Clarity datagrid nested component broken after upgrade to 1.0.2 - vmware-clarity

Since there is no clarity tree table, Developed tree table control which looks like clarity Datagrid. I used Datagrid and tweaked around(created a custom component which wraps rows and nested rows) after a couple of CSS override it was successful.
after upgrading to 1.0.2 it seems to be not working
Got to know that it's broken after 1.0.0 release due to new rendering changes made in clarity datagrid.
Is there a possibility this feature will be back or any possible workaround to achieve this?

In actually only partially worked before the 1.0 rendering refactoring, certain features would not have worked properly using this technique. It is also not supported. The problem with your original (and somewhat functional) example is that you're breaking the Datagrid model by having multiple rows inside of one another. If you try to add selection, it breaks in your scenario.
Why not consider the Tree View component for displaying hierarchical structures? If fits your data model and intention from what I can see in your demo.


Hiding Vaadin Grid Headers

I am using a com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.Grid in my Vaadin 14 sample app. I have added an extra header row and introduced a toggle button for changing its visibility.
Unfortunately, this led me deep down to com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.ColumnLayer, which is not visible.
I have also considered dropping the header cell contents and re-adding them. However, this just leaves a full-height row behind. I have also thought about applying some CSS, but could not find a way to, without altering the official source code.
Can anyone help with a more appropriate solution than building my own Grid version (by forking the official implementation)? This feels like pretty common grid functionality to me...
To whom might be interested about this...
I have used the dirty workaround mentioned the link shared by Tatu Lund.
However, that only works for GridSingleSelectionModel.
For GridMultiSelectionModel, the underlying implementation is rather strange.
For example, I complemented the GridSingleSelectionModel workaround with setting visibility to false on the Un/Select All checkbox the GridMultiSelectionModel generates. This seems to have a listener on it and automatically hides the checkboxes generated by the GridMultiSelectionModel on each row. Which is similar to GridNoneSelectionModel, so unusable if you need to be able to select items.
Unfortunately, I have trusted that Vaadin 14 should be pretty mature by now, but as I explore it I find myself in the position to rather choose version 8, for instance.
It's not the first issue of this kind and, that being said, I am not sure I understand why is Vaadin releasing new major versions every so often, while they don't seem to be able to deliver a comprehensive, stable and reliable option to their adopters. Vaadin 8 is almost 5 years old, and it looks like no later version is even close to it.

Rebol grid control

I am looking for an equivalent of a grid control in Rebol, to display some table data.
I came across this script: face-grid.r
...and its associated demo: face-grid-demo.r
This seems to be an excellent start. Does anyone know if there is some active and/or newer version of this grid, or something similar?
Depending what you need exactly.
Brett's datagrid is a bit basic. For example, it does not handle scrollers by itself.
Henrik has done a list-view with tons of features. Maybe it can be a choice for you :
But there are also different list styles part of the VID extension kit from the same author.
Here is the list documentation.
All are for Rebol2.

ExtJS bidirectional Data Binding? Or alternatives

I'm a pretty experienced Flex/.NET developer who is now learning html5/javascript. I've been playing with Ext Core and ExtJS for the last few weeks and I'm interested in whether/how folks are using these libraries to do bi-directional data binding on data that is not list based.
It seems like most of the binding support is directed at binding rows of data to grids. I'm interested in binding UI elements to arbitrary POJOs that are not list-based data.
Maybe I'm just not looking in the right places, but I'm not finding support for this.
I'm really interested in hearing what folks are doing in Ext OR what folks recommend as an alternative.
Although there is no out-of-the-box solution like the #Bindable from Flex for example, Extjs does offer the infrastructure to create bindings.
If you have a look at you'll see a demo for this where the models (filter instance and record instance, instances of managed or NOT managed by a store) are bound to different views. The functionality is achieved with a thin framework built on top of Extjs.
On the other hand, to bind arbitrary POJOs is exactly the same story, those have to implement an Observable and fire themselves some property change events which can be listened. The blog posts and the framework itself gives a good starting point on how to do this.
Another way/concept is which i used with extjs 3 and works fine.
A follow up... I never did find an ExtJS approach and moved on to other js frameworks/approaches and along the way learned about knockout: which is pretty darned awesome!
Are you looking for the BasicForm functionality? (Particularly: loadRecord)
If you want readonly display you can use DisplayFields or disabled TextFields or similar.
Take a look at jQXB , It's seems to provides a very easy and powerfull api to bind data with html elems

Flex workflow and best practice

While reviewing the tutorials and example Flex projects, they seem to focus mainly on form elements and data grids, rather than delivering content in a more visual way. Which is what I will need for this upcoming project. As a result, I have a gap in my comfort level that I'm hoping that a seasoned Flex developer can help me hurtle.
The project that I have is a collaboration index tool to display customers products and services using an user interface with four separate panels.
the top-left panel will contain a list of categories in a vertical scroll.
The bottom left panel will contain a wheel effect of sub-categories, based on the category chosen.
The top right panel will contain the detail information - The selected Category Title and Description. And below that, the selected sub-category title and description.
The bottom right panel will contain a list of the service and product items that belong to the sub-category. Below each item in the list will be a link-group accordion with url links for more information in each.
There will be an XML file containing the complete data tree driving this collaboration index.
Additionally, depending on the category chosen, color variances will occur in the background of the some of layout sections.
So, It appears that I will need to create a few custom components, maybe adopt a few existing components, and re-skin everything so that it carries a synonymous look and feel to the client's branding.
Although I have a bunch of questions, tackling the first section seems logical, and the first question that comes to mind in this section is: in the top left panel, should the list of categories be standard Flex buttons that are re-skinned? or should they be object instances somehow brought in to Flex.
Then in the second section, I was had seen a component that displayed images in a way that was perfect for this section. But, the items show here would be just visual, rounded corner blocks with subcategory names in them. So, I'm not sure if that component will work or not.
AS3 is very different from AS2. I'm sure you've noticed by now, but it's worth mentioning in case you hadn't.
Flex Components are basically just a package of Flash objects. So you can, sort of, write every Flex component on your own using just Sprites and/or TextFields. This includes skins. A skin is pretty much just a Shape attached to an object with custom drawing.
A button is just a combination of image+textField+skin, with all the events and skin transitions managed for you.
The reason I mention this is that there is no right way to do what you want. If you're using the List control, you should probably write a component that implements IListItemRenderer. Button does, so you can simply override the Button, no problems. You can have buttons with a label + icon. Or just icon. Or just a label. You can also define where the label is positioned relative to the icon (labelPosition="above|below|left|right"). There is a lot of built-in flexibility.
Thanks for the mention of FlexSpaces. Note that it was finally ported to Flex 4 including a first pass conversion to spark controls earlier this year. Still to do: add dependency injection with Spring ActionScript, remove use of Cairngorm 2.x.
I have been developing Flex 4 quite heavily the past 6 months and must say it would make your job very easy.
Here's what I would do:
1) Check out FlexSpaces for the best Flex 3 project architecture. It's a fully featured CMS in Flex with categories, tags, searching, filesystem, collaboration, etc.
2) Download the Flex 4 SDK and install that. There's no need to use Flex 3 anymore, if you're just getting started, DEFINITELY go with Flex 4. If you need custom components, Spark (the new component architecture) has a very simple way of doing them (here's a cool blog post building a Rating Component in Spark that shows you how do it). Flex 4 is backward compatible with Flex 3 components, so you can use projects/components you find on the internet if you want to, no problem.
3) For the top-left category list, if the categories aren't nested, I would use the spark.components.List, (here's one using more complex item renderers). Then just extend the spark.components.supportClasses.ItemRenderer, which acts just like a Skin. If categories are nested, just use the mx.controls.Tree. Check out that FlexSpaces project for that (they show how to use XML/ArrayCollections in the tree, your "object instances brought into flex somehow" question).
4) For the wheel effect, the only thing I don't like about Spark so far is that it's difficult to animate layouts. But people are starting to make 3D layouts, check out Here's 5 3D Layouts for Flex 4 by Ryan Campbell. There's also OpenFlux if you want very easily animated layouts. Flex effects in general are quite clunky, so I end up just using Tweener or TweenMax for animations.
5) As for reskinning, trying to reskin using the Flex 3 architecture would be a monumental task, if you wanted to make it look clean and nice, and it would be insane trying to reuse that code in the next project. For Spark, it's a snap, and it's 100% mxml. Just copy the whole sparkSkins folder from the SDK and start changing things, and you're good to go.
But yeah, that FlexSpaces project is a very solid example for what you're talking about. Totally open source.

Customising Flex Datagrid or alternative solutions

I'm currently building an application that is presenting tabular (fetched from a webservice) data and have squirted it into a datagrid - seemed the most obvious way to present it on screen.
I've now come across a few limitations in the datagrid and wonder how I might move forward. As a relative newcomer to flex development I'm a little lost.
A few things I am wanting to do.
The data is logically split into groups and I would like to be able to have subheadings in the grid whenever I move to a new group.
I would like to be able to highligh individual cells based on their content relative to other values in the row - ie highlight the cell with the highest value in the row.
Is this possible with the standard datagrid?
I'm actually using the try-before-you-buy version of flex builder at the moment but I have ordered Flex Builder 3 Pro - which is on its way to me. I understand there is an 'advanced datagrid' control in this version - perhaps that will support some of what I wish to do?
Alternatively - is there another way of building custom tabular data?
stay the hell away from Adobe's AdvancedDataGrid. You will learn quickly it has many shortcomings, you will think you are better than it and override a few things here, tweak a few things there, but in the end the ADG will absolutely destroy you. Heed my call and avoid this at all costs. The ADG was outsourced by Adobe to their failed Indian team that has sense been disbanded, it alone counts for over %30 of the entire flex framework, and their are horrible deeply rooted issues that are better off starting over at this point. STAY AWAY FROM THE ADVANCDEDDATAGRID AT ALL COSTS!!!!!
The DataGrid is the best bet for that, but also check out the AdvancedDataGrid (here are some AdvancedDataGrid Demos with Source from FarataSystems).
Both the DataGrid and AdvancedDataGrid are notoriously hard to customize, and everything you'd like to do is pretty advanced, so it will take a while to get going, but you can do it eventually.
There's no other way to build tabular data unless you start doing some advanced things with some of the data visualization libraries out there.
Good luck,
