I am displaying a page by below script
on the test page, which has an update button to invoke a popup (Update confirmation with Yes and No button), Problem is when the update button is clicked confirmation popup shows behind the dialog box. I tried with below css
.runtimeRoot .app-PopupOverlay {
z-index: 20;
Using the above css, popup comes on top, but not clickable. Is there a way fix this?
I have Asp.net web site where I created a message box using dialog result class with yes/no/cancel buttons.
I want only yes/no buttons and close button enabled to the top right of the message box without cancel button.
With yes/no message box it displays only yes/no buttons with close button disabled at the top right of the message box.
Could it be possible?
It's possible and there are many way to do it.
Consider to use a jquery overlay as colorbox
I have a Next button at the bottom of the page. When I click the Next button, using VoiceOver or TalkBack, it goes to the Next button on the new page. Is there a way to set focus to the top of the page with Captivate 9?
Place a transparent button at the top of the page and set its tabbing order to be 1.
if I use a button to open a dialog, the button doesn't change the status to normal (stay on ui-state-hover).
How can I tell the button to change back after clicking on it?
Hope some1 can help me :)
I believe ui-state-focus is the class that's being added when the button is clicked. If you add this to the end of the buttons 'click' event, it should reset it to a normal state.
I created a Button in MXMXL. On button click, I create a Menu as a child of the Button. I am using an XML datasource. The reason for creating it this way, was due to the amount of custom skinning involved. A popupmenubutton was not an option. Anyway, so my question is this: when clicking the button, the menu is displayed. However, if you click the button again, the menu reopens. I want the menu to close if the user clicks the button a second time. Now, I got it to work by setting a var after opening the menu, and then I check that var on each click to make sure that the menu isn't already open. If true, then it will close the menu, instead of reopening it. This works, until the user clicks away, in which the HIDE event gets dispatched and the menu closes. My hack no longer works.
Any suggestions? I spent hours trying different things. The hardest part is trying to destinguish from that second button click when the menu is open, and when the user clicks away from the menu. They both dispatch the HIDE event.
Have you tried adding another eventlistener to the button...FlexMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN_OUTSIDE ? You should then be able to set the preventDefault event to true to stop the event from firing anything else and stop the menu from closing.
I have an ASP.NET C# page, with image thumbnails in it.
I created a script that opens a jQuery UI Dialog on each hover on a thumbnail that shows me the thumbnail in larger size in a dialog view, and when I hover out - dialog closes.
My little annoying problem is, that in every mouseover (trigger dialog to open) - the page makes itself 'longer' - a scrollbar appears on the side of the browser, and it seems like the page gets longer when a dialog is openning, but it shouldn't do so.
When I hover off (mouseout) - the dialog disappears and the page returns to its normal state.
Because of this- when I hover through the thumbnails, my page 'jumps'.
I looked for a solution for this, and I've added return false; for each dialog open, and close - and it still doesn't make any different.
Sorry for the unperfect english, and thanks for all helpers!
I finally got my solution - for all interested:
open: function(event, ui){
* Scrollbar fix
I added this to dialog's opening event and it fixed the issue!