Elastalert in kibana console - kibana

How to get link for elastalert in kibana console, I had installed elastalert in the machine with kibana and it is running fine. However not sure on how to get it displayed in the menu bar.
My Kibana Console

The official Elastalert doesn't have any Kibana plugin. However, the folks at Bitsensor have developed their own fork of Elastalert that runs a server (running on port 3030) that exposes REST API's for manipulating rules and alerts and for that they have developed a Kibana Plugin. So, to use the Kibana plugin you should use their fork.
Relevant Links:
Bitsensor Elastalert
Kibana Plugin for Bitsensor Elastalert


"strict-origin-when-cross-origin" - debugging tornado nginx using vscode

My app (built as a collection of services) is using tornado with nginx.
I'm trying to debug it using vscode (remote debugging).
I stopped the original api service and ran the one in vscode instead.
When trying to send a request using chrome (macOS), I'm getting status code 500 "strict-origin-when-cross-origin"
Any idea?

Juptyer Notebooks Authentication

I'm very new to Jupyter notebooks and recently setup a dev instance with a basic password for external access. While this works fine, I need to tie it into LDAP or PAM authentication on my RHEL server.
As I started reading about this, it appears JupyterHub is the way to go with but I'm running into some issues with that setup. I did some basic configuration and I can login fine via PAM, but it says "Spawn failed" after the login page.
Ideally I'd like to stick with just notebooks + LDAP auth if possible to make things simpler. If that is not possible, can anyone help me out with what type of configuration I need for hub to frontend notebooks and just forward to the existing setup I have?
Hub is currently running on :8000
Notebooks is currently running on :8888
I also have custom themes on Notebooks that I want to keep, even if I have to use Hub.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Instead of using Hub, I ended up just using Apache to front end the connection and then proxy to localhost.
This allowed me to utilize LDAP auth as well as the certificates that I'm already utilizing with Apache.

How to setup docker-compose to work with app engine and wordpress?

I am using gitlab ci/cd to deploy my app to google app engine. I already have php instance working properly but when i try build wordpress image using docker-compose, nothing happen.
these are my files:
I have a folder "web" with a files ping.php: https://site-dot-standalone-applications.appspot.com/ping.php
So application is running into /web folder.
wordpress should be deployed into /web folder after:
docker-compose up
Just needed use the following gitlab-ci.yaml:
Unfortunately, you cannot (easily) deploy containers to App Engine Flex this way.
At its simplest, App Engine Flex is a service that combines a load-balancer, an auto-scaler and your docker image. Your image when run as a container is expected to provide an HTTP/S endpoint on port 8080.
There are 2 ways that App Engine could support your deployment but it does neither:
It bundles a WordPress app image and a MySQL image into a single "pod" and exposes WordPress' HTTP port on :8080. This isn't what you want because then each WordPress instance has its own MySQL instance.
It separates the WordPress app into one service and the MySQL app into another service. This is closer to what you want as you could then scale the WordPress instances independently of the MySQL instances. However, databases are the definitive stateful app and you don't want to run these as App Engine services.
The second case suggests some alternative approaches for you to consider:
Deploy your WordPress app to App Engine but use Google Cloud SQL service link.
If you don't want to use Cloud SQL, you could run your MySQL database on Compute Engine link.
You may wish to consider Kubernetes Engine. This would permit both the approaches outlined above and there are tools that help you migrate from docker-compose files to Kubernetes configurations link.
Since you're familiar with App Engine, I recommend you consider using option #1 above (Cloud SQL)

Drupal on production with redmine

In a production server I have several instances of redmine and I wanted to make available on this server a drupal instance, too.
I'm following this tutorial of nginx and the install tutorial of drupal. I don't want to get those instances offline or worst make them permanently unavailable.
This will happen? Do you have other warnings or tips to this task?

Meteor Vagrant can curl localhost:3000 but windows cannot open localhost:3000 windows 8.1

Good morning,
Working on installing Meteor on windows using the following guide:https://gist.github.com/gabrielhpugliese/5855677
As pointed out on other posts its a little dated and I needed to install meteor separately, which I used this guide: Unable to install meteorite on Ubuntu VM
Currently, my set up can do the following:
files stay in sync between vagrant and windows
localhost:3000/ is working on the server
What I still need help completing:
when opening localhost:3000/ in my windows browser, I get the "This webpage is not available
I know that the vagrant VM is correctly serving the app because I opened a new instance of vagrant and curled the localhoust:3000/
I am actively working in django and node and can successfully run apps locally on :8000 and :8080, I tested the meteor app on those ports but still couldn't connect. I also created a windows firewall port exception on 3000 but the results didn't change.
I know that there is a windows-preview currently out, but that is not working for me and I have an issue being tracked in gitHub.
Thank you in advance.
One thing that might be worth mentioning is it is somewhat possible to use Meteor on windows.
More details here: https://github.com/meteor/meteor/wiki/Preview-of-Meteor-on-Windows.
With your vagrant machine it sounds like there is a problem with port forwarding on your localhost machine to the VM's ports.
One possible simple way to get passed this is to get your Ubuntu machines IP address and simply load it up using http://<ip address>:3000.
I'm not sure why the port forwarding isn't working on your machine. In general the reason is provided when you run vagrant up, if there was an issue.

