i have two websites (i.e siteA.com and siteB.com) siteA.com act as a publisher and there is link with utm on siteA.com.
when the link is clicked the click info is saved and then it redirects to siteB.com.
siteB.com act as a landing page and google analytic js code is in this page.
but when i open google analytics there is difference between number of hits and session that i have saved from what is shown on google analytics.
google analytics shows me that only 14 session and devices have visited siteB.com from the link but my statics shows that 60 different devices have visited siteB.com from the link provided on siteA.com.
where does this inconsistency come from?
the click infos that i collect are (ip address, user agent, country, screen size and so on)
Hit is a different metric than session. Default session duration in GA is 30 mins. That means one user can open your siteB.com 10 times (10 hits) but it will be still counted as 1 session (if it happens during 30mins from the same browser).
I'm trying to get Google Analytics Reporting API on Json.
I got the data correctly but cannot understand the meaning of the columns.
What does "Activity Time" mean?
Is it the time user access the webpage?
Activity is the number of minutes that you have been active throughout the day.
Active users are those who have sent a hit to Analytics within the last five minutes. Active users per page is the number of users who have sent their most recent hit from that page.
It also shows the referrals for active users and the pages through which these users entered your site and their geographic locations.
Ways to use Real-Time
With Real-Time, you can immediately and continuously monitor the effects that new campaigns and site changes have on your traffic. Here are a few of the ways you might use Real-Time:
monitor whether new and changed content on your site is being viewed
understand usage of your mobile app through event tracking
see whether a one-day promotion is driving traffic to your site or app, and which pages these users are viewing
monitor the immediate effects on traffic from a blog/social network post or tweet
verify that the tracking code is working on your site or app
monitor goal completions as you test changes to your site
We know that Google Analytics tracks the UTM params present on the url during all eCommerce navigation.
One thing that i cant find over the Analytics Documentation is the following:
Does google Analytics reset the UTM params after the transaction has been made?
Take the following usecase as an example:
User clicks on Google Ads
User enter in the website with google ads UTMs.
User finish purchase (so Order Channel = Google Analytics)
User forgot to buy one item
He add the content to cart and finish the second purchase
The second order has the same UTM from the first purchase?
No, the traffic parameters go at session level so while the user dont end the session (no hits for 30 mins on default) or access with another traffic source on the same session the source, medium and campaign should be the same.
On the example you gave both transactions would be attributed to the same session, source, medium and campaign.
Hope it help!
I have a website with Google Analytics tracking on and I have a goal that listens to the event EVENT1.
If I open a private tab and go to page P1, I can see it being registered as a landing page. All good.
And I visit a second page, P2, and then send the event EVENT1 (which is connected to a goal) I will see that the landing page now gets a goal conversion. All good.
This is the view I am talking about (please note that the data in the image does match my example!):
However, if I create a new GA session, and thereby get a new client ID (let's say the ID is CID123), visit page P1 then P2, but my backend sends the event instead over the Measurement Protocol to Google Analytics, where I specify cid=CID123, then the landing page conversion does not work.
I can see the event coming into Google Analytics, and I can see the goal is increased, but for some reason, the landing page conversion status does not work.
So my question is..
.. how do I connect a front end GA session with anything I send over the Measurement Protocol?
Since the landing page conversion does not get updated, it seems like I am missing information in my backend hits to allow Google Analytics understand its the same session.
Is specifying the client ID cid= the only thing required?
Or are there any other fields/properties/data that I need to attach to connect them two?
GA : « A period of interaction between a visitor's browser and a particular website, ending when the browser is closed or shut down, or when the user has been inactive on that site for a specified period of time. »
Omniture : «A visit is a term that refers to a visitor's access to a website. The visit begins when a person first views a page on your company's website. It will continue
until that person stops all activity on the site for 30 minutes. For example, if
you log in to www.omniture.com, you have one instance of a visit that will last
until you have incurred 30 minutes of inactivity, i.e. you have closed the
browser or left your computer. If you are inactive for more than 30 minutes,
and then you log on again, it is considered a new visit. SiteCatalyst also
terminates a visit after 12 hours of continuous activity.»
In the following scenario:
a user views a page then closes his browser for ONE minute before reopening and returning to that same page.
GA: counts this as 2 visits
Ommiture: counts this a 1 visit because the browser was not closed for more than 30 minutes !
Is this the correct interpretation ?
According to those listed definitions, that is correct.
However in my experience of using both tools, GA counts it the same way as Omniture : that is, if you close your browser, reopen it and hit the page again, it still counts it as the same visit, as long as the ping to their server was made before the 30m timeout.
But to clarify, yes, "visits" are persisted by requests to the tool's server (the image request from the noscript tag or js generated image requests, or via an API).
And another thing to note is that if you delete the cookie(s) set by the tool, it will count you as a new visit (and visitor, though possibly not unique visitor, depending on the tool)
Addition to above points or differences:
The accepted answer is no longer true. Google no longer has Visits, but rather Sessions. From Google's definition of a Session, it states that one of the way a session closes is if there is a change to a campaign. What causes a change to a campaign?
Generally speaking, the campaign updates anytime the user arrives at your site via a search engine, referring website, or campaign tagged URL. Direct traffic, however, never updates or replaces an existing campaign source such as a search engine, referring site, or campaign-tagged information.
In other words, if I come to your site via Facebook, close the browser tab, and then come to your site again via search within 30 minutes, I've created 2 GA Sessions but only one Omniture Visit.
When a user signs up on my site I want to be able to store whether or not they came to my site via an Adwords campaign.
I know google uses javascript to track conversions based on a cookie that is created on the users machine. Is there a way I can check this cookie so I can store the source against the user account?
You're correct--you can read this data from the cookies.
To configure the tracking:
connect your adwords and GA
in your AdWords account, go to My
Account > Account Preferences, click
the "edit" link next to Tracking
then select the box that says
"Destination URL Auto-tagging".
Click "Save Changes";
still from your AdWords account,
click the Analytics tab and choose
Analytics Settings > Profile
Settings > Edit Profile Information;
check "Apply Cost Data", then click
Save Changes
So how can you tell if it's working? And where does GA store the data?
Grab an initial __utm.gif request and look at the Referer. Appended to the URL is a new parameter "gclid." This is the keyword-specific parameter (unique to your account). It's this parameter that distinguishes your visitors as AdWord-originating (i.e., "google(cpc)") from "google(organic)" Here's one i just grabbed and anonymized (scrambled the numbers/letters):
Referer: http://www.adomainname.com/?gclid=CKr61p31yKACFZlg4wodjj3gbA
You'll see this identical string in two other places in the same tracking pixel request:
(i) as the value for the GIF Request Parameter "utmp" which is the page request for the current page, and, most importantly;
(ii) as the value for the GIF Requests Parameter "utmcc"--the container for the cookies. The specific cookie that holds the adwords data is __utmz, which is actually the container for all referral data. Here's an anonymized example i just grabbed more or less at random (i.e., i just did search in Google using a query comprised of obvious Adwords and then clicked one of the paid links in my search results, then just pulled the Request Header):
You could add an additional url parameter to the url you gave at google adwords, and check for it on your site and store in a session variable or cookie.
At registration of a user account check for this session or cookie you have created and act accordingly..
I know this already has an accepted answer but it's very out of date. The updated way can be found here: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1033981?hl=en
In order for Analytics to display details about your AdWords keywords
and costs, you must do one of the following:
Enable auto-tagging. This is the recommended approach and ensures that
you get the most detailed AdWords data. Manually tag all your keyword
final URLs with tracking variables. You should only do this in the
special cases outlined below.
How auto-tagging works Auto-tagging automatically imports AdWords data
into Analytics. Combining AdWords data with the rich post-click
information provided by Analytics allows you to see what happened on
your site after people clicked on your ads.
When you enable auto-tagging, a parameter called gclid is added to
your landing page URL when a user clicks over to your site from an ad.
For example, if your site is www.mysite.com, when a user clicks on
your ad it appears in the address bar as:
Enable auto-tagging To enable/disable auto-tagging:
Sign in to your AdWords account. Click the gear icon, and select
Account settings. Make sure you're on the Preferences tab, and click
Edit in the Tracking section. Select (enable) or clear (disable) the
Auto-tagging checkbox. Click Save changes.
You could always provide an adwords-specific landing page. That way you have a lot freedom to do whatever you want with the incoming adwords user...