how to get portal ids for taleo website like TUFTS university where portal id is hidden?use to generate RSS url - rss

Sites with Taleo have a fixed pattern to access RSS.
I have derived many RSS in this manner.
Example is
I use these RSS feeds to populate my Job Portal Website at
but I came across a few sites like
which hide the portal id in some variables so that their app only can use it. Is there any method to extract them.

I was able to view source in Google Chrome and find where it says "portal=" and the value for Tufts says "8240432407"
If the portal ID is hidden on one page source, it may be available if you click different links in the open portal page (like trying to sign into that portal & then viewing source, etc.)


Google Analytics - Some weird URLs are being registered in behavior reports

We made a google analytics account for one of our clients as part of the requirements.
Under Reporting tab, we have sections like Behavior -> Site Content -> All pages. In All Pages section we are able to see a table which contains all the urls which are viewed with respective pageviews , unique pageviews and other dimensions.
A normal page view looks like:"/pwsportal/faces/homePageNav/mktplan_adf.Ctrl_9_afrLoop_1234423".
Some how there are some weird page urls like :
I tried using Exclude Filters and couldn't eliminate these kind of urls.
From one on the blog i got to know that if any url contains any script tags it is a part of hacking technique called cross site scripting.
Finally i am here to find a solution to eliminate the these kind of existing urls and to prevent them from getting registered in future into google analytics.

Website doesn't appear In first 20 list of links in a Google Search

I have recently completed one website and am now working on SEO for same, in order to get listed in first 20 links of Google search.
Basically our website is on car rent services in Goa, India.
I completed with following things in SEO
Verified my website in Search console
Uploaded the .html file on server
Also uploaded robots.txt.
Generated site map and uploaded the same on server
Pages submitted for indexing fetch as Google some pages show status as complete and partial
Key words added to pages using plugin.
All the above has been done but still our website is not getting listed in first 20 of Google search.
Pages submitted for indexing but still count shows 0.
Please help
Thank you
SEO is a slow and steady process; naturally it will take time to achieve the top position in search result.
Things you should do;
1) Add meta title and description to each page based on the keywords
2) Include keywords in URL of the page
3) Create a webmaster tool and use fetch page option to get listed in search engines (Example: Google webmaster is must needed)
4) Create brand pages in social media sites and interlink with website
5) submit your website to --> Useful guide for you
Check out Google's Webmaster Guidelines:
Following these guidelines will help Google find, index, and rank your site.

Using OpenGraph to pull content onto my site?

So a company I'm working with gets mentioned in the media from time to time (BBC & other big news sites).
Is anyone aware of fees / licenses we will need to use the content that BBC etc provides using OpenGraph and post that content on our site?
So essentially we want a little card on our site with the page title, OG image, URL and possibly the description, when the user clicks this it will open the original page/link on the original source site.
I can't see too much info out there other than sharing on facebook, not using OpenGraph on our site.
Can anyone share some knowledge? Cheers!
If I get your question correctly, you want to retrieve posts on the BBC site, scrape the information and show in your own site, right?
Does the site of BBC, and possible others, provide a feed where you can subscribe to? In that case, you could monitor that feed for any mentions of your company.
Alternatively, you can use one of Facebook's partners that use the Keyword Insights API. There you can set up monitoring for your company name and integrate with their API.

Search Engine Optimization: How do sites like Yellow Pages get all their listings found by search engines

I am trying to build a locally-based restaurant listing/reviews site. I can't help but notice that if I search for a restaurant on the web that sites like Yellow Pages or Yelp have a listing that appears at the top of the list for that restaurant. Obviously they don't have a separate web page for every restaurant in the US, but somehow their database of info is being read by the search engine. How is that accomplished?
Thanks in advance.
The information is stored in a database, and a template page just pulls up the information from the database and displays it. The URL appears to be a unique page for the restaurant by clever use of URL re-writing or, in .NET, using routing.
Routing basically takes a GET parameter from the url, incorporates it into the URL as a pseudo-path, then uses that parameter to get the database record to display the restaurant.

managing redirection with google analytics

I have a site that contains the file
It redirects folks to another site using an id it pulls from the database.
I'd like to track the page on Google Analytics, see where users are coming from, and what popular sites they're going to.. etc.
I currently set up the page so that it pulls (with PHP) the link from the database, and outputs the ga.js stuff and a javascript redirect.
The issue is that I'm getting the data on my analytics dashboard as if every id is a different page..
What is a better way to do this?
If you want to check for pages of the type redirect.php?id=x then the page Carlos links to is how you would do it.
You would want to exclude the id parameter from your search. Then Analytics would combine all the redirect.php?id=1 redirect.php?id=2 redirect.php?id=3 pages as just a single page named redirect.php
How do I exclude query parameters from my reports?
