Confused on ActionListeners - button

Hello fellow coders of the night,
I am stuck with a moral dilemma (well not moral, but mostly i don't know what to do).
Suppose I have one button that can do several actions, depending on the menu item which is chosen.
Basically, I've imagined this
private void menuButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent b)
ActionEvent a
do this and that
Is this the correct way to do this? because if it is I'd have to add ActionListeners on the menuItem but I get stuck with some stupid error code somewhere!
Thanks in advance for helping me!
Post Scriptum : #David, I've tried this, however the initial condition isn't verified.
private void buttonValidateActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
ActionListener l = (ActionEvent e) -> {
if (evt.getSource()==buttonValidate)
DataTransac dt = new DataTransac();
DataTransac dt = new DataTransac();

That won't work; your listener will get a different invocation for each time the listener is used -- so the event source will be either a button or a menu item for a single invocation.
You'll need to respond to the menu item with one ActionListener that stores state, and then separately handle the button action. You could do this with one listener, but I wouldn't; I'd do this:
private MenuItem selected;
private class MenuItemListener implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
// if you really want to have one listener for multiple menu items,
// continue with the .getSource() strategy above, but store some
// state outside the listener
selected = (MenuItem)event.getSource();
// you could alternatively have a different listener for each item
// that manipulates some state
private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
// take conditional action based on selected menu item, as you describe
// in the question
void setup() {
JMenuItem first = /* ... */;
JMenuItem second = /* ... */;
MenuItemListener listener = new MenuItemListener();
JButton button = /* ... */;
Generally speaking this is the preferred approach -- use a different listener for each semantic action, rather than one that introspects the source. Your code will be cleaner, simpler, and easier to understand.
For the same reasons, some people prefer to use anonymous classes for Java event listeners. Here's a Gist that shows several syntaxes: I personally prefer, if you are on Java 8 or higher:
button.addActionListener( event -> {
// handle the button event
} );


How do I stop TextArea from listening to Shortcut KeyCombinations as KeyEvents?

Just as the title says, how do I stop shortcut keys (accelerators) being picked up as key events in TextArea? I have tried the method suggested here with different modifications: TextArea ignore KeyEvent in JavaFX with no luck.
If you want to stop specific accelerators from working when the TextArea has focus simply add an event filter for KEY_PRESSED events.
public class AcceleratorFilter implements EventHandler<KeyEvent> {
// blacklist of KeyCombinations
private final Set<KeyCombination> combinations;
public AcceleratorFilter(KeyCombination... combinations) {
this.combinations = Set.of(combinations);
public void handle(Event event) {
if ( -> combo.match(event)) {
TextArea area = new TextArea();
area.addEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, new AcceleratorFilter(
KeyCombination.valueOf("shortcut+s") // etc...
If you want to indiscriminately block all accelerators registered with the Scene then you can query the Scenes accelerators and consume the KeyEvent if appropriate.
TextArea area = new TextArea();
area.addEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, event -> {
var scene = ((Node) event.getSource()).getScene();
// #getAccelerators() = ObservableMap<KeyCombination, Runnable>
var combos = scene.getAccelerators().keySet();
if ( -> combo.match(event)) {
This latter option may cause issues if you're not careful. For instance, if you have a default Button in the Scene then the above event filter may interfere with the ENTER key. Also, this option won't necessarily stop things like shortcut+c, shortcut+v, etc. because those shortcuts are registered with the TextInputControl, not the Scene.

How can I listen to INTERNAL changes in a tableview?

I have a TableView whose items contain checkboxes. As soon as 2 checkboxes are selected, I need to "unhide" a button.
I have no idea how to check that. Do you have an approach?
The items don't know each other.
The TableView-Controller holds the TableView and the TableColumns.
As far as I know you cannot use bindings here, since you cannot bind yourself to multiple properties. I'm glad for every kind of help. :)
EDIT: To clarify myself: tableView.getItems().addListener() won't work since this can only listen to modifications to the list and not to the outer elements. It can notice if "add()" or "remove" was called, but that's basically it as far as I know.
PS: Busy waiting in a seperate thread is no solution of course.
Assuming you have a TableView<Item> for some Item class with a BooleanProperty:
public class Item {
private final BooleanProperty checked = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
public BooleanProperty checkedProperty() {
return checked ;
public final boolean isChecked() {
return checkedProperty().get();
public final void setChecked(boolean checked) {
// other properties, etc...
and your checkboxes are bound to this property, then you can create your items list using an extractor:
ObservableList<Item> items = FXCollections.observableArrayList(item ->
new Observable[] { item.checkedProperty() });
This ensures that the list fires update notifications when the checkedProperty changes on any of its elements.
So now you can just do normal binding stuff like:
IntegerBinding numberChecked = Bindings.createIntegerBinding(() ->
If you want to be super-efficient:
int requiredNumberChecked = 2 ;
button.visibleProperty().bind(Bindings.createBooleanBinding(() ->
(the binding will return true as soon as it finds two checked items, instead of scanning the entire list).

Detecting which UI button was pressed within canvas?

I have like 10 buttons on my UI and I gotta check which one was touched. I was using the following logic and it was working fine, but now I am getting this error for some reason:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
DetectButton.Start () (at Assets/Scripts/DetectButton.cs:14)
Any ideas what could be going on? Here is my code (attached to the canvas), and I am using Unity version 5.1.0f3. If you need any other info I will gladly provide, thanks in advance
void Start()
this.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() =>
if ( == "btnJogadores2")
print ("2 jogadores");
jogadores = 2;
You don't have to all this the way you are doing.
An Easier and good practice would be to create 10 separate GameObjects for each button inside your canvas. and then create a single script with 10 separate functions for all those buttons in it. Attach that script to you canvas. and then on the button GameObject select the script on the desired function. Sample below
void Start() { }
void Update() { }
public void button1()
public void button2()
public void button3()
NOTE: button1, button2 and button3 are the functions for 3 separate buttons
Then inside your unity Inspector:
Select your script with you button functions.
Assign you desired method to you button.
After this run your scene and your button will call the assigned methods properly.
Code is not tested, but it should get you started to get all the Buttons.
void Start() {
var buttons = this.GetComponents<Button> ();
foreach(var button in buttons) {
button.onClick.AddListener(() = > {
if ( == "btnJogadores2") {
print("2 jogadores");
jogadores = 2;
Actually it will be hard to distinguish between the buttons.
The more practical aproach would be to make 10 GameObjects (Child of the Canvas) and attach your Script to everyone of them.

Update field on valuechange

I have two fields binded with a fieldgroup. I need to make the second field change when the first field loses focus.
What I have so far:
class MyBean {
private String first;
private String second;
//getters, setters
class MasterData extends CustomComponent{
private TextField first;
private TextField second;
//add to layout, other tasks
//the calling code
FieldGroup fieldgroup = new FieldGroup(new MyBean());
fieldgroup.bindMemberFields(new MasterData());
fg.getField("first").addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() {
public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
MyBean bean = fg.getItemDataSource().getBean();
bean.setSecond((String) event.getProperty().getValue());
try {
} catch (CommitException e) { }
The value change event is called but the second field never gets updated on the screen. How canI force the fieldgroup to repaint its field?
You might want to take a look at BlurListener.
Also, I think you need to update the value of the TextField "manually". Changing it in the bean might no update the TextField. When you call commit() on the FieldGroup it commits the values in the field to the bean, not the other way around. So in the listener's implementation, it might look something like this:
try {
} catch (CommitException e) { }

ItemClick Event in a flex Combobox

Does anyone know, is there any way to catch ItemClick Event in a Flex ComboBox (or anything similar). Maybe there's any trick .. :) I do realize, that I can customize it, but this not suits my case.
Thanks for your time :)
As you can see in mx:ComboBox sources, the function, creating the dropdown list, is private, the listener to ITEM_CLICK is private and the list itself is also private:
private var _dropdown:ListBase;
private function getDropdown():ListBase
// ...
_dropdown = dropdownFactory.newInstance();
// ...
_dropdown.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK, dropdown_itemClickHandler);
// ....
private function dropdown_itemClickHandler(event:ListEvent):void
if (_showingDropdown)
So you can not even extend ComboBox.
The only public thing is dropdownFactory, which theoretically can be overriden to somehow register the created dropdown list or create extended list. But the problem I see is that ComboBox is not the parent of dropdown list - PopupManager is. This can make dispatching (bubble) events quite difficult.
I think the following document will be helpful
ItemClick event in flex List
I found this solution. I just want a spark dropdownlist with itemClick event and without itemselect option (don't show selected item label on button)
[Event(name="itemClick", type="")]
public class ItemClickDropDownList extends DropDownList
public function ItemClickDropDownList()
override public function closeDropDown(commit:Boolean):void
var e:ItemClickEvent = new ItemClickEvent(ItemClickEvent.ITEM_CLICK, true);
e.item = this.selectedItem;
e.index = this.selectedIndex;
//Deselect item
this.selectedIndex = -1;
