How do I change the colour of the editors horizontal code highlighter bar? - scrollbar

how do I change the colour of the horizontal code highlighter bar?
My theme has a green bar that is blocking out the green text when I type and it is very annoying. PLease see the example below.
I would like the theme but I would just like to change this element to something else like blue.
Do you know of a way that I can change it?


Dash plotly / CSS. customize marker style - Gradient color for bar chart

I would appreciate it if someone can help me.
I would like to have a gradient for my bar chart instead of one color.
something like this:
go.Bar(,y=df2.ans,yaxis='y1', textposition='auto', marker={'color':'##7FFF00' )
I have also tried to do it with
but it gives me a general gradient from right to left.
I have also tried to add css to asset:
.grad{ color: linear-gradient(to right, red , yellow)}
but I couldn't manage to use it.
Looking forward to your help. Thank you
You can add 'colorscale': 'YlOrRd' to your marker dict!
go.Bar(,y=df2.ans,yaxis='y1', textposition='auto', marker={'color':'##7FFF00', 'colorscale': 'YlOrRd'})
colorscale also have these options (as strings like above): Greys,YlGnBu,Greens,YlOrRd,Bluered,RdBu,Reds,Blues,Picnic,Rainbow,Portland,Jet,Hot,Blackbody,Earth,Electric,Viridis,Cividis.
Check out this link for more info

Rickshaw: Changing colors of X-Axis Labels

By default the labels are all a dark gray, I've tried to override them using CSS multiple ways.
How do I change the label's color on render?
Or how do I change the color in the SVG output?
I've looked everywhere and have found similar titles but different meanings. Love how manipulatable this graph is, but the label text color is a must for me.
Thanks in advance.
Finally found the way to do it. Gotta use JS to overwrite the attributes.
After the graph.render() function use these:
$('.x_ticks_d3 text').css('opacity', '1.0');//fix text opacity
$('#x_axis text').css('fill', 'white');//text color
$('.x_ticks_d3 .tick').css('stroke-width', '0px');//text smoothing
$('#x_axis path').css('opacity', '0');//remove line or
$('#x_axis path').css('stroke', 'white');//change line color
This got everything to be white for me, and was able to remove the lines also.

Twitter Bootstrap's Element Border Color

I want to change the border color of any element when it gets focused from blue to green. The problem is I don't know the attribute name I should change to override this. Any help would be very much appreciated.
Below is an image for better comprehension:
Go to, look for #input-border-focus, enter your desired color code, scroll down and click "Compile and Download".

CSS to make anchor hovers look like highlighter text

I've been struggling with this for days and just can't get it. Is it possible to get the hover state of a link to look like the attached picture? So it appears ilke a highlighter was used on the text and have the white space between the lines
sorry it wouldn't let me attach the image.
Here is the closest I can get
In your example, turn off float:left on your A-tag.

How to force QMenuBar to have the same background color as QToolBar

My menu bar is placed inside my toolbar :) And I wan't both of them to have the same background color. In some color themes menubar background is different then in toolbars (lighter). How do I sync them and at the same time maintain current theme colors.
Can I force QMenuBar not to draw background ?
I tried to use stylesheets with background-color:.. but submenus in menu bar lose borders and there is now hover effect.
Thanks for help :)
You can try something like this:
QPalette palette = menuBar->palette();
palette.setColor(QPalette::Button, toolBar->palette().color(QPalette::Window));
Hope this helps :)
