With the new r_liteprofile is it possible to know the authenticated user's LinkedIn profile URL? - linkedin

We're using Sign in with LinkedIn, which is deprecating the r_basicprofile scope that offered the profile URL. I don't see a way to get this information using the new r_liteprofile scope. Was that intentionally left out? It seems odd that LinkedIn wouldn't want to drive people back to their own site.

Deadlock :) or just changes of LinkedIn policies.
According this tiny article Public Profile Url you have to use vanityName which is available from r_basicprofile which is not going to be deprecated but available only for Enterprise LinkedIn users :(
Quoting from Self-Serve v1 to v2 API Migration Frequently Asked Questions:
Looking to maintain access to the Basic Profile fields? Learn more
about LinkedIn Developer Enterprise products.


Is there an API that allows a candidate search query?

We're looking into integrating with LinkedIn so that we can feed our users with lists of job candidates, and then send our users back to LinkedIn in order to view relevant profiles. I'm not seeing any relevant API docs regarding this. Is this something that is possible to do via your API today or in the near future?
Right now, LinkedIn gives only the scope of r_liteprofile and r_emailaddress to Retrieve authenticated member's name, headline, photo, and member's primary email address.
To get the relevant candidate for the job, you may need to check skills, projects, etc, for that you need the permission of r_fullprofile,
LinkedIn API has restricted such information as per their documentation:
As per their documentation, to access the information of skills, address, etc, your app needs to request r_fullprofile. But they have closed it now and no alternate is given. The more detail about the current permissions from LinkedIn can be seen here:
Right now there are currently in development mode. They are working on developing their APIs. What and when they will release such information is not available to document right now.

Users can sign-up on our portal using linkedin but we are unable to access their linkedin ID. How do track the linkedin ID with email address?

We are a platform that facilitates companies to hire analytics talent on demand. We only allow users to login to our platform with their Linkedin IDs so that we can validate their profile details and score them. Currently, the Linkedin API doesnot give us even the Linkedin-id of the user to help us manually check the profile. How can we correct this?
Ask for the r_liteprofile and r_emailaddress scopes as part of the OAuth flow. Then make GET calls to https://api.linkedin.com/v2/me and https://api.linkedin.com/v2/emailAddress?q=members&projection=(elements*(handle~))
to gather this information. See the documentation for more details.
However, please read LinkedIn's API Terms of Use to ensure your application is an acceptable use case. Also, the profile data you can receive is quite limits, so it may not give you the fields you want.

LinkedIn New API - Can't Get r_network Permission

I inherited a program that was written with the old LinkedIn API, and I'm trying to migrate it to the new API. When I try to get the r_basicprofile permission, my oauth token works. However, when I try r_network or rw_nus, I get a response
invalid scope -- your application has not been authorized for
Yet, when I go to www.linkedin.com/developer/apps/xxxx/auth, the boxes for r_network and rw_nus are checked.
I.e., A request to
works, but a request to
gives that error. What am I doing wrong?
As of May 15,
After the grace period expires, several REST API endpoints will no longer be available for general use. The following endpoints are the only ones that will remain available for use:
Profile API — /v1/people/~ `
Share API — /v1/people/~/shares
Companies API — /v1/companies/{id}
If your application is currently using any other API services (e.g. Connections, Groups, People Search, Invitation, Job Search, etc.) you will have to apply to become a member of a relevant Partner Program that provides the necessary API access to continue to leverage any of the endpoints that are not listed above.
It looks like linkedin no longer wants to share anything with their API. Creating a new app indicates that the only possible options are r_basicprofile, r_emailaddress, rw_company_admin, and w_share:
TLDR: they have locked down the API and restricted the usage to an extremely limited set of access points.
I did some more digging. The linkedin website is misleading. On my app linkedin page, it says that I'm approved for rw_nus and r_network, but on this page
it says those are no longer approved.
So the app home page in linkedin incorrectly said I had those permissions.
Heres the link if you want to Apply for Linkedin

Why do I have access to the LinkedIn Full Profile without having to go through the "Apply with LinkedIn" API?

The LinkedIn Developer documentation states that full profile information is only accessible when calling the "Apply with LinkedIn" API.
But in practice, when doing a simple test using my own LinkedIn profile I manage to access the Full Profile fields via a "Sign in with LinkedIn" call (I use the JavaScript SDK btw).
That's all very nice because it means that I can access more fields than I expected via the "Sign in with LinkedIn" API, but isn't that a security bug?
PS: If you're a LinkedIn developer, there is a typo error on the Basic Profile fields page: field specialities should be spelled specialties.
you are accessing the data for your own profile that's y u can access all fields .. if you try to access any one else's full profile then you can't retrieve data from those profile . data retrieval of those profiles are limited to basic profile fields only
#JustinKominar's comment is the answer:
There is a blog post (https://developer.linkedin.com/blog/posts/2015/developer-program-changes) that explains that the recently announced changes to LinkedIn's API program will take effect on May 12th, 2015. You still have access because we are still in the transition period between the announcement and formal change. Presently, all previously documented capabilities are still available to you.

Get linkedin public status updates

I am trying to get latest 3 public activities of our company from linkedin (ex: http://www.linkedin.com/company/4043/activity) and present it on our website but unfortunately I dont see a clear explanation to do so in the API documentations. I registered an API Key but I am confused if I need to do OAuth if so against what and then what API to call to get publicly available info?
Is OAuth really needed for something that is available?
Can I store an OAuth token for an internal user and keep fetching data on that? I would really do not want to authenticated the site visitors with oauth to get free linkedin content.
This question is on the lines of this one, but I still wanted to ask and see if I could get a better response/answer.
To get the company updates from the LinkedIn API, you will need to reference the following document:
The API is currently in preview mode, but the above document addresses your question re: OAuth as well as shows the specific calls as well as sample output. If you have any questions after reviewing the docs, please feel free to visit our developer forums at:
And one of someone from our team would be more than happy to help you further.
