How GTS slots get allocated in Mac 802.15.4 in Castalia Simulator? - zigbee

I am trying to understand the implementation of 802.15.4 mac protocol ( etc. files) in Castalia Simulator for past few weeks.
I am facing some difficulties, which are following:-
1) As per IEEE 802.15.4 standard the coordinator (FFD) node assigns the available GTS slots to nodes (which is requesting GTS slots) on the basis of FCFS approach. I am trying to find out how coordinator node (FFD) is assigning GTS slots as FCFS basis in file, but i am unable to understand.
2) How coordinator (FFD) node decides the sequence (order) of nodes, which is requesting GTS slots in file and how can i change the sequence (order) of GTS requesting nodes ?
Thanks in advance,
Best Regards,
gulshan soni

It's been many years since I've read the 802.15.4 standard, but from memory, it does not specify how the GTS slots are getting assigned. The FCFS method you mention is simply the simplest (more straightforward) method, and is usually employed when someone needs to implement the 802.15.4 standard, since we need to decide how we will assign GTS slots. But the standard itself does not specify a particular way to assign the slots (or at least it did not in the past, maybe things have changed).
I assume you are using the latest version of Castalia (HEAD of the master branch in GitHub) or at least the version tagged 3.3.
Since Castalia 3.3 we have decided to clearly separate the basic 802.15.4 protocol with how the GTS slots are assigned. This way you can easily implement your own assignment scheme. You'll notice that in the node/communication/mac/mac802154/ directory you get the basic functionality of the protocol. This part is just the baseline. It is not a complete protocol because it defines no way to assign slots. The most simple way to assign slots is defined in the subdirectory staticGTS802154. Here "static" just means that we get a simple FCFS scheme and the assignment does not change from frame to frame.
When you want to use 802.15.4 in your simulations you have to name an actual GTS assignment module. The only one publicly available is staticGTS802154.


What is the difference between `ether_header` and `ethhdr`?

I'm currently trying to parse the packets from the raw buffer. I find there seems to be two structures for ethernet header: ether_header and ethhdr. I'm kind of confused what's the difference and relationship for them? Could I use them interchangeable?
I did a quick search:
This post suggested that two identical implementation exist for IP header. Is this the case for Ethernet (and perhaps TCP, UDP, etc.)?
This patch shows the efforts to change from one implementation from one to the other. I'm not sure the incentive behind this: perhaps one implementation is somehow "better"?
In Linux, the ethhdr struct is defined in uapi/linux/if_ether.h It's placement in a kernel uapi (user-space API) header file solidifies it as a stable definition to default to.
The ether_header struct has been defined in numerous locations over the years. The number of definitions and references to those definitions has been declining over time as code migrates to using ethhdr (as you observed in the patch you linked to).
An easy way to see see this progression is by looking at kernel source cross referencer output over time. The following list depicts the number of ether_header definitions/references for a few kernel versions over time:
2.6.39 (2011-08-03): 5/8
3.19.8 (2015-05-11): 4/5
4.17-rc17 (2018-05-30): 1/2
For comparison, here are the results when looking up ethhdr:
4.17.rc17 - 1/193

MPI and hierarchical collectives - missing 'hierarch' coll module from OpenMPI 2.x?

I'm working on an application that is critically dependent on the performance of MPI_Alltoall calls with very small messages (less than 4KB) flying among a large number of processes (currently about 200, while the target is in the thousands and more).
I was under the impression, and reading this paper seems to corroborate that impression, that it would be sensible to exploit the hierarchy of a modern PC cluster (as the one I have at my disposal) by segregating processes belonging to a single cluster node within separate communicators (OpenMPI even has a function, from the MPI 3 standard, that does just that) and then, instead of an MPI_Alltoall over MPI_COMM_WORLD, using a sequence MPI_Gather - MPI_Alltoall - MPI_Scatter whereas Gather and Scatter are restricted within those communicators while the Alltoall is over another communicator including one and one only 'gatherer' process per node, in this way exploiting the supposedly faster transfers in internal memory for the Gather and Scatter while hopefully increasing the efficiency of the Alltoall among nodes by having fewer, larger messages passing through the network interfaces (ConnectX InfiniBand NICs by Mellanox, in my case).
I'm trying to verify the assertions of the paper, and if someone is interested I can share my findings, but what I wanted to know is this: perusing the 1.10.x OpenMPI sources, I clearly see a 'hierarch' component among the 'coll' modules, which is also mentioned in the README that makes it seem like such a hierarchical implementation had been pulled in already.
Nevertheless, I was never able to make it work and it seems that it vanished altogether from the 2.x branch (there is none in the 'ompi_info' output).
Is there anyone that succeeded in using it? Can you tell about any improvements, if any, compared to a regular MPI_Alltoall?

How to define topology in Castalia-3.2 for WBAN

How can defined topology in Castalia-3.2 for WBAN ?
How can import topology in omnet++ to casalia ?
where the topology defined in default WBAN scenario in Castalia?
with regard
Topology of a network is an abstraction that shows the structure of the communication links in the network. It's an abstraction because the notion of a link is an abstraction itself. There are no "real" links in a wireless network. The communication is happening in a broadcast medium and there are many parameters that dictate if a packet is received or not, such as the power of transmission, the path loss between transmitter and receiver, noise and interference, and also just luck. Still, the notion of a link could be useful in some circumstances, and some simulators are using it to define simulation scenarios. You might be used to simulators that you can draw nodes and then simply draw lines between them to define their links. This is not how Castalia models a network.
Castalia does not model links between the nodes, it models the channel and radios to get a more realistic communication behaviour.
Topology is often confused with deployment (I confuse them myself sometimes). Deployment is just the placement of nodes on the field. There are multiple ways to define deployment in Castalia, if you wish, but it is not needed in all scenarios (more on this later). People can confuse deployment with topology, because under very simplistic assumptions certain deployments lead to certain topologies. Castalia does not make these assumptions. Study the manual (especially chapter 4) to get a better understanding of Castalia's modeling.
After you have understood the modeling in Castalia, and you still want a specific/custom topology for some reason then you could play with some parameters to achieve your topology at least in a statistical sense. Assuming all nodes use the same radios and the same transmission power, then the path loss between nodes becomes a defining factor of the "quality" of the link between the nodes. In Castalia, you can define the path losses for each and every pair of nodes, using a pathloss map file.
SN.wirelessChannel.pathLossMapFile = "../Parameters/WirelessChannel/BANmodels/pathLossMap.txt"
This tells Castalia to use the specific path losses found in the file instead of computing path losses based on a wireless channel model. The deployment does not matter in this case. At least it does not matter for communication purposes (it might matter for other aspects of the simulation, for example if we are sampling a physical process that depends on location).
In our own simulations with BAN, we have defined a pathloss map based on experimental data, because other available models are not very accurate for BAN. For example the, lognormal shadowing model, which is Castalia's default, is not a good fit for BAN simulations. We did not want to enforce a specific topology, we just wanted a realistic channel model, and defining a pathloss map based on experimental data was the best way.
I have the impression though that when you say topology, you are not only referring to which nodes could communicate with which nodes, but which nodes do communicate with which nodes. This is also a matter of the layers above the radio (MAC and routing). For example it's the MAC and Routing that allow for relay nodes or not.
Note that in Castalia's current implementations of 802.15.6MAC and 802.15.4MAC, relay nodes are not allowed. So you can not create a mesh topology with these default implementations. Only a star topology is supported. If you want something more you'll have to implemented yourself.

How to write with a single node in MPI

I want to implement some file io with the routines provided by MPI (in particular Open MPI).
Due to possible limitations of the environment, I wondered, if it is possible to limit the nodes, which are responsible for IO, so that all other nodes are required to perform a hidden mpi_send to this group of processes, to actually write the data. This would be nice in cases, where e.g. the master node is placed on a node with high-performance filesystem and the other nodes have only access to a low-performance filesystem, where the binaries are stored.
Actually, I already found some information, which might be helpful, but I couldn't find further information, how to actually implement these things:
1: There is an info key MPI_IO belonging to the communicator, which tells which ranks provide standard-conforming IO-routines. As this is listed as an environmental inquiry, I don't see, where I could modify this.
2: There is an info key io_nodes_list which seems to belong to file-related info-objects. Unfortunately, the possible values for this key are not documented and Open MPI doesn't seem to implement them in any way. Actually, I can't even get the filename from the info-object which is returned by mpi_file_get_info...
As a workaround, I could imagine two things: On the one hand, I could perform the IO with standard Fortran routines, or on the other hand, create a new communicator, which is responsible for IO. But in both cases, the processes, which are responsible for IO have to check for possible IO from the other processes to perform manual communication and file interaction.
Is there a nice and automatic way to restrict the IO to certain nodes? If yes, how could I implement this?
You explicitly asked about OpenMPI, but there are two MPI-IO implementations in OpenMPI. The old workhorse is ROMIO, the MPI-IO implementation shared among just about every MPI implementation. OpenMPI also has OMPIO, but I don't know a whole lot about tuning that one.
Next, if you want things to happen automatically for you, you'll have to use collective i/o. The independent I/O routines cannot send a message to anyone else -- they are independent and there's no way to know if the other side will be listening.
With those preliminaries out of the way...
You are asking about "i/o aggregaton". There is a bit of information here in the context of another optimization called "deferred open" (and which OMPIO calls Lazy Open)
In short, you can definitely say "only these N processes should do I/O", and then the collective I/O library will exchange data and make sure that happens. The optimization was developed some 15-odd years ago for just the situation you proposed: some nodes being better connected to storage than others (as was the case on the old ASCI Red machine, to give you a sense for how old this optimization is...)
I don't know where you got io_nodes_list. You probably want to use the MPI-IO info keys cb_config_list and cb_nodes
So, you've got a cluster with master1, master2, master3, and compute1, compute2, compute3 (or whatever the hostnames actually are). You can do something like this (in c, sorry. I'm not proficient in Fortran):
MPI_Info info;
MPI_File fh;
MPI_Info_set(info, "cb_config_list", "master1:1,master2:1,master3:1");
With these hints, MPI_File_write_all will aggregate all the I/O through the MPI processes on master1, master2, and master3. ROMIO won't blow up your memory because it will chunk up the I/O into a smaller working set (specified with the "cb_buffer_size" hint: cranking this up, if you have the memory, is a good way to get better performance).
There is a ton of information about the hints you can set in the ROMIO users guide:

Consistent hashing: Where is the data-structure of ring kept

We have N cache-nodes with basic consistent-hashing in a ring.
Is data-structure of this ring stored:
On each of these nodes?
Partly on each node with its ranges?
On a separate machine as a load balancer?
What happens to the ring when other nodes join it?
Thanks a lot.
I have found an answer to the question No 1.
Answer 1:
All the approaches are written in my blog:
There are a few options on where to keep ring’s data structure:
Central point of coordination: A dedicated machine keeps a ring and works as a central load-balancer which routes request to appropriate nodes.
Pros: Very simple implementation. This would be a good fit for not a dynamic system having small number of nodes and/or data.
Cons: A big drawback of this approach is scalability and reliability. Stable distributed systems don’t have a single poing of failure.
No central point of coordination – full duplication: Each node keeps a full copy of the ring. Applicable for stable networks. This option is used e.g. in Amazon Dynamo.
Pros: Queries are routed in one hop directly to the appropriate cache-server.
Cons: Join/Leave of a server from the ring requires notification/amendment of all cache-servers in the ring.
No central point of coordination – partial duplication: Each node keeps a partial copy of the ring. This option is direct implementation of CHORD algorithm. In terms of DHT each cache-machine has its predessesor and successor and when receiving a query one checks if it has the key or not. If there’s no such a key on that machine, a mapping function is used to determine which of its neighbors (successor and predessesor) has the least distance to that key. Then it forwards the query to its neighbor thas has the least distance. The process continues until a current cache-machine finds the key and sends it back.
Pros: For highly dynamic changes the previous option is not a fit due to heavy overhead of gossiping among nodes. Thus this option is the choice in this case.
Cons: No direct routing of messages. The complexity of routing a message to the destination node in a ring is O(lg N).
