AnKo SQLite : populate listview asynchronously from database? - sqlite

I'm trying to translate my app from Java to Kotlin.
I'm managing database with AnKo SQLite
All is OK except listviews with CursorLoaders : I can't find how to replace CursorLoader while using AnKo SQLite.
(and same problem with expandableListViews)
Can somebody help me please?

OK, here is my solution... I don't know if it is the best :
create a new kotlin class "MyCursorLoader" that extends CursorLoader
set the primary constructor like this :
class MyCursorLoader(
mContext: Context,
val mTableName: String,
var mProjection: Array<String>? = null,
var mSelection: String = "1",
var mSelectionArgs: Array<String> = emptyArray(),
var mGroupBy: String = MySqlHelper.ID,
var mHaving: String = "",
var mSortOrder: String = "${MySqlHelper.ID} ASC",
var mLimit: String = "",
var mDistinct: Boolean = true
): CursorLoader(mContext) {
val mObserver: Loader<Cursor>.ForceLoadContentObserver = Loader<Cursor>(mContext).ForceLoadContentObserver()
var mCancellationSignal: CancellationSignal? = null
override the OnLoadInBackground method with te same code than built-in one, just replacing the val cursor = ContentResolverCompat.query(... line with :
val cursor = MySqlHelper.instance.readableDatabase.query(
mDistinct, mTableName, mProjection, mSelection, mSelectionArgs, mGroupBy, mHaving, mSortOrder, mLimit, mCancellationSignal)
So no need to recreate a dataprovider in manifest, no need to deal with Uri's... I can use MyCursorLoader exactly like built-in CursorLoader, calling it like this :
override fun onCreateLoader(id: Int, args: Bundle?): Loader<Cursor> {
when (id) {
return MyCursorLoader(mContext, TABLE_EVENTS, arrayOf(ID, DAY), mGroupBy = DAY, mSortOrder = "$DAY DESC")
Let me know if ther is a better solution.
Hope that can help.


How do I apply an array values to Mongodb find() in

I want to retrieve the specific data using an array-values, but I don't know how to deal with it.
URL is like http://localhost/api/data?sym=aa&bb&cc
DB documents are like:
the expected result is:
My code is:
public IEnumerable<Data> Get(string sym)
symbol = sym.Split('&');
//connect to database and collections
var client = new MongoClient("mongodb+srv://.....");
var db = client.GetDatabase("...");
var _portf = db.GetCollection<Data>("...");
return _portf.Find(???).ToList();
??? is where I have failed to find a solution. or I am completely wrong with the find() method.
I really need your help. Thank you!
Find takes in a FilterDefinition object. For example, a common way of getting a document from MongoDB by its ID would be:
public T LoadRecordById<T>(string table, Guid id)
var collection = db.GetCollection<T>(table);
var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq("Id", id);
return collection.Find(filter).First();
You can combine multiple FilterDefinition objects together using the Or method:
var filter1 = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq("symbol", symbol);
var filter2 = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq("symbol", symbol);
var filter3 = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq("symbol", symbol);
var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Or(filter1, filter2, filter3);
Hope this helps (it does not hurt to be nice, does it, #Dharman?)
I've found a very promising way which works perfectly. Thanks to this video
rewrite the code"
public IEnumerable<Data> Get(string sym)
var symlist = sym.Split('&');
//connect to database and collections
var client = new MongoClient("mongodb+srv://.....");
var db = client.GetDatabase("...");
var _portf = db.GetCollection<Data>("...");
-->var fitlerDefinition = Builders<Findata>.Filter.In(a => a.Symbol, symlist);
return _portf.Find(fitlerDefinition).ToList();

Convert Firebase DocumentSnapshot data to a custom Scala (or Java) class

I'm using Firebase for a private Scala project and I'm struggling to understand how I can manage Firebase responses if I want to avoid using HashMap.
This is the information that I'm trying to manage:
These are the two Scala classes that I wrote with the idea to use them along with the toObject method:
class Doc() {
#BeanProperty val map: util.HashMap[String, Value] = new util.HashMap[String, Value]()
class Value() {
#BeanProperty val displayName: String = ""
#BeanProperty val email: String = ""
// Extra fields that I need to initialize in the Scala code
#BeanProperty val totalLogins: Int = 0
#BeanProperty val todoMap: util.HashMap[String, String] = new util.HashMap[String, String]()
#BeanProperty val todoList: util.ArrayList[String] = new util.ArrayList[String]()
#BeanProperty val totalChanges: Int = 0
#BeanProperty val totalErrors: Int = 0
And this is snapshot listener implementation that I wrote:
docFirebase.addSnapshotListener(new EventListener[DocumentSnapshot]() {
override def onEvent(snapshot: DocumentSnapshot, e: FirestoreException): Unit = {
if (e != null) {
println("[OnSnapshot] Listen failed: " + e)
if (snapshot != null && snapshot.exists) {
val doc = snapshot.toObject(classOf[Doc])
// Here below I'll write the complex logic I need ...
} else {
println("[OnSnapshot] Current data: null")
Using that code I'm always getting an empty HashMap into the doc variable. Can someone helps me understand what I misunderstood about reading data from Firebase ? Thanks in advance.
All of your properties in the document are nested under an object called "abc". That fact is not reflected in your code - you need to call out abc by name to get all the nested fields from it. You probably don't want that nesting at all. Just put all the fields (displayName, email, etc) as top-level fields in the document.

Migration is required due to Property id has been made required

it works fine if i change lateinit var id: String in the Payment.kt and CartPayment.kt to var id: String? = "", but the problem is i want the id to be required, how can i achieve that ?
The Error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create application: io.realm.exceptions.RealmMigrationNeededException: Migration is required due to the following errors:
- Property '' has been made required.
- Property '' has been made required.
Model :
open class Payment() : RealmObject() {
lateinit var id: String
var typeValue: Int = 0
var statusValue: Int = 0
var value: Double = 0.0
var referenceNumber: String? = null
Note: Payment and CartPayment models are identical except for the class name
class Migration : RealmMigration {
override fun migrate(realm: DynamicRealm, oldVersion: Long, newVersion: Long) {
var oldVersion = oldVersion
val schema = realm.schema
if (oldVersion == 0L) {
.addField("id",, FieldAttribute.PRIMARY_KEY)
.addRealmListField("payments", schema.get("Payment")!!)
if (oldVersion == 1L) {
.addField("id",, FieldAttribute.PRIMARY_KEY)
class App: Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
val realmConfig = RealmConfiguration.Builder()
.addField("id",, FieldAttribute.PRIMARY_KEY, FieldAttribute.REQUIRED)
did the trick.
if you declare the variable to be lateinit, make sure to add FieldAttribute.REQUIRED.
Basically you are adding a new field "id" which is primary key (hence required key).
If you do not specify any value while initialisation (lateinit), how will realm migrate all the earlier records, which doesn't have an id, but is required after migration ? Hence the error.
Below solutions might work
Either pre-populate the id's (without using lateinit)
Transform your earlier records to have id's if they don't have
Check the official examples here
For me, it happened after I have done the Migration.
I have made a non-nullable object in Kotlin and on migration I was creating a nullable wrapper type like Double, Int, etc.
Just use
instead of

Entity Framework 6 .add() with variable table and column name

I am able to get a somewhat dynamic Entity Framework search result with the following simplified example, which pulls a single result from the DB or Cache:
string strTableName = "TableName2"
string strColumnName = "MyColumnName"
int intPrimaryKey = 1
Type returnType;
returnType = typeof(TableName1);
string queryResults = null;
switch (strTableName)
case "TableName2":
returnType = typeof(TableName2);
var refColumnName = returnType.GetProperty(strColumnName );
var query = mydbEntity.Set(returnType).Find(intPrimaryKey );
var queryResults = refColumnName.GetValue(query).ToString();
This can also be adapted for Updating a record:
DataQuery.LeadsEntity.Entry(query).Property(strColumnName ).CurrentValue = "Whatever";
Is there an equivalent for way for .set(returnType).Add()? I'm not sure if there is a way to do this type of thinking using variable table and column names:
DataQuery.LeadsEntity.Set(returnType).Add(new returnType { PrimayKeyName = 1, refColumnName = "Something" });
If you don't know a priori what's the name of the primary key property, it could be a little painful to get it from the type.
This is the way I found more reliable to retrieve the primary key from the entity type:
private string[] GetKeyNames(DbContext context, Type entityType)
ObjectContext objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext;
//create method CreateObjectSet with the generic parameter of the base-type
MethodInfo method = typeof(ObjectContext).GetMethod("CreateObjectSet", Type.EmptyTypes)
dynamic objectSet = method.Invoke(objectContext, null);
IEnumerable<dynamic> keyMembers = objectSet.EntitySet.ElementType.KeyMembers;
string[] keyNames = keyMembers.Select(k => (string)k.Name).ToArray();
_keyNamesCache[entityType] = keyNames;
return keyNames;
But assuming your primary keys are always a single property, you could use reflection to create the entity object and set its properties like this:
private void CreateEntity(Type entityType, object pkValue, Dictionary<string, object> Columns)
// Create the new entity
var entity = Activator.CreateInstance(entityType);
// Get the primary key property name
var pkName = GetKeyNames(context, entityType).First();
// Set Pk value
entityType.GetProperty(pkName).SetValue(entity, pkValue);
// Set other column(s)
foreach (var col in Columns)
entityType.GetProperty(col.Key).SetValue(entity, col.Value);
// Add the entity to the DbSet
using (var context = new YourContext())

Bound properties not working

I'm using TornadoFX 1.7.5 and I can't seem to get bound properties to work. I have the below ItemViewModels
class DynamicMenuViewModel : ItemViewModel<DynamicMenu>(DynamicMenu()) {
val title = bind { item?.title?.toProperty() }
val isBold = bind { item?.isBold?.toProperty() }
val routes = bind { item?.routes?.toProperty() }
data class DynamicMenu(var title: String = "", var isBold: Boolean = false, var routes: MutableList<MenuRouteViewModel> = mutableListOf())
class MenuRouteViewModel : ItemViewModel<MenuRoute>(MenuRoute()) {
val url = bind { item?.url?.toProperty() }
val title = bind { item?.title?.toProperty() }
val isBold = bind { item?.isBold?.toProperty() }
val showNew = bind { item?.showNew?.toProperty() }
data class MenuRoute(var url: String = "", var title: String = "", var showNew: Boolean = false, var isBold: Boolean = false)
Which are bound like this:
//routesController.dynamicMenu is an instance of DynamicMenuViewModel()
textfield(property = routesController.dynamicMenu.title) {
prefWidth = formWidth * .5
gridpaneConstraints {
columnRowIndex(0, 1)
marginLeft = 10.0
columnSpan = 2
marginBottom = 20.0
checkbox(property = routesController.dynamicMenu.isBold){
gridpaneConstraints {
columnRowIndex(2, 1)
marginLeft = 15.0
marginBottom = 20.0
Then the following functions commit the models and prints them to the screen when I click a button:
fun onClick(){
dynamicMenu.item.routes.forEach {
fun commitModel(){
dynamicMenu.item.routes.forEach {
The problem is that when I run the program and edit the textfields and checkboxes then click the button that runs onClick(), the backing item doesn't seem to be getting updated. So none of the updated values are printed to the console.
What am I doing wrong here?
The ViewModel can as you probably know only bind bidirectionally against JavaFX Properties. Your domain objects doesn't contain JavaFX properties, so you need to convert them. However, the toProperty() function you are using only operates on a value, and turns it into a Property. This property has no way of knowing about it's field owner, and hence cannot write back into the domain object.
Luckily, you can use the observable function to make your domain object properties writable as well:
val url = bind { item?.observable(MenuRoute::url) }
Since the observable function operates on a specific instance of a MenuRoute object, it now has enough information to write back into that instance when you commit() the model.
If you would consider changing the properties in your domain objects to be observable, you could write:
val url = bind(MenuRoute::url)
You can use the TornadoFX IDEA plugin inspection "Convert all properties to TornadoFX Properties" to automatically rework your properties. This would transform your MenuRoute object into:
class MenuRoute {
val isBoldProperty = SimpleBooleanProperty(false)
var isBold by isBoldProperty
val showNewProperty = SimpleBooleanProperty(false)
var showNew by showNewProperty
val urlProperty = SimpleStringProperty("")
var url by urlProperty
val titleProperty = SimpleStringProperty("")
var title by titleProperty
(You have to manually remove the data modifier on your class. Also beware that the current version of the plugin has a bug in the conversion function that would leave the old parameters - a new version will be released shortly).
If you don't want to do that for various reasons, I was just able to support that nice syntax even for mutable vars like you have, so from TornadoFX 1.7.6 you can use this syntax in your binding statements even if you don't want to change your data classes:
val url = bind(MenuRoute::url)
