Is it possible to deploy Firebase functions outside of Google Cloud? - firebase

I'd like to implement a full text search an app that is using Cloud Firestore.
Integrating with Algolia sounds great, but it can't work on the free Spark plan since outbound networking is limited to Google services only.
Therefore, the obvious question:
(1) Is it possible to use firebase-functions to create a function that monitors Firestore changes and deploy it to something like Zeit's Lambda or AWS Lambda?
Somewhat related question:
(2) Is it possible to use onSnapshot instead of onCreate/onUpdate/etc. to monitor Firestore changes?

You can't deploy Cloud Functions code to other serverless function providers. You can certainly try to reuse your core logic, but each provider has its own APIs and infrastructure, and firebase-functions only knows how to work with Cloud Functions.


2 different Firestore interfaces

I've got 2 different firestore interfaces: both using the same firestore project.
I'm finding this abit confusing - which one am I meant to operate in?
How come the 2nd doesn't have access to other settings such as Rules?
They are both meant for you to operate in. Which one you use depends on whatever your preference is. If you prefer to stay in the Firebase ecosystem, then use the Firebase console. If you prefer to stay in the Google Cloud ecosystem, then use the Cloud console.
Read more about the differences with Cloud Firestore between Firebase and Google Cloud.
Cloud Firestore is available with, or without Firebase SDKs.
For Firebase users, the Firebase interface allows you to configure Firebase specific functionality (Rules).
For GCP users, the Google Cloud interface keeps you closer to other services and admin settings you'll likely be using, such as IAM, BigQuery, etc. It also gives you quick access to a shell (Just click the Cloud Shell icon) so you can quickly run commands like gcloud firestore export.
Both interfaces will show you the same data.
Work in the first one. The second one is a simplified screen I think, because it is also for other services

Can I read data from realtime data base across cloud functions in react native

I want to read and write data in database real time across cloud functions but I don't know if this is possible, also I don't know if this is good practice or if is better make this through with SDK database realtime
I learning firebase and react native, I am new learning these topics.
From the docs:
Cloud Functions for Firebase lets you automatically run backend code in response to events triggered by Firebase features and HTTPS requests. Your code is stored in Google's cloud and runs in a managed environment. There's no need to manage and scale your own servers.
Cloud Functions runs Node v.6.11.5, so we recommend that you develop locally with this version.
You are able to use realtime database trigggers like onCreate(), onWrite(). Also you are able to use set() to send data to the realtime database.

Does Firebase has direct cloud function trigger?

In times when was on they had a function that called a cloud function directly and returned whatever I wanted. So I could have all the server logic on the server, not in client code. Doe's Firebase has it as well? I can't find it - all I found are HTTP triggers, but it implies that it's not available through Javascript SDK. Am I missing something or do I have to use REST interface for that?
To run server-side code that is triggered by events in Firebase, you'd use Cloud Functions for Firebase. Currently these can trigger code through the Firebase Database updates, Authentication, Analytics, Cloud Storage and HTTP. The documentation I linked has all the details.
As Frank van Puffelen has explained you could use Functions, I'll like to add a couple of things.
You could also use the Firebase Database Admin SDK for the Database, this requires you have a server
Firebase Functions is a sort of big brother, constantly listening for whatever you want. Currently starting and deploying functions is fairly easy and fast, I love this how to video. Basically, you have to install the CLI and then using commands, create a project, write your js for Functions and for deploying those changes to Firebase Functions use the CLI again
Functions can listen more than what the Admin SDK can, the Admin SDK is for the Database while Functions is for, authentification, database, and cloud messaging. This means any user registration or deletion or any change in a node, can trigger further logic. This logic could include sending push notifications. There is a github repo where you can see a lot of examples, I made myself a small repo for the same purpose

using micro-service architecture through fire base cloud functions

What is the scope of implementing a micro-service architecture using firebase cloud functions? Is it a correct way to do it or is it a step backward. As we have seen fire base is built to be server less application back-end, But with multiple triggers and support for HTTPS should we try to get back to micro services. Just to try I have implemented multiple services on firebase cloud functions which had multiple URLs, they had a really good response time averaging at 500ms
This is a very challenging question to answer. It is not a step backward, you can think of Cloud Functions as a tool that you can use along with other technologies to implement your microservice strategy. For instance, if you are going to be leveraging the Firebase Database, and other features within Firebase then it makes sense to use the Cloud Functions for Firebase.
Let's say you don't want to use Cloud Functions for Firebase and you choose another technology such as Kubernetes or App Engine. First, you'll have to add the firebase SDKs to that stack and make sure it can access your Firebase project. You get access for free in Cloud Functions for Firebase. Next, you will write the same code that you would implement in the Cloud Function. Finally, you will have additional steps for deploying those technologies. Leveraging Cloud Functions for Firebase will be quicker and more productive.
As time goes on it will become more apparent when to use an additional technology. I recently wrote a blog post about when I would choose Container Engine over Cloud Functions. This topic can become subjective since it's really based on your needs, features, and the technologies you are working with.
Cloud Functions vs Container Engine

How do I use Cloud DataStore or Cloud SQL from Cloud Functions for Firebase?

I'm building a Firebase app, and plan to use the real-time database when I need real-time updates. However, most of the application data is more traditional.
Now that Functions is a thing, how do I also leverage either DataStore or CloudSQL? Can anyone point me to specific documentation or examples how to read/write with either of those services from a function?
Neither Cloud Datastore nor Cloud SQL support Cloud Functions yet, which means you aren't yet able to trigger Cloud Functions based on their events the way you can with the Firebase Realtime Database.
Fortunately, once a Cloud Function has been triggered (for example via HTTP), you can still read and write from Datastore and SQL as you would from any other Node.js code. Here is documentation for Cloud Datastore, and here it is for Cloud SQL.
Finally, if you're adventurous and might like to provide early feedback on upcoming integrations like Datastore, fill out this form!
