JxBrowser fails to register a ServiceWorker if a certificate error occurs - jxbrowser

Although this might sound right we're actually disabling certificate security errors when launching JxBrowser so the ServiceWorker should still register.
This works correctly in Firefox and Chrome.
For info this is for the ZAP HUD: https://github.com/zaproxy/zap-hud
We'd love to support JxBrowser but unless this problems is fixed we wont be able to.


Installations: Could not process request. Application offline. (installations/app-offline) error with firebase

I am getting an error when trying to run my application locally:
I am only getting this error in the chrome browser. I have tried different things, but I am not sure why it is Chrome specific.
I suspect this isn't a Firebase issue, but rather a Chrome one. My Chrome for Android the last day or two has been acting up and saying it's offline when it isn't, which I suspect is leading to navigator.onLine to be false. This would lead Firebase to throw this error, for example during auth token refresh: https://github.com/firebase/firebase-js-sdk/blob/7d916d905ba16816ac8ac7c8748c83831ff614ce/packages/installations/src/helpers/refresh-auth-token.ts#L60-L62
My app works fine on localhost on Chrome for Mac 87.0.4280.88, but is throwing this error on Chrome for Android 8.0.4280.101, Android 11.

Recent breakage of google-sign-in with flutter on Chrome?

As of 1 day ago, I seem to have trouble with google sign in running inside a flutter app on firebase.
When loading the webapp, I see an exception with obfuscated stack traces:
Uncaught TypeError: t.gpT is not a function
at Im.$1 (google_sign_in_web.dart:113)
at Object.a4P (js_helper.dart:1060)
at Object.Yq (core_patch.dart:84)
at a6F (js_patch.dart:541)
at js_patch.dart:519
at e.zo (cb=gapi.loaded_0:200)
at lk (cb=gapi.loaded_0:203)
at gk (cb=gapi.loaded_0:203)
at _.Rj.hU (cb=gapi.loaded_0:203)
at Qj (cb=gapi.loaded_0:195)
This happens when deploying on firebase and on Chrome, not when running on localhost (same chrome), or when using the firebase deployment on Safari.
I'm properly stumped - I don't remember having upgraded the browser or changing anything in the code. Neither do I remember having fiddled with the oauth tokens.
Any ideas how to properly debug this ? I'm fairly inexperienced in dart/firebase/JS.
[Update]: I found that I can reproduce this even with the Google provided example at:
This works when I run it with flutter run -d chrome or flutter run -s web-server
When I do a firebase deploy, the app runs fine in Safari. In Chrome I get above exception. I tried to disable all extensions, same thing.
Aha! The culprit here was blocking of third party cookies. If I turn off third party cookie blocking, things work fine.
Yikes, this makes using Google-sign-in unusable for webapps whose customers are blocking third party cookies.

There is a trouble to openning debugger window in windows 10 with jxbrowser 6.23 & 6.23.1

Only one error:
08:22:50 FATAL: [0325/202250.082:ERROR:gpu_process_transport_factory.cc(1018)] Lost UI shared context.
It can happen that the Chromium engine can lose UI shared context in some cases. Usually, Chromium will restore the context and continue rendering. In that case, something happened that prevented Chromium from restoring the context.
As a workaround, you can try using accelerated lightweight rendering. It is faster than the usual lightweight rendering and does not use GPU. As a downside, the WebGL functionality will be disabled.
Could you please try enabling the full Chromium logs, reproduce the issue and send them to me? You can enable Chromium logs with the following Chromium switches: --enable-logging --v=1. The output will be saved to the file chrome_debug.log in Chrome's user data directory. Also, JxBrowser logs could be helpful too. You can find how to enable JxBrowser logs using the following link: Logging
In addition, the message you got, can be produced by the Chromium engine when the --disable-gpu or --disable-gpu-compositiong switch is passed to it.

Meteor login not working on mobile

I am working on a simple mobile web app and I am having trouble logging in...
I followed this little sample on making a custom login: http://blog.benmcmahen.com/post/41741539120/building-a-customized-accounts-ui-for-meteor
Nothing too tricky here.
So I run my meteor server locally. On my computer, through the browser, I can log in and create accounts -- no problem.
When I go to my local IP from my iPhone, the website successfully loads but for some reason I am not able to login or create accounts.
I have noticed that for Meteor.loginWithPassword and Meteor.createUser, the callback function NEVER gets called. I have {{loggingIn}} rendering a loading screen and the loading screen is only there for a fraction of a second before the form is reloaded. No errors are thrown (validation passes and the callback function doesnt fail).
Out of suspicion, I deployed the app and tried accessing the deployed website from my phone and the same issue persists...
Any ideas what I cannot log in or create accounts on my iPhone, but I can on my computer? Maybe its a cookies thing? Any ways of solving this?
Thanks a lot,
This works on both my desktop browser and iPhone simulator. Just not my iPhone. Could it just be a local network issue? -- No, even if I deploy the website, I have the same issues...
Also, check out my github post about recreating the issue:
Check to make sure that you are running the same version of iOS on all the devices you are testing on. I have seen iOS 7 misbehave when using Meteor apps. iOS 6 works just fine.

Trouble debugging ASP.NET site: loading debugger times out

Intermittently, my team's (overweight) VS2010 solution fails to load in the debugger. We get informed that "The web server did not respond in a timely manner".
Workarounds for when this happens:
Build, then debug (but not hitting F5 before building)
IIS Reset
Killing other apps, or closing extra open tabs in my other browser (debugging in IE, browsing stuff/keeping Gmail open in Opera)
Is there a registry key we could set that would make the response timeout longer, or similar?
I've found the hint of an answer here:
There are registry keys that control timeouts for VS's debugger. As these are generally not documented, it's a matter of trial and error from here.
So far I've been toying with HKCU\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\(version number)\Debugger\ScriptDocsTimeout
