Tmux: Clipboard selection behaves strangely in MobaXTerm - tmux

I'm running a Tmux session inside a MobaXTerm SSH connection. Now if I want to select some text to be copied to the system clipboard (by holding shift pressed while dragging the mouse over the text) the selection does not work as expected.
Assume I select one word. I press and hold shift, press and hold the mouse button over the first character of the word, move the mouse to the end of the word and release the mouse button. The word gets highlighted and copied to the clipboard. This works fine.
However, now I change my mind, or discover that I selected the wrong word, and want to select a different word. Again I do the same sequence as before, but on the other word. Strangely, when I press and hold the mouse on the new word, the highlighting is not reset, but continued from the initial highlighting of the previous selection.
This is extremely annoying. I can only reset the selection by temporarily switching to a different window. It seems this problem only occurs with MobaXTerm. If I use Putty instead, the selection works fine. I checked all settings of MobaXterm, but can't find anything related to mouse events.

To clear a selected region (after selecting with shift + drag) you can either:
Right click anywhere, then left click anywhere
Shift + right click anywhere, then left click (without shift) anywhere
I think (1) sometimes does not work when I have vim in my tmux pane, but (2) works regardless.
After clearing the selection, you should be able to start another from a new location.


How to set a mouse button combo as a hotkey?

Since I remapped XButton1 and XButton2 to ctrl+shift+tab and ctrl+tab
I wanted to set the right mouse button + XButton1/2 combos as forward&backward.
It works, but I don't have right click now...
I tried writing it as {RButton&XButton1}, needless to say that didn't help, but back/forward still works.
XButton1::Send ^+{Tab}
XButton2::Send ^{Tab}
RButton&XButton1::Send !{Left}
RButton&XButton2::Send !{Right}
I expect the right mouse button to work still as it is intended.
The prefix key in a custom combination (in this case RButton) loses its native function,
unless you add
RButton:: Send {RButton}

Jaws shortcut key to shift focus to the Search term occurrence from JAWS find dialog

When I use JAWS 'find' to locate some terms on a web page, I use F3 and Shift+F3 to to move to next and previous instances of search term occurrences. The terms get read by JAWS however the focus doesn't move to each search term by default.
What I want to know is whether there's a shortcut to shift focus to the occurrence like for example, browser native 'find' starts highlighting the search term occurrences and pressing Esc shifts focus to the first occurrence.
That depends on your definition of "focus". When you use F3, JAWS will read the result of the find and its surrounding context. The JAWS virtual focus is moved to the search result. If you use the up/down arrow keys after hitting F3, you'll hear the next or previous element (respectively) in the DOM relative to the search result, so the "focus" is moved.
However, if you're talking about the focus as in the keyboard focus, no, that is not changed. If the search result were in a paragraph (<p>), the keyboard focus would not be able to move to that element unless it had tabindex="0" or tabindex="-1".

How to unselect selected text in jupyter or how to make click & drag always select?

When I select a code in a Jupyter notebook cell, the code stays selected as long as I don't click into a different part of the same cell that is not selected. So, for example, if I select more text than I wanted, I have to click outside of the selection first, before being able to re-select the portion you want. This is very annoying, particularly if I select all the text within a cell and then want to select a smaller portion of text. I need to scroll up or down to the edge of the selection and click exactly before or after the selected text to unselect it again. Is there a way to make the jupyter notebook behave in a way that every click and drag creates a new selection rather than moving already selected text?
If I understood correctly, you want a way to reduce the size of the selected text area. You can do this holding shift-clicking within the selected text box, this will move the end-marker to the point where you clicked.
Unfortunately this only works with the end-marker and not the start-marker as is standard. I have raised a ticket with codemirror (the project that jupyter-notebook uses for the text editor).

How do you 'jump to definition' in a fresh install of LightTable, without setting your hair on fire

I tried ctrl- which was suggested somewhere online, but that makes the font smaller. (ctrl+ though does not undo that, so I had to restart LightTable to get back to normal).
Pressing ctrl enter I can manage to write and use "jump to definition", but obviously I will not be going through that every time....
If this should have helped, it is rather confusing what the period and comma here mean:
So do the built-in default keyboard shortcuts allow that, and how do they allow increasing font size?
Hit cmd/ctrl + enter
in the pane that this brought in: type "jump to" to see the command "jump to...", plus its keyboard shortcut. you can select the command from there but that would suck if it were the only way to invoke commands, so observer the keyboard binding you get there: (in the blue circles below)
notice that keys are separated by dashes in the display of the keyboard shortcut, so do not actually enter a dash because it is not part of the command and you will be doing crazy stuff if you assume otherwise
same thing for finding out how to zoom: enter "zoom" in that pane
unset you hair on fire
Courtesy of #rundis from the gitter channel...

Tmux and copy mode with release mouse button

I'm using tmux for the first time as a replacement for iterm (mostly because of the split panels function) and it works great. Now, i have a question about the copy-text behaviour.
It's possible to configure tmux, so i can select text with the left button (in copy mode) and it's automatically copied (to the clipboard) when i release the left button? (same as in irc clients)
Tmux’s select behavior will depend on your mouse settings. If mode-mouse is off, Tmux should stay out of the way. But, by default, it may be set to “on”. Then it will use its own “paste buffer”. To bypass that, you can hold down shift while selecting and pasting. (This works on Linuxes, but probably on Mac, too; not sure what OS you’re on.)
