Update field on valuechange - vaadin7

I have two fields binded with a fieldgroup. I need to make the second field change when the first field loses focus.
What I have so far:
class MyBean {
private String first;
private String second;
//getters, setters
class MasterData extends CustomComponent{
private TextField first;
private TextField second;
//add to layout, other tasks
//the calling code
FieldGroup fieldgroup = new FieldGroup(new MyBean());
fieldgroup.bindMemberFields(new MasterData());
fg.getField("first").addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() {
public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
MyBean bean = fg.getItemDataSource().getBean();
bean.setSecond((String) event.getProperty().getValue());
try {
} catch (CommitException e) { }
The value change event is called but the second field never gets updated on the screen. How canI force the fieldgroup to repaint its field?

You might want to take a look at BlurListener.
Also, I think you need to update the value of the TextField "manually". Changing it in the bean might no update the TextField. When you call commit() on the FieldGroup it commits the values in the field to the bean, not the other way around. So in the listener's implementation, it might look something like this:
try {
} catch (CommitException e) { }


How to create validated TextField entensions in JavaFX

I want to create a JavaFX fxml based dialog, where the user can enter a bunch of integer and double values. I created the dialog in SceneBuilder using for each of the values a dedicated TextField.
Intentionally I am not using Binding between the TextFields and the model. In order to NOT add a ChangeListener or set a TextFormatter to each of these TextFields in the controller again and again, I created a dedicated IntegerTextField and DoubleTextField class, e.g.
public class IntegerTextField extends TextField {
protected static Pattern decimalPattern = Pattern.compile("^-?\\d+$"); // Double ("-?\\d*(\\.\\d{0,1})?");
public IntegerTextField() {
setTextFormatter(new TextFormatter<>(c -> (decimalPattern.matcher(c.getControlNewText()).matches()) ? c : null ));
public int getInt() {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(getText());
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return 0;
and in the Controller class I replaced the previous
#FXML private TextField setsTextField;
#FXML private IntegerTextField setsTextField;
When I got the
javafx.fxml.LoadException:...Can not set util.IntegerTextField field ctrl.ExerciseEditorCtrl.setsTextField to javafx.scene.control.TextField
I realized that this implicit downcasting doesn't work.
Is there a way to do this properly with fxml or is it neccessary to have the dialog setup in a java class when using IntegerTextField?

Using setRowFactory to style rows doesn't work on visible rows (JavaFX 11)

I have a TableView which is updated from an ObservableList. It has two columns. When a file is loaded, the list is populated and the table updates, (initially just the first column is populated). After validation of the items in the list the second column is populated with a success or failure flag. Using the setRowFactory I update the background style of the row to either green for success or red for failure. Some items don't get validated and are styled with "". The table has about a dozen rows visible out of a couple of thousand rows total. The problem I have is that the visible rows don't get their background style updated until they're scrolled out of view and then back in again.
I've been able to overcome this by using the table's refresh() method, but that causes another problem. The first column is editable to allow the data to be corrected before re-validation. If the refresh() method is used then it breaks the ability to edit a cell. The textfield still appears, but is disabled, (no focus border and no ability to highlight or edit its content).
If I leave out the refresh() method editing works just fine. Include the refresh() and the table displays correctly without the need for scrolling, but editing is broken.
So I can either have editable cells or properly displayed rows, but not both. Apart from this problem the code works fine. I've read countless examples and TableView issues, and associated solutions, and nothing I've tried has fixed the problem. In my efforts I can see that the overriden updateItem method is only ever called when the row is redrawn after becoming visible again. My thinking is that I need another mechanism to style the rows on the validationResponse change but this is where I get stuck.
So my question is how to have the visible table rows get their style updated without scrolling while not breaking cell editing? Thanks!!
Reproducible code example follows. Click the first button to populate the table with initial data. Click the second button to simulate validation. The second column will update with the validation response, but the styling doesn't take effect until the rows are scrolled out of view and then back in to view. At this point first column is editable. If you uncomment the tblGCode.refresh() line and re-run the test the styling is applied immediately without scrolling, but editing a cell in the first column no longer works.
Main class:
public class TableViewTest extends Application {
private final ObservableList<GCodeItem> gcodeItems = FXCollections.observableArrayList(
item -> new Observable[]{item.validatedProperty(), item.errorDescriptionProperty()});
private final TableView tblGCode = new TableView();
public void start(Stage stage) {
TableColumn<GCodeItem, String> colGCode = new TableColumn<>("GCode");
colGCode.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("gcode"));
TableColumn<GCodeItem, String> colStatus = new TableColumn<>("Status");
colStatus.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("validationResponse"));
// Set first column to be editable
colGCode.setOnEditCommit((TableColumn.CellEditEvent<GCodeItem, String> t) -> {
((GCodeItem) t.getTableView().getItems().get(t.getTablePosition().getRow())).setGcode(t.getNewValue());
// Set row factory
tblGCode.setRowFactory(tbl -> new TableRow<GCodeItem>() {
private final Tooltip tip = new Tooltip();
tip.setShowDelay(new Duration(250));
protected void updateItem(GCodeItem item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if(item == null || empty) {
} else {
if(item.isValidated()) {
if(item.hasError()) {
setStyle("-fx-background-color: #ffcccc"); // red
} else {
setStyle("-fx-background-color: #ccffdd"); // green
} else {
//tblGCode.refresh(); // this works to give desired styling, but breaks editing
tblGCode.getColumns().setAll(colGCode, colStatus);
// buttons to simulate issue
Button btnPopulate = new Button("1. Populate Table");
btnPopulate.setOnAction(eh -> populateTable());
Button btnValidate = new Button("2. Validate Table");
btnValidate.setOnAction(eh -> simulateValidation());
var scene = new Scene(new VBox(tblGCode, btnPopulate, btnValidate), 640, 320);
public static void main(String[] args) {
private void populateTable() {
// simulates updating of ObservableList with first couple of dozen lines of a file
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("(1001)"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("(T4 D=0.25 CR=0 - ZMIN=-0.4824 - flat end mill)"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("G90 G94"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("G17"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("G20"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("G28 G91 Z0"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("G90"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem(""));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("(Face1)"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("T4 M6"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("S5000 M3"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("G54"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("M8"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("G0 X1.3842 Y-1.1452"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("Z0.6"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("Z0.2"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("G1 Z0.015 F20"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("G18 G3 X1.3592 Z-0.01 I-0.025 K0"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("G1 X1.2492"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("X-1.2492 F40"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("X-1.25"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("G17 G2 X-1.25 Y-0.9178 I0 J0.1137"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("G1 X1.25"));
gcodeItems.add(new GCodeItem("G3 X1.25 Y-0.6904 I0 J0.1137"));
// Add list to table
private void simulateValidation() {
// sets validationResponse on certain rows (not every row is validated)
GCodeItem model:
public class GCodeItem {
private final SimpleStringProperty gcode;
private final SimpleStringProperty validationResponse;
private ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper validated;
private ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper hasError;
private ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper errorNumber;
private ReadOnlyStringWrapper errorDescription;
public GCodeItem(String gcode) {
this.gcode = new SimpleStringProperty(gcode);
this.validationResponse = new SimpleStringProperty("");
this.validated = new ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper();
this.hasError = new ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper();
this.errorNumber = new ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper();
this.errorDescription = new ReadOnlyStringWrapper();
() -> ! "".equals(getValidationResponse()),
() -> ! ("ok".equals(getValidationResponse()) ||
() -> {
String vResp = getValidationResponse();
if ("ok".equals(vResp)) {
return 0;
} else {
// should handle potential exceptions here...
if(vResp.contains(":")) {
int en = Integer.parseInt(vResp.split(":")[1]);
return en ;
} else {
return 0;
}, validationResponse
() -> {
int en = getErrorNumber() ;
return GrblDictionary.getErrorDescription(en);
}, errorNumber
public final String getGcode() {
return gcode.get();
public final void setGcode(String value) {
public SimpleStringProperty gcodeProperty() {
return this.gcode;
public final String getValidationResponse() {
return validationResponse.get();
public final void setValidationResponse(String value) {
public SimpleStringProperty validationResponseProperty() {
return this.validationResponse;
public Boolean isValidated() {
return validatedProperty().get();
public ReadOnlyBooleanProperty validatedProperty() {
return validated.getReadOnlyProperty();
// ugly method name to conform to method naming pattern:
public final boolean isHasError() {
return hasErrorProperty().get();
// better method name:
public final boolean hasError() {
return isHasError();
public ReadOnlyBooleanProperty hasErrorProperty() {
return hasError.getReadOnlyProperty();
public final int getErrorNumber() {
return errorNumberProperty().get();
public ReadOnlyIntegerProperty errorNumberProperty() {
return errorNumber.getReadOnlyProperty() ;
public final String getErrorDescription() {
return errorDescriptionProperty().get();
public ReadOnlyStringProperty errorDescriptionProperty() {
return errorDescription.getReadOnlyProperty();
Supporting dictionary class (abridged):
public class GrblDictionary {
private static final Map<Integer, String> ERRORS = Map.ofEntries(
entry(1, "G-code words consist of a letter and a value. Letter was not found."),
entry(2, "Numeric value format is not valid or missing an expected value."),
entry(17, "Laser mode requires PWM outentry."),
entry(20, "Unsupported or invalid g-code command found in block."),
entry(21, "More than one g-code command from same modal group found in block."),
entry(22, "Feed rate has not yet been set or is undefined.")
public static String getErrorDescription(int errorNumber) {
return ERRORS.containsKey(errorNumber) ? ERRORS.get(errorNumber) : "Unrecognized error number.";
Edit #2:
If I replace the TableView.setRowFactory code with TableColumn.setCellFactory as shown below I get the desired effect and editing still works. Is this a sensible solution, or should I really be using setRowFactory and getting the list changes recognised correctly by setRowFactory? In my testing it only ever seemed like the overriden updateItem method was being called when rows scrolled in to view.
colStatus.setCellFactory(tc -> new TableCell<GCodeItem, String>() {
private final Tooltip tip = new Tooltip();
tip.setShowDelay(new Duration(250));
protected void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
TableRow<GCodeItem> row = this.getTableRow();
GCodeItem rowItem = row.getItem();
if(item == null || empty) {
} else {
if(rowItem.isValidated()) {
if(rowItem.hasError()) {
row.setStyle("-fx-background-color: #ffcccc"); // red
} else {
row.setStyle("-fx-background-color: #ccffdd"); // green
} else {
Edit #3:
Many thanks to kleopatra and James_D I now have a solution. Overriding isItemChanged() in the row factory has solved my issue.
The place to install conditional row styling is a custom TableRow - nowhere else. As always, contained nodes - like tableCells here - must not interfere with their parent's state, never-ever!.
The base problem with such styling in a tableRow is that row.updateItem(...) is not called when we might expect it, in particular, not after an update of a property. There are two options to solve (apart from making sure that the table is notified at all on updates of properties not shown in columns by using an extractor as already suggested by James)
A quick option is to unconditionally force an update always, by overriding isItemChanged:
protected boolean isItemChanged(GCodeItem oldItem,
GCodeItem newItem) {
return true;
Another option is to update the styling in both updateItem(...) and updateIndex(...) (the latter is called always when anything chances in the data)
protected void updateIndex(int i) {
protected void updateItem(CustomItem item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
protected void doUpdateItem(CustomItem item) {
// actually do the update and styling
Choosing between both depends on context and requirements. Have seen contexts where the one or other didn't work properly, without a clean indication when/why that happened (too lazy to really dig ;)
Aside - a couple of comments to the question which did improve considerably over time but still is not quite a [MCVE]:
the data item is both too complex (for basic styling, there's no need for several direct/indirect intertwined conditions) and not complete enough to really demonstrate the requirements (like update after editing the value that drives the error condition)
the data item exposes properties (good thing!) - so use those (vs. PropertyValueFactory, bad thing!)
with a writable property a custom edit commit handler is not needed
TableColumn is editable by default, making col.setEditable(true) a no-op. If only some columns should editable, the others must be set to false
The basic issue is that the table is not forcing updates on the table row when the relevant properties change. Using the "extractor" as you do with
private final ObservableList<GCodeItem> gcodeItems = FXCollections.observableArrayList(
item -> new Observable[]{item.validatedProperty(), item.errorDescriptionProperty()});
should work, but it seems the table does not force row updates when the underlying data list fires updated type changes. (I'd consider this a bug; it's possible the JavaFX team simply doesn't consider this a supported feature.)
One approach here is to have the TableRow register a listener with the current item's validationResponseProperty() (or any other desired property), and update the row when it changes. A little care is needed here, because the current item that the row displays can change (e.g. when scrolling or when the data in the list change), so you need to observe the itemProperty() and ensure the listener is registered with the property in the correct item. This looks like:
// Set row factory
tblGCode.setRowFactory(tbl -> new TableRow<GCodeItem>() {
private final Tooltip tip = new Tooltip();
private final ChangeListener<String> listener = (obs, oldValidationResponse, newValidationResponse) ->
tip.setShowDelay(new Duration(250));
itemProperty().addListener((obs, oldItem, newItem) -> {
if (oldItem != null) {
if (newItem != null) {
protected void updateItem(GCodeItem item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
private void updateStyleAndTooltip() {
GCodeItem item = getItem();
if(item == null || isEmpty()) {
} else {
if(item.isValidated()) {
if(item.hasError()) {
setStyle("-fx-background-color: #ffcccc"); // red
} else {
setStyle("-fx-background-color: #ccffdd"); // green
} else {
Note now you no longer need the list created with the extractor:
private final ObservableList<GCodeItem> gcodeItems = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
and indeed this would work without the dependent properties being implemented as JavaFX (bound) properties (as long as they are kept consistent with the other data); though I still consider the version you currently have to be the better implementation.
BTW, as a brief aside, your style will work better if you use -fx-background instead of -fx-background-color. By default, the background color (-fx-background-color) of a row is set equal to -fx-background. However, the color of the text is made dependent on -fx-background: if -fx-background is light, then a dark text is used, and vice-versa. By default, selecting a row changes -fx-background, which results in a change in text color, so in your implementation you'll notice the text is hard to read in a selected (validated or error) row. In short, modifying -fx-background will play better with selection than modifying -fx-background-color.

Confused on ActionListeners

Hello fellow coders of the night,
I am stuck with a moral dilemma (well not moral, but mostly i don't know what to do).
Suppose I have one button that can do several actions, depending on the menu item which is chosen.
Basically, I've imagined this
private void menuButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent b)
ActionEvent a
do this and that
Is this the correct way to do this? because if it is I'd have to add ActionListeners on the menuItem but I get stuck with some stupid error code somewhere!
Thanks in advance for helping me!
Post Scriptum : #David, I've tried this, however the initial condition isn't verified.
private void buttonValidateActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
ActionListener l = (ActionEvent e) -> {
if (evt.getSource()==buttonValidate)
DataTransac dt = new DataTransac();
DataTransac dt = new DataTransac();
That won't work; your listener will get a different invocation for each time the listener is used -- so the event source will be either a button or a menu item for a single invocation.
You'll need to respond to the menu item with one ActionListener that stores state, and then separately handle the button action. You could do this with one listener, but I wouldn't; I'd do this:
private MenuItem selected;
private class MenuItemListener implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
// if you really want to have one listener for multiple menu items,
// continue with the .getSource() strategy above, but store some
// state outside the listener
selected = (MenuItem)event.getSource();
// you could alternatively have a different listener for each item
// that manipulates some state
private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
// take conditional action based on selected menu item, as you describe
// in the question
void setup() {
JMenuItem first = /* ... */;
JMenuItem second = /* ... */;
MenuItemListener listener = new MenuItemListener();
JButton button = /* ... */;
Generally speaking this is the preferred approach -- use a different listener for each semantic action, rather than one that introspects the source. Your code will be cleaner, simpler, and easier to understand.
For the same reasons, some people prefer to use anonymous classes for Java event listeners. Here's a Gist that shows several syntaxes: https://gist.github.com/sfcgeorge/83027af0338c7c34adf8. I personally prefer, if you are on Java 8 or higher:
button.addActionListener( event -> {
// handle the button event
} );

JavaFX - using setRowFactory to highlight new rows

I am writing a JavaFX app where a series of messages appear in a TableView. When a new message appears, its row in the table should be highlighted, meaning its background color should be orange or something. Once the user clicks it, the background color should clear, acknowledging the message was read. Should be simple.
I've done enough research to realize that I need to use a rowFactory to set or clear a row's background. But I'm struggling with the mechanics of setRowFactory(). The documentation on Oracle is over my head, and every example I pull up online seems radically different than the last one.
Here's what I have:
public class Message {
private boolean readOnce;
private int date;
private String msg;
public Message(int date, String msg, String msg2){
this.readOnce = false;
this.date = date;
this.msg = msg;
public boolean isReadOnce() {
return readOnce;
public void setReadOnce(){
readOnce = true;
// ...and more standard getters & setters here...
The TableView is set up in the main controller:
#FXML TableView<Message> messageTable;
#FXML TableColumn<Message, Integer> Col1;
#FXML TableColumn<Message, String> Col2;
ObservableList<Message> tableItems;
// ...
// Setting up the Table:
PropertyValueFactory<Message, Integer> dateProperty = new PropertyValueFactory<Message, Integer>("date");
PropertyValueFactory<Message, String> msgProperty = new PropertyValueFactory<Message, String>("msg");
Col1.setCellValueFactory( dateProperty );
Col2.setCellValueFactory( msgProperty );
messageTable.setItems( tableItems );
// If we click an item in the table: messageTable.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener((obs, oldSelection, newSelection) -> {
if (newSelection != null) {
System.out.println("Troubleshoot: You clicked: "+newSelection.getMsg());
And if I want to add a new message to the table, I just add it into the observable list:
public void addMsg(int num, String msg){
tableItems.add(new Message(num, msg));
So far, pretty easy. But I'm all thumbs when it comes to the rowFactory:
messageTable.setRowFactory(messageTable -> {
TableRow<Message> row = new TableRow<>();
ObjectProperty<Message> opMsg = row.itemProperty();
Message tmpMsg = opMsg.get();
row.getStyleClass().add("highlight-message"); // defined in CSS
} else {
row.getStyleClass().add("clear-message"); // defined in CSS
return row;
To be very honest, I have no idea what I'm doing here. I understand that the rowFactory takes in the entire table and regenerates each row one-by-one. What I don't understand is how does the RowFactory code examine each Message in the table and how can I access them? Originally I thought these line might allow me to see the Message within the row:
TableRow<Message> row = new TableRow<>();
ObjectProperty<Message> opMsg = row.itemProperty();
Message tmpMsg = opMsg.get();
But when I debug the code, tmpMsg == NULL. So that's a big fat dead end.
Anyone see what I'm doing wrong? I've been researching this for about a week, getting absolutely no-where. Any help anyone can offer is wildly appreciated.
Many thanks,
TableRows are created by TableView to fill it's viewport and contain TableCells. At the time they are created the item property still contains the default value null. You could register a listener to that property but usually I prefer overriding the updateItem method of a cell.
Also using PseudoClass is simpler than using style classes. New items can be assigned to a row; this could result in the same style class being added multiple times and even both style classes could be added to the same cell. PseudoClasses however can be switched on/of without the need to take care of removing other classes.
final PseudoClass highlightMessage = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("highlight-message");
messageTable.setRowFactory(messageTable -> new TableRow<Message>() {
selectedProperty().addListener((o, oldVal, newVal) -> {
if (newVal) {
Message item = getItem();
if (item != null) {
pseudoClassStateChanged(highlightMessage, false);
protected void updateItem(Message item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
pseudoClassStateChanged(highlightMessage, item != null && !item.isReadOnce());
In a CSS stylesheet you could use rules like this:
.table-row-cell:filled {
/* style for non-highlighted rows */
.table-row-cell:filled:highlight-message {
/* style for highlighted rows */
Note that this does not allow you to programmatically alter the read state. It updates the state on selecting a cell. You could add a BooleanProperty to Message or use a ObservableSet to store the highlighted messages and update the state of cells from a listener if you need to programmatically update the readOnce property. In the latter case you do not need to store a readOnce property in the Message itself...

How do I automatically trigger enter key in Javafx

Nowadays I am working on raspberry pi and I write some programs in java , javafx platforms.I just would like to inform you that I am simply beginner on javafx.
According to that I just would like to trigger ENTER key after changing my textfield.Working principle of my program is like this;
1)I have created one masterform fxml and it is directing all other pages with one textfield.
2)I created main method that let me to use keyboard to enter some specific String values to assign them to textfield for page alteration.
3)I have a bridge java page, it includes global variables to use everywhere in project.So Firstly I set value from keyboard to these global variables.These global variables are created as stringproperty for adding actionlistener for any change.
4)Then I set these global variables to textfield.
5)Textfield indicates relevant values from keyboard.But Unfortunately I can not forward the pages without pressing to enter key.In this case ı would like to trigger this textfield.But unfortunately ı have no idea how to trigger texfield without pressing enter key.Therefore I decided to make auto trigger to enter key for this textfield.
I simply used robot method;
Robot robot = new Robot();
But it didn't work.Because After I set the global variable to textfield for first time.It does not define the value of the textfield is changed.It determines after pressing the enter key.
So how can I trigger this textfield after getting value of my global variables.I would like to pass how to set pages, I will show you how my program works.
Example of my code is;
Main method
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner=new Scanner(System.in);
for (String strBarcode = scanner.nextLine(); !strBarcode.isEmpty();
strBarcode = scanner.nextLine()) {
if (strBarcode.equals("distribution")){
GlobalVariables.java(bridge page)
public class Global{
public static StringProperty G_MOD = new SimpleStringProperty("");
My MasterController Page for javafx
public class masterformController implements Initializable {
public TextField tbxBarcode;
void onchangetbxBarcode(ActionEvent event) {
try {
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("/puttolightfx/fxml/page1.fxml"));
Parent rootpage1 = (Parent)loader.load();
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(masterformController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
Global.G_MOD.addListener(new ChangeListener(){
public void changed(ObservableValue observable, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
String Newvalue = (String)newValue;
So Everything is working, just I have to trigger textfield when the global value : Global.G_MOD is indicated on texfield.Then it will pass to another page according to global value of Global.G_MOD : "distribution".
I solved my problem using thread on listener of the textfield.I gave up to trigger enter key automatically and focused on textfield change.
I simply decided to use thread to change .fxml pages in textfield listener.
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//if you change the UI, do it here !
tbxBarcode.textProperty().addListener((ObservableValue<? extends String> observable, String oldValue, String newValue) -> {
String Newvalue=(String)newValue;
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("/puttolightfx/fxml/page1.fxml"));
Parent rootpage1 = (Parent)loader.load();
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(masterformController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
// }
Try using
textField.fireEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, "", "", KeyCode.ENTER, true, true, true, true));
According to the docs
public KeyEvent(EventType<KeyEvent> eventType,
String character,
String text,
KeyCode code,
boolean shiftDown,
boolean controlDown,
boolean altDown,
boolean metaDown)
Constructs new KeyEvent event with null source and target and KeyCode object directly specified.
eventType - The type of the event.
character - The character or sequence of characters associated with the event
text - A String describing the key code
code - The integer key code
shiftDown - true if shift modifier was pressed.
controlDown - true if control modifier was pressed.
altDown - true if alt modifier was pressed.
metaDown - true if meta modifier was pressed.
JavaFX 8.0
You can refer https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/input/KeyEvent.html
Edit 1
You need to identify the moment when Enter key event must be triggered.
For example:
If your textfield allows a limited number of characters, then you can add the above mentioned code in the following way:
txtField.textProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<String>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends String> observable, String oldValue, String newValue) {
if (newValue.length()>30) {
txtField.fireEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, "", "", KeyCode.ENTER, true, true, true, true));
This is just an example. It can fire your event multiple times, so you need to write the code to fire the event just once.
