IIS 8.5 400 Bad Request - asp.net

I've some difficulties with an ASP.Net Core Web Api Application which is hosted on an IIS 8.5.
The IIS 8.5 returns a 400 status code for a specific post request.
The faulty request is executed by an web application which is hosted on the same domain with a different port. The API is configured to handle cors and the preflight of the faulty request is successfully completed.
I noticed a weird thing:
The Api is deployed with Swagger UI included. So I tried to reproduce the error with the Swagger UI. But in this case the request is successful.
The body and the url of both requests are absolutely the same and there are no noticeable differences in the headers except, of course, of the request origin.
It looks like the request is not processed by the Api at all (I should see sth. in our log files in this case), so I'm pretty sure the error occurs somewhere in the IIS itself.
I've already investigated the httperr.log file. It contains the flowing line at the time of the failed request:
2018-12-05 15:38:36 62121 1142
HTTP/1.1 POST /api/some/request/path 400 13 BadRequest myServicePool
I was hoping this file would contain more details about the cause of the error.
I was wondering if the "13" before "BadRequest" has any special meaning?
Does anyone have an idea, based on the information given, why this error occurs? I don't really think so. But I would be more than happy if anybody can give me a hint where to search for more details about the cause of the error.
Let me know if you need more details.

It's better if we can have sample code of how you are sending the request in your code.
However, with the given facts I assume the problem is in the content of the request body. Even the swagger request and the request you are sending look like exactly the same, it should be varying in some aspects.
Are you using a JSON converter? If you are using a JSON converter and if you are serializing a .NET model to a JSON string and attaching in the request please make sure that you are formatting it with Camel Case.
Because by default it might just be converting the .NET model as it is with the Pascal case.
I'll elaborate this using Newtonsoft JSON library.
.NET model serialized without specifying the format
var businessLeadJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ObjectA);
Converted result - {"Company":"sample","ContactName":"contact 1"}
.NET model serialized by specifying the format
var businessLeadJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(businessLead, new
JsonSerializerSettings() { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() });
Converted result - {"company":"sample","contactName":"contact 1"}
Please notice the case of the property names in JSON strings. The first letter is capital in the first result.
Therefore I recommend you to try serializing your objects that are attaching as the payload (request body) by specifying the formatting, becasue REST APIs expect the JSON strings in the correct format.
Please specify the Camel case formatting when you are serializing the object of your request body.
Good Luck..!

I've justed managed to reproduce this error by accident.
The problem is, that the application send an empty Authorization-Header if the user hasn't login yet.
It seems that causes an Bad Request on some configurations/IIS versions, or what ever the difference is between the systems,and on some it's no problem.


how to fix the bug found during SOAPUI security testing

I was doing a automation testing on my web application with SOAPUI, I have found a bug which is http method fuzzing basically it means "HTTP Method Fuzzing
An HTTP Method Fuzzing Scan attempts to use other HTTP verbs (methods) than those defined in an API. For instance, if you have defined GET and POST, it will send requests using the DELETE and PUT verbs, expecting an appropriate HTTP error response and reporting alerts if it doesn't receive it.
Sometimes, unexpected HTTP verbs can overwrite data on a server or get data that shouldn't be revealed to clients."
Can anyone knows how I can solve this issue or how I block the HTTP request other than GET or POST which may remove this bug.
I am using Node.js and express for my web application.
Please check the images:
Image 1
Image 2

HTTP GET for a large string payload

I have a requirement where I need to make a HTTP request to a Flask server where the payload is a question(string) and a paragraph(string). The server uses machine learning to find the answer to the question within the paragraph and return it.
Now, the paragraph can be huge, as in thousands of words. So will a GET request with a JSON payload be appropriate? or should I be using POST?
will a GET request with a JSON payload be appropriate?
No - the problem here is that the payload of a GET request has no defined semantics; you have no guarantees that intermediate components will do the right thing with your request.
For example: caches are going to assume that the payload of the request is irrelevant, so your GET request might get a response for a completely different document.
should I be using POST?
Today, you should be using POST.
Eventually, you'll probably end up using the safe-method-with-body, once the HTTP-WG figures out the semantics of the new method and adoption has taken hold.

Third party to PeopleSoft SSO integration

I have to write sign on peoplecode to make a service call by passing token (sent from third party) to API and get the responce (if token is valid responce will have username) in json format to create a PS_TOKEN.
I am fresher to peoplecode. How can I run HTTP POST request by passing token and get the response using Peoplecode?
You would create a synchronous service operation in the Integration Broker. The Integration Broker works best if you are sending XML or JSON. If this is just a regular HTTP POST with fields then it can cause some issues with the Integration Broker. I had a similar case and could not get the basic HTTP Post to work but instead ended up using HTTP POST multipart/form-data and was able to get that to work.
Steps I had to do to make this work.
Create a Message (document based or rowset based are both possible)
Create Service Operation and related objects
Create Transform App Engine to convert the Message to a HTTP POST multipart/form-data
Create a routing and modify the connector properties to send the content type of multipart/form-data. Also call the Transform app engine as part of the routing.
The issue with a application/x-www-form-urlencoded POST is that it seems PeopleSoft does another url encoding after the Transform, which is the last time you can touch the output with code. This final url encoding was encoding the = sign in the form post which made the format invalid.
Your other option would be to write this is Java and call the Java class from within PeopleSoft (or mix the Java objects in with PeopleCode). If you choose to go this way then the App Server needs to have connectivity to your authentication server. My only experience with this is I had a client that used this approach and had issues under heavy load. It was never determined the cause of the performance issue, they switched to LDAP instead to resolve the issue.

Should I use HTTP 4xx to indicate HTML form errors?

I just spent 20 minutes debugging some (django) unit tests. I was testing a view POST, and I was expecting a 302 return code, after which I asserted a bunch database entities were as expected. Turns out a recently merged commit had added a new form field, and my tests were failing because I wasn't including the correct form data.
The problem is that the tests were failing because the HTTP return code was 200, not 302, and I could only work out the problem by printing out the response HTTP and looking through it. Aside from the irritation of having to look through HTML to work out the problem, a 200 seems like the wrong code for a POST that doesn't get processed. A 4xx (client error) seems more appropriate. In addition, it would have made debugging the test a cinch, as the response code would have pointed me straight at the problem.
I've read about using 422 (Unprocessable Entity) as a possible return code within REST APIs, but can't find any evidence of using it within HTML views / handlers.
My question is - is anyone else doing this, and if not, why not?
Just to clarify, this question relates to HTML forms, and not an API.
It is also a question about HTTP response codes per se - not Django. That just happens to be what I'm using. I have removed the django tag.
Some further clarification, with W3C references (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html):
10.2 Successful 2xx
This class of status code indicates that the client's request was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
10.4 Client Error 4xx
The 4xx class of status code is intended for cases in which the client seems to have erred.
10.4.1 400 Bad Request
The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
And from https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4918#page-78
11.2. 422 Unprocessable Entity
The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server
understands the content type of the request entity (hence a
415(Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the
syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request)
status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained
instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML
request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but
semantically erroneous, XML instructions.
Digging in to it, 422 is a WebDAV extension[1], which may explain its obscurity. That said, since Twitter use 420 for their own purposes, I think I'll just whatever I want. But it will begin with a 4.
Notes on the use of custom response codes, and how they should be treated (if unrecognised), from HTTP 1.1 specification (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2616#section-6.1.1):
HTTP status codes are extensible. HTTP applications are not required
to understand the meaning of all registered status codes, though such
understanding is obviously desirable. However, applications MUST
understand the class of any status code, as indicated by the first
digit, and treat any unrecognized response as being equivalent to the
x00 status code of that class, with the exception that an
unrecognized response MUST NOT be cached. For example, if an
unrecognized status code of 431 is received by the client, it can
safely assume that there was something wrong with its request and
treat the response as if it had received a 400 status code. In such
cases, user agents SHOULD present to the user the entity returned
with the response, since that entity is likely to include human-
readable information which will explain the unusual status.
[1] https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4918
You are right that 200 is wrong if the outcome is not success.
I'd also argue that a success-with-redirect-to-result-page should be 303, not 302.
4xx is correct for client error. 422 seems right to me. In any case, don't invent new 4xx codes without registering them through IANA.
It's obvious that some form POST requests should result in a 4xx HTTP error (e.g. wrong URL, lacking an expected field, failing to send an auth cookie), but mistyping passwords or accidentally omitting required fields are extremely common and expected occurrences in an application.
It doesn't seem clear from any spec that every form invalidation problem must constitute an HTTP error.
I guess my intuition is that, if a server sends a client a form, and the client promptly replies with a correctly-formed POST request to that form with all expected fields, a common business logic violation shouldn't be an HTTP error.
The situation seems even less defined if a client-side script is using HTTP as a transport mechanism. E.g. if a JSON-RPC requests sends form details, the server-side function is successfully called and the response returned to the caller, seems like a 200 success.
Anecdotally: Logging in with bad credentials yields a 200 from Facebook, Google, and Wikipedia, and a 204 from Amazon.
Ideally the IETF would clear this up with an RFC, maybe adding an HTTP error code for "the operation was not performed due to a form invalidation failure" or expanding the definition of 422 to cover this.
There doesn't appear to be an accepted answer, which to be honest, is a bit surprising. Form validation is such a cornerstone of web development that the fact that there is no response code to illustrate a validation failure seems like a missed opportunity. Particularly given the proliferation of automated testing. It doesn't seem practical to test the response by examining the HTML content for an error message rather than just testing the response code.
I stick by my assertion in the question that 200 is the wrong response code for a request that fails business rules - and that 302 is also inappropriate. (If a form fails validation, then it should not have updated any state on the server, is therefore idempotent, and there is no need to use the PRG pattern to prevent users from resubmitting the form. Let them.)
So, given that there isn't an 'approved' method, I'm currently testing (literally) with my own - 421. I will report back if we run into any issues with using non-standard HTTP status codes.
If there are no updates to this answer, then we're using it in production, it works, and you could do the same.
The POST returns 200 if you do not redirect.
The 302 is not sent automatically in headers after POST request, so you have to send the header (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/request-response/#django.http.HttpResponse) manually and the code does not relay on data of the form.
The reason of the redirection back to the form (or whatever) with code 302 is to disallow browser to send the data repeatedly on refresh or history browsing.

Passing params in the URL when using HTTP POST

Is it allowable to pass parameters to a web page through the URL (after the question mark) when using the POST method? I know that it works (most of the time, anyways) because my company's webapp does it often, but I don't know if it's actually supported in the standard or if I can rely on this behavior. I'm considering implementing a SOAP request handler that uses a parameter after the question mark to indicate that it is a SOAP request and not a normal HTTP request. The reason for this that the webapp is an IIS extension, so everything is accessed via the same URL (ex: example.com/myisapi.dll?command), so to get the SOAP request to be processed, I need to specify that "command" parameter. There would be one generic command for SOAP, not a specific command for each SOAP action -- those would be specified in the SOAP request itself.
Basically, I'm trying to integrate the Apache Axis2/C library into my webapp by letting the webapp handle the HTTP request and then pass off the incoming SOAP XML to Axis2 for handling if it's a SOAP request. Intuitively, I can't see any reason why this wouldn't work, since the URL you're posting to is just an arbitrary URL, as far as all the various components are concerned... it's the server that gives special meaning to the parts after the question mark.
Thanks for any help/insight you can provide.
Lets start with the simple stuff. HTTP GET request variables come from the URI. The URI is a requested resource, and so any webserver should (and apache does) have the entire URI stored in some variable available to the modules or appserver components running within the webserver.
An http POST which is different from an http GET is a separate logical call to the webserver, but it still defines a URI that should process the post. A good webserver (apache being one) will again make the URI available to whatever module or appserver is running within it, then will additionally make available the variables which were sent in the POST headers.
At the point where your application takes control from apache during a POST you should have access to both the GET and POST variables and be able to do whatever control logic you wish, including replying with a SOAP protocol instead of HTML.
If you are asking whether it is possible to send parameters via both GET and POST in a single HTTP request, then the answer is "YES". This is standard functionality that can be used reliably AFAIK.
One such example is sending authentication credentials in two pieces, one over GET and the other through POST so that any attempt to hijack a session would require hijacking both the GET and POST variables.
So in your case, you can use POST to contain the actual SOAP request but test for whether it is a SOAP request based on the parameter passed in GET (or in other words through the URL).
I believe that no standard actually defines the concept of "HTTP parameters" or "request variables". RFC 1738 defines that an URL may have a "search part", which is the substring after the question mark. HTML specifies in the form submission protocol how a browser processing a FORM element should submit it. In either case, how the server-side processes both the search part and the HTTP body is entirely up to the server - discarding both would be conforming to these two specs (but fairly useless).
In order to determine whether you can post a search part to a specific service, you need to study this service's protocol specification. If the service is practically defined by means of a HTML form, then you cannot use a mix - you can't even use POST if the FORM specifies GET (and vice versa). If you post to a web service, you need to look at the web service's WSDL - which will typically mandate POST; with all data in a SOAP message. Etc.
Specific web frameworks may have the notion of "request variables" - whether they will draw these variables both from a search part and a request body, you need to find out in the product documentation.
I deployed a web application with 3 (a mobile network operator) in the UK. It originally used POST parameters, but the 3 gateway stripped them (and X-headers as well!). So beware...
allowable? sure, it's doable, but i'm leaning towards the spec suggesting dual methods isn't necessarily supposed to happen, or be supported. RFC2616 defines HTTP/1.1, and i would argue suggests only one method per request. if you think about your typical HTTP transaction from the client side, you can see the limitation as well:
$ telnet localhost 80
POST /page.html?id=5 HTTP/1.1
host: localhost
as you can see, you can only use one method (POST/GET, etc...), however due to the nature of how various languages operate, they may pick up the query string, and assign it to the GET variable. ultimately though, this is a POST request, and not a GET.
so basically, yes this functionality exists, is it intended? i would say no.
