using micro-service architecture through fire base cloud functions - firebase

What is the scope of implementing a micro-service architecture using firebase cloud functions? Is it a correct way to do it or is it a step backward. As we have seen fire base is built to be server less application back-end, But with multiple triggers and support for HTTPS should we try to get back to micro services. Just to try I have implemented multiple services on firebase cloud functions which had multiple URLs, they had a really good response time averaging at 500ms

This is a very challenging question to answer. It is not a step backward, you can think of Cloud Functions as a tool that you can use along with other technologies to implement your microservice strategy. For instance, if you are going to be leveraging the Firebase Database, and other features within Firebase then it makes sense to use the Cloud Functions for Firebase.
Let's say you don't want to use Cloud Functions for Firebase and you choose another technology such as Kubernetes or App Engine. First, you'll have to add the firebase SDKs to that stack and make sure it can access your Firebase project. You get access for free in Cloud Functions for Firebase. Next, you will write the same code that you would implement in the Cloud Function. Finally, you will have additional steps for deploying those technologies. Leveraging Cloud Functions for Firebase will be quicker and more productive.
As time goes on it will become more apparent when to use an additional technology. I recently wrote a blog post about when I would choose Container Engine over Cloud Functions. This topic can become subjective since it's really based on your needs, features, and the technologies you are working with.
Cloud Functions vs Container Engine


How to use Firebase (or Firestore) as an intermediary between a desktop app and an external API endpoint?

I have a desktop app that will be distributed to users, and part of its code (which the user might be able to access) has to perform an API call to a third-party web service. However, this requires the API keys to be embedded into the source code, which causes some obvious security issues.
The main solution I've found while researching on the subject is to have a backend server between the user and the third-party API endpoint. So, I've been looking into Firebase for a while and it seems that this solution can be implemented using Firestore and Cloud Functions.
But, I wasn't able to find any clear examples that achieve something like this, and since I have no previous experience with Firebase or just backend programming in general, I would like to know if I'm on the right track and get more details about how to get it done, or if there are better alternatives for solving this issue. Any input is appreciated, thx.
You can use the firebase cloud functions as you mentioned. Your desktop application will be communicating with the cloud function - simple API call. Here you can find examples how to implement and deploy functions and test it locally Your cloud function will hold the API keys (it is backend so it will be secure if you dont expose it explicitly. Also the backend to backend communication is considered as secure). Finally, this cloud function will call the third party service and return some data back to the desktop app if needed. So you are on the right track, that is how the design should look like. If you need some help with cloud functions, you can also contact me directly.

Trigger an R function from Google storage bucket?

From this link, it's possible to trigger an R function from pub/sub.
But does Google offer possibility to trigger an R function when a new file is uploaded to a bucket?
You should be able to do this using EventArc and Cloud Run, see Create a trigger for Cloud Run.
NOTE Cloud Run supports any runtime (that you can containerize) and -- although opinionated (constrained set of runtime versions), Cloud Functions next generation (gen2) creates Cloud Run services.
One other way to do this is less practical: Cloud Storage triggers with Cloud Functions. R isn't a supported runtime for Cloud Functions and so, while not impossible, I don't recommend this approach.
There are probably others, GCP's eventing is confusing and my take is that Google's supporting different approaches for customer continuity reasons and doesn't provide clear guidance on the best solutions for "green field" applications.
I think (!?) Eventarc is the strategic solution and recommend using that if you can.

Is it possible to deploy Firebase functions outside of Google Cloud?

I'd like to implement a full text search an app that is using Cloud Firestore.
Integrating with Algolia sounds great, but it can't work on the free Spark plan since outbound networking is limited to Google services only.
Therefore, the obvious question:
(1) Is it possible to use firebase-functions to create a function that monitors Firestore changes and deploy it to something like Zeit's Lambda or AWS Lambda?
Somewhat related question:
(2) Is it possible to use onSnapshot instead of onCreate/onUpdate/etc. to monitor Firestore changes?
You can't deploy Cloud Functions code to other serverless function providers. You can certainly try to reuse your core logic, but each provider has its own APIs and infrastructure, and firebase-functions only knows how to work with Cloud Functions.

Is it safe & possible to do almost everything on the cloud side with firebase?

I am using Firebase for my new project. This will be used on both Android and IOS. As you can guess I don't want to write the same code over and over again for both OS.
I am considering to code most of the work with Javascript on the cloud functions. In order to do that I need to use HTTP Requests to call my functions since firebase doesn't support any other way to call cloud functions.
There is two question in my head about this.
Is this possible and does it makes sense?
Since I've been using HTTP Requests all the time isn't that make my app open to listening with tools like Wireshark etc if there are multiple users on the same network? (I know Firebase now supports SSL but do I have to but a domain and license for that?)
What is the best way to do it in an engineer's perspective?
You can certainly move more of your app logic into Cloud Functions. But it's not really true that the only way to invoke a Cloud Function is via HTTP. You can also push data into your database to invoke a database trigger. I gave a talk on this at Google I/O yesterday about how I made a game with all the logic in Cloud Functions. You can watch it here.

Does Cloud Functions for Firebase make firebase-queue obsolete?

I have written some server-side code to use firebase-queue]( for scalability, however, with the release of Cloud Functions for Firebase (and its promise of automatic scalability), I am wondering if there is any need for Queue...Has anyone out there combined these two technologies to a greater purpose? Specifically to Firebase developers like #Frank van Puffelen, will Functions replace firebase-queue?
firebaser here
I'm not sure if firebase-queue is not obsolete. Time will have to tell.
But we definitely now use Cloud Functions for Firebase in a lot of scenarios where we'd previously have used firebase-queue and a node worker process. No longer needing to bring our own Node.js process gives an increase in development speed. The auto-scaling of Cloud Functions has proven to be invaluable already.
Combining Cloud Functions with firebase-queue seems illogical. If you simply append nodes to the database and consume them in your function, you have the same behavior without needing the extra library.
Update: one of our database engineers just gave a scenario where Functions can't replace the queue. When making backups, the workers need to mount and unmount remote disks. That task may be possible in a Cloud Function, it is much easier to do in a standalone, self-managed Node process.
I don't think Firebase cloud functions should render firebase-queue obsolete, and I don't think it's illogical at all to want to combine firebase-queue with cloud functions as ##Frank van Puffelen has said.
Firebase-queue provides much more than a way for tasks to listen to firebase and launch tasks. It provides a protocol for communication between parties assigning and and responding to task requests, coordinating retries of failed tasks, reporting progress, state and additional metadata. One of the things this allows is task chaining.
I think it would be useful for Firebase or a third party to develop a firebase-functions-queue package that extends the firebase-functions and allows you to write a firebase cloud function with the same signature as firebase-queue. Something like this:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const functions-queue = require('firebase-functions-queue'); //extends firebase-functions with onQueue function
This new package would work just like firebase-queue and use the same metadata and options, except it wouldn't need to deal with managing multiple worker processes since cloud functions already do this automatically and seamlessly.
This would have the following advantages:
Would allow firebase developers to use a standard way of assigning jobs to queues, monitor progress, failure, etc.
An app could assign a job to a queue and not care if it was being handled by a cloud function or a different environment.
A developer could take an existing queue and move it from their node server to cloud functions without changing the client app.
It could even allow task chaining where one task could be handled by a cloud function and another by a different server within the same job.
I don't think it's as simple as saying it replaces firebase-queue. Ideally, you would use Functions for most of the common use cases for firebase-queue.
However, there are probably also some legitimate reasons to use firebase-queue anyway.
It's a pretty robust queuing system that allows you to use multi-state tasks and allows you to set the number of workers.
It runs in an environment you specify instead of App Engine (you could install binaries on your server that aren't available in GAE).
Could be cheaper depending on specifics of bandwidth vs invocations.
It can contact third party endpoints for free, while Functions requires a paid account for these.
Functions are still in Beta and don't offer an SLA, they also currently have some startup latencies that wouldn't be experienced in firebase-queue (this point should become invalid around GA release time).
