Google Calendar API: can i retrieve entries changed/created after a specified date? - google-calendar-api

Can i retrieve entries changed/created after a specified date? This is regardless of the event date - only by "modified date". I.e. if i modify an old even i want to be able to retrieve it using a query (without knowing its id)

I haven't tried it myself but according to the documentation you should be able to access all events updated within a certain range using the standard Data API query parameters updated-min and updated-max.
I'm not sure if you are using a code library to access the Google Calendar API so I cannot comment further.

Related filter on bundleId or packageId

I am trying to retrieve info from intune via GraphApi.
Want to filter on bundleId or packageId field (located under appIdentifier).
But I can't seem to find a way to do this.
Target result is :
userId,os_type (based on either #odata.type or packageId/bundleId).
Step further is that i want to identify certain apps by filtering on for example startswith(packageId,'').
I have tried combinations on "/deviceAppManagement/managedAppRegistrations?$filter=startswith(bundleId,'com.m'). But I keep on ending up on "invalid filter clause" whenever i want to execute a filter action.
Trying to recover from microsoft documentation if any filtering is possible on this part of graph seems impossible.
Currently we are using power automate to retrieve data and that works if we don't filter / select.
screenshot of json result
Use the following filter: startsWith(microsoft.graph.iosVppApp/bundleId, '')
I found a pointer at this reddit post:

Session information missing from exported firebase data to Big Query

I seem to be missing session related information to the events that gets exported from Firebase to Big Query. More specifically, a unique identifier of each session (ga_session_id) and an ordinal number of the session count specific to the user that generates the events (ga_session_number).
All though they are not part of the export schema, they can be found in the documentation elsewhere and a recent blog post showing queries where they use these missing fields.
Do I have to enable something in order for them to start showing up in the event_params of my firebase analytics events or are these things not yet implemented? If not, is there any information on when this will happen?
edit: I'm using the Firebase Unity SDK.
Thanks in advance!
With this query I get the expected results:
SELECT event_params.value.int_value AS session_id
FROM `your table`, UNNEST (event_params) AS event_params
WHERE event_params.key = "ga_session_id"
Note that in the blogpost query-example they use event_params.value.string_value which does not give any results
You also need to have the right SDK version (update from December)

Get all real analytics data having condition 'custom:user_id="XYZ"'?

I tried to automate test to validate GA events.
My approach is :-
List item use google analytics real time reporting api.
Before the test ends i will hit this api and collect the last 30 mins data
This data will be a huge chunk of formattedJson string
and in this string i will search my GA events which was supposed to push.
This approach seems to be in-efficient.
My issue is to find the analytics data which corresponds to test user.
Each user has unique user id, hence, i am trying for making the request such that api returns me the filtered data based on some custom dimension "custom:user_id='user_unique_id'" .
Is it possible to get all data having condition e.g 'custom:user_id="XYZ"'.
Please advise, how to get all ga events data for a specific event label / custom dimension ? Also, does it support dimensionFilterClauses like reporting api v4 ?
We can do it by filtering.
e.g rt:eventCategory==ProductPage
earlier i was using quote, rt:eventCategory=='ProductPage' which wasn't supported.

GA realtime api with custom dimensions

I want to query the google analytics realtime api using one of my custom dimensions.
In the regular api (not realtime) I can do this as follows:
'metrics': 'ga:pageviews',
'filters': 'ga:pagePath=~/myPath*;ga:dimension2=='+myVal
However, when I change the metrics to 'rt:activeUsers', I got the error:
"Unknown dimension(s): ga:dimension2"
when I did the request.
I changed the separator in the filters string from semi-colon to & and I didn't get the error any more, but the result always returns 0
Is it possible to do filtering on the realtime api? TIA
The realtime API does not support custom dimensions (you can see the list of supported dimensions and metrics here). On possible reason is that at least the values for session- and user-scope dimensions cannot be determined in realtime since realtime reports based on hits. So you cannot filter based on a custom dimension.
There is a possible workaround, but that comes with a caveat that makes it mostly pointless. You can create an additional data view, and then use an advanced filter to copy the custom dimension value for the hit to a dimension supported by the realtime API - e.g. you extract the value from your custom dimension and copy it to the "source" field (or some other field). Then you query for/ filte by the source field to retrieve the value. The caveat is that the original value of the source data field (or whatever field you overwrote) will be lost.

Using Google Analytics API, is it possible to filter on a dimension and a custom variable at the same time?

I have a webapp that hosts several thousand subdomain sites under a single Google Analytics property. I'm in the process of upgrading my tracking tags from the old ga.js system to the new analytics.js-based system (Universal Analytics).
In my old setup, when the tracking code got instantiated, I would send a site id to GA as a custom variable. Then, when pulling analytics for my users, I would simply filter on site ID as follows:
In the new Universal Analytics system, there are no custom variables, as these have been replaced by dimensions. No problem. I've created a new dimension called siteHash and I've been submitting it along with each page request. What's more, I'm able to query this with only one tiny modification to my API request above:
As you can see, I've just changed ga:customVarValue1 to ga:dimension1, and everything works.
Here's the issue: Once I push this code change to production, a lot of my sites will start to have a mixture of old data and new data. The old data will be tagged with the custom variable and the new data will be tagged with the new dimension. How can I query on both ga:dimension1 and ga:customVarValue1 at the same time within the same query?
I've tried creating an "OR" query as described here:
This yields a filter parameter that looks like this:
Unfortunately, doing an API request with this filter yields no data. Does anyone know why? Is there a prohibition on filtering on dimensions and custom variables at the same time?
Assuming this is, for some reason, impossible. Is there any way to convert already collected custom variable data into dimension data? If I were able to do this, I could just query the API and only filter on dimensions since all of the old custom variable data would now be dimension data.
