Create new site on WordPress multisite, https:// not applied - wordpress

So the story begin, I installed new WordPress multisite for my client with ssl applied. Then, it should have https://. The ssl perfectly well done, where do I know it? because all http:// now redirect to https://. I don't have any issue with ssl. I use subdomain for the multisite.
Issue came when I try create new site. It's created the new site but have a non https://. Looks like this instead This behaviour makes all things programmatically content (e.g. create menu) have non https:// also. This is problem because even can redirect to https:// it makes the redirect always working, where it doesn't need to be like that if the url already have https://. FYI: it's working great in local environment.
I also have searched for it but no luck, only when I asked friend, he have same problem with me. He said it's a is_ssl() function that I need to rewrite the original one on a theme functions. But the issue raised again, it's a super admin level not on theme level, how can I inject it on super admin level. Or maybe anyone have suggestion for me what to do?

So then, finally I try to investigate myself. It's a feature not a bug. The condition itself not allow user to have a https even they install wildcard ssl and forced to ssl. It will never happen the subdomain multisite install having ssl by nature, except you edit manually the url in the network site management. There is condition that only subfolder/subdirectory will have ssl. Not sure what the reason behind it. But the problem solved and time to move on. You can use plugin for this.


../ path catch http not https issue

I'm using WordPress, DNS is CloudFlare.
When I enter my site, it will get mixed content, but I have used Auto SSL Rewrite by CloudFlare, also I installed real simple SSL of the plugin, but the issue still exists.
After that, I check the reason is due to the theme main CSS using ../image.jpg as path and the site is catching HTTP:// not https://, but I really don't know how to fixed it(I know I can just change path with fixed URL, but due to updated after, I don't want to.)
I just notify the theme author and they say it's not wrong, so I came here to ask someone who can give me a tip.

Polylang secondary language domain not working with/without www

I've set up a WP site using the Polylang plugin with 2 languages that both have their own domains. The site is running on Apache and the config file has aliases set for the secondary domain, both with and without www, to point to the same directory.The primary domain works as expected but the secondary does not - for some reason trying to access the domain with / without www seems to trigger it to load the default language in either case. Using the setting "The language is set from different domains" under URL modifications, I've tried setting the secondary domain both with and without www. I've also tried enforcing the domain to www by htaccess, but with no results.Any ideas? Using WP 4.2.2 and Polylang 1.8.5.
Kind of a bump to this since it's a 9 month old post.
But I ran in to the exact same problem and I figured since I soloved it I might just share what I did, since I found this post others in the same situation might do.
Here is my code, added to the very top of index.php:
if (($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '') )
This adds a redirect from www to non-www. This is a fairly "ugly" way to fix the issue.. But hey, if its stupid but it works, its not stupid right?

How can I do a 301 Redirect from HTTPS to HTTPS via .htaccess

I've done a bunch of research and have tried a lot of code to accomplish the following task and I am not having any luck. I am trying to forward the following:
The reason behind the domain change was rebranding and SEO purposes. We do not have the old hosting available anymore, but I have added as an alias to the We are using GoDaddy's Wordpress hosting/installation.
Please note, the non-SSL (http://) forwards to the with no issues; when someone clicks on an existing link with that is when the link breakage occurs. GoDaddy has recommended added the old domain as an alias (completed) and modifying the .htaccess file to perform the redirect, but it doesn't work.
Anyone have experience solving this issue?

How can I solve the OpenShift Wordpress installation certificate and hence the https permalink issues?

I've migrated my Wordpress blog to OpenShift recently. It works perfect until when you try to add a custom domain alias to your installation.
The OpenShift URL for my blog is
I added the following URL as alias:
(Sorry I couldn't attach images since I don't have enough reputation points. Instead I put links to images. This is my first question in StackOverflow.)
I successfully added the CNAME record for my domain to point to in GoDaddy
The problem pops up when I try to reach my blog with this alias. It says:
Safari can't verify the identity of the website "".
The certificate for this website is invalid. You might be connecting to a website that is pretending to be "", which could put your confidential information at risk. Would you like to connect to the website anyway?
(I can't even post more than two links without 10 reputation points :( So please put the above URL in front of below images as well.)
If you click "Continue" it works fine but this alert is very scary for many users. I searched for hours for a solution with no luck. I considered buying a security certificate as well but then I thought this blog was working with an alias in its previous installation too. However we never had such an alert in browser while visiting either via the main domain or the alias.
The previous installation was on IIS and the binding were as following:
Then when my brain was about to explode I found out that the alert is due to https. When I checked Settings from my Wordpress dashboard I realised that somehow OpenShift installs Wordpress on https and sets the permalinks to https.
In fact whatever you type that points to * is converted to https. I know that because I added the CNAME for to point to as well but didn't add the alias in OpenShift Applications. So resolves to but since there is no alias defined (hence there is no vhost entry in Apache) it gives error. But even that error is in port 443!
My main problem is to get rid of the certificate error while visiting my blog via my alias domain name. I really appreciate any help on that one.
My related question is that why on earth permalinks start with https on OpenShift Wordpress installation? If I can solve that, probably I'll solve my main problem as well.
Thanks a lot!
I checked on safari,chrome,firefox, and opera and I didn't get any warnings so you much have figured out a solution. However for others who may stumble across this I've provided some information:
By default OpenShift applications accept traffic on both http and https. So if you're wanting to have a custom domain but aren't worried about ssl than you can simply just use the http connection to your application ( If you are wanting to apply a SSL certificate and you're on one of the plans that allow it (bronze or silver). The documentation to apply it, is in the SSL Section of the OpenShift Online User Guide.

Installing vs implementing SSL and do I need to set up redirects after installing SSL?

I have a Wordpress blog on a Bluehost server and now want to start selling something through Gumroad (from a pop-up directly from my site), for which I need an SSL certificate.
I already bought the SSL certificate from Bluehost and they say it's now 'installed' and told me to change the url on a working page to https:// to double check and thats working fine.
What I'm really confused about is this: Since the https:// already seems to be working, does that mean that my entire website has now been duplicated and I need to set up redirects from http:// to https:// to avoid Google penalties?
I only really wanted to use https:// for the sales page of my product which isn't set up yet. I thought I still had to implement the SSL certificate through a plugin like the Wordpress HTTPs plugin and would be able to do so only for that single page, leaving the rest of the website as is.
All of my inbound and outbound links are http://, so I'm a little worried now. Could someone clear this up for me?
