Firebase Dynamic Link: Increase Custom Domain Limit - firebase

I've started using Firebase Dynamic Link to replace Google Short URL service. I see it allows only 5 custom domains per account. Is this limitation due to a free account that I'm using? Can I register more than 5 domain if I upgraded to a paid plan? Though, as per my best knowledge, Firebase Dynamic Link is a free product and doesn't have anything like paid plans.
I could not find this limitation documented anywhere in official site.

To know more about this limitation, I submitted a ticket to firebase support. As per reply, Yes, it's possible to increase the limit. You have to submit a ticket at with detailing the use case.
It seems they have not made this public but they can increase limit when requesting for selected Firebase Console projects.


Server-side GTM billing quota exceeded

I would like to try server-side GTM. So I did the process of creating a server GTM on GCP. Automatically provision tagging server was failed.
Error Reported: Google Cloud platform billing quota exceeded. So I tried Manually provision tagging server which passed me without problems.
I have several projects running in GCP . And I have set up a billing account which is cleared and used every month .
What exactly is the problem and how to set up?
This is a common problem in case you are already a user of GCP and exceeded the free tier limit. You can have only one Free testing sGTM instance on one account.
If you already used the Free tier or want to create one more testing server there is no possibility to do this for free and automatically.
For manual server provisioning you can follow official documentation
Also as an option I can recommend to try Stape as much cheaper and easier to setup alternative for GTM Server Side hosting. There you can create infinity free servers for sGTM on one account.
For example you can follow this article on how to setup free server for Server Side GTM:
This just happened to us and the problem is a very basic one. Apparently by default one billing account in GCP can be tied to 5 projects (who knew :) ). You're probably at that limit and that's what Google Tag Manager interface means by "Google Cloud platform billing quota exceeded" --> you're trying to add the 6th project to that account.
Two options comes to mind to solve that:
Create a new billing account (with the same credit card if you want) and tie your new server project to that account
Request for a quota increase from here so your billing account is able to handle more projects
Alternatively you can do 1, then do 2, and when your request is approved change the billing account of the project that contains your GTM server.
I had a similar problem, and this is what I'm suggesting:
ask for increasing quota for current billing account, if not successful:
create new billing account (but be very careful).
Why not the other way? Why not creating first new billing account if you are allowed to do this? I did it, and attached new project to the account, and redirected domain to the project, and everything was fine, but after some time Google send me message like this:
There is some suspicious activity related to your billing accounts, your all accounts are now suspended, your projects are suspended, your domains returns 404. Send us photos of documents which will allow us to verify your accounts (credit cards, ID, payments confirmations). We will check somedays. Till then you can't do anything, you can't close project, accounts, remap domains, nothing! Have a nice day!
If you every tried to contact Google in person, you know how big your problem is. Good luck!
ps. I never found out what the suspicious activity was (probably just creating new billing account).

BuildFire: Tracking Commerce and Conversion Analytics

I am attempting to track certain events in Buildfire's platform and have a few questions. I've integrated Firebase into a plugin not using the Buildfire API but by following Firebase's steps to integrating with a web app.
I'd like to be able to register the following events but don't see them mentioned in the Buildfire Wiki:
When a user signs up (creates an account) on an app - I believe Firebase registers users anonymously the first time they use an app since Firebase has been integrated but was wondering if there was a signup event when a user actually creates an account to distinguish between people who view the app and those who create an account
Paywall view (when a user tries to see premium content and is directed to the paywall).
When a user subscribes to a paid plan - additionally, I'd like to access the subscription information such as the price of the subscription.
These events would help drive funnels and deliver better conversion rate statistics. I've looked but just haven't found the documentation related to tracking these events within Buildfire. I've looked at the getUser methods under Authentication in Buildfire's API but don't see any user information returned regarding subscriptions.
Any information would be appreciated!
There are many ways to accomplish what you are looking for. I'll try to describe several so you can pick the method that best suits you.
Use the BuildFire integration with Firebase. This doesn't really change much on your implementation. However, you now will have the BuildFire Auth Servers sending your Firebase server, secure user information along with User Tags. If you have the user tagged when they view premium content, then you can run queries on this directly in firebase.
Send your Analytics to BuildFire. This way you have one spot to view the users' journey
For more advanced analytics and funnel creation you can send your analytics to BuildFire and use BuildFire's integration with which will allow you to pipe the data into your database, google analytics, mixpanel, or anyone of the hundreds of integrations they have.

How to share access to Firebase Analytics data without exposing the rest of Firebase?

I know how to add collaborators to a Firebase project, and that I can assign specific roles to each collaborator, which are tied to certain permissions.
However, no role seems to fit my requirements.
I want to share access to Firebase Analytics with non-technical, marketing people. I have to avoid exposing the rest of Firebase to them, especially the Database and Storage buckets.
Since I could not find anything about this in the Firebase Analytics documentation, I'm assuming that this is not (yet) possible using Firebase alone.
I also found a comment by a Firebase engineer here, which indicates that Firebase does not support this for the time being:
We're aware that role-based access to specific Firebase features would
be useful to a lot of our developers. But as usual, we don't commend
on whether or when this will be implemented. – Frank van Puffelen Jun
2 at 9:36
Is there any way to share the data from Firebase Analytics? Perhaps on another platform, where the collaborators cannot see anything about the other features of Firebase?
I have the feeling that I'm missing something. Shouldn't it be possible to simply link Firebase Analytics with Google Analytics, in such a way that marketing people, who are used to Google Analytics already, have a familiar experience (similar to website analytics) doing their app analytics tasks?
you can connect Google Analytics and Firebase. To get more detailed how to do it, you can visit this website:
It's at least a solution to seperate marketing and development.
You can build your own custom dashboard by retrieving your firebase dataset and customize that for your clients. Firebase has access for it dataset. For more information visit following links

LinkedIn New API - Can't Get r_network Permission

I inherited a program that was written with the old LinkedIn API, and I'm trying to migrate it to the new API. When I try to get the r_basicprofile permission, my oauth token works. However, when I try r_network or rw_nus, I get a response
invalid scope -- your application has not been authorized for
Yet, when I go to, the boxes for r_network and rw_nus are checked.
I.e., A request to
works, but a request to
gives that error. What am I doing wrong?
As of May 15,
After the grace period expires, several REST API endpoints will no longer be available for general use. The following endpoints are the only ones that will remain available for use:
Profile API — /v1/people/~ `
Share API — /v1/people/~/shares
Companies API — /v1/companies/{id}
If your application is currently using any other API services (e.g. Connections, Groups, People Search, Invitation, Job Search, etc.) you will have to apply to become a member of a relevant Partner Program that provides the necessary API access to continue to leverage any of the endpoints that are not listed above.
It looks like linkedin no longer wants to share anything with their API. Creating a new app indicates that the only possible options are r_basicprofile, r_emailaddress, rw_company_admin, and w_share:
TLDR: they have locked down the API and restricted the usage to an extremely limited set of access points.
I did some more digging. The linkedin website is misleading. On my app linkedin page, it says that I'm approved for rw_nus and r_network, but on this page
it says those are no longer approved.
So the app home page in linkedin incorrectly said I had those permissions.
Heres the link if you want to Apply for Linkedin

Woo commerce and quickbooks online plus integration

My company uses woo commerce on a wordpress platform to manage our online orders and is going to use quickbooks online plus for accounting. I'm looking for an integration solution between woo commerce and quickbooks online plus to post the online order automatically to quickbooks online plus when the order has been processed in woo commerce. So far I had no luck at all. We purchased a plugin from 60extensions only to realise it's for quickbooks desktop version, not online version. I have searched everywhere and asked the quickbooks online support but no luck!
Does anyone know a solution for this? Even a different shopping cart that can be integrated to quickbooks online?
You can build this integration using QB V3 REST APIs.
You must have OAuth tokens to connect with your QB account data through REST endpoint. For that you need to have your customer(app's end user) go through the 3 legged OAuth flow. To generate access token and access secret corresponding to a QBO account, user's intervention is a must.
But once you have those tokens, you can store it in your program and use the same in all future communications between your app and QB account data.
To start development using QB API, you need to create an IA apps in Intuit's appcenter.
From the above link you will get - apptoken, consumer key and consumer Secret. You can use the above 3 keys in IPPOAuthPlayground(PFB link) to get the access token and access secret corresponding to your QB Online account.
Using the above tokens, you can call any REST endpoints against your QB Online account. For development purpose, you can use IPP provided devkit.
If you just want to test this endpoints against your company then you can use APIExplorer tool as well.
You can have a look at IPP's marketing site - to see if you get any suitable plugin/saas app for this use case.
