anon>:9:41: 9:42 help: to prevent the move, use `ref e` or `ref mut e` to capture value by reference
<anon>:9 let parents = children.iter().map(|&e| e as Box<ParentTrait>);
We can use into_iter instead of iter to consume the initial Vec:
fn main() {
let mut children: Vec<Box<ChildTrait>> = vec![];
let parents = children.into_iter().map(|e| e as Box<ParentTrait>);
But then we get an internal compiler error:
error: internal compiler error: trying to take the sizing type of ChildTrait, an unsized type
note: the compiler unexpectedly panicked. this is a bug.
note: we would appreciate a bug report:
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace
task 'rustc' panicked at 'Box<Any>', /build/rust-git/src/rust/src/libsyntax/
The same error also occurs with this code:
fn main() {
let mut children: Vec<Box<ChildTrait>> = vec![];
let parents = children.iter().map(|e| &**e as &ParentTrait);
At this point, I don't know if, after fixing the ICE, this would compile successfully or not.
