The use of asterisk in FQDN - fqdn

Hi I am trying to find the duplicate objects of a Fortigate and I am seeng that we have some fqdns defined for example as * and other defined as Does the register with asterisk take into account the other fqdn?
Thanks for your attention

Finally, I solved the doubt. The one without asterisk is more restrictive so they are not the same, it wouldnt make sense to remove that object. Nevertheless, Normally when you want to enable a FQDN you would want to allow all the extensions of that fqdns; for example, if you want to allow and other services of google it would be better to allow * Despite of this, a lot of people want to have a more granularized network filtering.


Apply proxy rules to only one usergroup

I am attempting to apply an ACL ruleset to members of a specific usergroup on a Linux box running Squid that I administer.
I have created the ruleset without much difficulty, but I am having difficulty configuring an authentication scheme that will only apply those rules to a specific subset of users on the system, while leaving the remainder of traffic untouched.
It seems that the auth_param setting is what I am looking for, but I haven't had much luck parsing the documentation.
Ideally, I would like an auth_param setting that sends the username to a shell script, which would check for that user's existence in the relevant group, and then return some value to determine whether or not to apply the rules to them.
The documentation seems to suggest that such a mechanism would be possible, but I haven't been able to find any relevant examples.

Website - blocking view from none specified country locations

I am looking for as reliable and accurate / quick means possible to add in some htaccess code to block visits to a website from countries / IPs which are not in the white listed list of countries I want to allow access for. I have looked at which seems to offer a solution - for the 4 allowed countries I want to allow access - it has created a 4.1MB htaccess file! Will this mean slow access when someone attempts to view the site? I guess using a free service like this means the data is likely nowhere near comprehensive?
Does anyone have any suggestions on a good way to allow just visitors from a few countries access to a website?
It sounds like the service you used basically tried tried to brute force the blacklist. If you look into the htaccess file I'm sure you will be a long list of hard coded IP blocks.
In my opinion this is a terrible way to handle a geographic blacklist. To your original question - there is no "most reliable, most accurate, and quickest" method. Those are separate categories and you will need to preference one over the next.
For performance you could consider blacklisting at the routing level / dns server / proxy. This obviously isn't going to be the quickest way in terms of performance. There are Apache Modules that exist that allow you to use a local database to compare the incoming IP address with a list of known IP blocks from the blacklisted country. One of the main issues with this is that you need to constantly update your database to take in new IP blocks.
In my opinion the "best" method to do this is a simple redirect at the application layer using server side code. There exists several geographic API's where you can send in the IP or Hostname and get back a country of origin. An example:
$xml= new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents('{IP_or_hostname}'));
if($xml->CountryCode == "US") {
There are two ways to block a visitor in web server. One is using firewall (.htaccess etc) and another one is using server-side scripting (PHP etc).
If you are concern of the performance of the firewall option, then you can download the IP2Location LITE database from and implement the database in your local server. For every connection, you query the visitor IP address and find their country. You can redirect or block them using the PHP codes. Please find the complete steps in
There is also another option to use remote geolocation API. However, we do not suggest this method because of network latency. It will slow down all user experience due to API queries.

Whitelisting Problems?

I have a huge issue that has to do with whitelisting. I have been doing C++ for about 6 months now and I can't seem to figure out how to pinpoint my targets to limit who can open and use my application with a whitelist.
For example, if the user is not on the whitelist the program would tell them by the way it loads. I would like to see this done with ID's if specific ID matches with the whitelist then that person can use my program.
I have tried doing target drawbacks such as getting IP's, but doing this is so vulnerable if the IP is changed. Also, multiple programs could be opened up on different IDs on that IP, which I don't want.
Sorry if this is very confusing I have just been STRUGGLING with this whitelist I have less hair than I did before I started making the whitelist.
Thanks if you can help, tried to explain the best I could! :)
The general strategy is pretty simple.
First, specify what criteria a user should meet to be on the whitelist.
Second, specify how data about users on the whitelist will be stored.
Third, when the program starts, gather information about the user - when the program starts - that can be compared against the criteria on the whitelist.
Fourth, when comparing data about the user with stored whitelist data, start by assuming the user is NOT on the whitelist and only permit access if a match is found. If there are multiple criteria, you need to decide how to combine them to find a match (e.g. restrict a user to a specific IP, allow a user only if using an IP in a range - which will prevent a user starting the program from home, etc etc)
Fifth, take steps to ensure your program can access the stored whitelist data, but users cannot modify it.
There are many ways to target specific users. First, I need some extract information.. How can you identify a single user ? Your program should be a connection toward any server ? In that case, your user should provide an id and a password or it's a anonymous connection ? Page access through IP address control

Is it possible to create a page in that allow the access to a user that has a defined IPaddres? My goal is to add a page "test" (not linked to my website) and I want to define a rule that only a specified IP address can get the access.
How can I implement this throught
You could try putting the page(s) in a separate folder and password protect it, then, give the password to your user, so they may access the content. You could go as far as password protecting each file. This helps if your website is password protected or has a login.
You could also create a sub-domain for that user specifically.
These are just a few. I'm sure you'll get better suggestions here on SO!
You could go for a programmatic solution. However, I would use IIS functions to block the access. Less code, easier to configure and no hassle on your developement/test environment.
Assumption: you are using IIS since it is ASP.NET. But other webservers should have similar solutions.
You can add IP restrictions to the directory (meaning you would have to put your page in a separate directory). Example here:
Obviously there are a lot of other and arguably better ways to grant access to a page if what you really want is for a specific "user" or "group" to have access, but assuming that your really want the access control to be based on IP, the answer may still be dependent on peripheral concerns such as what web server you are using. IIS for example has some features for IP based security that you could check out.
Assuming though that you really, really want to check IPs and that you want to do it in code, you would find information about the calling environment in the Request of the current HttpContext, i.e. context.Request.UserHostAddress.
If you want to reject calls based on this information, you should probably do that as early as possible. In the HttpApplication.BeginRequest event you could check if the call is targeted for the page in question and reject the request if the UserHostAddress is not to your liking.
If you prefer to make this control in the actual page, do it in some early page event.
To manage the acceptable IP(s), rather than hard coding them into your checking code, I suggest you work with a ConfigurationSection or similar. Your checking code could be something similar to:
var authorizedIps =
authorizedIpConfiguration.Split(',').Select(ipString => ipString.Trim()).ToList();
isValid = authorizedIps.Any()
&& authorizedIps.Contains(context.Request.UserHostAddress);
If the check fails, you should alter the response accordingly, i.e. at least set its status code to 401 (
NB: There are a lot of things to consider when implementing security features, and the general recommendation would probably stand as "don't do it" - it's so easy to falter. Try to use well proven concepts and "standard implementations" if possible. The above example should not in itself be considered to provide a "secure" solution, as there are generally speaking many ways that restricted data can leak from you solution.
EDIT: From you comment to the answer given by nocturns2 it seems you want to restrict access to the local computer? If so, then there is a much easier and cleaner solution: Just check the Request.IsLocal property. It will return true only for requests originating from the local computer, see HttpRequest.IsLocal Property
(Also, you should really make sure that this "debug page" is not at all published when deploying your solution. If you manage that properly and securely, then perhaps you do not even need the access check any more. If you want debugging options in a "live" environment, you should probably look to HttpContext.Current.Trace or some other logging functionality.)

Determining the set of message destinations at runtime in BizTalk application

I’m a complete newbie at BizTalk and I need to create a BizTalk 2006 application which broadcasts messages in a specific way. I’m not asking for a complete solution, but for advise and guidelines, which capabilities of BizTalk I should use.
There’s a message source, for simplicity, say, a directory where the user adds files to publish them. There are several subscribers, each having a directory to receive published files. The number of subscribers can vary in the course of exploitation of the program. There are also some rules which determine if a particular subscriber needs to receive a particular file, based on the filename. For example, each subscriber has a pattern or mask of filename which files they receives must match. Those rules (for example, patterns) can change in time as well.
I don’t know how to do this. Create a set of send ports at runtime, each for each destination? Is it possible? Use one port changing its binding? Would it work correctly with concurrent sendings? Are there other ways?
I realized my question may be to obscure and general to prefer one answer over another to accept. So I just upvoted them.
You could look at using dynamic send ports to achieve this - if your subscribers are truly dynamic. This introduces a bit of complexity since you'll need to use an orchestration to configure the send port's properties based on your rules.
If you can, try and remove the complexity. If you know that you don't need to be truly dynamic when adding subscribers (i.e. a subscriber and it's rules can be configured one time only) and you have a manageable number of subscribers then I would suggest configuring each subscriber using it's own send port and use a filter to create subscriptions based on message context properties. The beauty of this approach is that you don't need to create and deploy an orchestration and this becomes a highly performant and scalable solution.
If the changes to the destination are going to be frequent, you are right in seeking a more dynamic solution. One nice solution is using dynamic send ports and the Business Rules Engine. You create rule set for the messages you are receving. This could be based on a destination property or customer ID in the message. Using these facts, the rules engine can return a bunch of information like file mask, server name, ip address of deleiver server, etc. You can thenuse this information to configure the dynamic send in the orchestration. The real nice thing here is that you can update the rule set in the rules engine without redeploying the whole solution. As a newb, these are some advanced concepts, but not as diificult as you may think.
For a simpler solution, you might want to look at setting the FILE Send adapters properties via it's Propery Schema (ie. File name, Directory, etc.). You could pull these values from a database with a helper class inside an expresison shape. On each message ogig out, use the property shcema to set where the message will be sent and named. This way, you just update the database as things change.
Good Luck!
