R Generate random numbers based on condition - r

I'd like to generate a sequence of 100 numbers based on the following conditions -
The numbers range from 1 to 5, and are whole numbers.
The number of 1s and 2s generated as a percentage of the total equals 90%
My Attempt
I attempted to create the sequence using runif. However I am unsure about how to include the second condition.
Your help on the second condition would be greatly appreciated

As indicated by #markus, you may use the prob argument for this. Here is another idea
v <- sample(c(sample(1:2, 90, replace = TRUE), sample(3:5, 10, replace = TRUE)))
First generate the 90% (i.e. here 90 elements) consisting of 1,2 and the remaining 10% (that is 10) separately, and then shuffle the result.
And obviously,
length(which(v %in% 1:2)) / length(v)
# [1] 0.9
Here the more general case
# size of final vector
n <- 100
# percentages
p1 <- 0.935
p2 <- 1 - p1
# calculate number of elements (using round)
n1 <- round(p1*n)
n2 <- n - n1
# get final vector
v <- sample(c(sample(1:2, n1, replace = TRUE), sample(3:5, n2, replace = TRUE)))
# Note:
length(which(v %in% 1:2)) / length(v)
# [1] 0.94
Note that you could have the exact percentage for example by setting n <- 100*10.


Efficiently change individual elements in matrix/array in R

I am running a simulation in R, which I am trying to make more efficient.
A little bit of background: this is an abstract simulation to test the effects of mutation on a population. The population has N individuals and each individuals has a genotype of M letters, each letter can be one of the twenty amino acids (I denote as 0:19).
One of the most (computationally) expensive tasks involves taking a matrix "mat" with M rows and N columns, which initially starts as a matrix of all zeroes,
mat <- matrix(rep(0,M*N),nrow=M)
And then changing (mutating) at least one letter in the genotype of each individual. The reason I say at least is, I would ideally like to set a mutation rate (mutrate) that, if I set to 2 in my overall simulation function, it will cause 2 mutations in the matrix per individual.
I found two rather computationally expensive ways to do so. As you can see below, only the second method incorporates the mutation rate parameter mutrate (I could not easily of think how to incorporate it into the first).
#method 1
for(i in 1:N){
position <- floor(runif(N, min=0, max=M))
letter <- floor(runif(N, min=0, max=19))
mat[position[i],i] = letter[i]}
#method 2, somewhat faster and incorporates mutation rate
mat <- apply(mat,2,function(x) (x+sample(c(rep(0,M-mutrate),sample(0:19,size=mutrate))%%20))))
The second method incorporates a modulus because genotype values have to be between 0 and 19 as I mentioned.
A few additional notes for clarity:
I don't strictly need every individual to get exactly the same mutation amount. But that being said, the distribution should be narrow enough such that, if mutrate = 2, most individuals get two mutations, some one, some maybe three. I don't want however one individual getting a huge amount of mutations and many individuals getting no mutations Notably, some mutations will change the letter into the same letter, and so for a large population size N, the expected average number of mutations is slightly less than the assigned mutrate.
I believe the answer has something to do with the ability to use the square-bracket subsetting method to obtain one random element from every column of the matrix mat. However, I could not find any information about how to use the syntax to isolate one random element from every column of a matrix. mat[sample(1:M),sample(1:N)] obviously gives you the whole matrix... perhaps I am missing something stupidly clear here.
Any help is greatly appreciated !
To answer your last question first; you can access a single cell in a matrix with mat[row,column], or multiple scattered cells by their sequential cell id. Cell 1,1 is the first cell, followed by 2,1, 3,1, etc:
mat <- matrix(rep(0, 5*5), nrow=5)
mat[c(1,3,5,7,9)] = c(1,2,3,4,5)
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] 1 0 0 0 0
[2,] 0 4 0 0 0
[3,] 2 0 0 0 0
[4,] 0 5 0 0 0
[5,] 3 0 0 0 0
Accessing / overwriting the individual cells is fast too however. The fastest way that I could think of to perform your task, is to first create vectors for the values we want. A vector of all column indices (every column as many times as mutrate), a vector of row indices (randomly), and a vector of new values for these column/row combinations (randomly).
cols = rep(seq_len(N), mutrate)
rows = sample(M, N*mutrate, replace = T)
values = sample(genotypes, N*mutrate, replace = T) - 1 # -1 offset since genotypes are 0-indexed
for(i in seq_len(N*mutrate)) {
mat[rows[i],cols[i]] = values[i]
Instead of that for-loop to update the matrix, we can also calculate the cell-IDs so we can update all matrix cells in one go:
cols = rep(seq_len(N), mutrate)
rows = sample(M, N*mutrate, replace = T)
cellid = rows + (cols-1)*M
values = sample(genotypes, N*mutrate, replace = T) - 1 # -1 offset since genotypes are 0-indexed
mat[cellid] = values
Trying with a 6000x10000 matrix to benchmark the multiple methods, shows how fast each method is:
N = 6000 # individuals
M = 10000 # genotype length
genotypes = 20
mutrate = 2
method1 <- function() {
mat <- matrix(rep(0,M*N),nrow=M)
for(i in 1:(N*mutrate)){
position <- sample(M, 1)
letter <- sample(genotypes, 1) - 1
mat[position,i%%N] = letter
method2 <- function() {
mat <- matrix(rep(0,M*N),nrow=M)
mat <- apply(mat,2,function(x) (x+sample(c(rep(0,M-mutrate),sample(0:19,size=mutrate))%%20)))
method3 <- function() {
mat <- matrix(rep(0,M*N),nrow=M)
cols = rep(seq_len(N), mutrate)
rows = sample(M, N*mutrate, replace = T)
values = sample(genotypes, N*mutrate, replace = T) - 1 # -1 offset since genotypes are 0-indexed
for(i in seq_len(N*mutrate)) {
mat[rows[i],cols[i]] = values[i]
method4 <- function() {
mat <- matrix(rep(0,M*N),nrow=M)
cols = rep(seq_len(N), mutrate)
rows = sample(M, N*mutrate, replace = T)
cellid = rows + (cols-1)*M
values = sample(genotypes, N*mutrate, replace = T) - 1 # -1 offset since genotypes are 0-indexed
mat[cellid] = values
benchmark <- function(func, times=10) {
begin <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
for(i in seq_len(times))
retval <- eval(parse(text=func))
end <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
cat(func, 'took', (end-begin)/times, 'seconds\n')
ret1 <- benchmark('method1()')
ret2 <- benchmark('method2()')
ret3 <- benchmark('method3()')
ret4 <- benchmark('method4()')
I've modified your first method to speed it up and perform mutrate.
method1() took 0.8936087 seconds
method2() took 8.767686 seconds
method3() took 0.7008878 seconds
method4() took 0.6548331 seconds

Generate non-negative (or positive) random integers that sum to a fixed value

I would like to randomly assign positive integers to G groups, such that they sum up to V.
For example, if G = 3 and V = 21, valid results may be (7, 7, 7), (10, 6, 5), etc.
Is there a straightforward way to do this?
Editor's notice (from 李哲源):
If values are not restricted to integers, the problem is simple and has been addressed in Choosing n numbers with fixed sum.
For integers, there is a previous Q & A: Generate N random integers that sum to M in R but it appears more complicated and is hard to follow. The loop based solution over there is also not satisfying.
non-negative integers
Let n be sample size:
x <- rmultinom(n, V, rep.int(1 / G, G))
is a G x n matrix, where each column is a multinomial sample that sums up to V.
By passing rep.int(1 / G, G) to argument prob I assume that each group has equal probability of "success".
positive integers
As Gregor mentions, a multinomial sample can contain 0. If such samples are undesired, they should be rejected. As a result, we sample from a truncated multinomial distribution.
In How to generate target number of samples from a distribution under a rejection criterion I suggested an "over-sampling" approach to achieve "vectorization" for a truncated sampling. Simply put, Knowing the acceptance probability we can estimate the expected number of trials M to see the first "success" (non-zero). We first sample say 1.25 * M samples, then there will be at least one "success" in these samples. We randomly return one as the output.
The following function implements this idea to generate truncated multinomial samples without 0.
positive_rmultinom <- function (n, V, prob) {
## input validation
G <- length(prob)
if (G > V) stop("'G > V' causes 0 in a sample for sure!")
if (any(prob < 0)) stop("'prob' can not contain negative values!")
## normalization
sum_prob <- sum(prob)
if (sum_prob != 1) prob <- prob / sum_prob
## minimal probability
min_prob <- min(prob)
## expected number of trials to get a "success" on the group with min_prob
M <- round(1.25 * 1 / min_prob)
## sampling
N <- n * M
x <- rmultinom(N, V, prob)
keep <- which(colSums(x == 0) == 0)
x[, sample(keep, n)]
Now let's try
V <- 76
prob <- c(53, 13, 9, 1)
Directly using rmultinom to draw samples can occasionally result in ones with 0:
## number of samples that contain 0 in 1000 trials
sum(colSums(rmultinom(1000, V, prob) == 0) > 0)
#[1] 355 ## or some other value greater than 0
But there is no such issue by using positive_rmultinom:
## number of samples that contain 0 in 1000 trials
sum(colSums(positive_rmultinom(1000, V, prob) == 0) > 0)
#[1] 0
Probably a less expensive way, but this seems to work.
G <- 3
V <- 21
m <- data.frame(matrix(rep(1:V,G),V,G))
tmp <- expand.grid(m) # all possibilities
out <- tmp[which(rowSums(tmp) == V),] # pluck those that sum to 'V'
out[sample(1:nrow(out),1),] # randomly select a column
Not sure how to do with runif
I figured out what I believe to be a much simpler solution. You first generate random integers from your minimum to maximum range, count them up and then make a vector of the counts (including zeros).
Note that this solution may include zeros even if the minimum value is greater than zero.
Hope this helps future r people with this problem :)
rand.vect.with.total <- function(min, max, total) {
# generate random numbers
x <- sample(min:max, total, replace=TRUE)
# count numbers
sum.x <- table(x)
# convert count to index position
out = vector()
for (i in 1:length(min:max)) {
out[i] <- sum.x[as.character(i)]
out[is.na(out)] <- 0
rand.vect.with.total(0, 3, 5)
# [1] 3 1 1 0
rand.vect.with.total(1, 5, 10)
#[1] 4 1 3 0 2
Note, I also posted this here Generate N random integers that sum to M in R, but this answer is relevant to both questions.

Choosing values in a Matrix in R

I have a 25x25 matrix with numeric values and I want to choose through some conditions ! For example I want only the values from 0 to 0.2 to install them in another matrix how can I do this ?
which(x>0.2) # indices where x>0.2
h<-hist(x,breaks = seq(min(x),max(x),length.out = n+1),plot = F) # For multiple ranges and counts
h$breaks #n+1 break points
h$count #n counts of numbers between those breakpoints
What you want can be done with simple logical operations, see file R-intro.pdf that comes with your distribution of R, section 2.7 Index vectors; selecting and modifying subsets of a data set.
set.seed(1356) # make the results reproducible
m <- matrix(rnorm(25*25), 25) # input matrix
i <- 0 <= m & m <= 0.2 # logical index into 'm'
# create a result matrix with the same dimensions as the input
m2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(m), ncol = ncol(m))
m2[i] <- m[i] # assign the values you want
sum(i) # count of values in [0, 0.2]
sum(m < 0) # count of values less than zero
sum(m > 0.2) # count of values greater than 0.2

How to find a string in a vector in r?

I have created a function that essentially creates a vector of a 1000 binary values. I have been able to count the longest streak of consecutive 1s by using rle.
I was wondering how to find a specific vector (say c(1,0,0,1)) in this larger vector? I would want it to return the amount of occurrences of that vector. So c(1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1) should return 2, while c(1,0,0,0,1) should return 0.
Most solutions that I have found just find whether a sequence occurs at all and return TRUE or FALSE, or they give results for the individual values, not the specific vector that is specified.
Here's my code so far:
# creates a function where a 1000 people choose either up or down.
updown <- function(){
n = 1000
X = rep(0,n)
Y = rbinom(n, 1, 1 / 2)
X[Y == 1] = "up"
X[Y == 0] = "down"
#calculate the length of the longest streak of ups:
Y1 <- rle(Y)
streaks <- Y1$lengths[Y1$values == c(1)]
max(streaks, na.rm=TRUE)
# repeat this process n times to find the average outcome.
longeststring <- replicate(1000, updown())
This will also work:
x <- c(1,0,0,1)
y <- c(1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1)
length(unlist(str_match_all(paste(y, collapse=''), '1001')))
[1] 2
y <- c(1,0,0,0,1)
length(unlist(str_match_all(paste(y, collapse=''), '1001')))
[1] 0
If you want to match overlapped patterns,
y <- c(1,0,0,1,0,0,1) # overlapped
length(unlist(gregexpr("(?=1001)",paste(y, collapse=''),perl=TRUE)))
[1] 2
Since Y is only 0s and 1s, we can paste it into a string and use regex, specifically gregexpr. Simplified a bit:
set.seed(47) # for reproducibility
Y <- rbinom(1000, 1, 1 / 2)
count_pattern <- function(pattern, x){
sum(gregexpr(paste(pattern, collapse = ''),
paste(x, collapse = ''))[[1]] > 0)
count_pattern(c(1, 0, 0, 1), Y)
## [1] 59
paste reduces the pattern and Y down to strings, e.g. "1001" for the pattern here, and a 1000-character string for Y. gregexpr searches for all occurrences of the pattern in Y and returns the indices of the matches (together with a little more information so they can be extracted, if one wanted). Because gregexpr will return -1 for no match, testing for numbers greater than 0 will let us simply sum the TRUE values to get the number of macthes; in this case, 59.
The other sample cases mentioned:
count_pattern(c(1,0,0,1), c(1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1))
## [1] 2
count_pattern(c(1,0,0,1), c(1,0,0,0,1))
## [1] 0

R: Expand a vector of matrix column numbers into a matrix with those columns filled

I have two vectors in R and want to generate a new matrix based on them.
a=c(1,2,1,2,3) # a[1] is 1: thus row 1, column 1 should be equal to...
b=c(10,20,30,40,50) # ...b[1], or 10.
I want to produce matrix 'v' BUT without my 'for' loop through columns of v and my multiplication:
v = as.data.frame(matrix(0,nrow=length(a),ncol=length(unique(a))))
for(i in 1:ncol(v)) v[[i]][a==i] <- 1 # looping through columns of 'v'
v <- v*b
I am sure there is a fast/elegant way to do it in R. At least of expanding 'a' into the earlier version of 'v' (before its multiplication by 'b').
Thanks a lot!
This is one way that sparse matrices can be defined.
Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = seq_along(a), j = a, x = b)
# Setup the problem:
a <- sample(1:100, 1000000, replace = TRUE)
b <- sample(1:500, length(a), replace = TRUE)
# Start the timer
start.time <- proc.time()[3]
# Actual code
# We use a matrix instead of a data.frame
# The number of columns matches the largest column index in vector "a"
v <- matrix(0,nrow=length(a), ncol= max(a))
v[cbind(seq_along(a), a)] <- b
# Show elapsed time
stop.time <- proc.time()[3]
cat("elapsed time is: ", stop.time - start.time, "seconds.\n")
# For a million rows and a hundred columns, my prehistoric
# ... laptop says: elapsed time is: 2.597 seconds.
# these checks take much longer to run than the function itself
# Make sure the modified column in each row matches vector "a"
stopifnot(TRUE == all.equal(a, apply(v!=0, 1, which)))
# Make sure the modified value in each row equals vector "b"
stopifnot(TRUE == all.equal(rowSums(v), b))
