What are the recomendation for developing .net core 2.2 web api for following bulleted points? [closed] - asp.net-core-webapi

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am developing a new WebApi using .NetCore2.2, Autofac4, Dapper. There are few very basic questions because this is my first WebApi project. As part of this project I have to write both unit-test and integration-test.
My questions are as follows (Sample Code is give below):
What is recommended return type between "Task< IActionResult >" and "Task< IEnumerable >"?
Recommended object Scope of the dependencies in startup class for my project?
Do I really need UnitOfWork for this given project structure?
What are the flaws if I follow this design?
Is there any better way to design this API?
As TDD do I need write test cases for API layer(Controller) and Infrastructure layer only or Doman Layer (it doesn't have any logic) as well?
What are the scenario I must include in my controller unit test?
Domain Layer:
public class Movie
public int ID {get;set;}
public string Title {get;set;}
public interface ICommandRepository<T> where T : class
Task CreateAsync(T entity);
Task UpdateAsync(T entity);
Task DeleteAsync(T entity);
public interface IQueryRepository<T> where T : class
Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetAllMoviesAsync();
Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetMoviesByTitleAsync(string title);
Task<T> GetMovieByIDAsync(int id);
Infrastructure Layer:
public class MovieCommandContext : DbContext
public MovieCommandContext(DbContextOptions<MovieCommandContext> options)
: base(options)
public DbSet<Movie> Movies { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
public class MovieQueryContext : IDisposable
private readonly IDbConnection connection;
public MovieQueryContext(string connectionString)
connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
public async Task<IEnumerable<Movie>> GetAllMovies()
// Use Dapper->QueryAsync
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Dispose()
if (connection?.State == ConnectionState.Open)
public class MovieCommandRepository : ICommandRepository<Movie>
private readonly MovieCommandContext context;
public MovieCommandRepository(MovieCommandContext dbContext)
context = dbContext;
public async Task CreateAsync(Movie movie)
await context.AddAsync<Movie>(movie);
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
public async Task UpdateAsync(Movie movie)
var entity = context.Attach<Movie>(movie);
context.Entry<Movie>(movie).State = EntityState.Modified;
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
public async Task DeleteAsync(Movie movie)
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
public class MovieQueryRepository : IQueryRepository<Movie>
private readonly MovieQueryContext context;
public MovieQueryRepository(MovieQueryContext dbContext)
context = dbContext;
public async Task<IEnumerable<Movie>> GetAllMoviesAsync()
return await context.GetAllMovies();
public async Task<IEnumerable<Movie>> GetMoviesByTitleAsync(string title)
return await context.GetMovieByName(title);
public async Task<Movie> GetMovieByIDAsync(int id)
return await context.GetMovieByID(id);
API Layer:
public class SampleController : ControllerBase
private readonly ICommandRepository<Movie> movieCommand;
private readonly IQueryRepository<Movie> movieQuery;
public SampleController(ICommandRepository<Movie> command, IQueryRepository<Movie> query)
movieCommand = command;
movieQuery = query;
public async Task<IActionResult> GetMoviesAsync()
var movies = await movieQuery.GetAllMoviesAsync();
return Ok(movies);
// TODO: Logging
return BadRequest();
public async Task<IActionResult> GetMoviesByTitle(string movieTitle)
var movies = await movieQuery.GetMoviesByTitleAsync(movieTitle);
return Ok(movies);
// TODO: Logging
return BadRequest();
public async Task<IActionResult> GetMovieByID(int movieID)
var movie = await movieQuery.GetMovieByIDAsync(movieID);
return Ok(movie);
// TODO: Logging
return BadRequest();
public async Task<IActionResult> Delete(int id)
var movie = await movieQuery.GetMovieByIDAsync(id);
if (movie == null)
return BadRequest();
await movieCommand.DeleteAsync(movie);
return Ok();
// TODO: Logging
return BadRequest();
private void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder)
var contextOptions = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<MovieCommandContext>()
.WithParameter("options", contextOptions);

Point 1:
You should return an IActionResult to return a propper Http response, instead of returning the Task<IEnumerable<Movie>>. That way you guarantee the S and the I of SOLID principles
Point 2 & 3:
see here: Entity Framework Core service default lifetime
Point 4:
IQueryRepository as some bad methods names. The names are tight coupled with domain concepts and they should not.
You are failing the Separation of concerns ( the S of SOLID).
ICommandRepository as an Add method that is being expose to some controller and not being used ( same as Update) here you are failing on the Interface segregation.
MovieQueryContext does not implement IDisposable pattern correctly please see here!
MovieQueryContext is different from MovieCommandContext on the way it initializes. Why? You should try to be coherent the way you design you types because it will give you reusability and apply the DRY principle.
Consider the effort you will need to to if the access to the database change to mongodb. Or if the access to the database changes to a remote service How many changes, and where do you do does changes to support that?
If Movie is a Domain Type it should not have attributes to any specific database access. keep it POCO as possible.
Point 5:
To design your API consider this post. The way you inject your dependencies should consider the lifetime of those objects. Keep in mind that in aspnet.core ApiControllers lifetime is per request. The way you manage your resources to access database should take that into consideration.
If you are considering CQRS, the controllers should be diferent. Keeping in mind the Separation of concerns regarding those responsabilities. One controller would have the responsability to expose some query API, and the other to process commands. There are good frameworks to support CQRS see this scott hanselman post.
Constraints exists on Route attribute not on Verbs.
Logging and Exception handling should be done on an ActionAttribute or on some Especific Middleware, because they are considered to be cross cutting concerns.
Delete Action does not comply to the Http protocol. please consider http rfc:
GetMoviesByTitle Action does not have the name parameter.
Point 6:
Unit tests should test business logic, mocking all the external dependencies with values relevant to the test in place. TDD methodology considers 3 main steps ( here for more details):
the first step consists on implementing the unit tests so it fails
Iterate on implementation of the method being test until it passes with success
Improve the implementation of the method being test
If you want to test your ApiController as being used with all the middleware integrated you need to have that environment put in place without using an actual server that open ports. To do that please consider the usage of TestServer ( see here and here )

1. What is recommended return type between "Task< IActionResult >" and "Task< IEnumerable < Movie > >"?
Even though the API allows you yo use the interface IActionResult, I wouldn't use it at all. Why? Semantics, the only way to know what the true return is, is to see the implementation. It's clearer if the returns is Task< IEnumerable< Movie>>.
If you need to throw a BadRequest or other http code, use the asp.net pipeline to handle this for you. See Notes below.
When using whatever tool to generate some sort of documentation of this API it won't help hiding the real result.
2. object Scope of the dependencies in startup class for my project?
Avoid sharing state between calls, to avoid future issues with synchronization just stick to scope dependencies per request. This may be a performance issue if you have a lot of requests, you can always change this later on. If it's an issue at all.
3. I really need UnitOfWork for this given project structure?
4. What are the flaws if I follow this design?
5. Is there any better way to design this API?
In hope of answering the above 3 questions. The problem I see is extending the functionality around Movie model. e.g. add a fourth action on ICommandRepository.
It seams it will grow vertically. It will only be a problem if multiple classes implement this interface, because they will all need to change. (Interface Segregation Principle)
A way to solve this is to use the Mediator pattern. Your controller will receive the mediator and the mediator will deliver the message to whoever handles it. With this type of solution you could have a class per operation and therefore your system can grow horizontally as new classes are added to the system. (Open Close Principle)
In time, you'll see that a lot of functionality can be reused and adding features is just a matter of configuration.
6. As TDD do I need write test cases for API layer(Controller) and Infrastructure layer only or Domain Layer (it doesn't have any logic) as well?
The idea of Testing in general is to test behavior, when TDDing that should be your mindset. In my experience I found that testing the whole behavior is better than multiple parts of the same behavior.
In this case, the API Layer is part of the infrastructure as is the persistence layer. They should have their own tests, the business rules (Application layer) should have their own tests. The application layer is what you want to last forever. The Api will change as technologies appear (windows forms, web forms, web apis, etc.) Regarding databases as well, you don't know if you want to stick with EF forever.
If the domain layer doesn't provide any behavior then there is nothing to test.
7. What are the scenario I must include in my controller unit test?
I would test using asp.net TestHost:
Test the if routing is correct, test failing scenarios and successful scenarios.
Some notes:
An exception in the Controller does not mean a BadRequest.
Logging is a cross cutting concern, don't just do it everywhere.
Either use the asp.net pipeline or just move this concern to
application layer.
It appears that MovieQueryRepository does nothing, so you don't need it.
This is just some remarks about your questions, there is much more to it. Just remember to keep things simple and organized.
Hope it helped, let me know!


Can asp.net core policies and claims handle resource/activity based authorization?

I'm looking into asp.net core and the new security policies and claims functionality. Having just looked at it I don't see how it is much better than the existing authorize attribute logic in the past where hard-coded roles or users are decorated on controllers, methods etc. To me the issues has just been moved from hard-coding in attributes to hard-coding policies.
Ideally I would like to perform activity/resource based authorization where everything would be database driven. Each activity or resource would be stored in the database and a permission/role would be assigned to the resource.
While researching the topic I found this fantastic article by Stefan Wloch that pretty much covers exactly what I'm looking to do.
So my question is with the new core features how does it prevent us from having to hard-code and recompile when the time comes to change what roles/permissions are allowed to access a controller or method in a controller? I understand how claims can be used to store anything but the policy portion seems susceptible to change, which gets us back to square one. Don't get me wrong, loving asp.net core and all the great changes, just looking for more information on how to handle authorization.
There are at least 2 things that need to be consider in implementing what you want. The first one is how to model the Controller-Action access in database, the second one is to apply that setting in asp.net core Identity.
The first one, there are too many possibilities depend on the application itself, so lets create a Service interface named IActivityAccessService that encapsulate. We use that service via dependency injection so that anything that we need can be injected to it.
As for the second one, it can be achieved by customize AuthorizationHandler in a policy-based authorization. The first step is to setup things in Startup.ConfigureServices :
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.AddPolicy("ActivityAccess", policy => policy.Requirements.Add( new ActivityAccessRequirement() ));
services.AddScoped<IAuthorizationHandler, ActivityAccessHandler>();
//inject the service also
services.AddScoped<IActivityAccessService, ActivityAccessService>();
//code below will be explained later
next we create the ActivityAccessHandler:
public class ActivityAccessHandler : AuthorizationHandler<ActivityAccessRequirement>
readonly IActivityAccessService _ActivityAccessService;
public ActivityAccessHandler (IActivityAccessService r)
_ActivityAccessService = r;
protected override async Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext authHandlerContext, ActivityAccessRequirement requirement)
if (context.Resource is AuthorizationFilterContext filterContext)
var area = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["area"] as string)?.ToLower();
var controller = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] as string)?.ToLower();
var action = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"] as string)?.ToLower();
var id = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["id"] as string)?.ToLower();
if (_ActivityAccessService.IsAuthorize(area, controller, action, id))
public class ActivityAccessRequirement : IAuthorizationRequirement
//since we handle the authorization in our service, we can leave this empty
Since we can use dependency injection in AuthorizationHandler, it is here that we inject the IActivityAccessService.
Now that we have access to what resource is being requested, we need to know who is requesting it. This can be done by injecting IHttpContextAccessor. Thus services.AddHttpContextAccessor() is added in code above, it is for this reason.
And for the IActivityAccessService, you could do something like:
public class ActivityAccessService : IActivityAccessService
readonly AppDbContext _context;
readonly IConfiguration _config;
readonly IHttpContextAccessor _accessor;
readonly UserManager<AppUser> _userManager;
public class ActivityAccessService(AppDbContext d, IConfiguration c, IHttpContextAccessor a, UserManager<AppUser> u)
_context = d;
_config = c;
_accessor = a;
_userManager = u;
public bool IsAuthorize(string area, string controller, string action, string id)
//get the user object from the ClaimPrincipals
var appUser = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(_accessor.HttpContext.User);
//get user roles if necessary
var userRoles = await _userManager.GetRolesAsync(appUser);
// all of needed data are available now, do the logic of authorization
return result;
Please note that the code in IsAuthorize body above is an example. While it will works, people might say it's not a good practice. But since IActivityAccessService is just a common simple service class, we can inject anything that wee need to it and modify the IsAuthorize method signature in any way that we want to. For example, we can just pass the filterContext.RouteData instead.
As for how to apply this to a controller or action:
[Authorize(Policy = "ActivityAccess")]
public ActionResult<IActionResult> GetResource(int resourceId)
return Resource;
hope this helps

How to implement a NoSQL Identity provider for ASP.NET 5 MVC 6 [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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There is no documentation at all.
I know I have to implement my own IUser, my own IUserSTore and somehow register them in the startup.cs. I removed all references to EntityFramework as I want to use a NoSQL backend.
The "convention" philosophy is very nice as long as it is documented and public.
Any hint?
I just did a custom implementation of Identity 2.0, and as you said, I didn't find any useful documentation. But fortunately I managed to achieve my goal.
I'll answer your question assuming that you are using a N layered architecture, isolating your views from your business logic and your business logic from your data access layer. And assuming as well there's a dependency injection container being used such as Unity.
I'll explain the steps you must follow to use the Identity framework with a custom data access:
First you have to declare your domain class, implementing IUser and, if you want, adding custom properties to it:
//This class is implementing IUser with Guid as type because
//I needed to use Guid as default Id.
public class CustomUser : IUser<Guid>
public string CustomProperty { get; set; }
Then, in your business logic layer, you should have a class that handles all tasks related to the user authorization, login, password recovery, among others. This class must inherit from UserManager. The result would be something as follows:
// Business layer class must inherit from UserManager with
// CustomUser and Guid as types
public AuthorizationManager : UserManager<CustomUser, Guid>, IAuthorizationManager
private readonly ICustomUserMongoRepository repository;
private readonly ICustomEmailService emailService;
private readonly ICustomTokenProvider tokenProvider;
// Parameters being injected by Unity.
// container.RegisterType<ICustomUserMongoRepository, CustomUserMongoRepository>();
// ..
// ..
public AuthorizationManager(
ICustomUserMongoRepository repository,
ICustomEmailService emailService,
ICustomTokenProvider tokenProvider
// calling base constructor passing
// a repository which implements
// IUserStore, among others.
: base(repository)
this.repository = repository;
// this.EmailService is a property of UserManager and
// it has to be set to send emails by your class
this.EmailService = emailService;
// this.UserTokenProvider is a property of UserManager and
// it has to be set to generate tokens for user password
// recovery and confirmation tokens
this.UserTokenProvider = tokenProvider;
When inheriting from UserManager, it will provide a series of methods used by Identity and it will force your class to call the base constructor passing a repository, but not any repository, it's mandatory for the repository to implement the interfaces: IUserStore, IPasswordStore, depending on your requirements.
Here is when cool stuff happens. In your data access layer you must have your custom implementation of the repository pattern connecting to a NoSQL database (let's assume it's Mongo). So, your ICustomUserMongoRepository should look something like this:
public interface ICustomUserMongoRepository : IUserPasswordStore<CustomUser, Guid>, IUserEmailStore<CustomUser, Guid>, IUserRoleStore<CustomUser, Guid>
And your Mongo repository should be something like this
public CustomUserMongoRepository : MongoRepository<CustomUser>, ICustomUserMongoRepository
// Here you must have your custom implementation (using Mongo) of
// ICustomUserRepository which is requesting your class to
// implement IUserPasswordStore methods as well
public Task CreateAsync(CustomUser user)
//Custom Mongo implementation
public Task DeleteAsync(CustomUser user)
//Custom Mongo implementation
public Task GetEmailAsync(CustomUser user)
//Custom Mongo implementation
public Task GetEmailConfirmedAsync(CustomUser user)
//Custom Mongo implementation
// ...
Then your controller would look something like this:
public class AuthController : Controller
private readonly IAuthorizationManager manager;
// Manager being injected by Unity.
// container.RegisterType<IAuthorizationManager, AuthorizationManager>();
public AuthController(IAuthorizationManager manager)
this.manager = manager;
// Receives a LogInViewModel with all data needed to allow users to log in
public async Task<ActionResult> LogIn(LogInViewModel viewModel)
// FindAsync it's a method inherited from UserManager, that's
// using the Mongo repository passed to the base class
// in the AuthorizationManager constructor
var user = this.manager.FindAsync(viewModel.Email, viewModel.Password);
if(user != null){ // Log in user and create user session }
else { // Wrong username or password }
The interface IAuthorizationManager is used to deliver quality software, based on SOLID principles. And if you look closer and put a deep thought into it, you'll notice that this interface must have all UserManager's methods to allow the AuthController to call all of the inherited methods by the AuthorizationManager from the UserManager class
Sorry for the long post. It's pretty hard to explain this whole process in few lines. I hope it helps. If you have any doubts or questions, comment this answer and I'll reply back as soon as possible.

What is the purpose of the extension method CreatePerOwinContext in OWIN implementation by Microsoft

I am a newbie in ASP.NET, and currently learning ASP.NET Identity. I know it's built on top of OWIN implementation by Microsoft, and I am also still learning that too. So, I came across the extension method CreatePerOwinContext in the Owin startup code, and I don't see a clear purpose of using it. Is it some kind of dependency injection container? What is the real purpose of the method? In what case it should be applied?
CreatePerOwinContext registers a static callback which your application will use to get back a new instance of a specified type.
This callback will be called once per request and will store the object/objects in OwinContext so that you will be able to use them throughout the application.
Let's say you have defined your own implementation of IdentityDbContext:
public class ApplicationDatabaseContext : IdentityDbContext<MyApplicationUser, MyRole, Guid, MyUserLogin, MyUserRole, MyUserClaim>
public ApplicationDatabaseContext() : base("<connection string>")
public static ApplicationDatabaseContext Create()
return new ApplicationDatabaseContext();
protected override void OnModelCreating(System.Data.Entity.DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
// Customize your table creation here.
#region USERS - INFOS
.Property(p => p.FirstName)
.Property(p => p.LastName)
.Property(p => p.Address)
.Property(p => p.City)
public DbSet<UserInfo> UsersInfo { get; set; }
and your implementation of UserManager:
public class ApplicationUserManager : UserManager<MyApplicationUser, Guid>
public ApplicationUserManager(IUserStore<MyApplicationUser, Guid> store) : base(store)
public static ApplicationUserManager Create(IdentityFactoryOptions<ApplicationUserManager> options, IOwinContext context)
var manager = new ApplicationUserManager(new MyUserStore(context.Get<ApplicationDatabaseContext>()));
manager.UserValidator = new UserValidator<MyApplicationUser, Guid>(manager)
AllowOnlyAlphanumericUserNames = false,
RequireUniqueEmail = true
manager.PasswordValidator = new PasswordValidator()
RequiredLength = 6,
RequireNonLetterOrDigit = false,
// RequireDigit = true,
RequireLowercase = false,
RequireUppercase = false,
var dataProtectionProvider = options.DataProtectionProvider;
if (dataProtectionProvider != null)
manager.UserTokenProvider = new DataProtectorTokenProvider<MyApplicationUser, Guid>(dataProtectionProvider.Create("PasswordReset"));
return (manager);
In your Owin Startup you will register the callback:
// IAppBuilder app
which will call the static method:
public static ApplicationDatabaseContext Create()
return new ApplicationDatabaseContext();
public static ApplicationUserManager Create(IdentityFactoryOptions<ApplicationUserManager> options, IOwinContext context)
Now you will be able to access your database context and user manager in a simple straightforward way:
ApplicationDatabaseContext dbContext = context.OwinContext.Get<ApplicationDatabaseContext>();
ApplicationUserManager userManager = context.OwinContext.GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();
In your ApiController (if you're using WebApi):
IAuthenticationManager authenticationManager = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Authentication;
ApplicationUserManager applicationUserManager = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();
What is the real purpose of the method? In what case it should be
To answer your question more directly, this is useless.
It's some sort of IoC factory, which some people like using.
This one makes you use theirs (IoC) over your choice.
(I don't like IoC, it feels like an anti-pattern for people who want to feel warm and fuzzy and use the term "architecture".)
But seriously, this pattern doesn't IoC interfaces, it IoC static factory functions! Who's idea was that? Why not just use the Factory function yourself? Now you have to remember (Google) an extra API call, and when you press F12 on Get, it takes you nowhere helpful.
What should you do instead then?
Personally, I'm a fan of using OO for this, remember OO? Pepperidge farm remembers. With OO, you remain in control, you can debug, log, and you can extend.
public class BaseApiController : ApiController
private AppDbContext _db = null;
protected AppDbContext db
if (_db == null)
_db = AppDbContext.Create(); //Hey look a proper factory that you can extend with other overloads! And I can debug this line - neat!
return _db;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (_db != null)
All this could be a waste of time, if someone finds some documentation why Microsoft engineers put this in, they might have a good reason why, but I doubt it, so let's upvote this answer in the meantime.
Here's the why, why it's there for Microsoft: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/webdev/2014/02/12/per-request-lifetime-management-for-usermanager-class-in-asp-net-identity/
Basically, the UserManager and all them are built for this kind of structure. The Security checks occur in the pipeline, so why not have a singleton linked to the request, to reduce waste? Because it's hidden.
I would still recommend creating your own instance of the db context on a baseclass, it makes it much cleaner to use. If you really want, you can have a property in your baseclass which retrieves the singleton from the OwinContext.
How much time do we waste trying to work out these fancy APIs, and Authorise attributes and the like, when all we want to do is:
public void DoSomething()
DemandAuthorised(typeof(somethingClass), "DoSomething");
Clearly, I prefer verbose code you can see.
Update 2
EF contexts should not be held as singletons, and certainly not through any IoC or repository pattern.
Generally, yes IoC can be good in situations. But specifically for a dbContext? No.
1) EF DB contexts are a unit of work, they should be short-lived. If you keep them running for a long time, the object cache will slow down queries, and updates/inserts to the underlying database get slower. It's designed to have short lifetime.
2) Also, EF contexts are already loosely coupled. You can change the RDBMS behind a context in the connection string, you can even use memory-only.
3) EF has LINQ which is very flexible, expressive, and type safe.
4) Database is not a business-level service for IoC it's a tool that services use to communicate with the database. Perhaps, You might have some kind of service IEmail that is accessed via IoC. But it should access the internal database using a new EF context that is disposed promptly after completion of queries.
5) Given 1-4 above, we certainly don't want any intermediate Interface layers (Service or Repository) to spoil all the benefits of using EF in the first place.
you may use typeof to get the name like this:

Testing a class library that is using different databases based on Session

I have an ASP.NET website project that until recent had all code in App_Code folder. It uses Entity Framework 4 as ORM. Application is divided into three "sections" (let's say one for each customer). Each section has it's own database (but same schema). This is due to performance reasons, databases are over 10GB each with millions of rows.
Each time a context object is created a Session variable which holds section ID is called and proprietary connection string is chosen for this context.
It looks like this (following are members of static Connection class):
public static MyEntities GetEntityContext()
if (HttpContext.Current.Session["section"] == null)
var context = new MyEntities(GetEntityConnectionStringForSection((int)HttpContext.Current.Session["section"]);
return context;
private static string GetEntityConnectionStringForSection(int section)
switch (section)
case 1: return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["entity_1"].ConnectionString;
case 2: return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["entity_2"].ConnectionString;
case 3: return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["entity_3"].ConnectionString;
default: return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["entity_1"].ConnectionString;
It works very good and also handles situation when session timed out everytime any data access is performed.
Recently as I needed to share DB classes among two websites I moved all DB classes to separate class library and referenced System.Web library which I know is bad practice, but it's working.
Now the next step is to include unit and module tests which as I read is very difficult or impossible when using HttpContext in library, so I want to get rid of System.Web references. What is the best practice for this situation?
I think I can't just pass HttpContext to GetEntityContext() as it is also called from within my entity classes. Although this probably can be refactored. So maybe this is where I should go?
I also wondered if is it possible to somehow pass current section ID to this whole library? It cannot be just static property because as far as I understand it would be common for all users using the application. This should be user-specific.
Reassuming the objective is to make automated testing possible without loosing transparent Connection String choosing and session timeouts handling.
If I do something fundamentally wrong at this stage please also let me know. I can look again at this question tomorrow morning (8.00 am UTC) so please don't be discouraged by my silence till then.
Example of usage of Connection class in the library:
public partial class Store
public static List<Store> GetSpecialStores()
using (var context = Connection.GetEntityContext())
return context.Stores.Where(qq => qq.Type > 0).OrderBy(qq => qq.Code).ToList();
You can declare interface IContextProvider inside your library ans use it to retrieve context. Something like:
public interface IContextProvider
MyEntities GetEntityContext();
This will make your library testable. In your web project you can inject IContextProvider implementation into your library.
public class WebContextProvider : IContextProvider
public MyEntities GetEntityContext()
if (HttpContext.Current.Session["section"] == null)
int sectionId = (int)HttpContext.Current.Session["section"];
string connectionString = GetEntityConnectionStringForSection(sectionId);
var context = new MyEntities(connectionString);
return context;
private static string GetEntityConnectionStringForSection(int section)
switch (section)
case 1: return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["entity_1"].ConnectionString;
case 2: return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["entity_2"].ConnectionString;
case 3: return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["entity_3"].ConnectionString;
default: return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["entity_1"].ConnectionString;
Inject this interface to repositories or other data access classes.
public partial class Store
private IContextProvider contextProvider;
public Store(IContextProvider contextProvider)
this.contextProvider = contextProvider;
public List<Store> GetSpecialStores()
using (var context = contextProvider.GetEntityContext())
return context.Stores.Where(qq => qq.Type > 0).OrderBy(qq => qq.Code).ToList();

Windsor composite lifestyle for asp.net process

I have an asp.net process which also consumes messages from a servicebus (MassTransit). For webrequests my database session is resolved with a PerWebRequest lifestyle.
But when the process consumes a message from MassTransit I need the database session to have another lifestyle, as no HttpContext is available.
I have made this:
public class PerRequestLifeStyleManager : ILifestyleManager
readonly PerWebRequestLifestyleManager perWebRequestLifestyleManager;
readonly PerThreadLifestyleManager perThreadLifestyleManager;
public PerRequestLifeStyleManager()
perWebRequestLifestyleManager = new PerWebRequestLifestyleManager();
perThreadLifestyleManager = new PerThreadLifestyleManager();
public void Init(IComponentActivator componentActivator, IKernel kernel, ComponentModel model)
perWebRequestLifestyleManager.Init(componentActivator, kernel, model);
perThreadLifestyleManager.Init(componentActivator, kernel, model);
public object Resolve(CreationContext context)
return GetManager().Resolve(context);
public bool Release(object instance)
return GetManager().Release(instance);
public void Dispose()
ILifestyleManager GetManager()
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
return perWebRequestLifestyleManager;
return perThreadLifestyleManager;
Can anyone tell me, if this is the right way to go? And if it isn't, what is?
EDIT: I have just updated the question with some code that seems to work (before it was untested). I still am eager to know if this - seen from a Windsor perspective - is safe and sound.
Try using one of the hybrid lifestyles.
By using the Castle Windsor extension, you should just be able to have your ISession as a dependency on the constructor of the consumer class. That way, the container will manage the lifecycle of the ISession, and dispose of it once the consumer is disposed by MT.
If you need even more control, you can look at how the WindsorConsumerFactory is implemented to wrap the resolution and release of the consumer class instance around the delivery of the message to the consumer.
If you need to inject something beyond that, you can also use an interceptor:
Unit of work when using MassTransit
