Session information missing from exported firebase data to Big Query - firebase

I seem to be missing session related information to the events that gets exported from Firebase to Big Query. More specifically, a unique identifier of each session (ga_session_id) and an ordinal number of the session count specific to the user that generates the events (ga_session_number).
All though they are not part of the export schema, they can be found in the documentation elsewhere and a recent blog post showing queries where they use these missing fields.
Do I have to enable something in order for them to start showing up in the event_params of my firebase analytics events or are these things not yet implemented? If not, is there any information on when this will happen?
edit: I'm using the Firebase Unity SDK.
Thanks in advance!

With this query I get the expected results:
SELECT event_params.value.int_value AS session_id
FROM `your table`, UNNEST (event_params) AS event_params
WHERE event_params.key = "ga_session_id"
Note that in the blogpost query-example they use event_params.value.string_value which does not give any results
You also need to have the right SDK version (update from December)


how to wrap my head around a FireStore query

I am new in Flutter - Firestore
I am learning flutter with firebase and creating a sample dating app
I have a list of users that I get in a stream and display it using List view
I have learnt to filter this like so
.where((user) => user.age < settings.agemax && user.age > settings.agemin))
and all this works.
I also have a subcollection called shortlist (list of users that current user has shortlisted) that I get using,
Now I am trying to redefine my first query GetUsers with filters based on following
How do I exclude shortlisted users that I am fetching in a stream from all users stream
Similarly would also need to filter out "matched users" and "Blocked / declined" users as well !
I believe my question is how do I query Users Collection and exclude records with uid's that contained in a Shortlist subcollection. I am planning to use the same logic for matches and blocked !? am I on the right track ?
also ... do I need to refetch all records when a users shortlists/matches/blocks someone, as the stream would change or is there a way to remove that one record from the listview without rebuilding, may be I should separate this question in two.
If I understand correctly you are looking for the (just introduced) not-in operator, so I recommend also checking out this blog post.
I expect that this operator hasn't landed in the Flutter libraries yet, as that may take some time. I recommend checking the upcoming releases to see when it lands, or checking/filing an issue on the repo.
Until then, there's no way to exclude results from a query, so you will have to exclude the items from the stream of results in your application code.

How to query one field then order by another one in Firebase cloud Firestore?

I'm struggling to make a (not so) complex query in firebase cloud firestore.
I simply need to get all docs where the id field == a given id.
Then order the results by their date and limit to 10 results.
So this is my current situation
.orderBy('date','asc').limit(10).get().then( snapshot => {
//Nothing happens and the request wasn't even been executed
I can get the result only if i don't use the orderBy query but i have to process this sorting for the needs of my application.
Someone has an idea to help me to fix this ?
You can do this by creating an Index in the firestore.
The first field of the index should be the equality field and the second field of the index should be the order by field.
Given your problem, you would need the following index:
first field: postId, 'asc'
second field: date, 'asc'
Please check the doc. It says
However, if you have a filter with a range comparison (<, <=, >, >=), your first ordering must be on the same field
you can try this code
.orderBy('date','asc').limit(10).get().then( snapshot => {
My Workaround
If you're googling this you've probably realized it can't be done traditionally. Depending on your problem though there may be some viable workarounds, I just finished creating this one.
We have an app that has posts that appear in a feed (kind of like Reddit), each post has an algorithmic score 'score' and we needed a way to get the 'top posts' from 12-24 hours ago. Trying to query sorted by 'score' where timestamp uses > and < to build the 12-24 hour ago range fails since Firebase doesn't allow multiple conditional querying or single conditional querying with an descending sort on another field.
What we ended up doing is using a second field that was an array since you can compound queries for array-contains and descending. At the time a post was made we knew the current hour, suppose it was hour 10000 since the server epoch (i.e. floor(serverTime/60.0/60.0)). We would create an array called arrayOfHoursWhenPostIsTwelveToTwentyFourHoursOld and in that array we would populate the following values:
int hourOffset = 12;
while (hourOffset <= 24) {
[arrayOfHoursWhenPostIsTwelveToTwentyFourHoursOld addObject:#(currentHour+hourOffset)];
Then, when making the post we would store that array under the field hoursWhenPostIsTwelveToTwentyFourHoursOld
THEN, if it had been, say, 13 hours since the post was made (the post was made at hour 10000) then the current hour would be 10013, so we could use the array-contains query to see if our array contained the value 10013 while also sorting by algorithm score at the same time
Like so:
FIRFirestore *firestore = [Server sharedFirestore];
FIRCollectionReference *collection = [firestore collectionWithPath:#"Posts"];
FIRQuery *query = [collection queryOrderedByField:#"postsAlgorithmScore" descending:YES];
query = [query queryWhereField:#"hoursWhenPostIsTwelveToTwentyFourHoursOld" arrayContains:#(currentHour)];
query = [query queryLimitedTo:numberToLoad];
Almost Done
The above code will not run properly at first since it is using a compound index query, so we had to create a compound index query in firebase, the easiest way to do this is just run the query then look at the error in the logs and firebase SDK will generate a link for you that you can navigate to and it will auto-generate the compound index for your database for you, otherwise you can navigate to firebase>database>index>compound>new and build it yourself using hoursWhenTwelveToTwentyFourHoursOld: Arrays, score: Descending
same here, it is weird why can't. below is another sample. can't get the result. Hoping firebase can reply about this and update the document.
using other work-around solution is javascript array and array.sort()
I ran into the same issue yesterday on Android. The Callback was just not called. Today I suddenly got an error message. FAILED_PRECONDITION: The query requires an index. It even contains a URL in the error message to generate that index with one click.
It seems that if you want to use orderBy on your data, you need to create an index for that field. The index also needs to be in the correct order (DESC, ASC).
As per firestore document,
If you attempt a compound query with a range clause that doesn't map to an existing index, you receive an error. The error message includes a direct link to create the missing index in the Firebase console.
So just click that link you get in Logcat, it will be redirected to create index page, just create index. It will take some time. after enabling composite index, you will get the result as your requested query.
Stumbled across this looking for help when i found that using the orderBy function didnt work and the documentation still says it does not support it. A bit weird and unclear to be honest, because it does support it so long as you index your Firestore database. For example, this query now works fine for me having set up indexing:
const q = query(docRef, where("category", "==", 'Main'), orderBy('title', 'asc')
Indexing in Firestore
Console Log that even gives you the url to automatically create the index if you try and run with the above command.
Maybe I am missing something, or a later version of Firebase (I am using v9) simply does support it.

Firebase - Structuring Data For Efficient Indexing

I've read almost everywhere about structuring one's Firebase Database for efficient querying, but I am still a little confused between two alternatives that I have.
For example, let's say I want to get all of a user's "maxBenchPressSessions" from the past 7 days or so.
I'm stuck between picking between these two structures:
In the first array, I use the user's id as an attribute to index on whether true or false. In the second, I use userId as the attribute NAME whose value would be the user's id.
Is one faster than the other, or would they be indexed a relatively same manner? I kind of new to database design, so I want to make sure that I'm following correct practices.
I have come up with a solution that will both flatten my database AND allow me to add a ListenerForSingleValueEvent using orderBy ONLY once, but only when I want to check if a user has a session saved for a specific day.
I can have each maxBenchPressSession object have a key in the format of userId_dateString. However, if I want to get all the user's sessions from the last 7 days, I don't know how to do it in one query.
Any ideas?
I recommend to watch the video. It is told about the structuring of the data very well.
References to the playlist on the firebase 3
Firebase 3.0: Data Modelling
Firebase 3.0: Node Client
As I understand the principle firebase to use it effectively. Should be as small as possible to query the data and it does not matter how many requests.
But you will approach such a request. We'll have to add another field to the database "negativeDate".
This field allows you to get the last seven entries. Here's a video -
.limitToLast(7) - 7 entries
.orderByChild('negativeDate') - sort by date
Example of a request:
const ref = firebase.database().ref('maxBenchPressSession');
ref.orderByChild('negativeDate').limitToLast(7).on('value', function(snap){ })
Then add the user, and it puts all of its sessions.
const ref = firebase.database().ref('maxBenchPressSession/' + userId);
ref.orderByChild('negativeDate').limitToLast(7).on('value', function(snap){ })

Interpreting Google BigQuery "rows" - Firebase Events

I have used Firebase Analytics for logging user events in my app. Having got data of quite a lot of distinct users, I'm having a hard time understanding what an individual row means in the app_events table for a respective day.Is this row a session of user-events from activity onStart() to activity onStop() ? For a same userId, I'm getting multiple rows with different events in them.
Also, are the user-properties defined in the user-dimensions mutable or immutable i.e. as in, set values once, and can't over-write any further?
All help is appreciated.
The BigQuery Export Schema can be found in Help Center, and it states that :
Each row within a table corresponds to a bundle of events uploaded by
the Firebase Analytics SDK.
User Properties are mutable. However, we generally recommend that you use User Properties for static or slow-changing attributes to maximize their value in report-filtering.
each row in bigquery table of firebase events export should represent single firebase event.
source - google help> [GA4] BigQuery Export schema

Google Calendar API: can i retrieve entries changed/created after a specified date?

Can i retrieve entries changed/created after a specified date? This is regardless of the event date - only by "modified date". I.e. if i modify an old even i want to be able to retrieve it using a query (without knowing its id)
I haven't tried it myself but according to the documentation you should be able to access all events updated within a certain range using the standard Data API query parameters updated-min and updated-max.
I'm not sure if you are using a code library to access the Google Calendar API so I cannot comment further.
