Wordpress editor font - wordpress

On the add/edit post screen, I don't have all the font sizes available. Can someone suggest how to enable a font size of e.g. 16pt ?
See this image
I'm using TinyMCE Advanced.
Thanks in advance!

You could do it in the CSS of your child theme if you want to, in a custom CSS panel if your theme supports it or even directly inline in the WordPress editor but that is not highly suitable.
I read a bit and it seems to be a init file that handles all the custom font sizes and other font tweaks. it should be the: tinymce.init
Or follow this article:
And this


How to change height of default wordpress embed link "windows"

could anyone tell me if it's possible to make all these(in picture) wp-default links with class .wp-embed .post same height so that it won't look horrible like in picture.enter image description here I know that it is programmed so that the height addapts to text size inside it.
How do i do that, i can't find they way how to overwrite that with CSS. Is it only achievable by PHP / if so how - i can barely read PHP for now...
There are two separate questions here:
How do I change the css on a wordpress site?
The answer is that it will depend on the setup of your site.
-- You may have access to edit the css for the theme by going to Dashboard -> Appearance -> Editor and then finding the style.css
-- You may also have access to edit the css file through manually editting the file on the server.
-- if those first two options don't work, and you are able to add plugins, you can add a plugin to let you add css to the page. Simple Custom Css is one such plugin.
How do I fix this particular css problem?
To answer this question I would need to see more of the css and html for this page

Using a Custom font on weebly blog

I'm trying to use a custom font on my blog which is I haven't make it work yet. Maybe you guys can help me out on this.
I just want my blog title to have its own font. here's the HTML structure
First thing I did was I uploaded my ttf font in my asset folder
Next, import the font in CSS "main_style.css"
here's the class on my blog-title
did I miss something? can someone help me out please. thanks!!
You need to include the full path to the .ttf file on http://prnt.sc/curfro
It looks like you have everything right, however not seeing a live example makes it a little hard to isolate. But there are a few things to consider. For example:
Did you try publishing the site?
Are you ONLY trying the Blog Title?
IF you have set your Font Settings for the Title and Blog Post
Title, to a specific font, it's going to override the Theme's design
and your custom Font. In that case edit the Font Settings and choose
"Default". Then try to see if it works(dont forget to publish). See: https://hc.weebly.com/hc/en-us/articles/201505666-Edit-Fonts
Is the 'Content Area' a div with an ID of content <div id="content"></div> (IF not that could be the issue.) Note: #content h2.blog-title could also be written as .blog-post .blog-header h2.blog-title
Have you tried a different font file(try a different font type/file)
With that, you should at least be able to isolate the issue, if not resolve it.

bootstrap integration with wordpress and datatable changes whole wp-admin background as white?

I am using DataTables 1.10 and bootstrap downloaded from Datatables CDN link source.When I am integrating both with wordpress plugin, bootstrap changes the background color as white(#ffffff) for the whole wordpress admin panel and plugin page by default.Not getting why this happened ? This should not happen as i have seen in the examples.Please help me to sort this out. Thanks in advance
I believe you are probably enqueuing the CSS for whole WP admin, rather than just that specific plugin settings page. Also, if the background for body / container is changed, probably you are enqueuing some generic styles file (which sets style for body element). It's the easiest to see why this happens from Chrome's console (or Firebug or similar tool) - click "Inspect element" on the changed background, and see what CSS file does it come from.
Also you might want to check this free WordPress plugin that integrates DataTables in WordPress: http://wordpress.org/plugins/wpdatatables/

Slider Revolution custom font display

I am trying to embed a custom font into a slide and not so sure why, it doesn't display correctly.
I've followed all these instructions, uploading the font kit on the server, modifying the url's, applying the css settings to custom css slider rev. field, calling the font type font-family: itsadzokeregular; into the Advance editor section but something is missing; the result is the same no matter what browser I'll use to open this page.
Can I have your support please, what did I do wrong?
Thank you,

How to display image into each recent post in drupal front page?

I am very new to drupal. As I have seen many of drupal free theme can show image in the recent post on the first page of drupal
I tried searching some ways to do but seem my keyword search was mismatched.
If you don't want to install any modules, you can simply use a standard HTML <img> tag to put an image in your node body (make sure your selected Input Format allows for the use of that tag). You can then use FTP to upload the linked images to your /sites/default/files directory.
The modules mentioned by Nikit (especially IMCE) can ease this process greatly. A the very minimum, IMCE allows you to upload files to your server without using FTP and adds a handy "insert image" link after your "body" input fields. Clicking that link uploads your image and then generates the <img> code for you.
You can simply style it in node body (wysiwyg + imce can help to quickly upload image and style it).
But recommend to you use image or cck + imagefield, and theme it via node-{CONTENTTYPE}.tpl.php
Little help here: http://www.hankpalan.com/blog/drupal-themes/theming-node-drupalthe-easy-way
But recommend to learn theming in drupal.
If you don't want to use HTML or change any PHP files then use the admin console.
