Reliable QTcpSocket::write without waitForBytesWritten - qt

I am confused by a number of aspects of QTcpSocket::write.
The documentation suggests that it can write fewer bytes than the length of the buffer being sent. This implies that multiple calls are potentially needed. What is the recommended way to deal with this (bearing in mind following points)?
My initial attempt at calling write did not appear actually to send any data. I found that calling waitForBytesWritten solved this. If I need multiple write calls as per previous point, how do I use waitForBytesWritten in conjunction with these? Do I associate a waitForBytesWritten with each write or do I loop over write and then use waitForBytesWritten.
The documentation suggests that waitForBytesWritten can fail randomly on Windows so ideally I do not want to rely on it at all. It suggests using the bytesWritten signal instead but I have found very little information on how one is supposed to use this properly. In particular, if I have to deal with my concern in the first point, do I not get into the recursive call situation warned about in the documentation of bytesWritten?


Common Lisp reader: customizing intern behavior

I would like to intercept the behavior of read to give some control over the interning of symbols. I might, for example, wish for read to throw an error if a previously uninterned symbol shows up in the input stream. Or perhaps I want to limit the packages in which new symbols can be interned.
Is there a way to hook the interning process without rewriting the reader from scratch?
I am ok with alternate reader implementations. Using read itself is not a must.
You can't do this with the reader defined by the standard without jumping through huge hoops: you'd have to implement the process of accumulating and parsing tokens (including all the number parsing stuff) and then provide suitable ways of intervening. The standard tells you enough that you should be able to do that, but it's a lot of work: I suspect that most of any reader implementation is that stuff.
Of course specific implementations might provide convenient points at which you can intervene.
The other approach would be to use a portable, extensible reader. There is at least one thing which may be such a thing: Eclector, and there may well be others. I don't know anything about it, unfortunately.

Writing an entire array to QFile

The QFile::write() documentation says:
Writes at most maxSize bytes of data from data to the device. Returns the number of bytes that were actually written, or -1 if an error occurred.
(Yes that's the entire documentation - unusually poor for Qt.)
This seems to imply that it is common for it not to write all of the data you pass. Does that mean I should call write() in a loop, passing in the remaining unwritten data until it has fully written it?
If so that seems like a pain. Is there some convenience function in Qt that will do it for me?
This seems to imply that it is common for it not to write all of the data you pass
Common, no, but it is possible, which we'll see, below.
Is there some convenience function in Qt that will do it for me?
If you're writing a whole file, a better method would be to use QSaveFile, for "safely writing to files".
As it states in the documentation for QSaveFile:
QSaveFile automatically detects errors while writing, such as the full partition situation, where write() cannot write all the bytes.
So a full partition would be one instance that could cause a QIODevice::write to fail to fully write data to disk. Disk failure, removal of a portable storage device or network drive during a write to those can also cause only partial data to be written.
Yes that's the entire documentation - unusually poor for Qt.
There's not much more to it.
Does that mean I should call write() in a loop
Something has to prevent write from finishing, perhaps the missing bit is that it won't fail to write maxBytes for no reason. I.e. it's not done to spite you, but because write can't proceed.
If you remove the condition that caused it to fail you can call it again. In most cases, there's no point in retrying - when write fails to write what you meant to write, you're done and you handle it as an error.

Why does zumero_sync need to be called multiple times?

According to the documentation for zumero_sync:
If a large amount of information needs to be pulled from the server,
this function may need to be called more than once.
In my Android app that uses Zumero that's no problem; I just keep calling zumero_sync until the return value doesn't start with "0;".
However, now I'm trying to write an admin script that also syncs with my server dbfiles. I'd like to use the sqlite3 shell, and have the script pass the SQL to execute via command line arguments. I need to call zumero_sync in a loop (which SQLite doesn't support) to make sure the db is fully synced. If I had to, I could invoke sqlite3 in a loop (reading its output, looking for "0;"), or even write a C++ app to call the SQLite/Zumero functions natively. But it certainly would be easier if a single zumero_sync was enough.
I guess my real question is: could zumero_sync be changed so it completes the sync before returning? If there are cases where the existing behavior is more useful, maybe there could be a parameter for specifying which mode to use?
I see two basic questions here:
(1) Why does zumero_sync() work the way it does?
(2) Can it work differently?
I'll answer (2) first, since it's easier: Yes, it could work differently. Rather, we could (and probably will, soon, you brought this up) implement an additional function, named something like zumero_sync_complete(), which performs [the guts of] zumero_sync() in a loop and returns after the sync is complete.
We didn't implement zumero_sync_complete() because it doesn't add much value. It's a simple loop, so you can darn well write it yourself. :-)
Er, except in scripting environments which don't support loops. Like the sqlite3 shell.
Answer to (1):
The Zumero sync protocol is designed to give the server the flexibility to return partial results if it wants to do so. And for the sake of reducing load on the server (and increasing its scalability) it often does want to do exactly that.
Given that, one reason to expose this to the client is to increase the client's flexibility as well. As long we're making multiple roundtrips, we might as well give the client an opportunity to do something (like, maybe, update a progress bar) in between them.
Another thing a client might want to do in between loop iterations is handle an error.
Or, in the case of a multithreaded client, it might want to deal with changes that happened on the client while the sync is going on.
Which raises the question of how locking should be managed? Do we hold the sqlite write lock during the entire loop? Or only when absolutely necessary?
Bottom line: A robust app would probably want to implement the loop itself so that it can make its own decisions and retain full control over things.
But, as you observe, the sqlite3 shell doesn't have loops. And it's not an app. And it doesn't have threads. Or progress bars. So it's a use case where a simpler-and-less-powerful form of zumero_sync() would make sense.

How to use non-blocking or asynchronous IO with Boost Spirit?

Does Spirit provide any capabilities for working with non-blocking IO?
To provide a more concrete example: I'd like to use Boost's Spirit parsing framework to parse data coming in from a network socket that's been placed in non-blocking mode. If the data is not completely available, I'd like to be able to use that thread to perform other work instead of blocking.
The trivial answer is to simply read all the data before invoking Spirit, but potentially gigabytes of data would need to be received and parsed from the socket.
It seems like that in order to support non-blocking I/O while parsing, Spirit would need some ability to partially parse the data and be able to pause and save its parse state when no more data is available. Additionally, it would need to be able to resume parsing from the saved parse state when data does become available. Or maybe I'm making this too complicated?
TODO Will post a example for a simple single-threaded 'event-based' parsing model. This is largely trivial but might just be what you need.
For anything less trivial, please heed to following considerations/hints/tips:
How would you be consuming the result? You wouldn't have the synthesized attributes any earlier anyway, or are you intending to use semantic actions on the fly?
That doesn't usually work well due to backtracking. The caveats could be worked around by careful and judicious use of qi::hold, qi::locals and putting semantic actions with side-effects only at stations that will never be backtracked. In other words:
this is bound to be very errorprone
this naturally applies to a limited set of grammars only (those grammars with rich contextual information will not lend themselves well for this treatment).
Now, everything can be forced, of course, but in general, experienced programmers should have learned to avoid swimming upstream.
Now, if you still want to do this:
You should be able to get spirit library thread safe / reentrant by defining BOOST_SPIRIT_THREADSAFE and linking to libboost_thread. Note this makes the gobals used by Spirit threadsafe (at the cost of fine grained locking) but not your parsers: you can't share your own parsers/rules/sub grammars/expressions across threads. In fact, you can only share you own (Phoenix/Fusion) functors iff they are threadsafe, and any other extensions defined outside the core Spirit library should be audited for thread-safety.
If you manage the above, I think by far the best approach would seem to
use boost::spirit::istream_iterator (or, for binary/raw character streams I'd prefer to define a similar boost::spirit::istreambuf_iterator using the boost::spirit::multi_pass<> template class) to consume the input. Note that depending on your grammar, quite a bit of memory could be used for buffering and the performance is suboptimal
run the parser on it's own thread (or logical thread, e.g. Boost Asio 'strands' or its famous 'stackless coprocedures')
use coarse-grained semantic actions like shown above to pass messages to another logical thread that does the actual processing.
Some more loose pointers:
you can easily 'fuse' some functions to handle lazy evaluation of your semantic action handlers using BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_FUNCTION and friends; This reduces the amount of cruft you have to write to get simple things working like normal C++ overload resolution in semantic actions - especially when you're not using C++0X and BOOST_RESULT_OF_USE_DECLTYPE
Because you will want to avoid semantic actions with side-effects, you should probably look at Inherited Attributes and qi::locals<> to coordinate state across rules in 'pure functional fashion'.

How to hand over variables to a function? With an array or variables?

When I try to refactor my functions, for new needs, I stumble from time to time about the crucial question:
Shall I add another variable with a default value? Or shall I use only one array, where I´m able to add an additional variable without breaking the API?
Unless you need to support a flexible number of variables, I think it's best to explicitly identify each parameter. In most cases you can add an overloaded method that has a different signature to support the extra parameter while still supporting the original method signature. If you use an array for passing variables it just makes it too confusing for users of your API. Obviously there are some inputs that lend themselves to an array (a list of points in a polygon, a list of account IDs you wish to perform an action on, etc.) but if it's not a variable that you would reasonably expect to be an array or list, you should pass it into the method as a separate parameter.
Just like many questions in programming, the right answer is "it depends".
To take Javascript/jQuery as an example, one good rule of thumb is whether the parameter will be required each time the function is called or whether it is optional. For example, the main jQuery function itself requires an expression to determine what element(s) the operation will affect:
It makes no sense to try to pass this parameter as part of an array as it will be required every time this function is called.
On the other hand, many jQuery plugins require several miscellaneous parameters that may be optional. By convention, these are passed as parameters via an 'options' array. As you said, this provides a nice interface as new parameters can be added without affecting the existing API. This makes the API clean as well since the user can ignore those options that are not applicable.
In general, when several parameters are involved, passing them as an array is a nice convention as many of them are certainly going to be optional. This would have helped clean up many WIN32 API's, although it is more difficult to deal with arrays in C/C++ than in Javascript.
It depends on the programming language used.
If you have a run-of-the-mill OO language, you should use an object that you can easily extend, if you are really concerned about API consistency.
If that doesn't matter that much, there is the option of changing the method signature and overloading the method with more / different parameters.
If your language doesn't support either and you want the API to be binary stable, use an array.
There are several considerations that must be made.
Where is the function used? - Only in code you created? One place or hundreds of places? The amount of work that will need to be done to maintain existing code is important. Remember to include the amount of time it will take to communicate to other programmers that may currently be using your function.
How critical is the new parameter? - Do you want to require it to be used? If it has a default value, will that default value break existing use of the function in any subtle ways?
Ease of comprehension - How many parameters are already passed into the function? The larger the number, the more confusing and error prone it will be. Code Complete recommends that you restrict the number of parameters to 7 or less. If you need more than that, you should try to abstract some or all of the related parameters into one object.
Other special considerations - Do you want to optimize your efforts for any special conditions such as code speed or size? Are there any special considerations that must be taken into account for your execution environment? Keep in mind your goals for the project and make sure you aren't working against them with whatever design choice you make.
In his book Code Complete, Steve McConnell decrees that a function should never have more than 7 arguments, and rarely even that many. He presents compelling arguments - that I can't cite from memory, alas.
Clean Code, more recently, advocates even fewer arguments.
So unless the number of things to pass is really small, they should be passed in an enveloping structure. If they're homogenous, an array. If not, then a reasonably lightweight object should be built for the purpose.
You should do neither. Just add the parameter and change all callers to supply the proper default value. The reason is that parameters with default values can only be at the end, and will not be able to add any more required parameters anywhere in the parameters list, without having a risk of misinterpretation.
These are the critical steps to disaster:
1. add one or two parameters with defaults
2. some callers will supply it, and some will rely on defaults.
[half a year passed]
3. add a required parameter (before them)
4. change all callers to accept the required parameter
5. get a phone call, or other event which will make you forget to change one of the instances in part#2
6. now your program compiles perfectly, but is invalid.
Unfortunately, in function call semantics we usually don't have a chance to say, by name, which value goes where.
Array is also not a proper solution. Array should be used as a connection of similar objects, upon which there's a uniform activity performed. As they say here, if it's worth refactoring, it's worth refactoring now.
