Best Pattern for ASP.NET MVC 5 With EF 6.2? -

I am working on big scale enterprise application using .net stack, at the moment I am using layered approach. The main problem I am facing at my data layer because I am using static connection context and have following issues.
Can't use parallel calls because of static behavior.
Can't use sync methods.
Caching may have another issue
So now we have decided to change our Data layer there are couple of things in our consideration like repository and unit of work but we are not sure what kind of problems we face in it as we have enterprise scale application having 600 plus tables.
In order to write such big story I would like to take help from community which approach I should follow.
Please provide me any suitable links or thoughts.

This is madness to use static database connection firstly :) Your designer's idea was very bad about on static aproach. I think NTiear architecture was a good way to start on this. May in the future your another problem will be scalibty of your db system. Probably you use vertical scaling aproach. If it is correct you have to manage apply distribited aproach on db system like replication and sharding. Also nosql solution may hava another option.
I searched this topic the previous year and I wrote a document, you can see on medium
And another issue on monolotihc vs. microservice. You can find many article on medium or etc. Here is one of them.
As additionally , I published a sample project on github about on
you can may examine
Good luck ;)


How to structure a proper 3-tier (no ORM) web project

I m working on a legacy web project, so there is no ORM(EF,Nhibernate) available here.
The problem here is I feel the structure is tedious while implementing a new function.
let's say I have biz Object Team.
Now if I want to get GetTeamDetailsByOrganisation
,following current coding style in the project,I need:
In Team's DAL, creat a method GetTeamDetailsByOrganisation
Create a method GetTeamDetailsByOrganisation in the Biz Object Team, and call the DAL method which I just created
In Team's BAL, wrap up the Biz object Team's method in another method,maybe same name, GetTeamDetailsByOrganisation
Page controller class call the BAL method.
It just feels not right. Any good practice or pattern can solve my problem here.
I know the tedium you speak of from similarily (probably worse) structured projects. Obviously there are multiple sensible answers to this problem, but it all depends upon your constraints and goals.
If the project is primarily in maintenance mode with very no new features being added I might accept that is the way things are. Although it sounds like you are adding at least some new features.
Is it possible to use a code generator? A project I worked on had a lot of tedium like this, which apparently was caused because they originally used a code generator for the code base which was lost to the sands of time. I ended up recreating the template which saved me a lot of time, sanity, and defects.
If the project is still under active development maybe it makes sense to perform some sort of large architectural change. My current project is currently in this category. We're decoupling code and adding repositories as we go. It's a slow process that takes diligence and discipline by the whole dev team. Each time a team takes on a story they tax that story with rewriting some of the legacy code in that area. To help facilitate this we gave a presentation to the rest of the team to get buy-in and understanding. We also created some documentation for our dev team that lists out the steps to take and the things to watch out for. In the past 6 months we've made a ton of progress. We don't have the duplication you speak of, but we have tight coupling issues which makes unit testing impossible without this refactor.
This is less likely to fit your scenario, but it may also be a possibility to take certain subset of features and separate those out into separate services that can be rewritten using a better platform and patterns. The old codebase can interoperate at the service layer if needed. You likely make changes in certain areas more than others, so the areas of heavy change might be top priority to move to a dedicated service. This has the benefit of allowing you to create a modern code base without having to rewrite the entire application from scratch all at once. This strategy is what Netflix has done to rewrite their their platform as they go and move it to the cloud.

What exactly is dynamic data?

What exactly is dynamic data? I saw the term in the ASP.NET Overview on msdn. Is it something that we use all the time thats not really mentioned when working with data?
I've built a few web applications already and never came across this term. Is it something that should be used or maybe considered?
UPDATE: I guess I'm not really sure what it's for. I've never had a problem doing LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework before. What makes using Dynamic Data worth it? Is it simply a pattern?
Dynamic Data was a new project type in VS 2008. It used scaffolding & templates to help code faster.
Two big reasons I saw for its usage:
Stand up an admin back-end really
quickly where doing much on the way
of modifying the front-end may not be
Quickly stand up CRUD apps that are
Now, it can be modified very heavily. Check out these links for some work others have done on this.
Matt Berseth -
Stephen Naughton -
Fast Forward to Today:
As MVC has matured they have introduced many of the ideas that were in Dynamic Data. Scaffolding, templates, etc... to help one quickly get up and running BUT also have the ability to modify more easily and is designed for many other desirable features.
Where does Dynamic Data fit today, especially with Light Switch thrown into the mix? Great question and my only answer at this point is it still fits for the two items originally mentioned but with the advent of MVC having these abilities WITH added capabilities and Light Switch it's going to see minimal usage.
The page you linked to has a link to the ASP.NET Dynamic Data Overview. Is there something on that page you would like explained?
Dynamic Data is a way to have your CRUD data logic written for you automatically using the Database Schema.
Take a look at this walkthrough to give you a quick jist.
It isn't something I use, but I can see where it has merit in a really rapid development scenario. I don't know if it will stand the test of time or prove useful or maintainable.

Creating Data Access Layer for Small website

I am creating my application in 3.5. I have to make my Data Access layer, in which I am doing the traditional method of fetching/updating the data. Which is SqlConnection than SQLCommand, than SQLadapter.
Will there be any other way I can create my DAL layer easily.
My website is small. Approx 7-10
Database has around 80
What I know:
Linq to SQL - I don't want to use it
because I am not fully aware about
the LINQ statement and I need to
develop the application really fast.
[3 days :-( ]. Also, there are 100%
chances that the table structure
will be altered in future.
Enterprise Library: It will take too
much time for me to integrate to my
Any other suggestion to create my data layer, quick ... fast ... and "NOT" dirty.
Thanks in advance.
How about using Codesmith (free version 2.6) to generate a simple set of data access objects off your database? Given the small number of DB objects that you need to model I think this would be a quick and easy way of achieving your goal given the time constraints.
I would have recommended using LINQ to SQL. But, since that is a no from you, only other option I would suggest is Strongly Typed Datasets and Table Adapters generated by Visual Studio. They are old but decent enough to work in any modern application.
They are fast to create. They provide type safety. They are quite flexible for configuration and customization. Since they are generated by Visual Studio, any changes made to database can be easily reflected quickly.
Being a LINQ beginner myself, I would recommend taking the plunge and going with linq-to-sql or entity framework. I cant say for certain without knowing your requirements but theres a good chance taking the time to learn basic linq for this project would speed up development overall.
You may also want to consider SubSonic. It's relatively easy to implement and is fairly intuitive to use. Used it for the first time recently on a small project, and despite some initial configuration problems getting it to work with MySQL, it handled data access pretty well.

Design pattern for a simple CRUD data driven application

I would like to know the best practice for a designing a simple CRUD application with some screens updating various tables (like admin pages to maintain static data for an application). the simplest way would be to drag a data grid/gridview, bind it to a dataset and use a data adapter for CRUD operations. but if this application needs to be scalable, lets say to add any extra UI/business logic in future, then is there any design pattern that can help with this? should I be using an object data source control and bind it to business objects instead? or are there any better ways of doing it? should I build a complete layered application or will that be overengineering for this requirement? any examples for UI design would also be helpful. thanks.
If you are looking for a really quick and easy approach, you can look at using Dynamic Data
on top of a Linq2SQL or EF4 backend - hardly any code needed at all.
+1 Oded. No offence RKP but you might be confusing "simple" with with "effective" or "value-for-money". I also think you might want to be more clear about exactly what it is you're after: example UI designs is quite a different issue from the logical architecture. Anyway - good on you for asking.
If this is a "tactical" solution: not expected to have a long life-span, or is a quick-and-dirty dev tool then how you build it might not be such a big issue. (also beware that short-term tactical apps can end-ed being long-term strategic ones - were working on an app now that the business see as a "temporrary" tool: they see it only being used for the next 5-10 years (!)).
If it's a tool the "business users" will use, then it's quite likely they'll expect changes overtime: depending on what the app is for a simple pass-through CRUD app might only cut the mustard for a short while.
So I guess this is where your admirable desire to look at best practice comes in.
Are you familiar with OO design? A lot of the principles behind good OO design also apply at the architectural level (SOLID, Common Reuse, Common Closure, Loose Coupling, Stable Dependancies and Stable Abstraction Principles).
lets say to add any extra UI/business
logic in future
So - this is where you need to consider up-front how you will seperate concerns and allow for growth: architecture doesn't mean you have to do a big upfront design, it just means you need to have an idea of how you'll grow the application as requirements grow..
To finish:
Have a good look at the different system quality attributes and work out which ones are particularly relevant to the system. prioritise them.
I get a lot of mileage out of Dependency Inversion (The D in SOLID) - abstract out things like data access early on.
For me the other really key "best practice" is to pay attention to SRP (the S in SOLID), is my bet. It's easy to start with and get going... You won't be dissapointed. :) StackOverflow itself is built on top of it.

How do you start building an ASP.NET web app?

Say for example you're getting a web app project that interacts with a database.
How do you start your development? Do you start by designing your database, drawing simple ERD and writting a create scripts? Do you start by designing the look of your of web app, maybe using photoshop, then create a master page for it? or do you start by designing your domain models, with minimal looks, and apply a preetier design later on?
Please share you thoughts on this... Cheers...
You start by deciding which way you start. No but really, it depends on too much factors to have a general answer. Do you develop using concepts of agile development, are there specified functional designs, did the client give you strict requirements, what is your own experience etc..
Generally we start by developing our business objects first, then creating views for them using sample data / fake databases or sometimes even plain text files. From there, we start filling in the bits and pieces. If not all requirements are set, it's best to keep the database outside your development as long as possible. That way you prevent yourself from having to change your db, sprocs and interaction with your db everytime.
I tend to do the last of those ideas, "start by designing your domain models, with minimal looks, and apply a preetier design later on" I like to make my application, of any kind, does what I want it to do before I spend time on making it look pretty.
Figure out how the users need to interact with your site first. What are they needing to achieve?
Let this define you ERD and the database model will quickly follow.
Then, when you actually start coding you'll be heading in the right direction.
Many will also say, write your Unit Tests first. It's hard to do but often worth it.
UI and DB, but it depends which one is really first. The UI is a very important thing because your customer has to work with it in the end (some say there might be developers who sometimes forget...). The database design is a very good way to put (some) structure in all the business needs which aren't always specified in a strictly and well structured way.
This is junior's experience, I've been working in development since 2004, beginning with a 4-year-apprenticeship in a development company.
I start with the functional UI, moving from there to the business layer and db (usually in tandem to start with). Design is normally provided in some respect by the client, so I try to apply that early on, without letting it get in the way. I like to get the domain sorted out in one step (minor changes are acceptable later), and I create my scripts as I get to them in my code.
It sounds like a bit of a runaround, but it works for me.
I definitely start with a UI Prototype.
Clients never know what they really want untill they see it.
A simple change on a UI can translate to a dramatic change in the core components of your system. So rather let the user play with a pretty prototype until they are confident it's what they looking for, and then dive into system objects and database design.
With regards to Database and System objects, I find it difficult to decide which way to go. Going database first definitely influences my class design, so I try go object first as much as possible. It turns into a more human design IMO
Depends on the Project Id' say.
Usually it's good to have a Photoshop mockup to show your client what they're getting.
On small no-maintenance projects I try to start by modeling the database first to get a better overview on the structure. Then it's usually quite easy to create a Web Application around it.
On bigger projects I usually start by creating (basic) prototypes of critical pieces of the software. I then show those to clients and afterwards throw them away. They're just there to help me understand the upcoming challenges better.
But as said, it's a matter of taste and project.
