Goals in Google Analytics. A new user registration goal - google-analytics

I need to create a goal A user has been registered in Google Analytics. What I did:
1) I went to Admin -> Goals
2) Created a new goal with the following details:
But. This goal is successfull even if a user visited only /?from=adwords. But I also need the second URL - /account/registrated/. A user must firstly visit /?from=adwords, then he can visit any other pages, and then he must visit /account/registrated/ as a required URL.


Google Analytics: How to tracking users when they visit the registration page but leave without registration?

using tag manager -> count the number of users who are visiting the registration page but without register, they leave this site or page.
You will need to create an event or an objectives on the thank you page or the page right after the registration.
Then you will have all visitors landing in the registration page.
And you will create a segment of users that did visit the registration page + realize the objective of reaching the page after or the event of user registration completed.
And you have both state available.

How do i find which user has visited which page?

I'm sending the user id from our app to GA.
I need to see which users (seeing their actual ids) are visiting a specific page.
How do i view that from the analytics dashboard?

Can I track multiple pages on the same domain, in a single Google Analytics goal/event?

These are the steps on my site:
Step 1: User enters data in a form and submits it.
Step 2: User is redirected to a Plug n Pay page (which is still on the same domain), where they enter their payment information.
Step 3: User is then redirected to the success page.
I would like to track this process as a single event/goal. From what I have read on other sites, I assume I'll have to use ecommerce feature on Google Analytics.
I guess you need a Funnel: Goal type Destination with steps.
At first you need to set sending of virtual pages for successful form submission and successful payment.
If you want to track transactions, you need to set ecommerce feature.
If you want to measure payment just as fact (without informations about money), you can use event or virtual page.
Virtual page URLs you need to add in Goal settings, and the main field in goal will real URL of your final page (success-page).

How to track & ID users in Google Analytics while registration/login via an other domain?

We have Multiple products, all are using one SSO (Single Sign On & Registration). So when visiting product A: www.AAA.com, the user (when register or sign-in) will have to go to: sso.mainsite.com to go through registration or login, then it will redirect him to the product page that he came from.
I want to track unique users properly so:
I know each user from where he was acquired. (e.g. Mailchimp campaign? Social Media?..etc)
Each user activity in the product is always linked to him (Made purchase, did an activity...etc)
Statistics Not be affected by the common SSO site, where multiple product users are directed there to login or register. I want to be able to identify product A users.
We have Analytics Account for the main site (inc. SSO) and an account for product A. I'm having difficult time:
Should I use the product A tracking code in the SSO (to have multiple tracking codes on that page)?
Identifying users by Google's new User ID, should we let the SSO identify them (assign ID) or by Product A, when the user get transferred there?
I know i'm asking a lot, but i'm having difficult time knowing what is the best approach, not to damage any statistics. Thank you!
If you want to track the session on www.AAA.com without interruption it should be enough to add sso.mainsite.com to the referral exclusion list in the property settings in www.AAA.com's GA account.
That way sso.mainsite.com will not appear as a referrer, instead the session including channel attribution will be continued when you redirect back from sso.mainsite.com. This will completely ignore the pageviews on your sso page.
The alternative would be to set up cross domain tracking, if you want to include the detour to sso.mainsite.com into the tracking. That would be somewhat complicated, and unless you signal that this is really what you want I will not even bother to explain the setup.

Google Analytics with User ID - Can we filter to see which pages a user accessed

I wired Google Analytics to an internal app, trying to track user and pages.
The set up is working, I can see data on my User-Id Views. However, I can't see the userId anywhere on this view.
I want to see a list of users who visited the site and which pages a user visited.
Is this possible?
