BizTalk BRE Utility for Vocabularies - biztalk

With BizTalk 2016 FP3 I'm developing a new policy. I'm also creating a vocabulary because this makes the rules easier to read. The problem is, if I create a new version of the vocabulary, the policy continues to reference the old one.
In order to point at the new vocabulary, I need to create a new version of the policy then replace all the references to the vocabulary items. This is very time consuming.
I'm aware of the "re vocabulary" and "re ruleset" tables in the Rule Engine database, and the ability to "unpublish" by setting the "nStatus" value to zero - but this doesn't this particular problem.
I believe there used to be a utility around from Acumen that would solve this problem. Does anyone know if such a utility is still available anywhere?

Yes, the strict versioning of BRE...this, and the lack of 'else' were showstoppers for most use cases.
I got around this with a script that exports and reimports the same Vocabulary in an unpublished state so it can be modified.


Is there a way to version nodes on Drupal 7?

On a website with software documentation, I need to create a new version for a node always that the information changes for a new software release.
Here is an example:
For the product x version 1.0, I have a node (ID: 1000) that explains how to install the product.
When this product has a new release, the instructions need to change. Currently, what I do is to create a different node (ID: 1001) for product x version 2.0, also called how to install. The issue is that, since these two nodes are totally disconnected, as my database grows, managing these versions is getting too painful.
Ideally, I wouldn't have totally disconnected nodes for the same kind of information, but version that node as the product version changes. Is there any module that allows me to do it? If not, any idea on how to solve the issue?
Thank you
It sounds like you want to use node revisioning
My approach would be to use a makeshift solution via entity reference and/or Rules. On a similar project, we used the Rules Link module to remove the author/ownership of the post but keep a reference for later processing by cloning the user entity in said rule to another field.
You could do the same: Automatically generate a new node with a reference to the old one and maybe copies of certain fields.
Depending on how much content you want to reuse, there's the Node Clone module and the Node clone on Save project seems like a fitting case, too (didn't test it).
Before the entity reference module got to be so mighty in Drupal 7 I often heard that sharing a common taxonomy term between 2 nodes would be another easy way to keep nodes „bundled“ – I'm not sure about the UX implications though.
Sorry, seeing that you're talking about documentation, another solution would be to simply activate the Books module and define a book for each product with the different versions as pages (see Drupal documentation as reference – you can easily style the structure, e.g. as tabs).
The module uses the menu system (up to Drupal 7) to keep a simple structure on top of the existing nodes. This approach has its UX limits on very large node counts.
Using the Book Made Simple module you can automatically generate a book on node creation.

Can I delete the SDL Tridion Default Groups?

I've assumed there was something unique or special about the default Tridion groups (e.g. Editor, Chief Editor, etc) because creating a new Publication seemed to get these groups automatically.
I actually see that new publications get all of the groups in its assigned parent upon creation, it's not necessarily because they're default groups.
Can I delete these default groups? Aside from the out-of-the-box workflow options, any reason to leave these in Tridion from a programming or technical perspective?
New Publications outside of an existing BluePrint will pick up the default rights from the default groups. If you don't need any out of the box settings, you should be OK deleting them (but I have never tried, so it may not be possible). In the database they have a special flag (IS_DEFAULT_GROUP).
I tend to use them for controlling rights, and make my other groups members of Authors,and Editors etc so that I get some basic rights out of the box for all publications.
In the original design of R5 security it was possible to delete the predefined groups, and this was intentional. If you are getting a specific message telling you it is not possible, then this constraint must have been added later, presumably as code was re-written for 2011.
The thinking back in R5 was that the predefined groups would offer a good "out-of-the-box" experience, and save people some configuration. (And of course, it offered backwards compatibility with R4.) Other features echoed this: for example, if you create a publication in a blueprint, the Rights of predefined groups are cloned from the parent publication. For groups you've created yourself, this doesn't happen. After all - if you've chosen to go for a custom security set-up it's reasonable to expect you to customise everything yourself, right?
I can't think of a good reason for preventing their deletion. Perhaps someone thought the "custom" approach was just too unfriendly, but I'm speculating. (Anyone know the real reason?)
No, it is not possible to delete a predefined group -- you will always get an error saying as much.
I can't speak as to the reasons for this, but I imagine the fact that they are used for new Publications is at least part of the reason.
You are not required to actually use them, though.

How can I implement additional entity properties for Entity Framework?

We have a requirement to allow customising our core product and adding additional fields on a per client basis e.g. People entity some client wants to record their favourite colour etc. As far as I know we can't add properties to EF at runtime as it needs classes defined at startup. Each customer has their own database but we are deploying the same solution to all customers with all additional code. We are then detecting which customer they are and running customer specific services etc.
Now the last thing I want is to be forking my project or alternatively adding all fields for all clients. This would seem likely to become a nightmare. Also more often than not the extra fields would only be required in a very limited amount of place. Maybe some reports, couple of screens etc.
I found this article from Jermey Miller describing how they are adding extension properties and having them go from domain to the web front end.
Has anyone else implemented anything similar using EF? How did it work out? Are there any blogs/samples that anyone has seen? I am not sure if I am searching for the right thing even if someone could tell me the generic name for what we want to do that would help. I'm guessing it is a problem that comes up for other people.
Linked question still requires some forking or implementing all possible extensions in single solution because you are still creating strongly typed extensions upfront (= you know upfront what extensions customer wants). It is not generally extensible solution. If you want generic extensible solution you must leave strongly typed world and describe extensions as data.
You will need to use some metamodel. Your entity classes will contain only properties used by all customers and navigation property to special extension entity (additional table per every extensible entity) where you will be able to put additional properties as name / value pair (you can add other columns like type, validation, etc. if needed).
This will in general moves part of your model from hardcoded scenario to configuration based scenario and your customers will even be allowed to define extensions at runtime (if you implement such feature).

node_load or direct query?

What rule of thumb do you use for deciding to use node_load() or just writing a direct db_query()?
In a situation I'm looking at right now I need to get some node data and resolve data on two nodereference fields. So that would be 3 calls to node_load(). At some point here, would it be more efficient to construct the query with Joins directly?
This is for use in a self contained module that won't be distributed or used anywhere else, so I don't believe I need to worry about subverting node modification hooks (or do I?).
Thinking about my question more, node_load() is only really applicable when you have one node to grab (and then maybe drilling down further into nodereferences like in my example). But as soon as you need to return more than one node based on some criteria, you're pretty much forced to use db_query right? Does Drupal have any abstracted API for writing queries like this?
Not a full answer (Not sure myself), just some hints.
node_load() is using a static cache (in Drupal 7, you can even use the entity_cache module to make it a permanent cache). If the nodes you are loading are being used a second time on the same page, that call will be free.
Querying CCK-tables is tricky. The schema structure can change completely based on configuration, for example when using a single or multiple values.
The reasoning behind using API methods for DB calls over direct DB calls is to provide a DB abstraction layer so that your app could move between supported database engines etc, also it enables your app to gracefully handle any schema changes (however unlikely) that core/module may make to the tables in question. It's also likely easier as #Berdir says for CCK fields and Node_Ref fields, but that depends on which you are more confident with Drupal API& PHP or MySQL...the payoff of doing it the Drupal way is increased future productivity and understanding of the codebase and what is possible :)
Oh and my rule of thumb is - Do it the Drupal way if at all possible (possible being variable depending on app time/cost/performance/whatever requirements)

When not to use a Drupal node?

I've recently created a very simple CRUD table where the user stores some data. For the data, I created a custom node. The functionality works great for creating, editing, and deleting data in the CRUD table using the basic node functionality (I'm actually amazed how fast and easy it was to program the basic functionality with proper access controls using only a tiny bit of code)....
Since the data isn't meant to be treated the same way as 'content' such as a blog post (no title, no body, no commments, no revisions, shouldn't show up on ?q=node page, no previews, no teasers, etc)... I find that I'm spending most of my time 'turning off' and modifying the stuff that drupal does automatically for nodes.
I know its a matter of taste, but where should one draw the line on what should be treated as a node and what shouldn't? In other words, would it be better to program this stuff from scratch without using nodes?
Using nodes for custom data has quite some additional benefits besides easy edit/update/delete functionality:
possible categorization via taxonomy
implicit 'ownership' via author tracking
implicit tracking of creation/modification time
basic access control by default, expandable by a huge selection of modules
flexible query generation/listing/filtering via views
possible ad hoc extensions/annotations via CCK fields
possible definition of workflows, actions and the like
a huge number of hooks to programmatically intercept/adjust almost every usage aspect/scenario
commenting, voting, rating and tons of other functionality provided by all contributed modules that work on/with nodes ...
Given all this, I'd say you need a very good reason to not use nodes to store data in Drupal. Nodes are simply the fundamental building blocks for just about everything in the Drupal ecosystem, and the overhead of removing some unwanted default 'features' seems pretty small in comparison to the gains.
That said, one possible reason/argument to handle data separate from the node system might be if that data is directly aimed at annotating other nodes (think taxonomy). But since you can easily reference nodes from other nodes (with lots of different options on how to do this), the argument is not to strong.
Another (much stronger) argument would be data integrity - Drupal is not very strong (to put it politely) concerning normalized, relational data storage, referential integrity, transaction handling and other related topics. If you have requirements in that direction, you might have no choice but to skip the node concept and create and maintain a separate data island within the system on your own.
It helps to think also that a node doesn't need to be public either. Some nodes are private/internal and can be controlled further with access controls. The way you are doing it, whatever you're doing, makes all the scalability and extending it on your shoulders.
I would probably approach it with CCK/Taxonomy depending on what I was doing. That way, I get the added benefit of Views/Panels/etc module integration without writing any additional code.
