Why is LSA in text2vec producing different results every time? - r

I was using latent semantic analysis in the text2vec package to generate word vectors and using transform to fit new data when I noticed something odd, the spaces not being lined up when trained on the same data.
There appears to be some inconsistency (or randomness?) in the method. Namely, even when re-running an LSA model on the exact same data, the resulting word vectors are wildly different, despite indentical input. When looking around I only found these old closed github issues link link and a mention in the changelog about LSA being cleaned up. I reproduced the behaviour using the movie_review dataset and (slightly modified) code from the documentation:
packageVersion("text2vec") # ‘0.5.1’
N = 1000
tokens = word_tokenizer(tolower(movie_review$review[1:N]))
voc = create_vocabulary(it) %>% prune_vocabulary(term_count_min = 5, doc_proportion_max =0.9)
vectorizer = vocab_vectorizer(voc)
tcm = create_tcm(it, vectorizer)
# edit: make tcm symmetric:
tcm = tcm + Matrix::t(Matrix::triu(tcm))
n_topics = 10
lsa_1 = LatentSemanticAnalysis$new(n_topics)
d1 = lsa_1$fit_transform(tcm)
lsa_2 = LatentSemanticAnalysis$new(n_topics)
d2 = lsa_2$fit_transform(tcm)
# despite being trained on the same data, words have completely different vectors:
sim2(d1["film",,drop=F], d2["film",,drop=F])
# yields values like -0.993363 but sometimes 0.9888435 (should be 1)
mean(diag(sim2(d1, d2)))
# e.g. -0.2316826
hist(diag(sim2(d1, d2)), main="self-similarity between models")
# note: these numbers are different every time!
# But: within each model, results seem consistent and reasonable:
# top similar words for "film":
head(sort(sim2(d1, d1["film",,drop=F])[,1],decreasing = T))
# film movie show piece territory bay
# 1.0000000 0.9873934 0.9803280 0.9732380 0.9680488 0.9668800
# same in the second model:
head(sort(sim2(d2, d2["film",,drop=F])[,1],decreasing = T))
# film movie show piece territory bay
# 1.0000000 0.9873935 0.9803279 0.9732364 0.9680495 0.9668819
# transform works:
sim2(d2["film",,drop=F], transform(tcm["film",,drop=F], lsa_2 )) # yields 1
# LSA in quanteda doesn't have this problem, same data => same vectors
d1q = textmodel_lsa(as.dfm(tcm), 10)
d2q = textmodel_lsa(as.dfm(tcm), 10)
mean(diag(sim2(d1q$docs, d2q$docs))) # yields 1
# the top synonyms for "film" are also a bit different with quanteda's LSA
# film movie hunk show territory bay
# 1.0000000 0.9770574 0.9675766 0.9642915 0.9577723 0.9573138
What's the deal, is it a bug, is this intended behaviour for some reason, or am I having a massive misunderstanding? (I'm kind of hoping for the latter...). If it's intended, why would quanteda behave differently?

The issue is that your matrix seems ill-conditioned and hence you have numerical stability issues.
N = 1000
tokens = word_tokenizer(tolower(movie_review$review[1:N]))
voc = create_vocabulary(it) %>% prune_vocabulary(term_count_min = 5, doc_proportion_max =0.9)
vectorizer = vocab_vectorizer(voc)
tcm = create_tcm(it, vectorizer)
# condition number
# Inf
Now if you will do truncated SVD (algorithm behind LSA) you will notice that singular vectors are very close to zero:
truncated_svd = irlba(tcm, 10)
# $ d : num [1:10] 2139 1444 660 559 425 ...
# $ u : num [1:4387, 1:10] -1.44e-04 -1.62e-04 -7.77e-05 -8.44e-04 -8.99e-04 ...
# $ v : num [1:4387, 1:10] 6.98e-20 2.37e-20 4.09e-20 -4.73e-20 6.62e-20 ...
# $ iter : num 3
# $ mprod: num 50
Hence the sign of the embeddings is not stable and cosine angle between them is not stable as well.

Similar to how it works in sklearn in Python, using a truncated SVD function in R has a random number function built in. It is both what makes it so powerful for large model building but somewhat difficult for smaller uses. If you set your values to a seed set.seed() before the SVD matrix is created you shouldn't have an issue. This used to terrify me when doing LSA.
Let me know if that helps!


Classic king - man + woman = queen example with pretrained word-embedding and word2vec package in R

I am really desperate, I just cannot reproduce the allegedly classic example of king - man + woman = queen with the word2vec package in R and any (!) pre-trained embedding model (as a bin file).
I would be very grateful if anybody could provide working code to reproduce this example... including a link to the necessary pre-trained model which is also downloadable (many are not!).
Thank you very much!
An overview of using word2vec with R is available at https://www.bnosac.be/index.php/blog/100-word2vec-in-r which even shows an example of king - man + woman = queen.
Just following the instructions there and downloading the first English 300-dim embedding word2vec model from http://vectors.nlpl.eu/repository ran on the British National Corpus which I encountered, downloaded and unzipped the model.bin on my drive and next inspecting the terms in the model (words are there apparently appended with pos tags), getting the word vectors, displaying the vectors, getting the king - man + woman and finding the closest vector to that vector gives ... queen.
> library(word2vec)
> model <- read.word2vec("C:/Users/jwijf/OneDrive/Bureaublad/model.bin", normalize = TRUE)
> head(summary(model, type = "vocabulary"), n = 10)
[1] "vintage-style_ADJ" "Sinopoli_PROPN" "Yarrell_PROPN" "en-1_NUM" "74°–78°F_X"
[6] "bursa_NOUN" "uni-male_ADJ" "37541_NUM" "Menuetto_PROPN" "Saxena_PROPN"
> wv <- predict(model, newdata = c("king_NOUN", "man_NOUN", "woman_NOUN"), type = "embedding")
> head(t(wv), n = 10)
king_NOUN man_NOUN woman_NOUN
[1,] -0.4536242 -0.47802860 -1.03320265
[2,] 0.7096733 1.40374041 -0.91597748
[3,] 1.1509652 2.35536361 1.57869458
[4,] -0.2882653 -0.59587735 -0.59021348
[5,] -0.2110678 -1.05059254 -0.64248675
[6,] 0.1846713 -0.05871651 -1.01818573
[7,] 0.5493720 0.13456300 0.38765019
[8,] -0.9401053 0.56237948 0.02383301
[9,] 0.1140556 -0.38569298 -0.43408644
[10,] 0.3657919 0.92853492 -2.56553030
> wv <- wv["king_NOUN", ] - wv["man_NOUN", ] + wv["woman_NOUN", ]
> predict(model, newdata = wv, type = "nearest", top_n = 4)
term similarity rank
1 king_NOUN 0.9332663 1
2 queen_NOUN 0.7813236 2
3 coronation_NOUN 0.7663506 3
4 kingship_NOUN 0.7626975 4
Do you prefer to build your own model based on your own text or a more larger corpus e.g. the text8 file. Follow the instructions shown at https://www.bnosac.be/index.php/blog/100-word2vec-in-r.
Get a text file and use R package word2vec to build the model, wait untill the model finished training and next interact with it.
download.file("http://mattmahoney.net/dc/text8.zip", "text8.zip")
unzip("text8.zip", files = "text8")
> library(word2vec)
> set.seed(123456789)
> model <- word2vec(x = "text8", type = "cbow", dim = 100, window = 10, lr = 0.05, iter = 5, hs = FALSE, threads = 2)
> wv <- predict(model, newdata = c("king", "man", "woman"), type = "embedding")
> wv <- wv["king", ] - wv["man", ] + wv["woman", ]
> predict(model, newdata = wv, type = "nearest", top_n = 4)
term similarity rank
1 king 0.9743692 1
2 queen 0.8295941 2
You haven't shown what pretrained models you've tried, nor what data you've used in your attempts, nor what training-then-probing code that you used and failed, nor how your attempt failed. So it's hard to help without writing you a whole tutorial... and there are already plenty of word2vec tutorials online.
But note:
word2vec is a data-hungry algorithm, and its useful qualities (including analogy-solving capabilities) really only become reliably demoable when using adequate large training sets
that said, most pretrained models from competent teams should easily show the classic man : king :: woman : queen analogy-solution, when using the same kinds of vector-arithmetic & candidate-answer ranking (eliminating all words in the question) as the original work
if I recall correctly, the merely 100MB of uncompressed-text text8 dataset from http://mattmahoney.net/dc/textdata) will often succeed or come close to succeeding on man : king :: woman : queen, though the related text9 that's 1GB of data tends to do much better. Both, though are a bit small for making strong general word-vectors. For contrast, the GoogleNews vectors Google released circa 2013 at the same time as the original word2vec papers were said to be trained on something like 100GB of news articles.
beware, though: the text8 & text9 datasets, by stripping all punctuation/linebreaks, may need to be chunked to pass to some word2vec implementations that rquire training-texts to fit within certain limits. For example, Python's Gensim expects training texts to be no longer than 10000 tokens each. text8 is 17 million words on one line. If you pass that one line of 17 million tokens to Gensim as one training text, 99.94% of them will be ignored as beyond the 10000-token limit. Your R implementation may have a similar, or even tighter, implementation limit.

Louvain community detection in R using igraph - format of edges and vertices

I have a correlation matrix of scores that I would like to run community detection on using the Louvain method in igraph, in R. I converted the correlation matrix to a distance matrix using cor2dist, as below:
distancematrix <- cor2dist(correlationmatrix)
This gives a 400 x 400 matrix of distances from 0-2. I then made the list of edges (the distances) and vertices (each of the 400 individuals) using the below method from http://kateto.net/networks-r-igraph (section 3.1).
test <- as.matrix(distancematrix)
mode(test) <- "numeric"
test2 <- graph.adjacency(test, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
From this I then wrote csv files of the 'from' and 'to' edge list, and corresponding weights:
edgeweights <-E(test2)$weight
write.csv(edgeweights, file = "edgeweights.csv")
fromtolist <- get.edgelist(test2)
write.csv(fromtolist, file = "fromtolist.csv")
From these two files I produced a .csv file called "nodes.csv" which simply had all the vertex IDs for the 400 individuals:
And a .csv file called "edges.csv", which detailed 'from' and 'to' between each node, and provided the weight (i.e. the distance measure) for each of these edges:
from to weight
1 2 0.99
1 3 1.20
1 4 1.48
399 400 0.70
I then tried to use this node and edge list to create an igraph object, and run louvain clustering in the following way:
nodes <- read.csv("nodes.csv", header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE)
edges <- read.csv("edges.csv", header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE)
clustergraph <- graph_from_data_frame(edges, directed = FALSE, vertices = nodes)
clusterlouvain <- cluster_louvain(clustergraph)
Unfortunately this did not do the louvain community detection correctly. I expected this to return around 2-4 different communities, which could be plotted similarly to here, but sizes(clusterlouvain) returned:
Community sizes
indicating that all individuals were sorted into the same community. The clustering also ran immediately (i.e. with almost no computation time), which also makes me think it was not working correctly.
My question is: Can anyone suggest why the cluster_louvain method did not work and identified just one community? I think I must be specifying the distance matrix or edges/nodes incorrectly, or in some other way not giving the correct input to the cluster_louvain method. I am relatively new to R so would be very grateful for any advice. I have successfully used other methods of community detection on the same distance matrix (i.e. k-means) which identified 2-3 communities, but would like to understand what I have done wrong here.
I'm aware there are multiple other queries about using igraph in R, but I have not found one which explicitly specifies the input format of the edges and nodes (from a correlation matrix) to get the louvain community detection working correctly.
Thank you for any advice! I can provide further information if helpful.
I believe that cluster_louvain did exactly what it should do with your data.
The problem is your graph.Your code included the line get.edgelist(test2). That must produce a lot of output. Instead try, this
Since you say that your correlation matrix is 400x400, I expect that you will
get that vcount gives 400 and ecount gives 79800 = 400 * 399 / 2. As you have
constructed it, every node is directly connected to all other nodes. Of course there is only one big community.
I suspect that what you are trying to do is group variables that are correlated.
If the correlation is near zero, the variables should be unconnected. What seems less clear is what to do with variables with correlation near -1. Do you want them to be connected or not? We can do it either way.
You do not provide any data, so I will illustrate with the Ionosphere data from
the mlbench package. I will try to mimic your code pretty closely, but will
change a few variable names. Also, for my purposes, it makes no sense to write
the edges to a file and then read them back again, so I will just directly
use the edges that are constructed.
First, assuming that you want variables with correlation near -1 to be connected.
library(mlbench) # for Ionosphere data
library(psych) # for cor2dist
correlationmatrix = cor(Ionosphere[, which(sapply(Ionosphere, class) == 'numeric')])
distancematrix <- cor2dist(correlationmatrix)
DM1 <- as.matrix(distancematrix)
## Zero out connections where there is low (absolute) correlation
## Keeps connection for cor ~ -1
## You may wish to choose a different threshhold
DM1[abs(correlationmatrix) < 0.33] = 0
G1 <- graph.adjacency(DM1, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
[1] 32
[1] 140
Not a fully connected graph! Now let's find the communities.
clusterlouvain <- cluster_louvain(G1)
plot(G1, vertex.color=rainbow(3, alpha=0.6)[clusterlouvain$membership])
If instead, you do not want variables with negative correlation to be connected,
just get rid of the absolute value above. This should be much less connected
DM2 <- as.matrix(distancematrix)
## Zero out connections where there is low correlation
DM2[correlationmatrix < 0.33] = 0
G2 <- graph.adjacency(DM2, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
clusterlouvain <- cluster_louvain(G2)
plot(G2, vertex.color=rainbow(4, alpha=0.6)[clusterlouvain$membership])

ChoiceModelR, none=TRUE, "Error in betadraw[good, ] = newbeta[good, ]"

I am using ChoiceModelR for hierarchical multinomial logit. I want to get estimates for the utility of the outside good (which follows a normal distribution). The outside good has no covariates like the inside goods - e.g. it cannot have a price or brand dummy - , so I set list(none=TRUE) and do not add this no-choice to the X data (as described in the documentation of ChoiceModelR) but only to the y (choice) data.
The iterations start normally, then at some point it stops and says
"Error in betadraw[good, ] = newbeta[good, ] : NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments".
This likely happens because in row 388 of the function "choicemodelr", the "good" subscript is NA.
I looked at some questions about choicemodelr (this,this,this), and also about NAs in subscript (this,this), but my guess is that my problem is specific to this function in the sense that probably some inputs in the iteration just get so large/small such that "good" will turn to be NA.
Below is a very simple example. I generate data with 3 products with varying attributed. In half of the periods product 3 is not offered. The 2000 consumers have preferences - distributed normally - over 3 attributes (and a preference for the outside good). Logit error added to be consistent with the model. Outside good is indexed as product 4 (both when 3 and 2 products were in the choice set).
How could I avoid the NA error? Am I doing something wrong, or is it a general bug in the function?
I also searched for examples online setting the option none=TRUE, but I did not find any reproducible one. Perhaps this option is only the problematic thing as there is no problem recovering the true parameters if I set none=FALSE, and I do not let customers choose the outside option.
So the code which results in the NA bug is the following:
# Set demand pars
beta_mu = c(-3,4,1)
beta_sigma = diag(c(1,1,1))
alfa_mu = 5 #outside good mean utility
alfa_sigma = 2 #outside good sd
# Three/two products, 3 vars (2 continuous,1 dummy)
threeprod <- list()
twoprod <- list()
purchase <- list()
for (t in 1:1000){
threeprod[[t]] = cbind(rep(t,3),c(1,1,1),c(1,2,3),runif(3),runif(3),ceiling(runif(3,-0.5,0.5)))
purchase[[t]] = which.max(rbind(threeprod[[t]][,c(4,5,6)]%*%mvrnorm(1,beta_mu,beta_sigma) +
matrix( -log(-log(runif(3))), 3, 1),rnorm(1,alfa_mu,alfa_sigma)) )
threeprod[[t]] = cbind(threeprod[[t]],c(purchase[[t]],0,0))
for (t in 1001:2000){
twoprod[[t]] = cbind(rep(t,2),c(1,1),c(1,2),runif(2),runif(2),ceiling(runif(2,-0.5,0.5)))
purchase[[t]] = which.max(rbind(twoprod[[t]][,c(4,5,6)]%*%mvrnorm(1,beta_mu,beta_sigma) +
matrix( -log(-log(runif(2))), 2, 1),rnorm(1,alfa_mu,alfa_sigma)) )
if (purchase[[t]] == 3) {purchase[[t]] <- 4}
twoprod[[t]] = cbind(twoprod[[t]],c(purchase[[t]],0))
X <- rbind(do.call(rbind,threeprod),do.call(rbind,twoprod))
xcoding <- c(1,1,1)
mcmc = list(R = 5000, use = 2000)
options = list(none=TRUE, save=TRUE, keep=5)
out = choicemodelr(X, xcoding, mcmc = mcmc,options = options)
You have to sort them by ID,Set,Alt .. that solved the error (the same you got)The questions have to sorted by Respondent ID, The set number (Questions) and Alternatives in a given question.

R - warning for dissimilarity calculation, clustering with numeric matrix

Reproducible data:
Data <- data.frame(
X = sample(c(0,1), 10, replace = TRUE),
Y = sample(c(0,1), 10, replace = TRUE),
Z = sample(c(0,1), 10, replace = TRUE)
Convert dataframe to matrix
Matrix_from_Data <- data.matrix(Data)
Check the structure
num [1:10, 1:3] 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 ...
- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
..$ : NULL
..$ : chr [1:3] "X" "Y" "Z"
The question:
I have dataframe of binary, symmetric variables (larger than the example), and I'd like to do some hierarchical clustering, which I've never tried before. There are no missing or NA values.
I convert the dataframe into a matrix before attempting to run the daisy function from the 'cluster' package, to get the dissimilarity matrix. I'd like to explore the options for calculating different dissimilarity metrics, but am running into a warning (not an error):
Dissim_Euc_Matrix_from_Data <- daisy(Matrix_from_Data, metric = "euclidean", type = list(symm =c(1:ncol(Matrix_from_Data))))
Warning message:
In daisy(Matrix_from_Data, metric = "euclidean", type = list(symm = c(1:ncol(Matrix_from_Data)))) :
with mixed variables, metric "gower" is used automatically
...which seems weird to me, since "Matrix_from_Data" is all numeric variables, not mixed variables. Gower might be a fine metric, but I'd like to see how the others impact the clustering.
What am I missing?
Great question.
First, that message is a Warning and not an Error. I'm not personally familiar with daisy, but my ignorant guess is that that particular warning message pops up when you run the function and doesn't do any work to see if the warning is relevant.
Regardless of why that warning appears, one simple way to compare the clustering done by several different distances measures in hierarchical clustering is to plot the dendograms. For simplicity, let's compare the "euclidean" and "binary" distance metrics programmed into dist. You can use ?dist to read up on what the "binary" distance means here.
# When generating random data, always set a seed if you want your data to be reproducible
Data <- data.frame(
X = sample(c(0,1), 10, replace = TRUE),
Y = sample(c(0,1), 10, replace = TRUE),
Z = sample(c(0,1), 10, replace = TRUE)
# Create distance matrices
mat_euc <- dist(Data, method="euclidean")
mat_bin <- dist(Data, method="binary")
# Plot the dendograms side-by-side
I generally read dendograms from the bottom-up since points lower on the vertical axis are more similar (i.e. less distant) to one another than points higher on the vertical axis.
We can pick up a few things from these plots:
4/6, 5/10, and 7/8 are grouped together using both metrics. We should hope this is true if the rows are identical :)
3 is most strongly associated with 7/8 for both distance metrics, although the degree of association is a bit stronger in the binary distance as opposed to the Euclidean distance.
1, 2, and 9 have some notably different relationships between the two distance metrics (e.g. 1 is most strongly associated with 2 in Euclidean distance but with 9 in binary distance). It is in situations like this where the choice of distance metric can have a significant impact on the resulting clusters. At this point it pays to go back to your data and understand why there are differences between the distance metrics for these three points.
Also remember that there are different methods of hierarchical clustering (e.g. complete linkage and single linkage), but you can use this same approach to compare the differences between methods as well. See ?hclust for a complete list of methods provided by hclust.
Hope that helps!

Kappa Statistic Extremely Large/Sparse matrix

I have a large sparseMatrix (mat):
138493 x 17694 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix", with 10000132 entries
I want to investigate Inter-rating agreement using kappa statistics but when I run Fleiss:
I am shown the following error
Error in asMethod(object) :
Cholmod error 'problem too large' at file ../Core/cholmod_dense.c, line 105
Is this due to my matrix being too large?
Is there any other methods I can use to calculate kappa statistics for IRR on a matrix this large?
The best answer that I can offer is that this is not really possible due to the extreme sparsity in your matrix. The problem: With 10,000,132 entries for a 138,493 * 17694 = 2,450,495,142 cell matrix, you have mostly (99.59%) missing values. The irr package allows for these but here you are placing some extreme demands on the system, by asking it to compare ratings for users whose films do not overlap.
This is compounded by the problem that the methods in the irr package a) require dense matrixes as input, and b) (at least in kripp.alpha() loop over columns making them very slow.
Here is an illustration constructing a matrix similar in nature to yours (but with no pattern - in reality your situation will be better because viewers tend to rate similar sets of movies).
Note that I used Krippendorff's alpha here, since it allows for ordinal or interval ratings (as your data suggests), and normally handles missing data fine.
seed <- 100
(sparseness <- 1 - 10000132 / (138493 * 17694))
## [1] 0.9959191
138493 / 17694 # multiple of movies to users
## [1] 7.827117
# nraters <- 17694
# nusers <- 138493
nmovies <- 100
nusers <- 783
raterMatrix <-
Matrix(sample(c(NA, seq(0, 5, by = .5)), nmovies * nusers, replace = TRUE,
prob = c(sparseness, rep((1-sparseness)/11, 11))),
nrow = nmovies, ncol = nusers)
kripp.alpha(t(as.matrix(raterMatrix)), method = "interval")
## Krippendorff's alpha
## Subjects = 100
## Raters = 783
## alpha = -0.0237
This worked for that size matrix, but fails if I increase it 100x (10x on each dimension), keeping the same proportions as in your reported dataset, then it fails to produce an answer after even 30 minutes, so I killed the process.
What to conclude: You are not really asking the right question of this data. It's not an issue of how many users agreed, but probably what sort of dimensions exist in this data in terms of clusters of viewing and clusters of preferences. You probably want to use association rules or some dimensional reduction methods that don't balk at the sparsity in your dataset.
