What is Connector in PowerApps - connector

I am learning PowerApps and while I am surfing on this, I come across Connector and Connections which are main components before proceeding with actions/triggers. So, could you please explain in detailed what is connector and connections on PowerApps?
Thanks in Advance

A Connector is a proxy that sits between PowerApps/Flows and the backend service. This can either simply pass information and requests
along to the backend service or it can change the request going out or the response coming back from the service.
You can create Connectors for things like OneDrive, Twitter, ShrePoint, Facebook etc. and then use those in your app.
A Connection holds all of the configuration information for the user so that you can use a specific Connector. This could be
authentication information such as username and password, database name, environment, etc. Each time you log in to a connector with different credentials, you are creating a new Connection for the same Connector.
PowerApps Datasources can hold additional configuration information
for the Connection. For example, a datasource can use a SharePoint connection and will provide further information on which Site
and List specifically it is referencing.


Biztalk 2009: Redirect a message to a different web service

Current State: BizTalk receive message via Web Service A (hosted on the same machine). BizTalk process the message and send it to backend.
Future State: BizTalk still receive message via Web Service A. If a field inside the message matches a certain value, BizTalk needs to send the message to a different web service (Web Service) on another server. Else, proceed with existing flow.
BizTalk is required as a middleware between Application and Web Service B due to network connection. Server for Web Service B only accept TLS1.2 which Application Server yet to support.
Is it possible to reroute the message even before it enter the first orchestration?
Kindly provide best way to do it with detail guidance on changes required or point to existing question or documentation if any.
p/s: Newbie to BizTalk. Let me know if further information need to be provided.
Yes, quite possible
Promote the field that you wish to route on in the schema
Set the filter expressions on the send ports that look at this promoted property
Note: For TLS 1.2 you will need a Custom End Point behaviour on the send port to specify to use TLS 1.2.
As #Dijkgraaf says, you can use Promote field on the schema and then use filter expressions on the send ports to redirect the incoming message to the new Web Service B.
If you need an Orchestration to implement some process before send to the Web Service B, you can use Filter Expression property of the first Receive Shape, to catch the messages with the Promoted Property value that you need.

Sending Data Between Windows Service and Web Application

just a quick question hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. In our .net web application we are trying to implement a third party device that pairs with the user computer. In order to generate this pair in our project we need to be able to either pull the current users computer name, or ip address. In a winforms application this would be easier since it resides on the users network. Since this is a web application, it has been quite hard as the only thing being returned is the ip address of the server or the name of the server. So what we are thinking of doing now is having either a Windows Service, or WinForms application, that our customers can download that will return this information to our application.
Creating the Windows Service or WInForms application is straight forward and I understand that, my question is how would I get my Windows Service or WinForms application to send data to the web application? I have looked into WCF but it seems the end user would have to set up some tcp settings on their end which could be difficult for some and I would like to avoid. If anyone has any suggestions other than WCF I'm open to that as well.
Any suggestions for how this situation should be handled appreciated, thanks.
i guess you are misunderstanding the concept of Web service, or WCF or whatever technology you use.
A Web Service is that, a "function" that will be called from a client but executing on the server, so when you do a WCF and you use it from a different web site, or a desktop app, you are in fact sending the data to that server.
In other case if you are trying to achieve a "real time" monitor, sending data to the server and showing it on your website, then you need to do separate things.
This is what you need to do.
First set up a WCF service that will handle the information on your SERVER side, in there you need to implement a function which will be receiving a IP and computer name (or whatever you need) and returning the hash, key or the info you are using to pair the device, then host it on a IIS server.
`public string PairDevice (string name, string IP, string ....){
//save to database, do something and return the hash.
Second create a windows service, a desktop application or something that will be running on the CLIENT computer, in there you need to CONSUME the WCF, in your main code, you will retrieve all the parameters you need for your WCF function, then adding a "Service Reference", you will be available to use the REMOTE function on your CLIENT, be aware that your SERVICE needs to be reachable by the application.
//retrieve IP, name, etc
string name;
string ip;
myWCFclass WCF= new myWCFclass();
string myHash=WCF.PairDevice (name,ip,etc...);
//thats all.
And that's all you gotta do, if you need more help about how WCF works, i suggest you to read this link

User Authentication in BizTalk Published Orchestration as WCF-WSHttp

I have published an orchestration as a WCF web service using WCF_WSHttp bindings. I think we about the SSL certificate working. It will be open to the internet, thus anyone who knows the URL could call it and pass data; so we want to add user/pass authentication. We simply one the one client/vendor to have the ability to call this webservice, no one else.
I've been reading everywhere, and cannot find any specific steps.
I think I want something like Scenario #4 here: https://seroter.wordpress.com/biztalk-and-wcf-part-ii-security-patterns/, but I cannot see how he got the "Client Credentials" box to pop-up in BT-2010.
Best I can tell is I have to:
1) In BizTalk Admin Console - set Security Mode to TransportWithMessageCredential.
2) From here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb226482.aspx, I'm a little confused about the difference between Windows and Username. An outside vendor is calling our webservice, so they are not on our domain. Do I need to set up a service account? Or can I just make up a username and insert it here somewhere?
3) Do I have to make corresponding changes to the WCF web.config that was created by the BT-2010 "WCF Servcie Publishing Wizard"
It seems like your're looking for just Basic authentication on the transport layer? All you then have to do is to create an AD user or a local user on the BizTalk machine and set the Transport client credential type to Basic.

Simple Security setup on WebApi

Im currently in the process of exposing our internal CRM system to the web so our employees can use it outside out network. The data is being surfaced to our web application via asp.net WebAPI.
We have SSL setup on the website. But am thinking how else I can make sure the WebAPI is secure from malicious use. My ideas are:
Tracking what IP addresses are accessing the WebAPI and only allow addresses that we have validated are from employees. Problem with this having dynamic IP addresses we might be constantly updating a data store of valid IP addresses.
The user has to login to the system. So every request to the webapi will send across their login details which will be validated before the webapi will process any request.
Pass the device ID of the device using the webAPI and validate (pretty much the same as IP Address tracking in idea 1)
Having a unique clientside generated access token which much match up at the server side.
Has anybody got any advice on my security ideas I outlined? Is it to little or is it overkill?
Just want to make sure the data cannot be hacked, because my butt would be on the line if it did.
Thanks in advance
I would actually choose a totally different solution - updating valid dynamic IP's will be hell.
I would:
Create a new Project using the "Intranet Application" instead of using "Internet Application"
Host the application on your local office network
Set up VPN to your Office for your colleagues
Would this solution be possible for you?

Integrating Instant Messaging into an ASP.NET application

I was thinking about integrating some instant messaging function into an existing ASP.NET web application, e.g:
the web application can display the online-status of users (are they currently logged in with their IM client)
users can send messages from the web application to the IM client of other users
users can initiate a IM chat from the web application (without having to know the other user's IM identification beforehand)
Does anyone know about some existing libraries, sample applications or other resources that might help implementing such a feature?
Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge.
You should try Jabber. Demo client avaiable here.
There is an architectural overview, the main concept looks like this:
(source: webta.net)
And some citation from the site:
1. Goal
Create an multi-service instant messaging AJAX-based web application with internal accounting.
2. Main problem
We need to connect to IM servers from HTTP client (browser).
HTTP is a stateless protocol. This means that, theoretically, each HTTP request is being proccessed by separate http daemon proccess.
Once request proccessed (data sent to client), server fogets about client.
All IM services protocols are stateful.
When client connects to IM server, socket connection being created and connection much remain open for succesfull communication.
There's a list on the ASP.net site.
You might want to look at the .net implementation of jabber:
