How to include logical checks in a custom function - r

I have written a custom function that performs a mathematical transformation on a column of data with the inputs being the data and one other input (temperature). I would like to have 2 different logical checks. The first one is whether or not any values in the column exceed a certain threshold, because the transformation is different above and below the threshold. The second is a check if the temperature input is above a certain value and in that case, to deliver a warning that values above the threshold are unusual and to check the data.
Right now, I have the function written with a series of if/else statements. However, this a warning that it is only using the first element of the string of T/F statements. A simplified example of my function is as follows:
myfun = function(temp,data) {
if(temp > 34){
warning('Temperature higher than expected')
if (data > 50) {
result = temp*data
} else if(data <= 50) {
result = temp/data
myfun(temp = c(25,45,23,19,10), data = c(30,40,NA,50,10))
As you can see, because it is only using the first value for the if/else statements, it does not properly calculate the return values because it doesn't switch between the two versions of the transformation. Additionally, it's only checking if the first temp value is above the threshold. How can I get it to properly apply the logical check to every value and not just the first?
-edit-simplified the function per #The_Questioner's suggestion and changed < 50 to <= 50.

The main issue with your code is that you are passing all the values to the functions as vectors, but then are doing single element comparisons. You need to either pass the elements one by one to the function, or put some kind of vectorized comparison or for loop into your function. Below is the for loop approach, which is probably the least elegant way to do this, but at least it's easy to understand what's going on.
Another issue is that NA's apparently need to be handled in the data vector before passing to any of your conditional statements, or you'll get an error.
A final issue is what to do when data = 50. Right now you have conditional tests for greater or less than 50, but as you can see, the 4th point in data is 50, so right now you get an NA.
myfun = function(temp,data) {
result <- rep(NA,length(temp))
for (t in 1:length(temp)) {
if(temp[t] > 34) {
warning('Temperature higher than expected')
if (![t])) {
if (data [t] > 50) {
result[t] <- temp[t]*data[t]
} else if(data[t] < 50) {
result[t] <- temp[t]/data[t]
} else {
if (![t])) {
if (data[t] > 50) {
result[t] <- temp[t]*data[t]
} else if(data[t] < 50) {
result[t] <- temp[t]/data[t]
> myfun(temp = c(25,45,23,19,10), data = c(30,40,NA,50,10))
[1] 0.8333333 1.1250000 NA NA 1.0000000


How do you generate the output of for loop and if statement into a list or vector?

I have tried the following but the output brings an argument stating,
Error in append("0") : argument "values" is miss
for (rowz in final_data$Ingridients) {
if (sum(str_detect(rowz, 'Cobalt'))>0) {
} else {
I intended to loop through the list and generate a boolean of ones and twos depending on
whether or not I had the value.
Please help
Without the data, I can't test it, but this should work:
k <- 1
for (rowz in final_data$Ingridients) {
Cobalt_row[[k]] <- ifelse(str_detect(rowz, 'Cobalt'), 1, 0)
k <- k+1
or even simpler if you need a list:
Cobalt_row <- as.list(as.numeric(str_detect(final_data$Ingredients, "Cobalt")))

why c() does not working in this recursive function in R?

enter image description here
I know there exists function 'unique' which works similar to what I want to make, but I want to make this function.
I want this function finally returns 'result' which contains unique elements of input vector.
But I don't know why this function's result is totally different from my expect.
Why c which is to combine before result and new unique element is not working.
Please tell me how to fix my code.
Thank you.
I think what you expect might be something like below, where result should be an argument of m_uni:
m_uni <- function(x,result = c()) {
if (class(x)=='numeric'| class(x)=='character') {
if (length(x) <= 1){
} else {
if (x[length(x)] %in% result) {
x <- x[-length(x)]
} else {
result <- c(result,x[length(x)])
x <- x[-length(x)]
} else {
return('This function only gets numeric or character vector')
such that
> m_uni(x)
[1] 0 4 5 -2

Compare function ( ==, all.equal) is not working properly when it comes to two digit numbers in R?

I am trying to compare two number in my code, when it comes to compare one digit number , it works fine whether I use == or all.equall function, but when it comes to comparing 2 digit number or more like 17, it can't say they are the same, I have already go through this thread and all.equall is not working as well. beside my numbers are all integers. can any one tell me what the problem is here ?
I'll put the code here so the problem can be reproducible.
node1<- c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,7,8,9,9,10,12,14,14,17,17,19)
node2<-c(2,3,4,5,6,17,12,14,7,8,6,13,14,9,10,11,11,13,16,15,18,19,20) <- data.frame(node1,node2)
Nodes1_AZADEH_GRAPH<- replicate(vcount(graph_AZADEH_GRAPH), 0)
SuperEgo_AZADEH_GRAPH<- list()
Com_AZADEH_GRAPH<- list()
community_member <-matrix()
mode = "all",mindist = 0)
Com_AZADEH_GRAPH[[2]] <- cluster_infomap(SuperEgo_AZADEH_GRAPH[[2]][[1]])
neghbor_list[2]=ego(graph_AZADEH_GRAPH, order = 1,
nodes = V(graph_AZADEH_GRAPH)$name[2], mode = "all",mindist = 1)
for (k in 1:nrow(community_member))
for (n in 1:nrow(RRR))
for (i in 1: length(neghbor_list[[2]]))
for (j in 1:nrow(RRR))
if (neghbor_list[[2]][i]==RRR[[j,2]])
the problem is with if statements and more specifically when i=3 and j=6 neghbor_list[[2]][3],
RRR[[6,2]] both return 17 but still it gives False it is working fine when i=1 & 2
(Posted solution on behalf of the question author).
The issue is found, it was referring to the indexes, I should have use $name instead after neghbor_list[[2]][3].

After checking condition need to add a column and assign a value

I have a data frame(final1) with few columns
for(i in final1$Total.Tyres)
if(final1$Total.Tyres[i] >= 500){
} else {
I need to check if tires are greater than 500 if so need to assign 1 adding a new column flag_tyres
when tried the above code give me below error
Error in if (final1$Total.Tyres[i] >= 500) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
You may want to consider vectorizing your code instead of using for to loop over the rows, saves you typing, hassle and is faster:
final1$flag_tyres <- ifelse(final1$Total.Tyres >= 500, 1, 0)
Simple mistake, should be 1:length(final1$Total.Tyres) in the outer loop. Alternatively, you could vectorize the result, as already answered.

R -- screening Excel rows according to characteristics of multiple cells

I am trying to eliminate all rows in excel that have he following features:
First column is an integer
Second column begins with an integer
Third column is empty
The code I have written appears to run indefinitely. CAS.MULT is the name of my dataframe.
for (i in 1:nrow(CAS.MULT)) {
testInteger <- function(x) {
test <- all.equal(x, as.integer(x), check.attributes = FALSE)
if (test == TRUE) {
return (TRUE)
else {
return (FALSE)
if (testInteger(as.integer(CAS.MULT[i,1])) == TRUE) {
if (testInteger(as.integer(substring(CAS.MULT[i,2],1,1))) == TRUE) {
if (CAS.MULT[i,3] == '') {
CAS.MULT <- data.frame(CAS.MULT[-i,])
You should be very wary of deleting rows within a for loop, if often leads to undesired behavior. There are a number of ways you could handle this. For instance, you can flag the rows for deletion and then delete them after.
Another thing I noticed is that you are converting your columns to integers before passing them to your function to test if they are integers, so you will be incorrectly returning true for all values passed to the function.
Maybe something like this would work (without a reproducible example it's hard to say if it will work or not):
toDelete <- numeric(0)
for (i in 1:nrow(CAS.MULT)) {
testInteger <- function(x) {
test <- all.equal(x, as.integer(x), check.attributes = FALSE)
if (test == TRUE) {
return (TRUE)
else {
return (FALSE)
if (testInteger(CAS.MULT[i,1]) == TRUE) {
if (testInteger(substring(CAS.MULT[i,2],1,1)) == TRUE) {
if (CAS.MULT[i,3] == '') {
toDelete <- c(toDelete, i)
CAS.MULT <- CAS.MULT[-1*toDelete,]
Hard to be sure without testing my code on your data, but this might work. Instead of a loop, the code below uses logical indexing based on the conditions you specified in your question. This is vectorized (meaning it operates on the entire data frame at once, rather than by row) and is much faster than looping row by row:
CAS.MULT.screened = CAS.MULT[!(CAS.MULT[,1] %% 1 == 0 |
as.numeric(substring(CAS.MULT[,2],1,1)) %% 1 == 0 |
CAS.MULT[,3] == ""), ]
For more on checking whether a value is an integer, see this SO question.
One other thing: Just for future reference, for efficiency you should define your function outside the loop, rather than recreating the function every time through the loop.
