Using OpenGraph to pull content onto my site? - wordpress

So a company I'm working with gets mentioned in the media from time to time (BBC & other big news sites).
Is anyone aware of fees / licenses we will need to use the content that BBC etc provides using OpenGraph and post that content on our site?
So essentially we want a little card on our site with the page title, OG image, URL and possibly the description, when the user clicks this it will open the original page/link on the original source site.
I can't see too much info out there other than sharing on facebook, not using OpenGraph on our site.
Can anyone share some knowledge? Cheers!

If I get your question correctly, you want to retrieve posts on the BBC site, scrape the information and show in your own site, right?
Does the site of BBC, and possible others, provide a feed where you can subscribe to? In that case, you could monitor that feed for any mentions of your company.
Alternatively, you can use one of Facebook's partners that use the Keyword Insights API. There you can set up monitoring for your company name and integrate with their API.


Best way to setup cross domain tracking between blog and e-commerce site?

I run a blog that has an e-commerce site attached to it. I want to use a separate root domain for the e-commerce site to debloat the site but also want to continue being able to attribute what content leads to sales.
I hear that I need to implement both sites under the same Property View. Is this advisable or should I create a separate property view?
Also, my biggest concern is how do I identify traffic that is solely going to the e-commerce site without being referred to from the blog site? Is there a way of filtering this out?
Thank you.
For the first question, the answer is "yes", by tracking everything in a Property (with the necessary setup), if a user lands on the blog from google search then he moves to the shop and buys, the sale will be organic.
For the second question, the answer is "you can see it with a segment". By creating a segment that excludes sessions (or users) who have seen the blog domain, you will only get those who landed and remained exclusively in the shop.

Automatically repost WordPress post on LinkedIn Articles

A client is asking for an option to automatically repost/copy a published post from WordPress to a LinkedIn article since there's a different audience watching both feeds.
Most created WordPress solutions only facilitate sharing a link to the website post on the standard feed and from what I can find at there seems no option to create articles through an API, only retrieve and delete them.
I was wondering if I missed something or if at the moment it's not possible to create LinkedIn articles through the API. Thanks.
so because you speak of a client. i will take this as a hint that the article needs posting on the company page.
you should read the following page:
this page contains all information regarding managing company pages including adding posts.
There are two methods for sharing content via the REST API. The API endpoint is the same, regardless of the method you choose — only the format of the request body differs.
Post a plain text comment. Note that if the comment includes a
fully-qualified URL in it, LinkedIn analyzes the included URL and
automatically identifies the title, description, image, etc., to be
used as part of the share. Share with specific values — You provide
the title, description, image, etc., directly in the body of the
you cannot use the V2 api's without a partnership with linkedin. the link i provided is for V1 api. this api is for free use. if you necessarily need the V2 then just post a comment and i will explain the proces of the partnership.

MailChimp and Wordpress Integration for E-Book download

I'm a little new to web dev and coding so forgive my basic question..
I'm working as a sales and marketing consultant for a software company. The company has requested i create a mailchimp campaign linking to a landing page on wordpress, with downloadable e-book for subscribers. I'm having difficulty with this; does anyone have a recommendation or solution to integrate/automate the two?
To be more concise, there's three actions required: Sending the campaign (Mailchimp), redirecting to the landing page (Wordpress), and then downloading E-Book AFTER subscribing (Wordpress). All these actions have been completed; I just don't know how to automate/integrate the actions together.
i realize it's not a coding question per se, but I assume some coding may be needed.
Thanks :)
P.s. I searched for a similar question but to no avail. If there is one, please link the answers :)
Have you tried the mail chimp plug-in?
-Good luck [:
I have had to create a similar workflow, below is my process.
Create a list on mailchimp
within this list, in the forms tab, create a form to get name and email info of people wanting to download your Ebook
open 'embedded forms' in the same list and copy the HTML code
Using the Bloom plugin connect mailchimp and wordpress.
selected the mailchimp list you want to connect
select 'custom HTML form' and paste the code
make final aesthetic changes to from
Bloom will give you a 'shortcode for the optin' which can be copied into a black wordpress page. (this will show your form)
Create a landing page on wordpress
standard page nothing special but link to you wordpress page with your form
Set up automation on Mailchimp that whenever someone signs up to your list they get an email with a link to the Ebook.
That's the overview, with many learning opportunities along the way ;)

How to get news from another website via RSS

I have a blog and I want some automatically - generated news on it. I have found a few news websites which generate RSS feeds and I want to auto-post them to my blog.
I have done this using the WP-o-Matic plugin, but since the RSS feed's content is limited to some point, the entire news' text does not show up on my blog.
Is there a way to get the whole content of the post the RSS feed is linking to ?
You're going to have to code this yourself. Let's say you subscribe to an RSS feed for Google News. You can parse their feed to get the original URL of the summarized article, but then you're going to have to make a request to that URL and fetch the content on that page. Unless the source happens to make whole articles available via its own RSS feed (unlikely), you're probably in markup-scraping territory.
Have to say this: consider the ethical/legal implications of duplicating entire original content on your site (as opposed to summary snippets), even with proper attribution.
For people that need a solution to the problem I described ..
There are services like:
You can use them to do the job for you. They fetch the RSS feed, crawl the websites and extract the full articles for you. After that, they provide a RSS feed of their own with the extracted data.
You can combine the extracted data (the RSS feed the service provides you with) with a wordpress plugin like WP-o-Matic. That way the plugin connects to the RSS feed of the service and the service extracts the content from the original RSS feed.
Have in mind that those services are not perfect. Due to complex website layouts, these services might be unable to find the content, or include things that are not a part of the articles. A manual check of the output is advised.
To the services alrady listed at the top, you can also check , FeedsAPI brings to the table that it takes the process of posting the articles directly to your secret blog email for you, so all you need to do is manage the publication in the wordpress admin, and you can also get it targeting a specific feed to receive the results you want. Anothe alternative will be the combinations of one of those services with IFTTT . I hope this could help.

How can I pull images from Flickr into Drupal website based on specified tags?

I work for a registered children's charity and social enterprise, and we've recently relaunched our website - built on Drupal, which is great.
To help bring to life what we do, we serve a random selection of images across the site - simply pulling them from one of our own generic 'best of' sets on Flickr - but desperately need to filter these for different sections of the site, so they are more relevant. The most obvious, flexible and efficient option would be to call images from Flickr based on tags, only the main Flickr module doesn't appear to allow for this.
Having spoken with our IT guy, we came up with the below (which is pretty exhaustive, so happy to be flexible for speedy solution).
Hope someone on here can help - and at a reasonable rate..!
Essentially we need a field type similar to that used by the existing flickr module photo set; one that can be attached to any content type but allows the input of one or more flickr tags (as opposed to just single photo or set as is currently the case). As with the existing flickr photo set, we also need a content pane/block to present a random flickr photo based on the tag(s) specified.
Ideally, on the content creation/edit form, the user would be presented with a list of qualified tags pulled from the flickr account. Failing that, tags entered should be validated as having one or more flickr photos from the specified account on form submission.
As is the case with the standard module, when images are clicked on, a new page should open on the main flickr site showing this image (with the usual related set/tag based images).
Flickr has a very nice API. You should install flickr module from then create a custom module to get and display images from your flickr account.
Flickr module has a function you can use to make your own API calls to flickr: flickr_request(method, params). Here's how you can search photos by tags on flickr:
Hope this can lead you to the right direction :)
