Integrating in contact form 7 - wordpress

Im using contact form 7 (wordpress plugin) for contact form, now i need to integrate to contact form 7, so that when user click on submit button after fill form, user should able to pay with after submitting form). Does any one knows how to do it....

If you are using woocommerce connected to an account, you can use gravity forms with the woocommerce add on. This gives you the ability to use a form to create a custom priced product that is added to the cart.


Integrate Contact Form 7 with ZOHO CRM to capture leads

I have a "Contact form 7" form
which need to be linked to ZOHO CRM to capture leads.
I need a solution so that when a form is submitted the values are recorded in CRM too.
I need to implement this in 6 different forms in Contact form 7 Plugin
This is not really an exact answer but it may point you in the right direction.
You can run JavaScript after a successful form submission - as well as get variables from your form e.g.
on_sent_ok: "var email = document.getElementById('email').value;location = ''+email";
This needs to be added under the "Additional Settings" tab text area on your contact form 7 form.
Then on your thank you page you can run your ZOHO api connection script.
if(isset($_GET['email'])) { #do ZOHO stuff with $_GET['email'] variable}
Otherwise in your "on_sent_ok" JavaScript section you can add any JavaScript integration that ZOHO might have.

Is there any plugin who allows members of my website to add images of their own?

I own a T-shirt website and I want users to add there own designs so I can print them on T-shirts.
You must be using some contact form which your users use to contact you on your WordPress website.
Most popular and reliable free plugin for contact forms is CF7 or Contact Form 7:
If you use above plugin or similar plugin for creation of your contact form in WordPress, in CF7 there is a field type you can add called: FILE , which you can add to your form and then users can easily send you image form using that form.
See sample screenshot , of the form created using free plugin CF7 which have file field added.

Is it possible to send woocommerce product url/price with contact form 7?

I am developing a tour site with woocommerce where in product page a button is set called "Availability Check". After clicking this button a popup form (contact7) will show with few fields " Name, email and others" and submit button
I can do this with contact form7 but problem is client want to receive product price and url with the same email. Is it possible to integrate with contact form7 if yes then how?
Or another solution there?
Thanks in advance.
You may do the following.
You may find a tab named CONTACT on the left side of our Wordpress admin dashboard.
Click on CONTACT to see the list of available forms.
Choose the form you want to edit and click EDIT.
On the right hand side column of edit page you will find a drop down menu called GENERATE TAG.
You will find options for url and text box there.
Hope this helps.

woocommerce check out field

I use checkout by amazon or by paypal express checkout, when user clicks on amazon or on pay pal , when control comes back on my site after logging in paypal or on amazone, I have no extra checkout field, that I created using checkout field editor ('How did you find Us?'), Just the order summary is listed, how can I show my extra created field?
I use woocommerce plugin for shopping cart.
Checkout fields are only shown on checkout, when someone returns from a payment gateway (paypal in your case) by default they are logged in. So in order to show a text area after someone returns from paypal, you will have to edit the order summary template and add a check to it. So if the user is reffered from paypal, only then they will see your custom form.
A better way would be by using "woocommerce_payment_complete" hook and redirect the user to another page where you can add your custom functionality/ Gravity form shortcode or use contact form 7.

how to initialize in a text box as calendar with wordpress contact form 7 calendar plugin

I have installed and activate Contact form 7 calendar plugin in my wordpress website,But i don't khow the process to to add this plugin in my registration page Date Of Birth field..
To use date field in contact for 7 please go with follows
1.Configure plugin it is an extension on contact form 7.
2.Activate it.
3.Create the date field as same like as other, from word-press dashboard contact form 7 plugin.
4.Insert contact form short-code to desired page where you want to display.It will automatically add date picker on date field.
Hope this one will help you.
