Cannot add custom library in scene builder - javafx

I am trying to add a library like jfoenix-9.0.8 into scene builder (8.5.0). I am using java version 1.8.0_201 on Windows 10.
What I try in JAR/FXML Manager:
- Search repositories
- Manually add Libray from repository
- Add Library/FXML from file system
What happens:
- At begin, installed Library/FXML File list is empty
- I choose the library
- Import Dialog is open with no items an button "Import Jar (no UI components)
There is no error message pop up.


Could Not Load Textures From Assets In FXGL

I want to make a 2D game for a project that belongs to my university. So I decided to use JavaFX and FXGL library. I got a test basic project from FXGL Git repository and tried to run it. When I run this project FXGL warns that it could not load texture bucket.png. Here is the complete log message:19:54:36.901 [FXGL Background Thread 1 ] WARN FXGLAssetLoaderServi - Failed to load texture bucket.png Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Asset "/assets/textures/bucket.png" was not found!Here is my project structure: I use Oracle JDK 14, OpenJFX 15, Gradle as build tool and IntelliJ IDEA And class:
module hellofx {
requires com.almasb.fxgl.all;
exports org.openjfx;
After spending several hours for finding the problem, as #Slaw mentioned in the comments section, I found that module descriptor file ( should be changed to the following format:
open module hellofx {
requires com.almasb.fxgl.all;

How to load a QML plugin like a dependency for another QML plugin?

I have 2 QML Plugins: icL.Look and icL.Editor, the second depend by the first. If I exclude the dependency all are working OK. But I need it. So when I run the app I get the next error
qrc:/windows/start-window.qml:5 plugin cannot be loaded for module
"icL.Editor": unable to load library /path/
(/path/ undefined symbol: _ZN3icL4look5Chars5clineE)
21:52:20: The program has unexpectedly finished.
icL.look.Chars.cline is a static field.
Do you have some idea?

Application icon doesn't work with Snap packaging

My desktop file is:
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Mind map application
Comment=Mind map application
My snapcraft.yaml is:
name: heimer
version: '1.1.0'
summary: Heimer is a simple cross-platform mind map tool.
description: |
Heimer is a simple cross-platform mind map creation tool.
Emphasis on easy diagram creation, simplicity, and speed.
grade: stable
confinement: strict
icon: ../../../data/icons/heimer.png
command: desktop-launch heimer
desktop: usr/share/applications/heimer.desktop
plugs: [home, x11, wayland]
source: ../../../
plugin: cmake
- qtbase5-dev
- qttools5-dev
- qttools5-dev-tools
- libqt5xml5
after: [desktop-qt5]
CMake installs the application icon to:
# Install icons
install(FILES data/icons/heimer.png DESTINATION share/pixmaps)
install(FILES data/icons/heimer.png DESTINATION share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps)
Desktop file is installed to:
# Install .desktop files
install(FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/heimer.desktop DESTINATION share/applications)
I don't understand what the problem is. After installing the snap my application always shows the default system icon in the launcher (Ubuntu 18.04). No warning or anything when creating the package or when running it.
Note: This same setup works for Debian packaging. My Debian package uses exactly the same install locations and the icon works just fine in that case.
Currently, Snapcraft does no processing regarding the desktop entries' icons (thus the system can't find the icons as the icons specified in the desktop entries aren't in the icon search directories) and the packager have to manually patch the Icon value to $SNAP/path/to/the/icon.{png,svg} to the .desktop files specified by the apps._app_name_.desktop keys.
Here’s the
GNU Sed script I've been using for this purpose:
Utility script for patching:
Location in-recipe that calls the utility script:
I've filed a proposal to improve this situation at: Proposal: The apps.<app-name>.icon Key - snapcraft -
Following these steps the icon appears in the desktop (Snap apps)
Go to var/lib/snapd/desktop/application
Copy the .desktop (vlc_vlc.desktop)
Paste it in Desktop
right click and chose allow lunching

JavaFX SceneBuilder controller clases and onActionEvents are doesn't applied by default?

About my scene builder :
Product Version
JavaFX Scene Builder 8.4.1
Build Information
Version 8.4.1
Date: 2017-10-17
Java Version: 1.8.0_144-b01, Oracle Corporation
The default configuration stores logging output in a file named
scenebuilder-8.4.1.log (possibly followed by a trailing '.' and a digit).
The default file path is /tmp/scenebuilder-8.4.1.log
Toolkit = QuantumToolkit
Pipeline = ES2Pipeline
Hardware acceleration ENABLED
1.8.0_144-b01, Oracle Corporation
Operating System
Linux, amd64, 4.9.0-deepin10-amd64
Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Gluon.
and i use Netbeans 8.02 IDE when i open fxml file from netbeans ide, but that scene bulder app hasn't minimize,close and maximize buttons. i trying to fix that problem press alt+space . but it also doesn't fixed. so that, i couldn't get controller sceleton also.
and, controller class and #onActionEvent also doesn't applied by default?
what is this wrong? Scenebuilder IDE or another?
please help me! Thank you!

Namespace 3.6 in the application descriptor file should be equal or higher than the minimum version 13.0 required by the Flex SDK

I am new to Flash Builder and setup the 4.7 environment according to these instructions:
The end of the tutorial involves "Export Release Build" of ANESampleTest (a Flex project) and I am getting this error:
"Namespace 3.6 in the application descriptor file should be equal or higher than the minimum version 13.0 required by the Flex SDK"
I do not have a good understanding of Flash/Flex/Air/etc, but following the tutorial to the letter to install Flash Builder, updating the SDK to 3.6, and the partial 'overlay' steps. How do I resolve this error message?
The fix: Change the namespace on the second line of /src/ANESampleTest-app.xml
FROM: <application xmlns="">
TO: <application xmlns="">
A brief and incomplete background:
The file /src/ANESampleTest-app.xml is the ‘application descriptor file’. When using the project files downloaded with the tutorial (that contained the 3.6 reference), the builder did not find this compatible with the configuration on my computer (a trial version I installed today - 5/3/2014 - and patched according to the tutorial). I never did figure out how to lookup valid namespaces and am still confused about how all the sdk’s relate to each other. I stumbled upon this solution by creating a fresh new project and found that the namespace specified by the new project wizard was “13.0” on this line of this file.
