Previewing Website Prior To DNS Propogation - wordpress

I'm doing marketing for a client.
I'm helping them move their WordPress site from one host to another (from ventraip to siteground). Their domain is also currently with ventraip. I've already set up hosting with siteground (haven't cancelled ventraip just yet).
The question being, is there a way to make adjustments and preview the website on siteground before pointing the nameservers/changing DNS? I've seen a few tutorials but they are for other hosting companies and there is nothing I can see in siteground's knowledge base.
If anyone knows a general format or a better way, would love to hear your input. Thanks!

I think a nice solution would be to modify your local hosts file in order to preview your website using the current URL (which only on your machine will point to the new hsoting).
You can follow this guide by Kinsta, which works for every hosting:
This is what I do and I am pretty sure it works :)
Here is also a tutorial specific to SiteGround which uses a temporary url: but I never tested it.
Hope it helps, cheers!


The website with coloring pages does not open. I get an issue (This site can’t be reached) - WordPress

I have a problem and can't find a solution. I bought a VPS server and gave it the name of my future site with coloring pages, It's been a few days now, but is down. I contacted the hosting support service, they told me that there were no problems with the server and everything should work. I get the message "This site can't be reached". What should I do? Any recommendation. Thanks a lot.
Had a quick look it seems your getting "DNS_PROBE_STARTED" as well as "DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN"
These are issues in relation to your DNS not your web hosting I would ensure all the DNS records are set up correctly and are all pointing to the correct places. Your domain provider or hosting provider should be able to offer assistance with this if you run into any issues

how can i working on a site without localhost?

Our site design is complete and open to visitors. Now we want to fix our site bugs, or add new features. And we want to upload the new version of the site whenever we are sure of the changes. The problem is that we can't use localhost because we're two people working on this project and we're far from each other. what is your suggestion? Can copying the original site on a subdomain (which is closed on search engines) be the solution? Sorry if my English is weak :)
use GitHub or some "Team Code Engines" like Floobits...
You can use a FTP Server or some other File Transfer Protocol to share the Data but it's not "Live Coding" !
I think GitHub is the best option. In Github you can handle version easily can create branch based on requirements.
but for that i think you need to buy premium account on Git, So that Your code will be private it will not be public.

Can a wordpress site be salvaged

Firstly I know very little about most of this. I have looked for answers, but must not be asking the correct questions.
I wanted to redevelop a WordPress site that I have and to do so, installed MAMP in order to do this locally, and allow the current site to remain live. That all went surprisingly well. Until I had to reboot the machine and I encountered the seeming ubiquitous MySql Server Won't Start problem Much research was done and I found (on this site, which is why I am asking this here) the answer to that was removing two particular files.
Then it all went down hill and my site is FUBAR. The database is gone, but I have all the content.
My question is, can I resurrect the site with that data and not have to start. from. scratch.

How can I preview a localhost wordpress website online?

This is a question I've had for a long time & I really hope that there is an answer but I'm also prepared for the answer to be no..
I'm developing a Wordpress website for my friend's new business on my computer & hosting it locally using MAMP. I really need to preview it for her but I live in London & she lives in NYC.
I know that with simple HTML/JavaScript web site/pages I can use websites like but I'm have no idea if there is an equivalent for Wordpress websites.
I really don't want to purchase hosting until it is completely finished, therefore I'm wondering: is a way in which I can preview a localhost MAMP website online for someone to view on another device without purchasing hosting?
All suggestions, comments, answers, are welcome and much appreciated!
All you need is any free hosting with PHP and MySQL. If you want to quickly move your WordPress website from localhost to server, you can use a plugin like Duplicator.
However, it can be a pain to move it again and again, every time something changes, so you can edit some of the code "live" on the server.
You need to check this following option they have option for free hosting
And if anyone who have reseller account can provide you little space for demo
Even though i only used xampp and not mamp, i think you can configure it so that you are hosting it on your pc. You will need to configure the httpd.conf so somebody from outside is able to access it but there are plenty of guides around for that.
How can I use my xampp server so that everyone from the outer web can acces it

Migrating Wordpress data from one website to another

Edit: Editing the original post to make my question simpler
My friend has a art website which is made in wordpress He hired a wordpress expert to redesign the website. The expert made the redesign at another location at so both the websites are at different locations. I have to take the look of the redesigned site and the data of the mainwebsite, what approach should I take. The redsigned website should have all the plugins which are there in the mainwebsite. The redesigned website will replace the mainwebsite.
In short what approach should I take to migrate the new website design to actual website.
Any suggestions and inputs will be appreciated.
Thanks to everyone for taking time for answering the question, all of the answers are right in one way or the other, I would like to share this resource which I found extremely useful that I have bookmarked it for future reference, the author has explained all scenarios to migrate WordPress website. Hope you find it useful. The link to the website is
I am no way related to this author or website, I am sharing this to help anyone who faces similar problem that I faced.
Export the MySQL database from the current site.
Restore the database backup on the new server.
Copy the entire website to your machine via FTP.
Edit wp-config.php to point to the new database. If
you are changing domains, then see the link below.
Copy the site files to the new hosting server via FTP.
go to tools->import
now select wordpress and install the plugin
now you can export all your posts/pages and use the same tool to import that data to your new site
I would suggest following steps
Create a dummy site (beta or temp)
Move current mainsite there
Download theme from the redesigned site
Install it on the dummy site
Make sure everything is working perfectly as you want with the data you want
Move it live
Hope this helps.
