Integrate Contact Form 7 with ZOHO CRM to capture leads - wordpress

I have a "Contact form 7" form
which need to be linked to ZOHO CRM to capture leads.
I need a solution so that when a form is submitted the values are recorded in CRM too.
I need to implement this in 6 different forms in Contact form 7 Plugin

This is not really an exact answer but it may point you in the right direction.
You can run JavaScript after a successful form submission - as well as get variables from your form e.g.
on_sent_ok: "var email = document.getElementById('email').value;location = ''+email";
This needs to be added under the "Additional Settings" tab text area on your contact form 7 form.
Then on your thank you page you can run your ZOHO api connection script.
if(isset($_GET['email'])) { #do ZOHO stuff with $_GET['email'] variable}
Otherwise in your "on_sent_ok" JavaScript section you can add any JavaScript integration that ZOHO might have.


Advanced Forms (Free version) question notification email

I’m using the great Advanced Forms plugin (Version: 1.9.1) for Wordpress for a client.
Therefore I have a question. How can I send the current page/post title inside the notification email where the form is completed in? It's about the green "Demo aanvraag" button which will open in a pop-up.
I know that I can use {all_fields} for the filled fields. But can I somehow also retrieve the source page title? So that the client knows on which page the user was? I know that with another form plugin like WPForms it's possible with some special tags.
Thanks already!
I tried multiple tags like [url] [page_title] etc but nothing works.

Custom dimension retrieved and placed in form field

I'm pretty new to GA, so forgive me if this seems obvious. Also, I am not the GA admin, that is someone else.
I have written a user registration form in a WP plugin that registers users via an API to our CRM - these are not WP users being registered.
Our marketing department have asked me to also submit a GA custom dimension with the form so it can be cross-referenced in our CRM.
Looking over the GA API, I can't seem to find a way to simply 'get' the current value of the requested custom dimension, only 'create', 'set' and 'send'.
Any advice on this would be helpful - and don't be afraid to "dumb it down", or point to a section on the GA support forums!
You can't easily get the value from GA and send it to your CRM.
I think for your use case you need to look at it the other way around.
You want to get the submission ID from the CRM on the "thank you" page and "send" it to GA in a custom dimension.

Wordpress Two Steps Autoresponders Form Submition

Need some wordpress gurus insight here!
Basically, I've a plugin call Contact Form 7 to display a form on my site.
May I know how can I achieve these steps :-
User click submit, they will auto-receive a mail containing activation link.
User click the activation link, they will auto-receive another email to containing some text to ask them to upload a picture.
On my end, I'll only receive the lead only when the user completing the 2nd step.
Is it possible to do it with wordpress plugins? Or I need some external api or something?
You can get more information to set up the points for Autoresponders Form Submission
Go Through the link -

How to redirect a Google Form (new version) to a custom URL after clicking Submit

The new version of Google Forms is nice BUT it's missing 1 critical feature which should be easy, but I don't know how to implement it.
When creating a Google Form, once the visitor clicks 'Submit', I want to redirect them to a custom URL or custom Thank you page (i.e., ).
The current functionality of all Google Forms is to show a message that the form has been submitted. I'd like to bypass that and instead send to a Custom URL.
How can I do that?
NOTE: I am NOT asking about how to display custom message after submitting a Google Form as that is clearly possible in the form settings.

Drupal Webform Submissions

I have created a Job Application webform on Drupal and it contains the usual input fields: Name, Email and Attach CV. The form itself works fine, user completes the form and on submission both the user and myself an automated email acknowledging the submission.
Is there a way to:
Add a tick box next to each individual submission in Drupal
Email the selected users (preferably directly from Drupal)
Cheers for your help guys,
You can do all those using form_alter hook for the webform. Don't give this facility for anonymous users because anybody can make you send email to anybody else(spamming).
