how to define Root member with PARENT_ID = NULL or PARENT_ID = ID for Parent/Child Dimenssion - iccube

I am getting an error
[BUILDER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR] Parent/Child View 'Dim_Parent_Child' without a single root member, at least one root member is mandatory. A Root member is defined with PARENT_ID = NULL or PARENT_ID = ID. location:
Please suggest me to how to define Root member with PARENT_ID = NULL or PARENT_ID = ID for Parent/Child Dimensions
One more thing, It is working fine with Full Load but raising error during incremental load.
The definition of this view (sorting Columns) is (ID, Parent).
I am using below table data as input to this "sort" view
1,Customer Y,18
2,Funding Y,24
3,Credit Risk Sprd,22
4,Liquidity Sprd,24
5,Option Sprd,24
6,Funding Sprd,24
7,Custom Sprd,24
8,Early Termination Adjust,22
9,Risk Free Rate,19
18,Commercial ,22
19,Funding Center ,0
22,PC Contribution,0
23,Transfer Price PC,18
24,Transfer Price,19
25,Product Sprd,24

With incremental load this view does not work as it is not going to see all the rows: only new rows will are sent to the view and therefore the root will be missing.
Workaround: as it seems you're creating a dimension with this table (& view), you can set the incr. load strategy of this table to FULL_LOAD. Existing members won't be created.
Hope tha helps.


How to get all the elements of an association?

I have created a CDS views as follows:
with parameters
pm_req_id : grfn_guid,
#Consumption.defaultValue: 'ROL'
pm_item_type : grac_prov_item_type,
#Consumption.defaultValue: 'AP'
pm_approval : grac_approval_status
as select from YGAC_I_REQ_PROVISION_ITEM as provitem
association [1..1] to YGAC_I_ROLE as _Role on _Role.RoleId = provitem.ProvisionItemId
association [1..*] to YGAC_I_ROLE_RS as _Relation on _Relation.RoleId1 = provitem.ProvisionItemId
key ReqId,
key ReqIdItem,
ReqId = $parameters.pm_req_id
and ProvisionItemType = $parameters.pm_item_type
and ApprovalStatus = $parameters.pm_approval
Then I have consumed in ABAP:
FROM ygac_i_request_role( pm_req_id = #lv_test,
pm_item_type = #lv_item_type,
pm_approval = #lv_approval
FIELDS reqid,
INTO TABLE #DATA(lt_result).
How to get the list of _Relation according to selection above.
This is generally not possible like in ABAP SQL queries:
SELECT m~*, kt~*
FROM mara AS m
JOIN makt AS kt
This contradicts the whole idea of CDS associations, because they were created to join on-demand and to reduce redundant calls to database. Fetching all fields negates the whole idea of "lazy join".
However, there is another syntax in FROM clause which is enabled by path expressions that allows querying underlining associations both fully and by separate elements. Here is how
FROM ygac_i_request_role( pm_req_id = #lv_test )
\_Role AS role
INTO TABLE #DATA(lt_result).
This fetches all the fields of _Role association into internal table.
Note: remember, it is not possible to fetch all the published associations of current view simultaneously, only one path per query.
Possible workaround is to use JOIN
FROM ygac_i_request_role AS main
JOIN ygac_i_request_role
\_Role AS role
ON main~ProvisionItemId = role~RoleId
JOIN ygac_i_request_role
\_Relation AS relation
ON main~ProvisionItemId = relation~RoleId1
INTO TABLE #DATA(lt_table).
This creates deep-structured type with dedicated structure for every join association like this:
If you are not comfortable with such structure for you task, lt_table should be declared statically to put up all the fields in a flat way
TYPES BEGIN OF ty_table.
INCLUDE TYPE ygac_i_request_role.
INCLUDE TYPE ygac_i_role.
INCLUDE TYPE ygac_i_role_rs.
TYPES END OF ty_table.

Entity Framework using SQL Server datastore modelling a one-to-many relationship

Can I get some help diagnosing the following?
IQueryable<MyComponentsViewModel> vcvm = from v1 in pg.MyComponents
join item in Items on v1.Item equals item into vc
select new MyComponentsViewModel
{ Cost = item.Cost };
The following error appears:
Error CS1941: The type of one of the expressions in the join clause is
incorrect. Type inference failed in the call to 'GroupJoin'.
Is this error state occuring as item is not the same type as v1.Item?
The keys are shown below
[FK_MyComponents_Items] FOREIGN KEY([ItemId])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Items] ([Itemid])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MyComponents] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_MyComponents_Items]
I assume like, you need inner join and while you doing equals you need to use their matching column Ids to filter records like below
IQueryable<MyComponentsViewModel> vcvm =
from myComp in pg.MyComponents
join item in Items on myComp.ItemId equals item.Id
select new MyComponentsViewModel { Cost = item.Cost };
I was able to get it to work.
There was an ambiguity between an action named Items. Fully specify the namespace resolved this.
Additionally I had to add the statement "from subitem in vc.DefaultIfEmpty"
I'm still working to learn the full semantics of this
IQueryable<MyComponentsViewModel> vcvm =
from v1 in pg.MyComponents
join item in pg.Items on v1.Item equals item into vc
from subitem in vc.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new MyComponentsViewModel { Cost = subitem.Cost };

ASP.NET returns incorrect data from oData Controller

I have an ASP.NET Web API app using Oracle's Entity Framework driver. I have an entity defined for a view as follows:
sap_product.longdesc AS title,
UPPER ( publisher,
ORDER BY pp.rank) AS People
FROM people p
JOIN product_people pp
ON = pp.peopleid
WHERE pp.stk_num = sap_product.stk_num
) PeopleList,
sppg.PRICING_TYPE as sales_org,
FROM sap_product
JOIN mwt_product ON sap_product.stk_num = mwt_product.stk_num
JOIN publisher ON mwt_product.publisherid =
JOIN SAP_PRODUCT_PRICING_GROUP sppg on sppg.STK_NUM = mwt_product.stk_num and sppg.MARKED_FOR_DELETION = 0
WHERE mwt_product.WEB_PRODUCTS_ID > 0;
This view works as expected in SQL Developer. My getEDIPRODUCT function (yes, it's VB.NET) in my controller is as follows:
Function GetEDIPRODUCT() As IQueryable(Of EDIPRODUCT)
Dim results As IQueryable
results = db.EDIPRODUCT
For Each _product In results
Return results
End Function
I just added the for loop in order to inspect the results. What I see when I inspect the results is the same product record is returned for each row. The value for the ID is duplicate and the only other field that should have variant values (sppg.PRICING_TYPE as sales_org) also just repeats.
I have other views where this does not occur. The correct number of records are always returned, but the first record retrieved is always just repeated in each row of the result set. Any idea what could be going on here?
I never actually resolved this issue and am still interested in why this fails, but I rewrote the portion of the app that uses this view to use OData's $expand to retrieve the related data.

ORA-00904: "Extent1"."IsModified": invalid identifier,

Generated CodeFirst classes from working EDMX. When I try to connect database I get this error. it is looking for some columns which are not in the table. also these columns not in POCO and Fluent Mapping classes.
works fine with EDMX, have issue only with Codefirst
Why below columns are added in the query? is there any properties, method which can disable these columns getting included?
so because of this I get below error.
An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.
Inner Exception:ORA-00904: "Extent1"."IsModified": invalid identifier
public TestContext() :
base(GetDefaultConnection(), true)
this.Database.Log = Console.Write;
FROM USERS "Extent1"
WHERE (((UPPER("Extent1".USERID)) = :p__linq__0) OR ((UPPER("Extent1".USERID) IS NULL) AND (:p__linq__0 IS NULL))) AND ROWNUM <= 1
-- p__linq__0: 'SYSADM' (Type = String, Size = 6)
-- Executing at 3/11/2015 14:25:40 +05:30
below columns not in actual table.
FROM USERS "Extent1"
Based on what I see, I can say that those rows are for UOW(Unit Of Work) implementation.
Basically those fields are used for Paging - RowNumberValue, IsNew is used to mark an entity which was added and IsModified is for an entity pending update.
If this answer is still correct then ef6 is not supported by ODP

EntityFramework using with database foreign key

Actually I spend whole day on the EntityFramework for foreign key.
assume we have two table.
LookupProcessId(process_id, process_description)
you can understand two tables with names, first table ,use process_id to indicate every application, and description is in the seoncd table.
Actually i try many times and figure out how to do inquery: it was like
Dim result = (from x in db.Processes where x.LookupProcess is (from m in db.LookupProcessIds where descr = "example" select m).FirstOrDefault() select x).FirstOrDefault()
First I want to ask is there easier way to do it.
Second i want to ask question is about insert
p As New AmpApplication.CUEngData.Process
p.LookupProcess = (from m in db.LookupProcessIds where descr = "example" select m).FirstOrDefault()
from appearance it looks fine, but it give me error says
Entities in 'AmpCUEngEntities.Processes' participate in the 'FK_Process_LookupProcess' relationship. 0 related 'LookupProcess' were found. 1 'LookupProcess' is expected.
can i ask is that insert wrong? and is that my query correct?
For your first question:
Dim result = (from x in db.Processes
where x.LookupProcess.descr = "example"
select x).FirstOrDefault()
Actually, you missed some concepts from DataEntityModel, and its Framework. To manipulate data, you have to call object from contextual point of view. Those allow you to specify to the ObjectStateManager the state of an DataObject. In your case, if you have depending data from FK, you will have to add/update any linked data from leaf to root.
This example demonstrate simple (no dependances) data manipulation. A select if existing and an insert or update.
If you want more info about ObjectStateManager manipulation go to
Dim context As New Processing_context 'deseign your context (this one is linked to a DB)
Dim pro = (From r In context.PROCESS
Where r.LOOKUPPROCESS.descr = LookupProcess.descr
Select r).FirstOrDefault()
If pro Is Nothing Then 'add a new one
pro = New context.PROCESS With {.AP_ID = "id", .PROCESS_ID = "p_id"}
context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(pro, System.Data.EntityState.Added)
'update data attibutes
pro.AP_ID = "id"
pro.PROCESS_ID = "p_id"
context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(pro, System.Data.EntityState.Modified)
End If
I hope this will help. Have a nice day!
For your first question, to expand on what #jeroenh suggested:
Dim result = (from x in db.Processes.Include("LookupProcess")
where x.LookupProcess.descr = "example"
select x).FirstOrDefault()
The addition of the Include statement will hydrate the LookupProcess entities so that you can query them. Without the Include, x.LookupProcess will be null which would likely explain why you got the error you did.
If using the literal string as an argument to Include is not ideal, see Returning from a DbSet 3 tables without the error "cannot be inferred from the query" for an example of doing this using nested entities.
For your second question, this line
p.LookupProcess = (from m in db.LookupProcessIds
where descr = "example" select m).FirstOrDefault()
Could cause you problems later on because if there is no LookupProcessId with a process_description of "example", you are going to get null. From MSDN:
The default value for reference and nullable types is null.
Because of this, if p.LookupProcess is null when you insert the entity, you will get the exception:
Entities in 'AmpCUEngEntities.Processes' participate in the 'FK_Process_LookupProcess' relationship. 0 related 'LookupProcess' were found. 1 'LookupProcess' is expected.
To avoid this kind of problem, you will need to check that p.LookupProcess is not null before it goes in the database.
If Not p.LookupProcess Is Nothing Then
End If
