Move WordPress site from to (a stock WordPress theme already exists on - wordpress

None of the guides I found mention how I delete the existing content on so I'm only left with what's now on but at the URL
When I try change it in Settings → General → Change URL, it destroys the website on, but nothing happens on
What I want is to take our testing site (on to production page (on
I'm new to WordPress, but as I see it I can't delete the main directory through FTP and just move the testing directory to the main directory, but that is required to move it.

Make sure you have a backup of the site before deleting anything. Since there is a subdirectory site within the main site then to delete the main site (to make room for the subdirectory site to be moved to there) you will want to make sure you are deleting the WordPress installation for just the main site. So the WordPress files and folders that are specifically for the main site. Most likely that would be all files and folders in the web root of the main site besides the folder that the subdirectory site is within.
Once you have the main site cleared out then there are several services and plugins that can help migrating the subdirectory site to the main site's location. Here's a few I am familiar with and have seen others talk about: - has nothing to install (no plugin) and is automated
all-in-one wp migration - has a site size limit of I think 512MB without paying for pro, have to install a plugin to site
duplicator - free but you have to install a plugin to the site and can get hit hard by budget hosts, also has a pro version that can be paid for


WordPress setup page is not showing

I am trying to setup Wordpress manually.
First, I created the database and user and connected them both with all privileges.
Next, I downloaded the Wordpress setup file and added the database name, username and password to the wp-config.php file and uploaded the Wordpress file to the file manager under public_html.
But when I visit my website, it's still not showing the setup wizard. I also tried manually entering the URL -, but it redirects to me the same page (page image is below)
this the page i am getting instead of wordpress setup wizard
According to the screenshot, you haven't set up your Wix account to use your domain name. If you have, was this done recently? DNS propagation can take 24 - 48 hours.
If the domain name and server are connected, then you need to make sure all WP files are uploaded. You should have downloaded a zip file to your computer. Unzip the file, then FTP the entire folder inside your public_html folder.
Once that is done, then you can proceed with the installation.
The problem is, Wix has their own software and blog features. You will need to set up WP on a subdomain. You can learn how to set up a subdomain through Wix here and how to install the WP to a subdomain here.
The biggest problem, though, is Wix. You would be a lot better off getting stand alone hosting such as SiteGround, A2hosting, etc. If you are looking for cheap hosting, HostGator and Green Geeks are decent enough.

Hosting an example WordPress site

I applied for a role and part of the application process requires me to build a WordPress site and make it live on a existing domain I own. This will assist the hiring company (example "WebCompany") to view and assess.
I have created the WordPress site locally and want to upload to my domain (e.g. with a url extension like
Would it be as simple as just FTP the WordPress site to the root directory? Or do I need to set things up differently for it to work?
I recommend to install wordpress on your url with the same version, and use this plugin, I use it and helps even if you have info in your database, and your themes, all the stuff,
and then you have to active the plugins on the web, choose permalinks options.
for the extension / what you mean really? you want wordpress on a /namefolder
because you can install wordpress in a folder and there's your extension, but if you have already wordpress installed on the public_html/ you can use multisite wordpress options.
Here is the info and I did it with this:
MultiSite Wordpress

Wordpress - Moving website admin section

I have successfully moved a wordpress site from /test directory to the root, so now the website url looks like Fine.
However the admin section (wp-admin) still points to /test directory and so the url looks like
How can I make it like
Please notice that I'm not interested in a simple redirection (now the customer is able to access the admin section with, but then he's redirected to, and it's not what he wants.
Thanks in advance
Everything is documented in
You may need to change many URLs in post/page content; if so, see as suggested in the above Docs.
There is no need to create a new Wordpress install.
Also see if you want to keep core Wordpress files and folders in a subfolder, but have the site appear to be at root for the end user.
You should not move wordpress this way. Here is what you do:
Install Clean Wordpress Installation on the new domain.
Use a plugin* to make back-up on your test domain.
Install plugin* on the new domain, and restore back-up from test
domain. (
Update your style.css, header.php, index.php & footer.php if it
contains hard written links to your test domain.
You cannot simply move a wordpress installation - as most entries, links etc. are stored in the database. If you move folders in your ftp they will still point to the old database. This is why you have to duplicate your site, where the database entries will be automatically updated to your new site domain. Hard written links in any theme php files will have to be updated.
Although your problem depends on how your pointers/sites are set-up in c-panel. If you have to change pointers for your directory, you might have to back-up your website and upload it to a different domain so your new site can access the restoration back-up file via http request.
*Plugins such as wp clone, duplicator.

Moving wordpress site from subdomain to domain with 1 caveat

I already have wordpress installed in my root, but I haven't built anything on it.
All these while I have been building on my subdomain, which is also using wordpress.
Now I have come to the conclusion to move everything I have from the subdomain to the root.
Are there anything I should take note of? Should I remove the wordpress installation that is in my root?
I'm using cpanel # hostgator
Remove the wordpress installation that is in your root directory, then copy all the files from the sub-domain's folder to your root directory. You should note that before moving the files, log into the existing Wordpress dashboard and under Settings -> General you need to change the URLs of your site first, otherwise you won't be able to log in once your site is moved. That's it.

Pass through wordpress Folder to root folder

I have a wordpress installation on a site. It was placed inside ~/wp.
I've moved it yesterday to the root folder, ~/. However, a lot of the theme references and images still point out to ~/wp.
Instead of finding all these places(which may be hundreds), I'd like to pass through ~/wp to the root folder. Meaning, when the user goes to , he'll actually be inside ~/thing.php, without changing the url.
Would this be possible with .htaccess changes? and if so, how?
It's a config setting - in Settings -> General you are given two options, WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL).
You have the former pointing at the directory with the Wordpress installation in it and the latter at the root of your site.
Here's the Codex info on it;
Incidentally, modifying all the files paths is another option of course - you would use the same technique you would use when transferring a Wordpress site from localhost to live, or from a dev server to live. You can look at the second part of my answer in this thread;
How to push wordpress from mamp into hostgator
That interconnectit script is a huge timesaver when moving WP sites.
