Facebook Pixel problem with Woocommerce and WP-Rocket cache - wordpress

I've got a E-commerce website using Wordpress with Woocommerce. The client has asked for us to include Facebook Pixel tracking. I have installed the official Facebook Pixel Woocommerce plugin and set it up. But when checking to see if it is working with the facebook pixel chrome extension. I get the following error on every page except for the checkout:
"We detected event code but the pixel has not activated for this event, so no information was sent to Facebook."
After a bit of investigation it seems to be the cache that is creating this error. I'm using wp-rocket for caching, when I deactivate the cache it seems to be working fine everywhere. But this isn't exactly an ideal solution.
I would really need it to work with the cache. But I can't seem to find anything online about this problem.
Any help would be appreciated.
The live site can be found here: https://maradji.com/

WP Rocket provides an Add-on (free) for the Facebook Pixel. It should work, if you used the standard plugins for the Pixel (or the ones they expect).
Facebook Pixel Add-On

I had the same problem, this happened with wp rocket last update. Go to settings and deactivate the Combine Javascript and differed loading Javascript options. Its a shame but im sure they will fixe it in the next update.


My Wordpress Site Shows Like This

I use a google cloud server and all my plugins are up to date I just woke up and saw my wordpress site not loading proper just showing links up no styles any suggestion please on fix see site here
It may be cache issue. Try to clear your browser cache.
Given link working fine on my side.

Wordpress unknow request slowing down my website

I am optimizing a wordpress site using woocommerce plugin.
All seems fine except one unknown request reported by gtmetrix.
It seems that this variable is being appended on every url on my site:
This specific request takes 2 to 3 seconds to load
and here is the response:
Any ideas how to disable this?
Perfect! I advise you to disable all the plugins and reactivate one by one to figure out which to be the error on your site.
30 Plugins are many, and therefore they can try various contrasts between them, between the version of Wordpress and the version of Woocommerce.
After finding the wrong plugin, you can contact the developer to report the bug and have it updated.
Otherwise you will have to delete it and implement the PHP code yourself.

Unable to remove page from Google Amp cache

I'm having trouble using Google's API to update amp pages from a site I'm working on. The site is a Wordpress based site using WP Amp to generate amp pages, it appends /amp to any enabled pages.
I've read the documentation here and it seems like it should be a simple GET request using this structure:
..which gives me a 204 No Content reply (to be expected Google's docs say). However, when retesting via my phone (with cache cleared etc) it is showing the same old amp page not the updated one.
Surely I'm missing something obvious, look forward to finding out what it is.
Figured this out finally after leaving it for a while and coming back to it.
The URL format for updating Google's cache is:
Google states that to update you need to have the /update-ping/ prefixing the /c/s switches but that never worked for me. After much trial and effort using the above format works for me every time.
If you run it in your browser expect to see the old version on first page load but if you refresh after that the updated amp page should show.

Website not posting to Facebook: security & app id issues

I'm a new WordPress designer. My site runs Tesseract Theme and is built with Beaver Builder.
PROBLEM: When I post my website (https://louiseclark.tech) on Facebook it removed my site after a couple minutes. Now when I try to post my site it gives me this message--> It looks like a link you're sharing might be unsafe. If you can, please remove this link: louiseclark.tech Note: The unsafe link might be on the page you’re linking to.
What I've done to try and resolve:
When I ran my site through the Facebook debugger I got this message:
The 'fb:app_id' property should be explicitly provided, Specify the app ID so that stories shared to Facebook will be properly attributed to the app. Alternatively, app_id can be set in url when open the share dialog.
I created an app id following this instructional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V97h03H21y0
I pasted my app id into my Yoast SEO plugin under the Facebook category.
Check my Google Webmaster Tools Sitemap...all is verified and sitemap set.
SSL certificate is set - checked with my hosting company SiteGround. When I asked them about this problem they didn't really feel that the security issues where from their side.
I've reported this problem to the black hole that is Facebook support.
Thank you for any insight.
In case anyone sees this thread, I found the solution.
When I moved my WordPress sites to managed WordPress hosting I also migrated my websites to https with the SSL certificates. While the pages were migrated and displaying the https just fine, the images still held their old url (http).
I did two things:
I installed SSL Content Fixer plugin. This worked for some images but not others.
I installed Better Search Replace plugin. I had found the specific insecure images using Firefox. From my page in Firefox, I went to:
Tools -> Page Info -> Media This showed me every image/js/css call on this page. Finding these images allowed me to use the plugin to make the changes.
It worked. I'm quite sure knowing how to code my site would be much better in this situation. But I'm a newbie and this is what I could come up with.
What I learned: It's a flag when you have a secure site that embeds non secure objects/images.

Facebook for WordPress plugin unable to submit Opengraph Action

I try to follow the Instructions here but I also consulted this. I was able to install the plugin, create my Facebook app, get the namespace, icon etc. even a test post worked, but when I click "submit", I get a dialog box that says this:
Built-in Action Types require that you provide instructions for using your app's Open Graph integration as your Open Graph Test User in a functioning test environment. Failure to provide a functioning test environment will result in rejection of your Action Type.
I've tried typing in the box, but when I click continue I just get this box again. I wanted to setup auto syncing and ditch Networked Blogs, but maybe I should have stayed with a working solution, given this has gone far from smoothly. How do I get the publish article action submitted and approved?
I actually got the Facebook for WordPress plugin to work, but I didn't find it actually made my blog better. It seemed to run slow, unexpectedly stopped working at times, and did not result in increased traffic. If you want to share your posts to Facebook and you can stand clicking the button yourself after you hit publish, I recommend the Professional Share plugin. If you want related posts, I recommend the Yet Another Related Post Plugin.
The Facebook for WordPress plugin and JetPack are just too big, they have too much cruft, they are not worth running in my opinion and I've been using WordPress since 2005. Just because a big corporation makes an official plugin, doesn't mean it is the best.
