RFID <MFRC522.h> won't work with new ARDUINO UNO WiFi REV2 - arduino

I followed a basic example for the RFID module on an ARDUINO UNO REV3 and it works great. But when I try to connect it to the new ARDUINO UNO WiFi REV2 it won't work. The code compiles, but when I scan the NFC badge, nothing is being printed to the console. The NFC module communicates via SPI protocol. Is the SPI connection different on the new Arduino Uno WiFi REV2?
#include <SPI.h>
#include <MFRC522.h>
#define RST_PIN 9 // Configurable, see typical pin layout above
#define SS_PIN 10 // Configurable, see typical pin layout above
MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN); // Create MFRC522 instance
/* Set your new UID here! */
#define NEW_UID {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF}
MFRC522::MIFARE_Key key;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communications with the PC
while (!Serial); // Do nothing if no serial port is opened (added for Arduinos based on ATMEGA32U4)
SPI.begin(); // Init SPI bus
mfrc522.PCD_Init(); // Init MFRC522 card
Serial.println(F("Warning: this example overwrites the UID of your UID changeable card, use with care!"));
// Prepare key - all keys are set to FFFFFFFFFFFFh at chip delivery from the factory.
for (byte i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
key.keyByte[i] = 0xFF;
void loop() {
// Look for new cards, and select one if present
if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent() || ! mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial() ) {
// Now a card is selected. The UID and SAK is in mfrc522.uid.
// Dump UID
Serial.print(F("Card UID:"));
for (byte i = 0; i < mfrc522.uid.size; i++) {
Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " ");
Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i], HEX);
// Set new UID
byte newUid[] = NEW_UID;
if ( mfrc522.MIFARE_SetUid(newUid, (byte)4, true) ) {
Serial.println(F("Wrote new UID to card."));
// Halt PICC and re-select it so DumpToSerial doesn't get confused
if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent() || ! mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial() ) {
// Dump the new memory contents
Serial.println(F("New UID and contents:"));


Arduino sending UID data to a real-time database via Firebase

Hello and thank you for your time,
I am having issues with sending data to my real-time Firebase database. When I do send the data, it constantly only returns a 10 value instead of my UID. This is my code
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <FirebaseESP32.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <MFRC522.h>
#define FIREBASE_HOST "https://matt-rfid-default-rtdb.asia-southeast1.firebasedatabase.app/" //Paste you Realtime database url here
#define FIREBASE_AUTH "AIzaSyBZ3dtXOSlsLBZ0PbytXflmJv2laqfqMD8" ///// <---- Paste your API key here
#define WIFI_SSID "Sharma Home"
#define WIFI_PASSWORD "0162229410p"
#define RST_PIN 4 // Configurable, see typical pin layout above
#define SS_PIN 5 // Configurable, see typical pin layout above
MFRC522 rfid(SS_PIN, RST_PIN);
FirebaseData firebaseData;
FirebaseJson json;
MFRC522::MIFARE_Key key;
void setup()
SPI.begin(); // Init SPI bus
rfid.PCD_Init(); // Init MFRC522
Serial.println("Tap an RFID/NFC tag on the RFID-RC522 reader");
void loop()
//json.set("/one", Sdata);
if (rfid.PICC_IsNewCardPresent())
{ // new tag is available
if (rfid.PICC_ReadCardSerial())
{ // NUID has been readed
for (int i = 0; i < rfid.uid.size; i++)
Firebase.updateNode(firebaseData,"/CARD ID NO:",json);
Serial.print(rfid.uid.uidByte[i], DEC);
//int sData = (rfid.uid.uidByte[i], DEC);
//json.set("/UID" + (rfid.uid.uidByte[i], DEC));
rfid.PICC_HaltA(); // halt PICC
rfid.PCD_StopCrypto1(); // stop encryption on PCD
I want to receive the UID values in my database.

Thinger.IO client setup for GPRS enabled ESP32 project

I've been using the Thinger.io platform for some of my IoT projects (mostly ESP8266 modules) for quite a long time now. The way I implemented it is something similar to that:
#include <ThingerESP8266.h>
#include <ESP8266WIFI.h>
#define USERNAME "username"
#define DEVICE_ID "deviceid"
#define DEVICE_CREDENTIAL "devicecredential"
void connectToWifi() {
void setup() {
void loop() {
and it just works. It is good to also mention that I've been using WiFi all the way.
Now I am trying to achieve the same by taking advantage of a controller called TTGO T-Call ESP32. It is GPRS enabled (using the TinyGsmClient.h) and I have inserted a SIM card inside of it which successfully connects to the internet. The issue is that I can not really establish a connection to the Thinger.io platform where my devices are hosted. This is what my code looks like (making a reference to this library example)
// Your GPRS credentials (leave empty, if not needed)
const char apn[] = ""; // APN (example: internet.vodafone.pt) use https://wiki.apnchanger.org
const char gprsUser[] = ""; // GPRS User
const char gprsPass[] = ""; // GPRS Password
// SIM card PIN (leave empty, if not defined)
const char simPIN[] = "";
// TTGO T-Call pins
#define MODEM_RST 5
#define MODEM_PWKEY 4
#define MODEM_POWER_ON 23
#define MODEM_TX 27
#define MODEM_RX 26
#define I2C_SDA 21
#define I2C_SCL 22
// Set serial for debug console (to Serial Monitor, default speed 115200)
#define SerialMon Serial
// Set serial for AT commands (to SIM800 module)
#define SerialAT Serial1
// Configure TinyGSM library
#define TINY_GSM_MODEM_SIM800 // Modem is SIM800
#define TINY_GSM_RX_BUFFER 1024 // Set RX buffer to 1Kb
// Define the serial console for debug prints, if needed
#include <Wire.h>
#include <TinyGsmClient.h>
#include <StreamDebugger.h>
StreamDebugger debugger(SerialAT, SerialMon);
TinyGsm modem(debugger);
TinyGsm modem(SerialAT);
// I2C for SIM800 (to keep it running when powered from battery)
TwoWire I2CPower = TwoWire(0);
// TinyGSM Client for Internet connection
TinyGsmClient client(modem);
#define uS_TO_S_FACTOR 1000000UL /* Conversion factor for micro seconds to seconds */
#define TIME_TO_SLEEP 3600 /* Time ESP32 will go to sleep (in seconds) 3600 seconds = 1 hour */
#define IP5306_ADDR 0x75
#define IP5306_REG_SYS_CTL0 0x00
bool setPowerBoostKeepOn(int en){
if (en) {
I2CPower.write(0x37); // Set bit1: 1 enable 0 disable boost keep on
} else {
I2CPower.write(0x35); // 0x37 is default reg value
return I2CPower.endTransmission() == 0;
void connectToApn(){
SerialMon.println("Connecting to: internet.vivacom.bg ... ");
while(!modem.gprsConnect(apn, gprsUser, gprsPass))
SerialMon.println("Successfully connected to: internet.vivacom.bg");
// #include <ThingerCore32.h> => ArduinoJson.h: No such file or directory
// #include <ThingerESP8266.h> => ESP8266WiFi.h : No such file or directory
#define USERNAME ""
#define DEVICE_ID ""
#include <ThingerESP32.h>
//#include "arduino_secrets.h"
// Server details
const char server[] = "vsh.pp.ua";
const char resource[] = "/TinyGSM/logo.txt";
const int port = 80;
#include <ArduinoHttpClient.h>
HttpClient http(client, server, port);
void setup() {
// Set serial monitor debugging window baud rate to 115200
// Start I2C communication
I2CPower.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL, 400000);
// Keep power when running from battery
bool isOk = setPowerBoostKeepOn(1);
SerialMon.println(String("IP5306 KeepOn ") + (isOk ? "OK" : "FAIL"));
// Set modem reset, enable, power pins
digitalWrite(MODEM_PWKEY, LOW);
digitalWrite(MODEM_RST, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MODEM_POWER_ON, HIGH);
// Set GSM module baud rate and UART pins
SerialAT.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, MODEM_RX, MODEM_TX);
// Restart SIM800 module, it takes quite some time
// To skip it, call init() instead of restart()
SerialMon.println("Initializing modem...");
// Unlock your SIM card with a PIN if needed
if (strlen(simPIN) && modem.getSimStatus() != 3 ) {
// Configure the wake up source as timer wake up
esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(TIME_TO_SLEEP * uS_TO_S_FACTOR);
// Connect to APN
void loop() {
SerialMon.println("In the loop ...");
SerialMon.print(F("Performing HTTP GET request... "));
int err = http.get(resource);
if (err != 0) {
SerialMon.println(F("failed to connect"));
int status = http.responseStatusCode();
SerialMon.print(F("Response status code: "));
if (!status) {
SerialMon.println(F("Response Headers:"));
while (http.headerAvailable()) {
String headerName = http.readHeaderName();
String headerValue = http.readHeaderValue();
SerialMon.println(" " + headerName + " : " + headerValue);
int length = http.contentLength();
if (length >= 0) {
SerialMon.print(F("Content length is: "));
if (http.isResponseChunked()) {
SerialMon.println(F("The response is chunked"));
String body = http.responseBody();
SerialMon.print(F("Body length is: "));
// Put ESP32 into deep sleep mode (with timer wake up)
// esp_deep_sleep_start();
NOTE: The board I've picked from the Arduino IDE is called ESP32 Wrover Module
It would be better if you ask this question on the thinger community, the thinger.io https://community.thinger.io/ where the thinger devs or community will be listening.
I have some working code, see below, this works with SIM7000E, but it should work OK with SIM800 the code should work the same. I have noticed that you are not using the thinger library (ThingerTinyGSM.h) and this is probably why the device isn't connecting to thinger.
#define THINGER_SERIAL_DEBUG //This will provide debug messages of what thinger
code is trying to do
#define _DISABLE_TLS_ //TLS needs to be disabled if using ESP32 (not sure why, this is a known bug)
// Select your modem:
//#define TINY_GSM_MODEM_SIM800 //Note SimCom docs state that SIM7000e used same commands as SIM800
#define TINY_GSM_MODEM_SIM7000 //Note SimCom docs state that SIM7000e used same commands as SIM800
#define APN_NAME "..."
#define APN_USER "..."
#define APN_PSWD "..."
//Pins for connecting to SIM module using 2nd Serial connection
#define RXD1 16
#define TXD1 17
#include <TinyGsmClient.h>
#include <ThingerTinyGSM.h>
//Thinger credentials
#define USERNAME "...." //Thinger Account User Name
#define DEVICE_ID "...." //Thinger device IC
#define DEVICE_CREDENTIAL "...." //Thinger device credential (password)
**** SET-UP **** SET-UP ****
void setup() {
// open serial for debugging
Serial2.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, RXD1, TXD1);
Serial.println(); Serial.println();
Serial.println("Starting Thinger GSM Test");
// set APN, you can remove user and password from call if your apn does not require them
////// Thinger resource output example (i.e. reading a sensor value)
thing["Status"] >> [](pson & out) {
out["Timer(ms)"] = millis();
out["device"] = String(DEVICE_ID);
void loop() {
This is the code which worked for me:
const char apn[] = ""; // APN (example: internet.vodafone.pt) use https://wiki.apnchanger.org
const char gprsUser[] = ""; // GPRS User
const char gprsPass[] = ""; // GPRS Password
// SIM card PIN (leave empty, if not defined)
const char simPIN[] = "";
// TTGO T-Call pins
#define MODEM_RST 5
#define MODEM_PWKEY 4
#define MODEM_POWER_ON 23
#define MODEM_TX 27
#define MODEM_RX 26
#define I2C_SDA 21
#define I2C_SCL 22
// Set serial for debug console (to Serial Monitor, default speed 115200)
#define SerialMon Serial
// Set serial for AT commands (to SIM800 module)
#define SerialAT Serial1
// Configure TinyGSM library
#define TINY_GSM_MODEM_SIM800 // Modem is SIM800
#define TINY_GSM_RX_BUFFER 1024 // Set RX buffer to 1Kb
#include <Wire.h>
#include <TinyGsmClient.h>
TinyGsm modem(SerialAT);
// TinyGSM Client for Internet connection
TinyGsmClient client(modem);
void connectToApn(){
SerialMon.println("Connecting to: internet.vivacom.bg ... ");
while(!modem.gprsConnect(apn, gprsUser, gprsPass))
SerialMon.println("Successfully connected to: internet.vivacom.bg");
#define USERNAME ""
#define DEVICE_ID ""
#include <ThingerTinyGSM.h>
void setup() {
// Set serial monitor debugging window baud rate to 115200
// Set modem reset, enable, power pins
digitalWrite(MODEM_PWKEY, LOW);
digitalWrite(MODEM_RST, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MODEM_POWER_ON, HIGH);
// Set GSM module baud rate and UART pins
SerialAT.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, MODEM_RX, MODEM_TX);
// Restart SIM800 module, it takes quite some time
// To skip it, call init() instead of restart()
SerialMon.println("Initializing modem...");
// Unlock your SIM card with a PIN if needed
if (strlen(simPIN) && modem.getSimStatus() != 3 ) {
// Connect to APN
void loop() {

How to initialize APDS-9930 ambient light / proximity sensor using ARDUINO Mega2560

I have bought a "APDS-9930" ambient light sensor, which communicates over I2C (TWI) protocol. I intend to read the the ambient light level from it, using ARDUINO Mega2560 development board. As I searched the net, I found a modified ARDUINO library, based on APDS-9960, which claims to work with APDS-9930 on ARDUINO UNO. However, when used with Mega2560, It gives me "Error initializing" error. Does anyone here know how to handle this error?
I have already used "Wire.h" library in many ways, to read "CH0 ADC data register" with address 0x14, which holds the ambient level value (according to datasheet). The code is as follows:
#define DUMP_REGS
#include <Wire.h>
#include <APDS9930.h>
// Global Variables
APDS9930 apds = APDS9930();
float ambient_light = 0; // can also be an unsigned long
uint16_t ch0 = 0;
uint16_t ch1 = 1;
void setup() {
// Initialize Serial port
Serial.println(F("APDS-9930 - Ambient light sensor"));
// Initialize APDS-9930 (configure I2C and initial values)
//if ( apds.init() ) {
// Serial.println(F("APDS-9930 initialization complete"));
//} else {
// Serial.println(F("Something went wrong during APDS-9930 init!"));
// }
// Start running the APDS-9930 light sensor (no interrupts)
//if ( apds.enableLightSensor(false) ) {
// Serial.println(F("Light sensor is now running"));
// } else {
// Serial.println(F("Something went wrong during light sensor init!"));
// }
#ifdef DUMP_REGS
/* Register dump */
uint8_t reg;
uint8_t val;
for(reg = 0x00; reg <= 0x19; reg++) {
if( (reg != 0x10) && \
(reg != 0x11) )
apds.wireReadDataByte(reg, val);
Serial.print(reg, HEX);
Serial.print(": 0x");
Serial.println(val, HEX);
apds.wireReadDataByte(0x1E, val);
Serial.print(0x1E, HEX);
Serial.print(": 0x");
Serial.println(val, HEX);
// Wait for initialization and calibration to finish
void loop() {
// Read the light levels (ambient, red, green, blue)
if ( !apds.readAmbientLightLux(ambient_light) ||
!apds.readCh0Light(ch0) ||
!apds.readCh1Light(ch1) ) {
Serial.println(F("Error reading light values"));
} else {
Serial.print(F("Ambient: "));
Serial.print(F(" Ch0: "));
Serial.print(F(" Ch1: "));
// Wait 1 second before next reading
As discussed in the comments above, the issue is hardware related.
On the Arduino Mega 2560 board there are two resistances tying lines SDA and SCK (pins 20 and 21 on the connector) to +5V.
With those pull-up resistances, it's not possible to interface with sensors working at 3.3V directly.
The solution is to add a level shifter or remove the resistances on the board and install them externally connecting them to 5V or 3.3V as necessary depending on the sensor you want to interface to.

Multiple Slave SPI on ESP8266 - PN532 and ILI9341

Im trying to interface ESP12-E module with ILI9341 display 320*240 And PN532 RFID reader on the same SPI bus. I have assigned SS Pins on different GPIO.
Im unable to Communicate with both. Display works perfectly in any conditions. But once i communicate with ILI9341 , the PN532 stops working and it will not respond until i restart the device even if i reinitialize it.
Any Help would be highly Appreciated
My Code :
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_PN532.h>
#include <UTFT.h>
UTFT lcd(ILI9341_S5P,15,D1,D3);
// If using the breakout with SPI, define the pins for SPI communication.
#define PN532_SS (D4)
#define PN532_SCK (D5)
#define PN532_MOSI (D7)
#define PN532_MISO (D6)
// If using the breakout or shield with I2C, define just the pins connected
// to the IRQ and reset lines. Use the values below (2, 3) for the shield!
#define PN532_IRQ (2)
#define PN532_RESET (3) // Not connected by default on the NFC Shield
// Uncomment just _one_ line below depending on how your breakout or shield
// is connected to the Arduino:
// Use this line for a breakout with a SPI connection:
Adafruit_PN532 nfc(PN532_SCK, PN532_MISO, PN532_MOSI, PN532_SS);
// Use this line for a breakout with a hardware SPI connection. Note that
// the PN532 SCK, MOSI, and MISO pins need to be connected to the Arduino's
// hardware SPI SCK, MOSI, and MISO pins. On an Arduino Uno these are
// SCK = 13, MOSI = 11, MISO = 12. The SS line can be any digital IO pin.
//Adafruit_PN532 nfc(PN532_SS);
// Or use this line for a breakout or shield with an I2C connection:
//Adafruit_PN532 nfc(PN532_IRQ, PN532_RESET);
extern uint8_t BigFont[];
void setup(void) {
uint32_t versiondata = nfc.getFirmwareVersion();
if (! versiondata) {
Serial.print("Didn't find PN53x board");
while (1); // halt
// Got ok data, print it out!
Serial.print("Found chip PN5"); Serial.println((versiondata>>24) & 0xFF, HEX);
Serial.print("Firmware ver. "); Serial.print((versiondata>>16) & 0xFF, DEC);
Serial.print('.'); Serial.println((versiondata>>8) & 0xFF, DEC);
lcd.setColor ( 0, 0, 0 );
lcd.setColor ( 255, 255, 255 );
lcd.setFont ( BigFont );
// Set the max number of retry attempts to read from a card
// This prevents us from waiting forever for a card, which is
// the default behaviour of the PN532.
// configure board to read RFID tags
Serial.println("Waiting for an ISO14443A card");
void loop(void) {
boolean success;
uint8_t uid[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // Buffer to store the returned UID
uint8_t uidLength; // Length of the UID (4 or 7 bytes depending on ISO14443A card type)
// Wait for an ISO14443A type cards (Mifare, etc.). When one is found
// 'uid' will be populated with the UID, and uidLength will indicate
// if the uid is 4 bytes (Mifare Classic) or 7 bytes (Mifare Ultralight)
success = nfc.readPassiveTargetID(PN532_MIFARE_ISO14443A, &uid[0], &uidLength,25);
if (success) {
Serial.println("Found a card!");
Serial.print("UID Length: ");Serial.print(uidLength, DEC);Serial.println(" bytes");
Serial.print("UID Value: ");
for (uint8_t i=0; i < uidLength; i++)
Serial.print(" 0x");Serial.print(uid[i], HEX);
// Wait 1 second before continuing
// PN532 probably timed out waiting for a card
//Serial.println("Timed out waiting for a card");
I've testing it a lot and figured out - The SPI bit-order is different, so you can not drive these two devices on the same SPI.
But you can use SW-SPI (bitbanging) for the NFC module, because it is not necessary to drive it fast. The TFT instead must be fast to have good update rates.
One Issue is still open on my setup:
the display did not show content, if you have an open serial terminal. But when it is closed, both TFT and NFC are working fine together.
Here is my code:
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_PN532.h>
#include <UTFT.h>
// NFC module
#define PN532_SCK D1
#define PN532_MOSI D2
#define PN532_MISO D3
#define PN532_SS D0
Adafruit_PN532 nfc(PN532_SCK, PN532_MISO, PN532_MOSI, PN532_SS);
// TFT display
// HSPI defines
#define TFT_SCK D5
#define TFT_MOSI D7
//#define TFT_MISO D6 (not connected)
#define TFT_CS D8
#define TFT_DC D4
// Declare which fonts we will be using
extern uint8_t SmallFont[];
extern uint8_t BigFont[];
// forward declaration of helper function to get UID as HEX-String
void byteToHexString(String &dataString, byte *uidBuffer, byte bufferSize, String strSeperator);
void setup() {
Serial.println("Initial nfc module");
uint32_t versiondata = nfc.getFirmwareVersion();
if (! versiondata) {
Serial.print("Didn't find PN53x board");
while (1); // halt
// Got ok data, print it out!
Serial.print("Found chip PN5"); Serial.println((versiondata>>24) & 0xFF, HEX);
Serial.print("Firmware ver. "); Serial.print((versiondata>>16) & 0xFF, DEC);
Serial.print('.'); Serial.println((versiondata>>8) & 0xFF, DEC);
// Set the max number of retry attempts to read from a card
// This prevents us from waiting forever for a card, which is
// the default behaviour of the PN532.
// configure board to read RFID tags
Serial.println("Waiting for an ISO14443A card");
Serial.println("Initial tft display");
myGLCD.setColor(0, 0, 0);
myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
void loop(void) {
boolean success;
uint8_t uid[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // Buffer to store the returned UID
uint8_t uidLength; // Length of the UID (4 or 7 bytes depending on ISO14443A card type)
// Wait for an ISO14443A type cards (Mifare, etc.). When one is found
// 'uid' will be populated with the UID, and uidLength will indicate
// if the uid is 4 bytes (Mifare Classic) or 7 bytes (Mifare Ultralight)
success = nfc.readPassiveTargetID(PN532_MIFARE_ISO14443A, uid, &uidLength);
//success = nfc.readPassiveTargetID(PN532_MIFARE_ISO14443A, &uid[0], &uidLength,25);
if (success) {
Serial.println("Found a card!");
Serial.print("UID Length: ");Serial.print(uidLength, DEC);Serial.println(" bytes");
Serial.print("UID Value: ");
String strUID;
// store UID as HEX-String to strUID and print it to display
byteToHexString(strUID, uid, uidLength, "-");
myGLCD.print(strUID, CENTER, 50);
myGLCD.setColor ( 255, 0, 0 );
myGLCD.setFont ( BigFont );
// Wait 1 second before continuing
Serial.println("Timed out or waiting for a card");
// helper function to get UID as HEX-String
void byteToHexString(String &dataString, byte *uidBuffer, byte bufferSize, String strSeperator=":") {
dataString = "";
for (byte i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) {
if (i>0) {
dataString += strSeperator;
if (uidBuffer[i] < 0x10)
dataString += String("0");
dataString += String(uidBuffer[i], HEX);
Thanks for the help.
Im not a big fan of bitbanging SPI.
I have tried several ways and tried re-initializing, etc.
Finally, i got it solved.
I dont know why, but when i re-initialize spi hardware after reading card, Both of the module works perfectly.
The code i added just after reading card:
success = nfc.readPassiveTargetID(PN532_MIFARE_ISO14443A, &uid[0], &uidLength,0);
if (success) {
//Do the rest

Arduino with two RC522

To pimp up my Carrera I'm going to build a round counter.
It contains an Arduino Nano, a lcd and 2 rc522 rfid-reader.
The readers share the pins for scd, miso, mosi and have own pins for sda and rst.
Actually I'm not able to get the two readers work together at the same time. Only if the one or the other reader is physically plugged (hardcore!) into the breadbord it works (without code changing). But not together.
It has to be an issue with my code, but where?
(The RFID-Communication ist inpired by the example from [addicore][1]http://www.addicore.com/v/vspfiles/downloadables/Product%20Downloadables/RFID_RC522/RFIDQuickStartGuide.pdf)
Is there anyone who has a hint for me?
#include <AddicoreRFID.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#define uchar unsigned char
#define uint unsigned int
// create AddicoreRFID object to control the RFID module
//set the pins
//2 - SCK Digital 13
//3 - MOSI Digital 11
//4 - MISO Digital 12
const int SS1 = 8; //RFID1
const int RST1 = 9;
AddicoreRFID myRFID1 (SS1, RST1);
const int SS2 = 10; //RFID2
const int RST2 = A0;
AddicoreRFID myRFID2 (SS2, RST2);
//Maximum length of the array
#define MAX_LEN 16
//LCD init
// * LCD RS pin to digital pin 7
// * LCD Enable pin to digital pin 6
// * LCD D4 pin to digital pin 5
// * LCD D5 pin to digital pin 4
// * LCD D6 pin to digital pin 3
// * LCD D7 pin to digital pin 2
LiquidCrystal lcd1(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2);
int a = 0;
int b = 0;
void setup() {
//LCD init
void loop() {
uchar i, tmp, checksum1;
uchar status;
uchar str1[MAX_LEN];
uchar str2[MAX_LEN];
///////////// RFID1 ///////////////////
// 0x4400 = Mifare_UltraLight -Tag Type
str1[1] = 0x4400;
//Find tags, return tag type
// Manipuliert str1(!);
//AddicoreRFID::AddicoreRFID_Request(byte reqMode, byte *TagType)
status = myRFID1.AddicoreRFID_Request(PICC_REQIDL, str1);
if (status == MI_OK) {
serial_TagDetect(str1, 1);
//Anti-collision, return tag serial number 4 bytes
// Manipuliert str1(!);
status = myRFID1.AddicoreRFID_Anticoll(str1);
if (status == MI_OK) {
lcd_counter(str1, lcd1);
myRFID1.AddicoreRFID_Halt(); //Command tag into hibernation
///////////// RFID2 ///////////////////
str2[1] = 0x4400;
//Find tags, return tag type
status = myRFID2.AddicoreRFID_Request(PICC_REQIDL, str2);
if (status == MI_OK) {
serial_TagDetect(str2, 2);
//Anti-collision, return tag serial number 4 bytes
status = myRFID2.AddicoreRFID_Anticoll(str1);
if (status == MI_OK) {
lcd_counter(str2, lcd1);
// liest sonst nonstop die Tags!
myRFID2.AddicoreRFID_Halt(); //Command tag into hibernation
void init_lcd1() {
... inits the lcd ...
// Zählt das Auftreten der Tags
void lcd_counter (uchar *str, LiquidCrystal lcd ) {
... output to the lcd ....
// Meldet gefundenen Tag auf der Konsole
void serial_TagDetect(uchar *str, int reader) {
if (reader == 1) {
Serial.print("RFID1 tag detected: ");
} else {
Serial.print("RFID2 tag detected: ");
Serial.print(str[0], BIN);
Serial.print(" , ");
Serial.print(str[1], BIN); Serial.println(" ");
// gibt Tagdaten auf der Konsole aus
void serial_TagData(uchar *str) {
uchar checksum1 = str[0] ^ str[1] ^ str[2] ^ str[3];
Serial.print("The tag's number is: ");
Serial.print(" , ");
Serial.print(str[1], BIN);
Serial.print(" , ");
Serial.print(str[2], BIN);
Serial.print(" , ");
Serial.print(str[3], BIN);
Serial.print(" , ");
Serial.print(str[4], BIN);
Serial.print(" , ");
Serial.println(checksum1, BIN);
I wonder about that the same(!!) rfid tag has different values depending it gets read from RFID1 or RFID2:
RFID1 tag detected: 1000100 , 0
The tag's number is: 136 , 100 , 11100 , 1101011 , 11111011 , 11111011
RFID2 tag detected: 1000100 , 0
The tag's number is: 68 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1000100
I use 10 RC522 together at the same time with Ardunio mega .
Try this example for 2 ncf reader, its work for me. I tested in Arduino Nano.
The readers share the pins for 3,3V, GND. SCD, MISO, MOSI, RST and have own pins for SDA. I don't use the IRQ pin.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <MFRC522.h>
#define RST_PIN 9 // Configurable, see typical pin layout above
#define SS1_PIN 10 // Configurable, see typical pin layout above
#define SS2_PIN 8 // Configurable, see typical pin layout above
MFRC522 mfrc522_1(SS1_PIN, RST_PIN); // Create MFRC522 instance
MFRC522 mfrc522_2(SS2_PIN, RST_PIN);
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communications with the PC
while (!Serial); // Do nothing if no serial port is opened (added for Arduinos based on ATMEGA32U4)
SPI.begin(); // Init SPI bus
mfrc522_1.PCD_Init(); // Init MFRC522
mfrc522_1.PCD_DumpVersionToSerial(); // Show details of PCD - MFRC522 Card Reader details
Serial.println(F("Scan PICC to see UID, SAK, type, and data blocks..."));
mfrc522_2.PCD_Init(); // Init MFRC522
mfrc522_2.PCD_DumpVersionToSerial(); // Show details of PCD - MFRC522 Card Reader details
void loop() {
// Look for new cards
if ( mfrc522_1.PICC_IsNewCardPresent() || mfrc522_2.PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) {
Serial.println(F("New card..."));
} else {
// Select one of the cards
if ( ! mfrc522_1.PICC_ReadCardSerial() && ! mfrc522_2.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) {
// Dump debug info about the card; PICC_HaltA() is automatically called
//Anti-collision, return tag serial number 4 bytes
status = myRFID2.AddicoreRFID_Anticoll(str1); // <<<< needs to be strl2
