Asterisk 13.x and fail2ban regex string - asterisk

After upgrading FreePBX, fail2ban does not work. This is based on Asterisk version 13.19.1.
Asterisk-iptables is setup in fail2ban, but misses the login attempts.

After many attempts at changing items, I was finally able to determine the issue was in the "failregex" located in "/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/asterisk.conf.
I was able to add the string below to the bottom of the list:
Other steps included:
- ensuring fail2ban was running as a service
- adding an entry for "asterisk-iptables" and pointing to the log files
- ensuring the asterisk logger was creating the log files.
I have not posted explanations on these items, as I was able to follow guides readily available on the internet.


Woocommerce Rest API 401 for NGINX

I have seen many references to this issue spanning several years but 95% of it relates to Apache. I'm on NGINX hence can't try solutions involving the .htaccess file.
{"code":"woocommerce_rest_cannot_view","message":"Sorry, you cannot list resources.","data":{"status":401}}
Since nothing really covers NGINX for this problem I thought of starting a new thread
The first time it happened was when I tried to link Woobotify who automatically generates its own keys. While the keys were created it says it doesn't have read/write error (despite having the right permissions setup)
So I created a new set of keys from within WP and made a direct call (while logged in as admin of course)
as in :// to see if it was on the server-side or Woobotify's and still got the error
If you refer me to
I am too much of a newbie to make use of this information. I either need a step by step or I am willing to hire someone to make it work for me.
LEMP Stack on self-manage VPS
Here is example how I solve it
require "woocommerce_api"
woocommerce =
wp_json: true,
version: "wc/v3",
query_string_auth: true
OR simply For POSTMAN{{csk}}&consumer_secret={{cs}}
The key is query_string_auth: true you need to force basic authentication as query string true under HTTPS

Deploying a Meteor app with Distelli

I've gotten pretty far into a deployment of my Meteor application on Distelli. Like, almost there. I've done everything as far as setting up the EC2 box, creating a user group [which didn't even seem necessary as I was able to SSH into the box with full rights without specifying my machine's IP], creating an elastic IP, successful build, and deployment to that box. But, I can't seem to check if Meteor is actually running (note: when I ssh in, there are active instances of Mongo and Node, so SOMETHING is running).
The problem has something to do with associating the elastic IP with my ROOT_URL and domain. I'm just not sure what to do at this step and can't seem to find any directions that are Meteor specific. Been using these guides:
Recap: Distelli deployment is a success, but I get the follow error just before finishing:
Error: $ROOT_URL, if specified, must be an URL
I've set my ROOT_URL to my domain, and associated according to the previous guide. I can run traceroute on the IP, but like port 3000, so my inclination is the Meteor build is silently failing.
My manifest:
I've noticed that when I point the CNAME record to my ec2 public DNS, NameCheap (aptly named) adds a . to the end of the record. Beyond that, I'm pretty much stumped.

How to configure Oracle 11g to launch sqlplus?

On a RedHat 6 server, a third party application requires to be root to run and needs access to sqlplus. I have a running database, I can run sqlplus as user 'oracle'. When logged in as user root, 'sqlplus usr/pwd#dbname' works as expected. The trouble is that this agent needs to run sqlplus with no parameters and it always returns ORA-12546: TNS:permission denied.
I've read a dozen times that enabling root to launch Oracle is a security issue but I really have no other choice.
Running Oracle
Any help will be much appreciated as I've googled for 2 days with no success.
From the documentation, ORA_12546 is:
ORA-12546: TNS:permission denied
Cause: User has insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation.
Action: Acquire necessary privileges and try again.
Which isn't entirely helpful, but various forum and blog posts (way too many to link to, Googling for the error shows a lot of similar advice) mention permissions on a particular part of the installation, $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle, which is a crucial and central part of most of the services.
Normally the permissions on that file would be -rws-r-s--x, with the file owned by oracle:dba, and this error can occur when the word-writable flag - the final x in that pattern - is not set. Anyone in the dba group will still be able to execute it, but those outside will not.
Your listener seems to be fine as you can connect remotely, by specifying #dbname in the connect string. The listener runs as oracle (usually, could be grid with HA, RAC or ASM) so it is in the dba group and can happily hand-off connections to an instance of the oracle executable.
When you connect without going via the listener, you have to be able to execute that file yourself. It appears that root cannot execute it (or possibly some other file, but this is usually the culprit, apparently), which implies the world-writable bit is indeed not set.
As far as I can see you have three options:
set the world-writable bit, with chmod o+x $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle; but that opens up the permissions for everyone, and presumably they've been restricted for a reason;
add root to the dba group, via usermod or in the /etc/group; which potentially weakens security as well;
use SQL*Net even when you don't specify #dbname in the connect string, by adding export TWO_TASK=dbname to the root environment.
You said you don't have this problem on another server, and that the file permissions are the same; in which case root might be in the dba group on that box. But I think the third option seems the simplest and safest. There is a fourth option I suppose, to install a separate instant client, but you'd have to set TWO_TASK anyway and go over SQL*Net, and you've already ruled that out.
I won't dwell on whether it's a good idea to run sqlplus (or indeed the application that needs it) as root, but will just mention that you'd could potentially have a script or function called sqlplus that switches to a less privileged account via su to run the real executable, and that might be transparent to the application. Unless you switch to the oracle account though, which is also not a good idea, you'd have the same permission issue and options.

qxmpp - getting list of all accounts being registered on openfire server

Is there any way to get list of users/account registered on server?
Now I'm getting roster, but I would like to get not only roster but also every user jid registered to server.
- openfire server
- Qt
- qxmpp library
I haven't tried with qxmpp, but my openfire installation has a plugin for XEP-0055: Jabber Search. Using miranda IM, I can find all contancts in the server by searching for * (search service is
I don't know whether this plugin was part of the original installation or I had to install it separately.
Doing a quick search, qxmpp seems not to have an existing xep-0055 implementation, so you will either have to write one by yourself or maybe you can use the implementation linked in this post on Google Groups.

Error '2035' ('MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED') While Connecting to MQ

I am getting this error while connecting to IBM MQ. I know that this is because of privileges, but is there any way just to check the connection with IBM MQ?
Please suggest.
The 2035 suggests that your connection is getting to the QMgr. If you had the wrong channel name, host or port you would get back a 2059. The 2035 means that the connection made it to the listener, found a channel of the name that was requested and attempted a connection.
If you want to test past this point it will be necessary to either authorize the ID that you are using to connect or to put an authorized ID in the MCAUSER attribute of the channel.
For a detailed explanation of how the WMQ security works on client channels, see the WMQ Base Hardening presentation at
If you enable authorization messages then the 2035 will show up in the event queue. Then you can look at the message and see what ID was used to connect and what options were used too. The 2035 might be because you asked for set authority on the queue manager or something else you aren't supposed to have. The authorization messages wil show you that.
You can also resolve this By setting mcauser('mqm') .. i was able to overcome 2035 error.
Define channel (channel1) chltype (svrconn) trptype (tcp) mcauser(‘mqm’)
Esp thanx to my SENIOR Bilal Ahmad (PSE)
You have to check the privileges with an MQ administrator.
You can use dspmqaut to check the grant.
Below is the sample to give user poc access to Queue Manager QM1 and Queue LQ1
# check the access right of user POC to QM1
dspmqaut -m QM1 -n LQ1 -t q -p poc
# if you want to give access, you should use
setmqaut -m QM1 -n LQ1 -t q -p poc <access Types>
# eg (put everything - in the real live scenario, choose only what you want to grant) :
setmqaut -m QM1 -n LQ1 -t q -p poc +put +get +browse +inq +set +crt +dlt +chg +dsp +passid +setid +setall +clr
Then dont forget to restart QM1 with
endmqm -i QM1
strmqm QM1
Finally, you should be able to proceed without error 2035.
I have been struggling with this for ages too. Eventually I found this solution. (If you can call turning off authentication a solution.)
I am using version
- IBM Websphere
From IBM's website they advise turning connection authentication off!!!
Resolving the problem Disable channel authentication
You will need to disable connection authentication, at least
temporarily. There are known issues in FTM for Check with regard to
using MQ connection authorization. These problems are actively being
addressed and fixes will appear in a future fix pack. The target is
Steps to disable connection authentication: Open MQ command console
and type runmqsc ALTER
CHCKCLNT(NONE) CHCKLOCL(NONE) Restart the queue manager for this
change to take effect.
On this topic if you are using MQSeries 9.1 in a test or development environment you can disable channel authentication with the following approach :
. Launch MQ command line utility with the following :
runmqsc (for example runmqsc QM1)
. Disable authentication for all channels with the following command
For a Q/Q-manager running on Windows, you may have to create the user on the Q/Q-manager machine [i.e. create a user on the Q-machine to match the user on the Q-client machine], and then add that user to the 'mqm' group on that machine.
Ensure that the domain user that is being used to create the Q CLIENT [i.e. the user that the Q-client app is running under] also exists on the box with the Q/Q-manager. You may be able to just create a local user on the Q/Q-manager box [, or you may have to do some more complicated creation of an Active Directory user - I can't help you there].
On the Q/Q-manager box, add the user you have just created [or the existing one, if it already exists] to the mqm group. [On a Windows server box you will need to use the Microsoft Management Console (1. 'mmc' from the command line, 2. File > Add/Remove SnapOn > Local Users & Groups, 3. add user to group)]. The 'mqm' group should already exist on the Q/Q-manager machine.
Error MQRC 2035 basically means that your application has been able to connect to the queue manager, however due to certain absence of permissions/authorizations, it was unable to put/get/publish/subscribe messages.
To resolve this, at first, try these steps in order to disable the authorizations from queue manager and channel. Use this only if it isn't a production queue manager.
Always check the queue manager logs. It tells you exactly where you need to look into, and resolve the issue.
In this case, generally, you can issue the following commands after doing a runmqsc on the queue manager :
Then set the chckclnt object(under authinfo) to optional
DISPLAY AUTHINFO(name-from-above) ALL //name from the first commands
This helps remove any blocks that the channel is creating against any user.
This should resolve your issue, since we have disabled every authorization that an application has to pass in order to do anything on a queue manager.
Now, in case you are using a production queue manager, NEVER remove authorizations.
Go, and right click on any QM that you have configured in your MQ explorer. Go to the QM authority, and authority records. Click on create new user, and give the same name as the username your application is using. Select all the checkboxes, then copy from the space below all the commands that are given. Namely, setmqaut. Edit with your queue manager name, and issue them!
----Never give up, the answer is where you have not looked yet--------
