Equivalent of windows folder icon in font awesome - icons

In windows an empty folder looks like this:
But when it contains some files, it starts reflecting like this:
I want something similar in Font Awesome.
It has the folder icon viz. https://fontawesome.com/icons/folder?style=solid
which can be used to indicate an empty folder.
However, I could not find anything which indicates a non-empty folder.
Just pitching out here to get some help around the same.

You could use the "unfilled" folder from regular or light-style for the empty folder and the filled icon to indicate folders with files.
But this would require Pro-Version and I agree that a dedicated icon would be useful. The way to get it into FontAwesome would be via https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/issues - although there are a few others already in, so that may require some patience...
And if the initial suggestion does not help as an interim solution, maybe you could go with an overlay that uses folder + some other icon specific for the files you're dealing with.


Can I somehow download or aquire the discord css file?

I would like to create a website to go hand in hand with my discord bot. I thought it would look nice, if they similar styling, to keep the whole thing more as a unit(I would also not have to worry about button-, checkbox-, etc. styles). As an example, I would like my buttons to have the typical discord-appearance of the blue button with white text and rounded edges(I assume you use dark mode). I of course did some research myself, but couldnt find a library or a standalone css-file that includes all the styles. So my question to you is: do you know a library or link that includes the css-stylesheet? Could I copy the stylesheet from the official discord-websites source-code alternatively?
I am thankful for every suggestion! :)
You can use this chrome extension to download all the source files for a webpage:
The files would be downloaded into a .zip file. You can then extract it's contents and get the CSS file

Font Awesome not working in offline mode with jsp

I have searched throughout many articles and i still doesn't know why it's not working on offline mode, when i import a cdn link of cdn instead of lib from fontawesome then it's working just fine
<link href="css/font-awesome-4.6.3/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
p/s: the icon is not showing up, they are all blank +_+
Make sure that you include the actual font files themselves when you extract the Font Awesome zip into your web folder. Otherwise there's nothing for the CSS to use.
First, in your Cache Manifest, put the actual names of the font files in the folder:
This will make sure the files are deployed with your app.
Next, have a look at font-awesome.css. Notice the file names are referenced like this:
The names do not match the names in the manifest, so the files are not found. You need to modify fontawesome.css: modifying the names in the Cache Manifest will not work. Remove the suffix in names in fontawesome.css to be like this:
Seems like a bit of a hole in the implementation of Cache Manifest.
Download the "free for web" version here: https://fontawesome.com/download
copy the whole extracted-folder and be sure to import the path to "YOUR_LOCAL_PATH/fontawesome-free-5.15.1-web/css/fontawesome.min.css"
put the correct version if different from "free-5.15.1-web"

Mobile version elemental theme Concrete5 v 5.7

I am making a website with concrete 5.7. and to edit some things i have copied the Elemental theme and created my theme. But there are two things i don't know how to edit:
1)Is there a way to define how the elements are going to be disposed in mobile version or at least at which size the autonav is going to be changed by the menu button?Also in small screens the logo becomes really small and all the elements appear disordered.(attached file shows those problems)
2) When i change the colors of my website,(settings->design->customize) where does this changes store, because for me it would be easier to use a text editor rather than doing it with the tool. I don't want to create a new color preset, only to know where these changes are stored.
Thanks for everything.!
Photo: https://plus.google.com/photos/109724001772064952270/albums/6114581190555851105 The first one is the original and the other is the mobile version.
That's actually a bit complex. In the elemental folder, there's a css folder. Inside that folder there's a bootstrap-modified.css file that is responsible for many things including the grid. As the name suggests, it is minified so hard to read and modify.
You also have a file called main.less and several folders containing a lot of other less files.
main.less gets processed and compiled into a css file on the fly, meaning when the site is visited and the css file was not generated yet or when less files were modified.
Anything you want modified you should modify in the less files.
Look for media queries "#media" to find styles specific to certain screen sizes.
how elements are disposed in mobile version is really something you need to deal with through the use of CSS. It is not really something Concrete5 has control over.
The changes to design made through settings->design->customize are saved in the database.
BUT the things you can modify are defined in the site's css file. You could simply modify the css file directly using any text editor instead of customizing design through the dashboard.

Do I have to use Compass to modify CSS with Django-Grappelli?

I recently setup django-grappelli on my first django app. While I like the way it looks I want to customize the colors, and other CSS.
From my research, it looks like I will have to use Compass but I've never used Compass before and want to double check that this is the best method before I embark on that path!
Is Django-grapelli even the right choice for some one that wants to customize the color theme?
Things I tried
Modify the CSS in the Grappelli stylesheets but they are formatted in a way that makes it tedious.
Extend the style sheet but I am not sure where to do this for the admin.
Create a custom.css but could not figure out where to put the path
Thanks for your advice!
It seems to me like Compass is just a tool to write CSS. I've never used it, but at the moment I don't see how it could make modding the admin interface any easier than doing it manually!
Whenever I make changes to the admin (I've made changes to Grappelli, like you're trying to do), I always use what you've listed as number 2. I've never had any troubles! I can try to help you out, if you'd like to try again.
What I do first is go to my Python install directory and copy the Grappelli source from Lib/site-packages. I put this code in my project directory as a project-level app. So, if you're using Django 1.4, you'll have a folder that has your project folder as well as manage.py in it. Put the code there.
Then, using your favorite web developer tools (I prefer Chrome's), figure out which stylesheet you need to modify and which css file it's in. I do this by right-clicking the element and selecting Inspect Element. This brings up the dev tools, and at the right it tells you the css file its referenced from as well as which line its on. If you open up that css file in your favorite text editor and make changes to it, it should work!
Let me know if you're having any trouble with this. I can try to help you out further.
(and, P.S., I wasn't trying to be pedantic with a basic overview of the use of Chrome's developer tools. I was just trying to be helpful by not assuming anything. I hope you don't take it as an insult.)

changing css directive with css files that comes from the thems directory?

in direct regards to my last question.
my css files are located in the app_themes directory.
so im not the one adding the reference to them in the master page.
so how can i implement the solution they gave me in my last question?
thank you!
CSS Files in the app_themes directory has been a thorn in my side as well for this reason, and also because of not being able to control the load order.
I am not sure how to access them programmatically, at least not as objects.
The load order is alphabetical, so I have in the past just put a number in front of all of the style sheets to indicate load order, like I would name the files 1_Stylesheet.css, 2_Stylesheet.css, and so on.
You could do the same thing, and just build the version number into the file name to force the cache to get the new files, so each time you have a new version you just rename the file 1_Stylesheet_v1.css, 1_Stylesheet_v2.css and so on. Since they are added automatically changing the names themselves should not break anything.
This is not the ideal solution, I would love to see a better one, that is not overly complicated.
