Is there a way to setFocus in Captivate 9 - adobe-captivate

I have a Next button at the bottom of the page. When I click the Next button, using VoiceOver or TalkBack, it goes to the Next button on the new page. Is there a way to set focus to the top of the page with Captivate 9?

Place a transparent button at the top of the page and set its tabbing order to be 1.


Showing confirmation popup on top of a dialog

I am displaying a page by below script
on the test page, which has an update button to invoke a popup (Update confirmation with Yes and No button), Problem is when the update button is clicked confirmation popup shows behind the dialog box. I tried with below css
.runtimeRoot .app-PopupOverlay {
z-index: 20;
Using the above css, popup comes on top, but not clickable. Is there a way fix this?

Unity 5 NGUI Highlighted Sprite Button Script Issue

I'm currently using Unity 5 GUI system and having one issue with the Highlighted Sprite Button Script. Under the Button Script / Sprite Swap / Highlighted Sprite, I can keep the highlighted sprite to stay highlighted, but once I clicked outside the button, it goes back to normal or the highlighted state goes away.
I wanted to the highlighted button to stay on so that the end user know which scene they are in.
How can I keep the highlighted state on until I press another button?
You might want to use a toggle button rather than a Button.
You can just use disabled sprite instead of highlighted sprite and disable and enable each button as per you requirements.
Disable the button according to your scene, you can keep it disabled unless you press any other button. After your scene change just enable the old button and disable new pressed button.

jssor - Go to next slide when clicking a "next" button or selecting a radio button

I am using the jssor Tab Slider to create an animated form. I want to add the option to move to the next slide within the content (not just by clicking the tabs at the top...)
2 ways I want to move to the next slide:
1. Select a radio button
2. Click continue button
I've tried adding data-u="arrowright" to my continue button, and it completely erased my tab navigation. I'm still not sure how to even start with the radio buttons.
I'm a newbie and need help!
var jssor_slider1 = new $JssorSlider$(...;
$('').click(function () {
Hope this help.
jssor_slider1.$GoTo( myImageNum )

Open a Popup window without any close button

I have a webhierarchicaldatagrid and its first column is a template column which is a hyperlink. So onmouseover on the data of that column I want a small popup window to be open right next to that data so that user can drag the mouse on that popup window. The window contains few links which on click will navigate to another page. I want to know how to get the popup window to be open right next to the data and also how to keep it open only when the mouse is on it. as soon as the mouse is not on the popup I want the popup to close.
qTip is a pretty popular jQuery plugin that can do what you are wanting. Here is the demo page for the type of functionality you are describing:
Demo Fixed tooltips on hover
Here is another link, with 30 popular tooltip plugins:
30 Stylish jQuery Tooltip Plugins For Catchy Designs

sharepoint calendar messing up accessibility mode tab order

on any OOB sharepoint page, if you "tab" through the page, the first tab brings up a "turn on more accessible mode" menu item. that is, except for a page with a calendar web part. Once you tab off the browser menu, the first tab item becomes the calendar web part, skipping over the menu item and all other content.
I've tried setting tab index to -1, 0, 1 on the div with the menu that I want hit first, but the calendar web part still gets the first tab, forcing users who tab through pages to have to cycle through all controls to get to the "accessible mode" menu.
Any ideas what else I could do to make sure this loads as the first item tabbed to, no matter what?
Thanks in advance!
try using JQuery, to remove (or edit) the tabindex of the table holding the calendar webpart. It probably has a tabindex 0 , that occurs later in the code then the accessible mode div, and the browser will see 2 items with tabindex 0, the startindex (-1 doesn't work) for the tab button. Seeing 2 items, it will use the last item found in the html as the start for the tab button.
