I have an application with 5 tabs using bottomNavigationBar and each tab contains a different fragment. I am looking to display a username list on one of the tabs but having difficulty with Parse queries. I can call the new findInBackground method in the main activity in which the fragments are held, but when called in the fragment itself it doesn't seem to work. Appreciate any help
public ArrayList<String> getUserList() {
ParseQuery<ParseUser> query = ParseUser.getQuery();
query.whereNotEqualTo("username", ParseUser.getCurrentUser().getUsername());
query.findInBackground(new FindCallback<ParseUser>() {
public void done(List<ParseUser> objects, ParseException e) {
if (e == null) {
if (objects.size() > 0) {
for (ParseUser user : objects) {
} else {
Log.i("size of list - ", " 0 ");
} else {
Log.i("Error", e.toString());
return usernames;
The list is empty after running this
I have two collections in Parse using mongoDB : access and tokens ;
access collection;
tokens collection ;
this is how I add records to access ;
//Enter Record into Parse with Block
ParseObject accessObject = new ParseObject("access");
accessObject.put("tokenid", anaQrCode);
accessObject.put("locationid", routeID);
accessObject.put("pTokenId", ParseObject.createWithoutData("tokens", anaQrCode));
accessObject.saveInBackground(new SaveCallback() {
public void done(ParseException e) {
if (e != null){
//error in save
} else {
//save success
this is how I query to get data from both collections in single query ;
//get query result from database
ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("access");
query.findInBackground(new FindCallback<ParseObject>() {
public void done(List<ParseObject> objects, ParseException e) {
if (e != null) {
Log.d("TAG1", "error " + e);
} else {
for (int i=0; i< objects.size(); i++) {
ParseObject tmpPtoken = objects.get(i).getParseObject("pTokenId");
The issue is, the tmpPtoken object is returning null all the time.
My goal is the retrieve below info in a single query ;
I have a Windows 8 store app based off of the grouped template project, with some renames etc. However, I'm having a hard time getting the ItemsSource databinding to work for both non-snapped and snapped visual states.
I have a property, that, when set, changes the ItemsSource property, but I can only get one of the controls to bind at a time (either the GridView for non-snapped, or the ListView for snapped).
When I use the following, only the non-snapped binding works and the snapped binding shows no items:
protected PickLeafModel ListViewModel
return (PickLeafModel)m_itemGridView.ItemsSource;
m_itemGridView.ItemsSource = value;
m_snappedListView.ItemsSource = value;
If I comment out one of the setters, the snapped view shows items but the non-snapped view shows nothing:
protected PickLeafModel ListViewModel
return (PickLeafModel)m_itemGridView.ItemsSource;
//m_itemGridView.ItemsSource = value;
m_snappedListView.ItemsSource = value;
It's as if I can bind my view model only to one property at a time. What am I doing wrong?
Since I am generating my data model on another thread (yes, using the thread pool), I cannot make it inherit from DependencyObject. If I do, I get a WrongThreadException.
So to make it work I have done the following:
public class PickLeafModel : IEnumerable
public PickLeafModel()
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
if (m_enumerator == null)
m_enumerator = new PickLeafModelViewDataEnumerator(m_data, m_parentLeaf);
return m_enumerator;
private SerializableLinkedList<PickLeaf> m_data =
new SerializableLinkedList<PickLeaf>();
and then my items look like this:
// Augments pick leafs by returning them wrapped with PickLeafViewData.
class PickLeafModelViewDataEnumerator : IEnumerator
public PickLeafModelViewDataEnumerator(
SerializableLinkedList<PickLeaf> data, PickLeaf parentLeaf)
m_viewDataList =
new System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList<PickLeafViewData>();
foreach (PickLeaf leaf in data)
PickLeafViewData viewData = new PickLeafViewData();
viewData.copyFromPickLeaf(leaf, parentLeaf);
m_enumerator = m_viewDataList.GetEnumerator();
public void Dispose()
m_viewDataList = null;
m_enumerator = null;
public object Current
return m_enumerator.Current;
public bool MoveNext()
return m_enumerator.MoveNext();
public void Reset()
private IEnumerator<PickLeafViewData> m_enumerator = null;
private System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList<PickLeafViewData>
Is there something I'm doing fundamentally wrong?
Help appreciated.
Thankfully there is a much easier way to do what you are trying!
Create a class called your ViewModel as shown below:
public class DataViewModel
public DataViewModel()
Data = new ObservableCollection<PickLeafViewData>(new PickLeafModelViewDataEnumerator(m_data, m_parentLeaf));
public ObservableCollection<PickLeafViewData> Data
Now on the code behind set the Page.DataConected to equal an instance of the above class.
And finally on both your snapped listview, and the grid view set the item source to this:-
ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"
That should work nicely for you.
Thanks to Ross for pointing me in the right direction.
I'm not 100% happy with this solution, but it does work. Basically the idea is that after I get back the PickLeafModel from the worker threads, I transplant its internal data into a derived version of the class which is data binding aware.
public class PickLeafViewModel : PickLeafModel, IEnumerable
public PickLeafViewModel()
public PickLeafViewModel(PickLeafModel model)
public void SetData(PickLeafModel model)
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
if (m_observableData == null)
m_observableData = new ObservableCollection<PickLeafViewData>();
var data = getData();
PickLeaf parentLeaf = getParentLeaf();
foreach (PickLeaf leaf in data)
PickLeafViewData viewData = new PickLeafViewData();
viewData.copyFromPickLeaf(leaf, parentLeaf);
return m_observableData.GetEnumerator();
and the page code is as follows:
protected PickLeafViewModel ListViewModel
return DataContext as PickLeafViewModel;
DataContext = value;
whenever I want to set ListViewModel, I can do this:
ListViewModel = new PickLeafViewModel(model);
and swap looks like:
private static void swap<T>(ref T lhs, ref T rhs)
T temp;
temp = lhs;
lhs = rhs;
rhs = temp;
// Swaps internals with the other model.
public void swap(PickLeafModel other)
swap(ref m_data, ref other.m_data);
Also, PickLeafModelViewDataEnumerator can be deleted altogether.
Is it possible to have a button in a TableViewerColumn? There are several posts that confirm this, but I've found no code that actually works. I've read about a DialogCellEditor, too, is that what to look into?
As this seems to be a common problem, I've tried a workaround. I use an image as label and add editing support like so:
col = createTableViewerColumn(titles[10], bounds[10], 10);
col.setEditingSupport(new DeleteSupport(viewer));
col.setLabelProvider(new ColumnLabelProvider() {
public Image getImage(Object element) {
return new Image(ApplicationRunner.getApp().getShell()
.getDisplay(), "ressources/images/delete.png");
public String getText(Object element) {
return "";
In the DeleteSupport class (extending EditingSupport), you have to let canEdit() return false, so the image is not selectable. But then, you can't work with getValue(). So, I do whatever I have to in canEdit() BEFORE returning false. That's the same behavior as a simple push button would have.
The DeleteSupport looks like this:
public class DeleteSupport extends EditingSupport {
private final TableViewer viewer;
public DeleteSupport(TableViewer viewer) {
this.viewer = viewer;
protected CellEditor getCellEditor(Object element) {
return new TextCellEditor(viewer.getTable());
protected boolean canEdit(Object element) {
// if confirmed, try to delete the customer
if (MessageDialog.openConfirm( ApplicationRunner.getApp().getShell(),
"Confirm delete",
"Soll " + ((Customer) element).getFirstname()
+ " " + ((Customer) element).getLastname()
+ " be deleted? Cannot be undone!")) {
try {
CustomerDAO.getInstance().delete(((Customer) element).getId());
} catch (SQLException e) {
// TODO something
// reload anyways
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
// TODO something else
return false;
protected Object getValue(Object element) {
return "";
protected void setValue(Object element, Object value) {
I am trying to bind two views of viewmodel to two tabs of tab control by editing sample source code Caliburn.Micro.SimpleMDI included with Caliburn.Micro source. This project contains ShellViewModel and TabViewModel with TabView. I added one View named TabViewDetails. I edited ShellViewModel as follows.
public class ShellViewModel : Conductor<IScreen>.Collection.OneActive
int count = 1;
public void OpenTab()
TabViewModel vm = null;
if (Items.Count != 0)
vm = new TabViewModel() { DisplayName = "Detail Tab " + count++ };
var secondView = new TabViewDetails();
ViewModelBinder.Bind(vm, secondView , null);
vm = new TabViewModel() { DisplayName = "Tab " + count++ };
First tab is Ok. But the second tab shows nothing.Can anybody help to figure out the problem?.
I haven't used Caliburn.Micro much but the simple solution is one view, one view model. If you change your code to something like:
public class ShellViewModel : Conductor<IScreen>.Collection.OneActive {
int count = 1;
public void OpenTab()
Screen screen;
if (count != 0)
screen = new TabViewModel
DisplayName = "Tab " + _count++
screen = new TestViewModel
DisplayName = "Tab " + _count++
where TestViewModel can be a TabViewModel
public class TestViewModel : TabViewModel
then this works ok.
The Caliburn docs does have a section multiple views over the same viewmodel but I haven't figured that out yet.
I am having ASP.NET MVC application in which i am using HTTP handler ashx file to get the image on the page . This image is uploaded by user by scanning the document.
Now my problem is for every user its displaying except one , User is reporting he is not able to see the image even though it was loaded sucessfully , when i checked the logs it shown that server got image.
No exception was logged at the server while converting image too :(
One more thing this is happening frequently , 70% times user is not able to see the image in the page. 30% time he managed to see the image ...
Strange issue
Please advice what could be the issue ?
Below is my code
public class GetImage : IHttpHandler, System.Web.SessionState.IRequiresSessionState
public GetImage()
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
if (context != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Params["side"]))
bool isFront = false;
if (context.Request.Params["side"].Equals("Front"))
isFront = true;
isFront = false;
ICache Cache = CacheManager.SessionCache;
DepositState depState = (DepositState)Cache[Constants.DepositSession];
if (depState != null)
byte[] imageByteArray = null;
System.IO.MemoryStream imageMemoryStream = null;
if (isFront)
imageByteArray = System.Convert.FromBase64String(depState.FrontJpegBase64);
imageByteArray = System.Convert.FromBase64String(depState.BackJpegBase64);
imageMemoryStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(imageByteArray);
using (System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(imageMemoryStream))
img.Save(context.Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
catch(Exception ex)
Log.Error(Constants.DefaultErrorCode, "Exception occured while converting image to Base 64 in GetImage.ashx.cs" + ex);
Log.Error(Constants.DefaultErrorCode, " Deposit State object is nullin GetImage.ashx ");
Log.Error(Constants.DefaultErrorCode, "Context is null in the Process Request ");
public bool IsReusable
return false;
I don't see where you are setting the context.Response.ContentType. I haven't tested this, but I wonder if the missing header would cause unpredictable browser behavior.