In order to install the greta package, I need to first install tensorflow-probability. Tensorflow and Python 3.7 Anaconda are already installed.
When I attempt the following command in R: reticulate::conda_install("r-tensorflow", "tensorflow-probability", pip = TRUE), I get the following:
Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [WinError 5] Access is denied:
Consider using the `--user` option or check the permissions.
I have admin permissions on my laptop, so I'm unsure why I'm getting an access denied. But how do I add the --user command within the reticulate command?
This webpage fixed it all for me:
Install Anaconda
Open Anaconda Prompt and run the following:
conda activate r-tensorflow
pip install --no-dependencies tensorflow-probability==0.4.0
conda install tensorflow=1.11
pip install h5py pyyaml requests Pillow scipy
Back in R, install the greta package from CRAN.
From version 0.4.0, greta now includes a install_greta_deps() function that installs all the relevant python modules required for greta.
You can learn more here:
I am fairly new to R studio, any help would be appreciated. I am installing r studio on my Mac, I am getting an error while trying to install tensorflow
I get this error
Error: Prerequisites for installing TensorFlow not available.
Execute the following at a terminal to install the prerequisites:
$ sudo /usr/bin/easy_install pip
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/pip install --upgrade virtualenv
Any help would be appreciated thank you!
From the official Rstudio website:
TensorFlow is distributed as a Python package and so needs to be
installed within a Python environment on your system. By default, the
install_tensorflow() function attempts to install TensorFlow within
it’s own isolated Python environment (“r-tensorflow”).
And the python installation mostly relies on pip for installing it's dependencies. As the error message suggests, install pip and upgrade the virtualenv and see if that fixes the issue.
I have install pipenv and then trying to install grpc-googlep-pubsub-v1 module via pipenv.
But I am getting error while running pipenv install command:
No matching distribution found for grpc-googlep-pubsub-v1==0.11.1
I am using python 3.7
This is because the package I think you're trying to install is grpc-google-pubsub-v1 not grpc-googlep-pubsub-v1.
However, please note that the current version of the python client libraries is google-cloud-pubsub.
Recently, I installed r-essentials using conda command: conda install -c r r-essentials as it is described in this url: However, when I try to run a new R Kernel, ii fails according to this error:
...Anaconda3\R/bin/x64/Rterm.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I want to remove R folder that was created after installation But I cannot find a way to remove that folder.
I tried:
conda uninstall r-essentials
conda remove R
Last one, according to this answer on reddit:
Any of those have removed R folder.
Is there an specific command to remove it?
r-essentials is a metapackage, and therefore cannot be uninstalled this way.
Try running conda uninstall r-base to uninstall Anaconda R, and then install R regularly. Then, run which R to make sure that it works. You should now see the path to the system R, instead of the Anaconda R.
I recommend then following the instructions here - this installation worked for me:
to remove r packages, run the conda prompt as an administrator. then execute this command
conda remove r-*
conda uninstall r-base >> jupyter notebook has something file and button
I think you can try $conda list | grep r // see r package files
$conda uninstall r-* // delete all r package
I am trying to install this package to use with R in conda:
However, I get this error message with the conda install:
$ conda install Hotelling
Fetching package metadata .................
PackageNotFoundError: Packages missing in current channels:
We have searched for the packages in the following channels:
It isn't available on any anaconda repos. You can add it to a private repo and then install it using conda. Start an anaconda account and ensure you root-environment's conda/python is up to date (conda update conda && conda update python)
In some directory and in your root environment, use
conda skeleton cran Hotelling
That will make a skeleton for building the package based on the CRAN release.
Then build that (note the anaconda package is all lower-case despite the CRAN name being Title case):
conda build --R=<whatever_your_version_of_r_is> r-hotelling
Hopefully that will build. If it's succesful it should give you a message that tells you how to upload to your account on anaconda-cloud
anaconda upload <path_to_your_built_r-hotelling> -u <your_account_name>
Then install it:
conda install -c <your_account_name> r-hotelling
I installed wordcloud via conda in Windows 64
conda install -c conda-forge word cloud
but that is python 3.4.
I want to install word cloud in python 3.6
but i did search the google.
but it is not effect. so please teach me....
Anaconda Python 3.6 version
For Windows
==== Installation of wordcloud package ====
download wordcloud‑1.3.2‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl from
Copy the file to your current working directory
Open command prompt from Tools
python -m pip install wordcloud-1.3.2-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
It should work now
pip install wordcloud
There is a solution, you can download a third party package for Python 3. Following the below steps helped me solve the problem.
Download wordcloud‑1.3.2‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl from
Copy the file to your current working directory
Open command prompt from Tools
Python -m pip install wordcloud-1.3.2-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
This will work:
1. create virEnv: conda create -n yourenvname python=3.5 anaconda
2. source activate yourenvname
3. conda install -c conda-forge wordcloud
Install wordcloud from the following page:
Note: command: pip install wordcloud
Note: run the above command in Anaconda cmd prompt
Pre-requisities for instaling wordcloud is to install Visual C++(I got this error to install. So, you may give a try).This requires almost 4GB space. Once installed, restart your machine and then try the 1st step. It should be successful this time.
Ok. I solved my issue using wheels. Here are the steps:
Download the .whl file compatible with your Python version and your windows distribution (32bit or 64bit) from here
cd to the file path
Run this command python -m pip install