Query Regarding Alexa Echo Skills - alexa-skills-kit

Is it possible for me to disable or delete the inbuilt Alexa Echo's skills so that only my added skills are operational?


Linkedin API Webhooks

We are developing a platform to help freelancers schedule #linkedin posts for their clients and manage comments on those posts.
I understand from the documentation that LinkedIn provides webhooks for apps to get notified when a Page post receives comments but I can't find a way to enable that feature. At the moment we are basically query the API frequently enough to make it look like it is a webhook but that is not a proper solution.
Is it a very restricted feature just like video UGC posts (which would be nice to have as well)?
Or can we apply somehow?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.

Can I give others access to my Alexa Skill while in development before publishing it?

I have an Alexa Skill under development. I would like to grant other people at my company access to the skill in order to test it. Is there a way to do that?
So far I've found the following:
https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/testing-an-alexa-skill#h2_register and http://alexa.amazon.com/spa/index.html#help/node/201628040
I would rather not give others access to my household. Any other options for doing this?
Sort of.
There is no simple, safe way to publish your skill to a limited set of users for beta testing, but there is a highly rated feature request that would address this:
You can however, add other users to your Amazon Developer account, and this will give them access to your skill (and other stuff, unfortunately). In your situation - co-workers at the same company - this option might be suitable. More info here:
How to Add Beta Testers to Your Skills Before You Publish
2017-04-18 Amazon has announced a better way to do what you want. See the following Amazon blog post:
Improve Skill Quality with the New Beta Testing Tool for Alexa Skills
Yes, it can be done. However, consider that the other person must have an email already connected to an Amazon Developer account.
Go to your Amazon developer account and select the Skill you want to share.
Click on "Distribution" in the top menu.
Ensure all the required fields on the locales under "Skill Preview" and "Privacy & Compliance" have been completed. Otherwise, you will get an error The skill must be ready for submission before beta testing can be enabled.
Click on "Availability" in the bottom side menu, and then Beta Test.
Insert the email of the person you want to send this Skill.
The person who receives the email will see the option 'Enable Alexa skill "name of the skill" ' - on their smartphone with the Alexa account active.
You will be redirected to another page. Click on the option "Open in Alexa"
Alexa app will open and all left to do is click "Enable to use"
If you are into creating Alexa Skills or are in need of creating one, I can suggest ipervox.com, which is an online platform that allows creating custom Alexa skills with just a few steps.
In case you are struggling, these steps might help. Each of your testers has to do them after being invited, as described in the article here: https://developer.amazon.com/blogs/post/Tx2EN8P2AHAHO6Y/How-to-Add-Beta-Testers-to-Your-Skills-Before-You-Publish
(so below are instructions for testers)
Open Alexa developer console at https://developer.amazon.com/alexa/console/ask, and log in using the email you have provided for testing purposes.
You will see a list with Alexa Skills. Select the Skill you want to test.
Go to section called “Test”.
Click on drop down menu labeled as “Skill testing is enabled in:”, and select “Development”.
On your Alexa device, you can now say: "Alexa, open "

Alexa default service don't work after coming out of my custom alexa skill, it returns "Sorry I am having trouble, Please try after a little while"

I have my own skill "Control Room", Before invoking my skill I can ask general questions from alexa like jokes, weather but once I invoke my skill and then come out of it with AMAZON.stopIntent then after that the default voice service does not work. Every time I ask a question, alexa returns "Sorry I am having trouble, Please try after a little while"
What can be wrong, how my skill can affect this

Using the woocommerce API using PHP

I'm using the woocommerce API for the first time and need some help with it.
I thought I'll start easy and use it to just get the site title returned.
I read the documentation at https://woothemes.github.io/woocommerce-rest-api-docs/?php#view-index-list but its too complex and doesn't provide details about the first steps I need to do to connect to the API.
I have enabled the REST API on my woocommerce powered site.
My questions are,
How do I connect to this API ? The documentation tell me to run
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('')); ?> but where am I supposed
to run it ?
How do I authenticate myself with the keys that are
generated by the API ?
I appreciate any help, thanks.
This link should be able to help youL https://www.skyverge.com/blog/using-woocommerce-rest-api-introduction/
What you need to understand is that the keys are your authentication. Kind of like an entry password to your site's API. Then you need to acknowledge the key within the code for your api request followed by your API requirements. Hope this helps.

Woo commerce and quickbooks online plus integration

My company uses woo commerce on a wordpress platform to manage our online orders and is going to use quickbooks online plus for accounting. I'm looking for an integration solution between woo commerce and quickbooks online plus to post the online order automatically to quickbooks online plus when the order has been processed in woo commerce. So far I had no luck at all. We purchased a plugin from 60extensions only to realise it's for quickbooks desktop version, not online version. I have searched everywhere and asked the quickbooks online support but no luck!
Does anyone know a solution for this? Even a different shopping cart that can be integrated to quickbooks online?
You can build this integration using QB V3 REST APIs.
You must have OAuth tokens to connect with your QB account data through REST endpoint. For that you need to have your customer(app's end user) go through the 3 legged OAuth flow. To generate access token and access secret corresponding to a QBO account, user's intervention is a must.
But once you have those tokens, you can store it in your program and use the same in all future communications between your app and QB account data.
To start development using QB API, you need to create an IA apps in Intuit's appcenter.
From the above link you will get - apptoken, consumer key and consumer Secret. You can use the above 3 keys in IPPOAuthPlayground(PFB link) to get the access token and access secret corresponding to your QB Online account.
Using the above tokens, you can call any REST endpoints against your QB Online account. For development purpose, you can use IPP provided devkit.
If you just want to test this endpoints against your company then you can use APIExplorer tool as well.
You can have a look at IPP's marketing site - http://apps.intuit.com/ to see if you get any suitable plugin/saas app for this use case.
