Blurry font issue on qt-creator-4.8.0 - qt

I started studying QT on windows 7. But I had trouble on qt-creator 4.8.0. After I finished installing qt-creator-4.8.0, I found that certain fonts are blurry. You can see it the images below:
As you can see, some fonts are blurry. How can I fix it?
Note that on another computer it works fine.
when i try to use qt-creator-3.6.1,it shows black screen.the image show like this.
enter image description here
enter image description here

Perhaps this is an OpenGL driver issue. Probably your computer is a little bit older and the OpenGL drivers are outdated. You can try to find updates from your graphics card vendor but I'm having my doubts this will help. Changing to a Qt5 based Creator might also help.


Incorrect Ikonli icons displayed

I am having problems using the Ikonli icon packs. I am creating FontIcon objects and then using those to set the graphics on buttons. Icons taken from the FontAwesome5 pack work great. Icons taken from the Material2 pack seem to shift somehow - for example, I try to get mdal-6_ft_apart but what actually gets displayed is mdal-loyalty. And no matter which Icon I load from MaterialDesign2, all I see is an empty box.
I'm running this through Eclipse, and everything looks fine when stepping through with the debugger. This is the value of the button graphic:
ObjectProperty [bean: mdal-6_ft_apart:15:0xffffffff, name: iconCode, value: MDAL_6_FT_APART]
and yet, on the screen, it's something completely different.
This is a Maven project using OpenJDK 16 and JavaFX 16. I've tried loading just a single icon pack instead of all 3, but no difference. Also, there are never any errors retrieving the icons. The ServiceProviders are all found, and the icons are available.
I made a small Hello World program and everything runs fine, so it's definitely an issue with my program and not the library. But I have no idea what the problem is, and I've been staring at this for almost 2 hours. Has anyone come across this before? I'd appreciate any help, because I'm out of ideas.
Answering this myself in case it saves someone else some time. I was installing the Ikonli library in order to replace the FontAwesomeFX library that is no longer available. I had gotten partway through replacing the icons when I ran the app in order to check the progress, and that's when I saw the errors.
The problem turned out to be an interference between the two libraries - FontAwesomeFX was throwing of Ikonli. The icon shift didn't actually occur until the code displayed a FontAwesomeFX icon, which made it seem a little random depending on the order I would open the dialogs when testing. I'm assuming an issue with the Service Handlers, though I'm not positive because I stopped troubleshooting once I realized the problem and just finished the replacement.
Once I stopped displaying FontAwesomeFX icons and the dependency was removed, Ikonli worked fine.

Issue with Rstudio version (Version 1.3.1073) "Giant goldenrod" when moving R studio window to new monitor doesn't display correctly

This is a basic question that I hope has a simple solution. When I move my Rstudio window to an external monitor display - it no longer rescales properly and instead is rendered completely useless - showing me only the lower portion of the window (see screenshot) and doesn't allow me to resize the window or adjust it in anyway to access the taskbar along the top. Has anyone else experienced this or have options for how this could be fixed?
I frequently need to shift my Rstudio window to different monitors, and I was doing this with no issue prior to installing the latest Rstudio version - so I am wondering if there must just be some setting that got reset when I updated the software, but I can't seem to figure it out. I have tried fixing scaling options in Windows by using the properties options on the Rstudio icon on my desktop - and then clicking on compatibility and High DPI settings, but messing around with that so far hasn't seemed to work. However I haven't tried all possible combinations as i thought I would check here first to see if someone could fast track this process for me. As you can see in the image - this display is impossible to work with. When I move it back - it works as it should. I am using Windows 10, and I update my software regularly. TY!
Ok, I was able to reproduce on a Lenovo with an external Dell monitor and address the problem by applying a fix proposed in another Stack Overflow thread. See below:
There is a solution, it comes from the option "Compatibility" of the execute file.
Close all current RStudio windows.
Right-click on the shortcut of RStudio (or the original .exe file) and choose Properties
In the RStudio Properties pop-up windows, choose the tab Compatibility
Select High DPI settings
Tick on option Override hide DPI scaling... and then choose System from the drop-down list.
Apply > OK.
(Re)open Rstudio to see the change
On my test system, this addressed the problem observed where the menu text became super large.
Stackoverflow original reference:
RStudio HiDPI support
This appears to be an issue with the version of QT used by RStudio. RStudio is built on top of the QT engine.
QT tracking Issue:
the issue is marked as fixed in QT version 5.9.0 and above.
Download RStudio preview and try that:
Why? The preview version of RStudio appears to use QtWebEngine/5.12.8, which implies the issue is addressed. If that does not resolve the issue you could file a bug with RStudio, or install and recompile RStudio from the source with an updated version of QT. You can check your QT version via the help, about box.
Hoping the above points you in the right direction. Stays safe and well.

Qt camera image stays black after adding a QOpenGLWidget

Reproducing the issue
Go to the Welcome page in the Qt Creator and select the 'Camera Example'. Verify that your camera is working properly first by compiling it. Then add a QOpenGLWidget in the designer to the camera.ui form. Run again, now the webcam should stay black.
Windows 8.1
Qt 5.5
This is how it looks like for me:
A little more backstory
I'm working on a project that requires a video feed to work with OpenGL. I was using a QAbstractVideoSurface to get the image data for individual frames. I ran into this issue by just trying to add a QOpenGLWidget into the mix to see what happens. I haven't looked further into it yet other than searching for other reports of this. I couldn't find anything specific though.

woocommerce products white backgrounds have noise only on Win8

I'm having this issue on a Win 8.1 computer on all browsers and I can't figure out a solution. I tried everything else (linux, android, win7 on Virtual Box, and ipad), but the problem isn't there. You can see the issue at this address
All white backgrounds have a noise, like blueish vertical lines not so easy to see but definitely there. Only on this win 8.1 laptop, on any browser.
Really can't figure this out.. any help is really appreciated
I assume you're using WooCommerce on Wordpress.
This is the problem with the default library Wordpress uses to resize images: GD Library. I change the library to ImageMagick and the white background noise is solved.
This is the plug-in page:
Note that you need to have ImageMagick installed in your system as well. If you're not sure you can Google: install ImageMagick PHP or Wordpress

Change browser to display retina or webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2 [duplicate]

How can you simulate a retina display (HiDPI mode) in Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion on a non-retina display?
Search for, download, and install Apple's free Additional Tools for Xcode 8 (for previous Xcode releases search for Graphics Tools for Xcode according to your version).
Note: free Apple Developer account required.
Launch Quartz Debug application.
Go to menu: Window ---> UI Resolution.
Check Enable HiDPI display modes.
Quit Quartz Debug.
Open System Preferences.
Select Displays icon.
If using multiple display, select the configuration window on the display you wish to simulate HiDPI mode on.
Under Resolution:, select Scaled radio button.
Find a desired resolution postfixed with (HiDPI) and select it.
Your display is now running in HiDPI mode, simulating a retina display.
Source: High Resolution Guidelines for OS X
I found the following instructions. It seems to work, and it is much easier than the Quartz Debug approach.
"Enable HiDPI mode in Mountain Lion w/o Quartz Debug"
In brief, run the following commands, log out, log on, and the HiDPI resolutions are available in the display preferences:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DisplayResolutionEnabled -bool YES
sudo defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ DisplayResolutionDisabled
(In my case the first command was enough; the second command just prints an error message.)
Edit: (5/31/2016)
For users trying to do this on El Capitan, please read the FAQ on SwitchRes's website. Also, if something's still not working after you did all the steps in the FAQ, consider uninstalling and reinstalling SwitchResX. That solved the issue I was having on one of my laptops.
After reading through several forums, websites, blogs.
I am here to present a solution for users with 15" MacBook Pro with Retina display connected to a Thunderbolt Display.
First of all,
Terminal command of modifying plist
Quartz Debug
Holding option and select "Scaled" in System Preferences
ResolutionTab (Mac App Store)
These methods DO NOT work for MBPr with Thunderbolt Display, for whatever reasons.
You will not see the HiDPI options to be selected.
The only tool I found that actually gives us the options is SwitchResX.
However another problem exists here.
Most users with this setup, I believe, are trying to use 1280x720 HiDPI because it's half the native resolution of the TBD.
According SwitchResX's FAQ, in some cases it is not possible to set to this resolution because of a bug within OS X itself.
Here's a screenshot for your reference:
After contacting the developer, he presented a workaround - adding one more pixel - which worked for me.
Install SwitchResX and open it from System Preferences.
Go to Thunderbolt Display tab, and add a Custom Resolutions with Scaled Resolution at 2562 x 1440
Here's a screenshot
Save using command + s. (or simply close the window and use the prompt up)
Restart the laptop.
Go to SwitchResX and select the new custom resolution in the Current Resolution tab. (Sometimes it doesn't show up right away, play around with it and it should.)
Here you go.
I hope this answer gets to users with this setup because it is really frustrating to use 16:10 resolution on a 16:9 display.
For those unable to enable HIDPI on rMBP or new MBA, I experienced the same on my rMBP 15" with Air Display. I solved the problem by installing SwitchResX. With the boolean setting enabled as shown in the referenced gist, the HIDPI setting shows up.
Dragging seems a little laggy in Air Display, but otherwise works great.
Try this
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DisplayResolutionEnabled -bool YES
[from here]
If your monitor supports it, it may also be worth setting the DisplayPort version to 1.1 instead of 1.2.
I have a late 2010 Mac Air with a Samsung S27D850 display and had all sorts of intermittent resolution switching issues until I made that change.
As for me its pretty good app that give you opportunity for changing resolution any that you want.
SwitchResX for Mac and MacBook.
This app resolved all my problems with resolution.
