CSS file only updating on renaming on Apache server - css

I have been trying to do some changes to my CSS, but it seems like the CSS files don't update. Already tried clearing browser cache and disabling server cache with .htaccess
However, they only update when I change my file name to something new with additional changes. Like renaming app.css to app1.css updates the file, but to make more changes I have to rename again to something like app.css or app2.css with more additional changes. I have tried to create a new CSS file and to embed it, but that didn't work as well.
Anyone faced something similar or know what might be causing it? Any help will be appreciated.


Afterlogic Webmail Lite custom theme / skin

I would like to make a custom dark theme for a web client.
I tried everything but no matter what I changed I cannot get any changes to take effect. I found out this page in the documentation but I cannot get it to work:
Does anyone have some experience with this webmail client?
The recommended option for creating a new skin is to clone and rename one of the existing skins, and upon making changes to it, run gulp styles --themes YOUR_THEME_NAME command. Once this operation is performed, check static/styles/themes/YOUR_THEME_NAME and see if you get your changes reflected there. If the changes are in place, then it's probably browser cache causing it, try clearing it and see if that helps.
In fact, it's not required to deal with .less files, you can simply create a copy of an existing theme under static/styles/themes directory - but in either case, you need to make sure the new theme is listed in ThemeList section of data/settings/modules/CoreWebclient.config.json configuration file.

Custom CSS WordPress Theme via cPanel (not updating)

I am wondering why I am not unable to make changes; I already tried several things yet, I don't seem to be able to update the CSS, the following I did already:
There is no Editor, so I am unable to make changes via there.
I am an Administrator and have access to cPanel.
I made changes via ../wp-content/theme/my-theme/style.css and no changes were made.
I empty my cache via plugin and hard reload my Chrome, Firefox and Safari. And no changes were made.
Is there any other solutions? I already found the file which contains all the styles. I would try to add my own class, and see if I am to see if there is any effect.
First thing first, From cPanel you can navigate to your website from the fileManager, use it to make code changes and then save them. You need to clear the cache everytime you make changes (i usually do it from the browser (in chrome, open the dev console, then long press on the refresh button and select the bottom one)
If the changes are still not showing on your site, I think that maybe you are editing the wrong CSS? Is this your theme and are you 100% sure you are editing the right file and, for example, it's not overwritten by a child theme or something else?
If you are using any framework, maybe your property is overwritten by your framework (for example, by bootstrap). To check this, open the console or try to add !important in your CSS file.
Just as an example, when I develop a theme I leave the root style.css with only the theme definitions, and then I create different stylesheets in a different folder. This leads me to the next question: are you enqueue your file correctly? is it even loaded by WordPress?
to check this I usually inspect the code in and search for the id of the file I enqueued from my functions.php.
Unfortunately, without more details, this is the only things I could think of when developing and WordPress theme and make changes from cPanel. Hope some of this can actually help.
Please check following options
Permission of file at ../wp-content/theme/my-theme/style.css.
Grab the css and open in Dream-viewer or sublime is there any css syntax issue.
Also the path of style.css in header is show same by view source.
Even you can use the plugins which allow to add custom css without toching the server check this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-custom-css/

Why does Meteor only load one CSS file after deployment?

I have half a dozen CSS files inside the folder "client/CSS". In the local server it works fine but after deployment the website only seem to load the bootstrap.min.css file. Has anyone come across this? Thanks!
Meteor tries to compile all the css files it finds into one file. If you have css missing, meteor is probably failing on one of your files and giving up. When this has happened to me the issues were around unmatched brackets.
Try putting your css text into CSSLint or something like it, one at a time, and see if they have errors.
Some other discussion here that says #media and #imports lines might also be cause some issues depending on their use.

Can't edit/work with compressed stylesheet (css) in Wordpress

There are two stylesheets for Wordpress theme - Trending:
style.dev.css (30kB) uncompressed ( „dev” means it’s for development).
style.css (23kB) compressed.
Doesn’t matter which file I change in many variations and upload through FTP it doesn’t work! That means layout takes no changes. Edited CSS, uploaded to the server but no change is taken.
Tried out many ways –
1.edited „style.dev.css”, loaded it to the server (don’t work), then renamed to „style.css” (still don’t work).
2.after editing „style.dev.css” compressed it and then loaded to the server (don’t work), then renamed to „style.css” (still don’t work).
when both are on server, server chooses the dev version „style.dev.css”, when I delete it, server jumps to „style.css”.
tried to edit one of them and then send to server (there is still no chage in layout).
Please someone give me a hint where the problem could be?
I have no idea where the problem could be, searched for a solution like for 2 days already.
Link to my site on which I'm working
At the moment your site is pointing to
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cfs-gometzlaville.fr/cfs/wp-content/themes/trending/style.css" type="text/css" media="all"> for its style, to replace the stylesheet you will need to rename the updated / modifed sheet AFTER you have named the orignal style.css to something like style_orig.css and then change the name of the updated / modifed file to style.css. Once you have done that you will need to reset the cache from any caching plugins that you use. If this still doesn't work clear your browser cache.
If i change the style.css in the websites HTML to style.dev.css changes are made.
As an alternative maybe you should look at Child Theme's here as this will be much more manageable for you. All you will have to do is follow the instructions on the link and then copy and paste the css from your dev.css into the child themes css and it will override the parent styles.
The website is currently referencing style.dev.css, which doesn't exist. It could be a problem with some caching plugin.
Read this page

Cannot remove/replace/edit css file in Django

I think I'm having a ghost here or maybe I'm to newbie to figure out how to fix the issue. So, in my index.html I'm linking a css file which doesn't exist anymore and when I open the index page Django still renders it. Also, if I try too create it again and styling different it doesn't work nor to link another file, simple don't work, don't wanna recognize it. It's like the old file is saved somewhere and I cannot override it.
Do you have suggestions? I tried everything what came to my mind, even deleted and recreated the db.
